RoidRage Gets Ripped III



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RoidRage Gets Revenge III

LMAO..I screwed up the title. Its supposed to be revenge..not ripped

I am logging the basics for all you newbies asking how to get big! I do have 2 weeks left of Leviathan Reloaded, but that will be used pre-cardio if I really need it.

About Me:
I'm a 16 year old guy that lives in amish country. I play baseball and will be traveling around the country to play in tournaments to get looked at by scouts this summer. Baseball usually takes up 3 hours of my time/day (usually from my pitching machine). I spend hours outside so I stay fairly lean (possibly 12% body fat where the fat lies in my stomach). I love lifting weights and dieting but I usually get off track. I need some motivation so hopefully this log will help.


Age: 16
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160lbs
BF: ~12-13%


Do people really care? I don't, and I hope that people don't follow logs to see if they gain 1/4inch on their left deltoids..

Please let me know if you want some..


Anyone who has followed my log knows the rough idea of my training.

I ususally follow heavy weight, low reps, but I am yet to stay on course. This log will last 10 weeks but there will be gaps due to staying at hotels for baseball tournaments. I pray to God there will be a weight room.

My outline (which I follow from Shawn LeBrun) is as follows:

Shawn Lebrun Training

My body part 'groupings' are going to be changed every week as explained in my book. This will not allow my body to adapt.
I will let everyone know what my split will look like each week.

1 Warm Set
1 Acclimation Set
1-3 Heavy Sets (4-6 Reps)

Exercises - 2-3 Exercises/Body part

Legs, Back, Chest, and Shoulders - 5-7 Heavy Sets

Biceps and Triceps - 4 Heavy Sets

Abs - Supersets and Circut Training (10-15 reps)

Goals/Time Frame

I'm looking to add a solid 10lbs of muscle (water, glycogen included) in a 10 week period. I need to set my goals high! I gained 10lbs (not water) in 6 weeks so this will be an achievable goal.

I will be starting June 9th, 2008 and going for ~10 weeks.


Mulit-Vitamin - 1 Daily
Fish Oil - 3g Daily
Vitamin A/C/E - Ca depend..(thats french)
MSM with Glucosamine - 2-4 Daily

Creatine Monohydrate - 10g Daily - 5g Pre/5g Post
Beta-Alanine - 3g Pre-Workout (90g Available)
Xtend - 2-4 Scoops - Pre/Intra/Post
Cytosport Whey Protein - 1-3 scoops daily (depending on meal/situation)

The Almighty Diet

Meal 1 (Pre-WO) 6:30 AM
-16oz Milk
-1 cup Pasta

Meal 2 9:00 AM
-8oz Chicken Breast
-8oz Milk
-1 cup Pasta

Meal 3 12:00 PM
-Turkey on Wheat
-Half Tomato

Meal 4 3:00 PM
-Protein Shake

Meal 5 4:00 PM
-8oz Chicken Breast
-1 cup Corn

Meal 6 7:00 PM
-Turkey on Wheat
-Half Tomato

Meal 7 10:00 PM
-16oz Milk
-3 tbsp Evoo
-3 Eggs

**If I'm going out of town or away from my home cooked meals, I'm gonna bring beef jerky, tuna sandwhiches and additional protein shakes. Also, for baseball games I have lots of sunflower seeds. The seeds have lots of healthy fats, but I need to watch out for the salt.

Please make suggestions..and understand I'm slowly eating more and more veggies and fruits.

I will add calories every 2-3 weeks


Pictures will be placed in a folder on AnabolicMinds and a link will be given at the end of this log.

What would you like to hear?

Please let me know if theres something you would like me to mention in my log.


Always looking for help!


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fellow teen hopin on this! way to do basics bud.


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Awesome glad to see you along for ride.


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Week 1 Split

Monday - Chest, Back and Abs
Tuesday - 30 min. Jog
Wednesday - Legs and Shoulders
Thursday - Sprints/ Baserunning Practice
Friday - Biceps, Triceps and Abs
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

I have 9 days in a row of straight baseball games so it is going to be a rough week. My diet will be right around 3,500 calories.

Good news. I have an interview for a job on Monday and if I get the job, it means more Protein and Xtend! Yah baby!


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I went shopping today and bought lots of fruits and veggies. I really want to get off to a good start so I am commited to buying food when needed and not depend on my mom to shop.


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better than im doing. im on a dirty bulk cuz i dont seem to gain fat haha


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Day 1 / 6-9-08

Not great numbers at all. They always go up after 1 week.

Flat BB Bench Press
115lbs x 10
135lbs x 8
155lbs x 8
175lbs x 4

Incline DB Press
35lbs x 8
45 x 8
55 x 8
60 x 2

35 x 12
35 x 12

BW x 6
BW x 6

DB Rows
35 x 8
45 x 6
55 x 6

25 x 10 x 3

Not very intense, skimped on deadlifts, didn't go as heavy as I should have. Elbow is killing me from baseball. Will add in more ab exericses.


Took 4 scoops Xtend, ~6 creatine, 3g BA during Workout.


Forgot to finish fitday calculations but I have been doing this dieting stuff for a while now so I was right around 3,300 calories.

Awesome News

I have a job now, so I will be able to buy a gym membership in August, ON Whey Protein, and more Xtend so I can megadose it! Last year I couldn't squat or deadlift from August through most of November becuase the weight room is for the football players only.


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Day 2 / 6-10-08

"Cardio Day" - Took the day off becuase I needed a rest day. Very sore. Also had to start for my summer team so I needed energy for my game. The rest paid off becuase I pitched 6 innings, threw 105 pitches, had 11K and 1 ER. The coach wouldn't let me go 7, so he puts me into catch. I was POed but its all good.


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Slight Change

I'm going to use my Xtend for Cardio and Baseball games / practices only. I need water during my workouts becuase the BCAA's make me really thristy.

Also, today will be some form of cardio while tommorw will be Legs and Shoulders.


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To anyone who is following:

With baseball tournaments, games, and practices, I cannot commit as much time to consistent lifting as I had planned. I need to play good baseball so I cannot be sore every game I play. I am still going to lift and diet this summer, but I don't have the time to stay committed 100%. And if I cannot give it my all, it really is a waste of time for people to follow

I'll be back in October ready to tear up the iron for powerlifting meets when baseball ends.


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Long time no talk buddy, I'm still buying you that gold membership you can count on it. With all this baseball when do you usually lift?


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Long time no talk buddy, I'm still buying you that gold membership you can count on it. With all this baseball when do you usually lift?
Oh yeah I forgot about that. I trust ya.

Well usually M, W, F at about 7:30 AM but if I wake up late or dont eat my day is screwed up. SO then my cardio sessions are switched. But If I dont lift on one of those days, I can still go on Thursday. I really need to get a gym membership soon so I don't have to rely on the school's gym.

Its hard pitching when your sore and its hard benching when your elbow is throbbing so my split is usally ruined or changed around. I'm buying some SuperCissus Rx soon though and I've been taking lots of joint medicine.

I'll be missing a week of training soon though becuase I'm going down to Nashville to play baseball and its a week long. I really hope the hotel has some sort of gym/fitness center.

I planned on getting fairly big this summer (10lbs looks good on me) basically for girls (again), but I never planned on being on this travel team so plans got changed. But in life, you gotta take advantage of these life time opportunites and being on this team and having a chance to be looked at by scouts is something that may not happen again. I can lift all I want and diet, but I dont think girls really care as much as I think. I bet if I get abs, thats all they would care about. lol. They could care less if I'm skinny.


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Wow talk about a change of plans..

I'm no longer on the travelling team so that opens up so much time for lifting/logging and dedication. I don't care if I'm sore for the city team becuase we only play a few games a week.

I'm going to start a workout log. Even though I'm taking supplements, I shouldn't have started this thread in the supp review section.

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