Rhodiola Rosea



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Anybody here take this,I started a month ago and I must say it seems recovery is quicker and some mood elevation.I just want to know if anyone else experienced the same or am I in my own little world..


Yes very good stuff, but the cheap stuff doesn't work very well.

Recovery is improved and endurance keeps getting better. Pretty decent compound no mater what you are doing. If your bulking it seems to keep the fat from pilling on so fast add 15g+ of CLA and you might actually lose fat on a bulk. If your cutting rho helps shed the weight without much muscle lose and seems to really help with my ravenous cravings.

For mood elevation at 1.5g is quite pronounced I also like to add a couple grams of chocamine for a nice speedy kick.
Anothering I noticed at the high doses was it improves stamina in bed, 3+ hours is not uncommon for me. Throw in some cialis and your the stuff of female legend :lol:

Rhododendron caucasicum is another one that looks even beter but is expensive and hard to find.


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Ive used it for a while and I love it!! It has so many great properties...

Havent really paid attention to its recovery or endurance enhancing properties, but as a mood enhancer and general anti-stressor, its awesome. 600mg/day and the little **** just dosent bother me. I tend to be a little anxious from time to time, and taking a little Rhodiola always calms me right down.

Ive never tried it higher than 600mg, Ill have to try 1500mg and check out those mood enhancing properties. Always works well with Piracetam and Choline.

And in bulk, its inexpensive. Highly, highly recommended.

I was capping it up for a while but now I drink it in a tea. A tsp of sugar and 600mg rhodiola tastes pretty darn good, if not a little bitter.



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i take 500mgs 2x a day ..love it very mood elevating for me..l-theanine is great to mellow out too


haha, going to have try this one, now
thanx Dito


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Wow good stuff guys,..as far as the bigger loads go I think wojo's avatar will do that..Dam she radiates the look of come bang me..:)


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So earlier tonight I tried 1g of RR in a glass of hot water with a tsp of sugar. I could feel it come on right away - the only way I can describe it is that all of the little **** that's in the back of your mind bothering you just goes away, I felt really calm and relaxed.

After about 30 minutes or so, I could feel a definate and pronounced mood lift. I had felt like **** all day...but after ingesting the Rhodiola I was really excited to do stuff. Everything that had been bugging all day was just gone from my mind, and I was full of energy.

Ive only tried a few nootropic herbs/chemicals, and Rhodiola is by far the most effective.


Hey Dego...


Is this supposed to work like Rhodiola Rosea?

Zero Tolerance

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This stuff sounds pretty interesting.. Where do you get it?


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now makes a chepa capped version 1fast has it but tis a major bitch to cap..its cheap and very effective..do a froogle search its all over the web


So earlier tonight I tried 1g of RR in a glass of hot water with a tsp of sugar. I could feel it come on right away - the only way I can describe it is that all of the little **** that's in the back of your mind bothering you just goes away, I felt really calm and relaxed.

After about 30 minutes or so, I could feel a definate and pronounced mood lift. I had felt like **** all day...but after ingesting the Rhodiola I was really excited to do stuff. Everything that had been bugging all day was just gone from my mind, and I was full of energy.

Ive only tried a few nootropic herbs/chemicals, and Rhodiola is by far the most effective.


Hey Dego...


Is this supposed to work like Rhodiola Rosea?

supposed to be better... thanks for the link the guys on Animals board are going to go nutz.


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Yeah, on A's board you'll hear about the "rho/rho" combo, and it is raved about. Wonder if 1fast400 will pick up the rho caucasicum.


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Yeah, on A's board you'll hear about the "rho/rho" combo, and it is raved about. Wonder if 1fast400 will pick up the rho caucasicum.
Guys can you post a link to the thread on Animal's board discussing it? Ive never been over there...



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Would this stuff be any good for lethargy?
It might - I think it may do something for Libido,too. I noticed a definate increase in desire after drinking the 1g Rhodiola brew while on PCT.



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whast the difference in the rhos?..does animal sell this too?

max silver

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I made the mistake once of making an uber-gag cocktail consisting of rhodiola, piracetam, alcar, choline bitartrate and phenibut. Individually, each one of these is enough to make your tastebuds go into hiding, but in combination it was damn near enough to make me expunge my stomach contents, and this in a person with pretty much an iron gut as far as keeping stuff down. I can't recommend strongly enough that you CAP this stuff. Sure it's a pain in the ass as the powder is ridiculously fluffy, and requires a pile of tamping down, but saving having to taste that wretched earthy taste again is well worth the capping effort. Despite the awful taste, it was the results were almost worth it.

The only thing I've ever tasted that was worse was a shot that myself and a few friends concocted, we called it "grandpa's ole' fashioned louisiana cough medicine". Ingredients were tobasco, jack daniels, and buckleys cough syrup. It takes a real (stupid) man to keep that one down...


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Try rhodiola in hot water w/sugar (or another sweetner) its really not that bad. Piracetam though....yuck!



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Im not a member of Animal's board so I cant access those links. If you could, would you just give us a brief rundown on the effects of Rhododendron caucasicum vs. Rhodiola Rosea? Have you ever tried it?
I've not tried it yet but I have a small batch coming and Instynct will be supplying it soon.

The combo of Rho Rosea and Rho caucasicum is supposed to be the ****.
I got some Rho caucasium and added 300/mg twice daily to my Rhodiola and ALC and CLA stack.

Listen it has only been like two days and my mood is way up AND my muscles are really full like insulen or Metformin.

Is this one of the effects you mentioned Animal?

max silver

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I've found that twice daily works nicely, once first thing in the morning, and then a second dose about 10 hours later.


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500 mgs right? BV said he took 100mgs so i was curious if he was just taking ti 1x a day


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Well I tried 1000mg at once just to gauge the effect, which was quite pronounced and very positive. Normally I'd just dose 300-600mg in the morning. I think there are a lot of possibilities with this herb to be explored! Im going to try a 1500mg brew tomorrow night.

I've not tried it yet but I have a small batch coming and Instynct will be supplying it soon.
Dego - who is Instynct?



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a member of animals board who sells select supps like animal does..do u cap ur own? i had trouble gettting 400 in 00's myself :think:


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teamliferesearch.com is instynct's website. His prices are outrageous for certain items, but good on other items. Plus he has **** that you just can't find anywhere else. :)


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a member of animals board who sells select supps like animal does..do u cap ur own? i had trouble gettting 400 in 00's myself
Yeah I usually cap my own - If you have the tamper tool for the cap-m-quick you can get about 600mg into 00's.


max silver

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The tamper tool is a must for capping this stuff, otherwise as stated, the content in your caps is going to be pretty low. Just be prepared to get the stuff all over the place, as it tends to stick to everything it touches. Messy messy messy...


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Even though I have the Cap-m-Quick I think RR is best as a tea. It goes down real easy with a little sweetener and the effects come on a lot quicker too.


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I just pour the powder in my mouth and flush it down.


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Ok guys so to sum it up:
This is an adaptogen (helps reduce stress)?
Does anyone know:
the mechanism and characteristics of action (acute or chronic, needs to be cycled or not, which neurotransmitters are effected etc)
recommended and max daily dose



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I get it from B.A.C stuff is pretty cheap considering what it does.This stuff is bitter but who cares.I take 1.5 grams once a day and used to suffer from seasonal affective Disorder but not anymore.I used to take ST.Johns wort when the winter comes,but I have found RR to be much more effective.

check it out:............http://www.easycart.net/BeyondACenturyInc./Herbals_P-Z.html


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Effects on CNS:

The systematic study of the pharmacological effects of R. rosea, begun in 1965, found that small and medium doses had a simulating effect, such as lengthening the time mice swim and remain on vertical perches to the limit of their abilities. In contrast, larger doses were found to have more sedative effects. Small doses increased the bioelectrical activity of the brain, presumably by direct effects on the brainstem ascending and descending reticular formation.23-26,38,39,41 Further studies showed that medium range doses, unlike tranquilizers, enhanced the development of conditioned avoidance reflexes in rats and facilitated learning based on emotionally positive reinforcement.18,42-46 Overall, in small and medium doses, R. rosea stimulated norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), and nicotinic cholinergic effects in the central nervous system (CNS). It also enhanced the effects of these neurotransmitters on the brain by increasing the permeability of the blood brain barrier to precursors of DA and 5-HT.2,23,42,46-49

In comparing studies of R. rosea, Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mey., Araliaceae), meclofenoxate (centrophenoxine), piracetam, citicholine, and other nootropics (substances that enhance cognition, protect the brain, and have low toxicity and few side effects), Petkov and colleagues noted that all of these agents enhance learning and memory in animal models and increase 5-HT levels in the frontal cerebral cortex.46-50 Diagram 1 illustrates the possible effects of R. rosea on neurotransmitters in multiple neuronal pathways.51 Starting in the brain stem, R. rosea promotes release of NE, 5-HT, and DA in ascending pathways that activate the cerebral cortex and the limbic system.2,49,50 Consequently, the cognitive (thinking, analyzing, evaluating, calculating, and planning) functions of the cerebral cortex and the attention, memory, and learning functions of the prefrontal and frontal cortex are enhanced. Other neuronal systems also contribute to the many aspects of memory: encoding, sorting, storage, and retrieval. For example, the cholinergic system uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach) and contributes to memory function via pathways ascending from the memory storage systems of the limbic system to various areas of the cerebral cortex (memory retrieval). Agents that block Ach suppress the activity of these ascending pathways and interfere with memory. R. rosea reverses this blockade.49,50 The deterioration of these systems with age results in age-associated memory loss.52 R. rosea may prevent or ameliorate some age-related dysfunction in these neuronal systems.

As an antioxidant,53-55 R. rosea may help protect the nervous system from oxidative damage by free radicals. Stress interferes with memory functions and, over time, causes deterioration in memory systems. In addition to enhancing cognitive functions, learning, and memory by stimulating NE, DA, 5-HT, and Ach neuronal systems, R. rosea may exert positive effects on memory and cognition by improving resistance to physical and emotional stress. Thus, the dual action of cognitive stimulation and emotional calming creates benefits for both immediate cognitive and memory performance and for the long-term preservation of brain functions.

The psychostimulant effects of R. rosea were studied in 53 healthy subjects and 412 patients with neuroses and asthenic syndromes (of both functional and organic origin).56-58 Symptoms of asthenia (fatigue, decline in work capacity, trouble falling asleep, poor appetite, irritability, and headaches) responded favorably to R. rosea 50 mg three times a day. Treatment durations ranged from 10 days to 4 months. The asthenic states included both psychiatric and physical causes, for example, following influenza or other illness. In an open study of 128 patients aged 17-55 years, R. rosea alleviated fatigue, irritability, distractibility, headache, weakness and other vegetative symptoms in 64 percent of cases.57 Improvement was assessed by psychological testing and work productivity.

In 1869 Beard coined the term "neurasthenia" to include various forms of nervous asthenia. Controversy over this term has centered on the overlap of symptomatology and co-morbidity with other conditions (e.g., depression, neuroses, somatoform disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome). Although this diagnosis has fallen out of favor in the United States and no longer appears in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV),59 it is still widely used throughout the world.60-63 Neurasthenia is defined by the World Health Organization in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)64 as:

either persistent and distressing feelings of exhaustion after minor mental effort, or persistent and distressing feelings of fatigue after minor physical effort;
accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: muscular aches or pains; dizziness; tension headaches; sleep disturbance; inability to relax; and irritability;
inability to recover through rest, relaxation, or enjoyment;
does not occur in the presence of organic mental disorders, affective disorders or panic, or generalized anxiety disorder.

In an open study 27 healthy students, physicians, and scientists aged 19-46 years were given 10 drops of R. rosea tincture (equivalent to 100-150 mg R. rosea extract) once or twice a day for 2-3 weeks, beginning several days before intense intellectual work, such as final exams.58 The extract improved the amount and quality of work and in all cases prevented asthenic decompensation (loss of work capacity due to fatigue). A series of studies using a proofreading test showed that a one-time dose of R. rosea did not significantly increase the number of symbols corrected, but very significantly decreased the percent of errors made, particularly over an 8-hour period.65,66 Positive results found in the studies of proofreading tests were based on 300 mg/day or more. In medical treatments, the usual doses are 200-600 mg/day. R. rosea increased intellectual capacity (particularly by improving perception and processing of information) to a greater degree than an extract of eleuthero, formerly called Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus Rupr. et Max., Araliaceae).18

The decrease in physical and mental performance of physicians on prolonged night call is well known. Low dose (170 mg/day) R. rosea extract was given to 56 young, healthy physicians on night call.18 The effect was measured as total mental performance calculated as "Fatigue Index." The tests reflected an overall level of mental fatigue involving complex cognitive functions, such as associative thinking, short-term memory, calculation, concentration, and speed of audio-visual perception. These parameters were tested before and after night duty during three periods of two weeks each in a double-blind crossover trial. A statistically significant improvement in mental performance tests was observed in the treatment group (R. rosea) during the first two-week period. However, at 6 weeks the effect appeared to be lost. No side effects were reported. These results suggest that R. rosea extract can reduce fatigue under certain stressful conditions for some period of time. Possible reasons for the loss of efficacy over time may be the low dose used, the crossover design, or the overall length of night duty with increased fatigue by weeks 5 and 6.

Spasov and colleagues compared 100 mg/day R. rosea extract (SHR-5, Swedish Herbal Institute, Goteborg, Sweden; standardized to 3 percent rosavin and 0.8 percent salidroside) with placebo in a double-blind 20-day study of 60 Indian medical students studying in Russia during their final exam period.38 Despite the low dosage, investigators found significant improvements in general well-being, physical fitness, mental fatigue, final exam grades, and coordination, but not in some aspects of cognitive functioning in students taking R. rosea extract compared to placebo.

In a double-blind placebo-controlled study of 60 foreign students at a Russian high school, administration of a R. rosea extract (660 mg/day of a preparation named Rodaxon) resulted in an increase in physical (velergometric) work capacity, coordination, kinesthetic sensitivity, and general well-being along with a decrease in psychic fatigue and situational anxiety.39 Unfortunately, this study provides no information on the amount of R. rosea in the Rodaxon preparation.

R. rosea was beneficial in posttraumatic and vascular lesions of the brain. It was especially effective in combination with piracetam for patients with marked cognitive dysfunction.56 However, it did not reduce manic symptoms and could worsen paranoid states. In one study of more clearly depressed patients, R. rosea in combination with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) produced significant improvement in the majority of cases and decreased side effects of the TCAs.67 Ultimately, some of these patients were able to respond to R. rosea alone.

Antipsychotic medications used in large doses over many years to treat schizophrenic patients sometimes affect the dopaminergic nerves in the basal ganglia, the same nerves that are damaged in patients with Parkinson's Disease. When these nerves are compromised, patients develop a constellation of "Parkinsonian" symptoms, including stiffness, tremors, bradykinesia (slowed movements), and others. Anticholinergic medications have been used to relieve these symptoms when they are caused by antipsychotic medication; however, they sometimes fail to help. In schizophrenic patients whose anticholinergic medications had failed to relieve Parkinsonian symptoms, R. rosea was found to be of benefit.56,68

R. rosea may affect emotional tone by influencing neurotransmitter monoamine levels (NE, DA, 5-HT) in nerve tracts involved in the regulation of mood, anxiety, and emotion in the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and midbrain. The stimulation of nicotinic cholinergic activity in the emotional circuits of the limbic system (in the temporal lobe) may also contribute to these effects. Alterations in monoamine levels underlie this complex spectrum of psychotropic activity: stimulating, tranquilizing, anti-stress, and antidepressant.

The authors have found that R. rosea can help patients with depressive syndromes, mental and physical fatigue (secondary to psychiatric and medical conditions), memory loss and cognitive dysfunction from a variety of causes, sexual dysfunction, and menopausal-related disorders. Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg have successfully treated more than 150 individuals with R. rosea extract (3 percent rosavin and 1 percent salidroside) and have supervised the treatment of more than 100 additional cases (See Case Studies).


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Resurecting an old thread but now that some time has gone by with many AM members using this, has any concensus emerged on how best ot utilize it?


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Hell man I just read from front to back and didn't notice the dates till you said something and I was all ready to run out and grab this **** so I could relaaaaaax ><.

Bump onYR though, any updates would be nice cause it it seems to work then I need to pick some up.

papa G

I have been using rhodiola for about a little over a month and it is definately effective at the right doses. It's funny that i had a bottle of it forever and took the recommended dose (175mg twice/day) and I didn't feel anything special like I read so I pretty much let it collect dust in the ol cabinet.

I pretty much forgot about it until recently during finals. During the time I was very moody and irratable. One night my twin boys were driving me bonkers while studying so I went to the ol supp cabinet and saw my bottle of rhodiola and decided "what the hell" and popped four 175mg capsules. About 30 minutes later I felt pretty damn good. This really caught me off guard because I was now smiling and joking with my kids while I was studying and nothing seemed to phase me. So throughout finals I was much less edgy and did very well on all my tests.

Rhodiola most DEFINATELY works at the right dosage. A few days ago I stopped using it because you seem to build a tolerance. At the end I was using around 750mg twice/day. In my opinion rhodiola would be most beneficial during PCT or other times when your on the edge. It seems to do something to your seratonin levels. I was "high on life" for the the first few weeks. Just make sure to cycle it because you DEFINATELY build a tolerance to it.


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Yep, Rhodiola is the bomb..in has MANY other positive qualities in addition to the stress-relief effects. I usually dose about 400 - 600 mg with a cup of coffee...its a nice bright, euphoric stimulation, with all the day's stresses melting into the back corners of my mind.


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Papa G and Big V, thanks for the feedback. :thumbsup:

Big V, do you believe this product needs to be cycled due to a tollerance being build up (or possible downregulation of whatever is being activated or suppressed by the substance)?


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I'm stacking rhodiola rosea with 5-htp (got the bulk from cnw and capped them together). 2 caps a day mellows me out (I get impatient on these steroid things) and I'm sure my PCT will include less blues because of this happy stack.


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I'm stacking rhodiola rosea with 5-htp (got the bulk from cnw and capped them together). 2 caps a day mellows me out (I get impatient on these steroid things) and I'm sure my post cycle therapy will include less blues because of this happy stack.
Do you cycle it as Papa G suggests?


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Big V, do you believe this product needs to be cycled due to a tollerance being build up (or possible downregulation of whatever is being activated or suppressed by the substance)?

You know, Im not sure about that. With Rhodiola, it seems like after a couple weeks of use I just dont feel like using it for a while - and it's anti stressor effects seem to stay with me almost as if my brain has 'learned' how to reroute whatever is pissing me off somewhere else.

Anyone else notice this?

Then again - I hate building a tolerance to anything. Ephedra, coffee, etc...as soon as I notice I need 'more' of something to get the desired effect, I often quit it cold turkey until my receptors are fresh again.

papa G

For me I seemed to keep some of the anti stress effects but just didn't have that cloud 9 feeling I had for the first few weeks. I'm sure if I would have upped the dose maybe it would have came back.(somewhat) I would have to agree with Big Vrunga about letting my receptors rest. I just tried my first dose of bacopa this morning and I am definately feeling something. Maybe in a few months I'll start the Rhodiola again when school starts back up.


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Thanks alot for the feedback on the anti-stress aspects.

I've been under a ton at work lately. I'ma get some of this from Custom.

Grunt - does 5-HTP make you sleepy? I keep seeing that recommended for people that need help with sleep?
Or is that effect merely dose dependent?

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