Replacing what my muscles lack, with Stacked BCAA! Log




Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Scoop
Servings per Container: 40
Amount Per Serving (mg)% Daily Value

A huge thank you to the guys at Athletic Xtreme for allowing me to log their Stacked BCAA blend. I've used many different bcaa products but don't think I've tried one yet where it is purely leucine, isoleucine, and valine with no other prop. blends or extra ingredients thrown in, and I am very excited to try!

My current training split is an effort to gain both strength and size.

M- Push Max
T- Pull Volume
W- Legs Max
Th- Push Volume
F- Pull Max
S- Legs Volume
Su- off

I'm about a month in to this routine so far and have been seeing some good progress, but also have been really sore, especially towards the end of the week. I've got high hopes for Stacked :D


First workout with Stacked in the books.

Flat Bench - 215 x 6,6,5 225 x 10neg
Dumbbell Incline - 85 x 5,5,4,4
Dumbbell Fly - 50 x 8,8,6
Military Press - 135 x 6,6,4,4
Machine Lateral Raise - 120 x 8,8,8
Arnold Press - 50 x 8,7,7
Cable Rope Pushdown - 70 x 8,8,8
Cable Single Tricep Extension - 25 x 8,8,7

Felt pretty off today. Cheated bad on the diet yesterday for the pats game, lots of beer and garbage food. Physically I was fine but I think I psyched myself out mentally.

As for Stacked BCAA's, I used 1 scoop intra. Filled the shaker cup to the top and it mixed great, no excessive foaming or grittiness whatsoever. The blue rasberry taste was really mild and I actually really liked it. Almost tastes like a blue freeze pop after it melts lol. I definitely prefer the taste over some others that are more bold; I still got the sense I was drinking water intra workout and not hawaiian punch or something. As far as effectiveness I'm not very sore, but I'll be able to assess it better towards the end of the week.

Looking forward to hitting the gym in the am.


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You could try push/pull/legs/off then repeat if you experiencing some soreness. The extra rest day could make all the difference if your schedule will allow for it :)


You could try push/pull/legs/off then repeat if you experiencing some soreness. The extra rest day could make all the difference if your schedule will allow for it :)
I hear you. Trying my hardest to stick to this routine with no variation right now. Typically I'm pretty good, but my whole week will catch up to me on friday or saturday sometimes ya know.

Anyways, day 2 completed.

Wide Grip Pullup - BW x 8,7,6,5
Hammerstrength Bent Row - 150 x 12, 12, 12 180,135,90,45 x 5 dropset
Seated Cable Row - 160 x 12, 12, 12
Dumbbell Shrug - 125 x 12, 12 ,12
EZ Bar Curl - 70 x 12, 12, 12
Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 30 x 12, 10, 10

Felt awesome today. Wide grip pullups are really challenging for me, added a rep on the 2nd and 3rd set up from last week, but would love to be cranking out sets of 10 eventually.

As for Stacked, did one scoop again and filled the shaker only halfway with water with a scoop of ice. Tasted a little better but still was a subtle taste and I enjoyed it more cold. I feel great right now and it's a solid 9 hours or so after training, so I definitely feel it is doing what it is supposed to!

Thinking I will play around with dosing in the upcoming weeks to see if I can notice any difference between 1, 1.5, or 2 intra w/o.


Just finished todays workout.

Squats - 315 x 6,6,6,5
Leg Press - 570 x 6,6,6,6
Single Leg Hamstring Curl - 100 x 12,12,12
Seated Calf Raise - 145 x 15,15,12

Stoked I hit all my reps on squat this week and can't wait to go up next .

Did a single scoop again, half a shaker cup of water and ice. Tasted great. Loving Stacked so far...


  • Established
Keep it up man!


Was busy all day yesterday so didn't get a chance to update, but the workout was

Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 60 x 12,12,10
Cable Side/Behind Lateral - 15 x 12,12,12
Rear Delt Machine - 105 x 12,12,12
Dumbbell Bench - 80 x 12,12,10
Incline Barbell Bench - 140 x 10,10,9
Dips - 30 x 11,10,10
Skull Crusher / Close Grip Superset - 60 x 12, 10, 10

yesterday mixed Stacked with half a cup water and ice. On point as usual.

Today I woke up pretty sore, mostly in my quads and hammys. Today I hit

Deadlift - 375 x 5,5 405 x 3 315 x 10
Dumbbell Row - 90 x 6,6,6,7
Close Grip Cable Pulldown - 180 x 6,6,6,6
Barbell Shrug - 315 x 12,12,12 & a static hold
Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 45 x 6,6,6,3
EZ Bar Reverse Curl - 80 x 7,6,6,6

Pretty frustrated with my form today. I think I need to go back to basics on deadlifting. Just can't stop my lower back from rounding out on tougher sets. Really sucks. Also wish my gym had some 1.25 pound weighted magnets to add to the dumbbell/ez bar so I could increase by 2.5 if I hit my reps instead of 5. 45lbs on a preacher curl was hard as **** for me today, but I hit 40 for 4 sets of 8 last week so I had to go up. Just disappointed overall today, **** happens...

Here is a video I took of my form check on my 405 x 3 set, if anyone has any suggesstions I'm all ears.

As far as Stacked, I took it today intra with a scoop of high volume as well. Looking forward to trying a scoop and a half next week as I think it might serve me a little better for recovery purposes. Still enjoying the flavor, even mixed lol


Was feeling pretty psyched to get into the gym today

Barbell Lunges - 100 x 12,12,10,8
Romanian Deadlift - 135 x 10,10,10
Lying Leg Curl - 100 x 15,12
Leg Extension - 100 x 12,12,12
Standing Calf Raise - 235 x 15,13,12 and Static hold
Box Jump - 0 x 20,20,20

drank a single scoop of Stacked intra with water and ice as I have been. Right now it's a couple hours after I finished and I feel awesome, maybe cuz I finished the week and get to rest tomorrow lol. Anyways, yea, stoked!


Was pretty amp'd to workout this morning, then I got a call and my partner ditched me today so I had to go at it solo.

Flat Bench - 215 x 6,6,6,6
Dumbbell Incline - 85 x 6,6,6,6
Dumbbell Fly - 50 x 8,8,8
Military Press - 135 x 6,6,6,5
Machine Lateral Raise - 125 x 8,8,8
Arnold Press - 50 x 6,6,6
Cable Rope Pushdown - 72.5 x 8,7,7
Cable Single Tricep Extension - 25 x 8,8,8

Had to ask a random for a spot who REFUSED to take his hands off the bar no matter how much I begged. "I'm not helping I'm just stabilizing" **** off, I only want a spot if it's literally falling down on me. Because of this I cranked out my 215 sets stupid easily and then was able to hit all my reps on incline stupid easy too since I wasn't as taxed as I should have been from flat bench. If I hit 4 sets of 6 reps then I go up the next week, but I'm gonna stay at the same next week since I feel like I got cheated today lol.

Took a scoop and a half of Stacked intra. Flavor didn't change much which is a good thing cuz I really like how it is. Wasn't able to really fully exert myself today without a partner so I'm not able to judge if adding the extra half scoop will help with recovery today, but I suspect (and hope) it will lol


Felt great today, one of those workout's you feel so good you just want to keep going...

Wide Grip Pullup - BW x 9,7,6,5
Hammerstrength Bent Row - 155 x 12,11,10 180,135,90,45 x 5 dropset
Seated Cable Row - 165 x 12,12,12
Dumbbell Shrug - 125 x 15,15,15
EZ Bar Curl - 80 x 11,10,8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 30 x 12,10,10

Also tried glycergrow for the second time this morning. I feel like a tank after my very first set, definitely feel a little "fuller" throughout my whole body..

Used a scoop and a half of Stacked with water and ice again. Was chugging water pretty good though and finished it halfway through my workout when normally it lasts the entire time. Pushed myself pretty hard today, it's now a couple hours after I finished and I'm still feeling that general high you get when you know you gave it your all.

Also, are there any factors that will help me improve my wide grip pullups beside like lat pulldowns and such? Would love to be hitting these for sets of 10 throughout within time.


Killed legs today. Awesome workout. Traps are still a little sore from yesterdays session.

Squats - 315 x 6,6,6,6
Leg Press - 580 x 6,6,6,7
Single Leg Hamstring Curl - 100 x 12,12,12
Seated Calf Raise - 150 x 12,12,12 180,135,90,45 dropset x 5

Was stoked to hit all my reps on squat, time to increase!

Took Stacked scoop and a half intra with ice water! Feel great right now a solid 8 or so hours later, but I'll know for sure tomorrow!!

...also did a scoop and a half of stimul8 for a pre along with glycergrow, definitely won't be exceeding a single scoop again, was STUPID jittery lol


  • Established
In regards to pull ups, Have you ever tried an assisted pull up machine? It could be very beneficial in achieving more reps, and as the weeks progress slowly lower the amount of assistance until your doing it all on your own.


I've tried it before in the past. The kneeling position, even with no weight, feels considerably easier for me than a dead hang. I was actually thinking of maybe trying the opposite and strapping a 45lb on me and doing as many as I can for a few weeks.


Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 60 x 12,12,10
Cable Side/Behind Lateral - 15 x 12,12,12
Rear Delt Machine - 110 x 12,12,12
Dumbbell Bench - 80 x 12,12,12
Incline Barbell Bench - 140 x 11,10,10
Dips - 30 x 11,11,10
Skull Crusher / Close Grip Superset - 60 x 12, 12, 11


Deadlift - 405 x 3,3,3,3,3
Dumbbell Row - 90 x 8,7,7,7
Close Grip Cable Pulldown - 185 x 6,5,5,4
Barbell Shrug - 315 x 12,12,12 & a static hold
Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 45 x 7,6,5,4
EZ Bar Reverse Curl - 80 x 8,7,6

Both workouts took a scoop and a half of Stacked intra with ice water. Think I'm gonna stay at this dosing, seems to work great for me.

Had some sub par sessions the last couple days though and decided to take saturdays workout off to give myself a couple days rest. Wrist pain which I've always dealt with has been killing, fingers constantly falling asleep, scheduled a chiropractor visit hoping it helps and I can get back on track!!

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