Renegade Pheromone Skin Balm mini-review. Anybody else tried this?


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Thanks man I will wait till I'm done with Tren Cycle to use Renegade then. BTW anybody got any good input on it working on women at all or mostly just self affect?


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The funniest thing I've heard people say in this thread so far. "No effect on women, but it made me feel so confident and alpha"

Well DUH!

Feeling good about yourself IS going to lead to women feeling good about yourself too.. So it WILL effect your interactions with women..maybe not directly, but indirectly.

Ordering this on my next order.


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dsade, for a natural strong alpha would this stuff be worth it? Obviously my mood varies but I'm constantly telling other people what to do, LOL. It isn't like I like love doing that, in fact sometimes I just feel like STFUing, but seriously I am kind of just like that. Plus, they don't seem to mind.

Also, have you looked into personality types (Myers-Briggs) at all with regard to your theories on social hierarchies? My MB personality type is ENTJ, Extroverted intuitive thinking judging.

Here is a partial description from a website of this personality type.

ENTJs are especially well-suited to be leaders and organization builders. They have the ability to clearly identify problems and innovative solutions for the short and long-term well-being of an organization. Having a strong desire to lead, they're not likely to be happy as followers. ENTJs like to be in charge, and need to be in charge to take advantage of their special capabilities.
Totally describes me...anyway, thoughts in general? I remember you and I had some interesting discussion a while back on a similar topic.


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dsade, for a natural strong alpha would this stuff be worth it? Obviously my mood varies but I'm constantly telling other people what to do, LOL. It isn't like I like love doing that, in fact sometimes I just feel like STFUing, but seriously I am kind of just like that. Plus, they don't seem to mind.

Also, have you looked into personality types (Myers-Briggs) at all with regard to your theories on social hierarchies? My MB personality type is ENTJ, Extroverted intuitive thinking judging.

Here is a partial description from a website of this personality type.

Totally describes me...anyway, thoughts in general? I remember you and I had some interesting discussion a while back on a similar topic.
When I'm in an "induced" strong alpha mindset (I'm sure you know what I mean) I find this actually shifts me down a notch in a good way.

As far as MB, I first studied this around '89 or '90. I find it entirely too simplistic to be of a huge usefulness as anything more than a sweeping descrpition of a spectrum of behavioural "tendencies."

In '90 I was an INTJ, and I have since widened plenty of my viewpoints, done my own cognitive and behavioral therapies, and mostly eliminated my introverted tendencies.
If anything it's a useful tool to identify where you need to adjust your own perceptions and behaviors.


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Yeah, I guess the actual diagnostic part of it is not what interests me so much as the fact that there has been so much work done with it. It does seem to be consistent (not that people can't change, of course) and useful for certain things. If most organization leaders are ENTJ, and you test that way, it can provide a career path for example. Obviously it just measures you against other people, mostly, but that's a fairly interesting thing. I used to test introverted too.


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Yeah, I guess the actual diagnostic part of it is not what interests me so much as the fact that there has been so much work done with it. It does seem to be consistent (not that people can't change, of course) and useful for certain things. If most organization leaders are ENTJ, and you test that way, it can provide a career path for example. Obviously it just measures you against other people, mostly, but that's a fairly interesting thing. I used to test introverted too.
ENTJ is what I now score. :)

I will credit the test for actualizing a vague concept in my head, though...again, in order to reveal weaknesses which needed to be compared against my personal and professional goals, then changed.

As an aside, I gave a bottle to a male erotic dancer (and lifter at my gym) last night. He's going to do some psychosocial experiments at the club where he works.


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i got 4 bars and 2 face balms this **** works, it just makes me feel like im the sh1t and i could get eny girl, thats only half of it, i use it 99% when i lift dam i just feel like a beast!
i put it on befor i go to the track and i feel so dialed and connected to my car.
i think the effects r solely on me, girls say they like the smell but its nothing special, older women like it more than younger


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Androstenone has more of an effect on older women, regardless aggressive girls will find it well suited on the user.


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Androstenone has more of an effect on older women, regardless aggressive girls will find it well suited on the user.
Overaggressive women will see you s a thret. I would say it's ideal form strong to weak assertives and weakly sbmissive women.


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Going to order some tomorrow night!!! looks like fun in a bottle! :)


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Overaggressive women will see you s a thret. I would say it's ideal form strong to weak assertives and weakly sbmissive women.
From what I have studied you are correct, however that has not been the case for me, neither other people I know. Not to mention the fact that asian women are on me like jam on peanut butter when I wear androstenone, which is "supposed to be a turnoff to them".


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I just got this stuff yesterday and used it on my girlfriend and she instantly goes "WOAH". I'm like whats wrong? She says it made the inside of her nose tingle and then made a "mmm" sound like she was turned on lol.

Thing is with this stuff, I feel the steroid in my system lol. Might do a cycle of this stuff lol.


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From what I have studied you are correct, however that has not been the case for me, neither other people I know. Not to mention the fact that asian women are on me like jam on peanut butter when I wear androstenone, which is "supposed to be a turnoff to them".
You are not taking into account your OWN personality. If you are very alpha, then add 'none, your signal will be extremely strong.

You are also being slightly racist...all asian women are not alike in personality. :)


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I just got this stuff yesterday and used it on my girlfriend and she instantly goes "WOAH". I'm like whats wrong? She says it made the inside of her nose tingle and then made a "mmm" sound like she was turned on lol.

Thing is with this stuff, I feel the steroid in my system lol. Might do a cycle of this stuff lol.
Please plan out your Post Coital Therapy carefully.


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You are not taking into account your OWN personality. If you are very alpha, then add 'none, your signal will be extremely strong.

You are also being slightly racist...all asian women are not alike in personality. :)
LOL, I would not use that word because it would be slightly misleading, I think the word you were looking for is BIAS. Yea I can relate, everybody has their own personality which plays a huge role in the pheromone role.


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LOL, I would not use that word because it would be slightly misleading, I think the word you were looking for is BIAS. Yea I can relate, everybody has their own personality which plays a huge role in the pheromone role.
That''s why it is so important to e honest about our own personalty types as well as realizing pheromone signals are a tool...not magic.

Too many expectations lead to disappointment.


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That''s why it is so important to e honest about our own personalty types as well as realizing pheromone signals are a tool...not magic.

Too many expectations lead to disappointment.
AGREED, NONE's are not for everyone LOL. People expect to pick up chicks like an order of fries with this stuff but that is not how it works. Still need game so to speak.

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