recovering from bad prohormone experience


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Im new to this forum and just looking for blount advice. A guy i work with that is like me and a very hard gainer was taking super dmz 2.0 and gained about 10 lbs. I decided to try it with out looking up what it was. I know big mistake and i was dumb for doing it. I only took it 8 days as it wrecked my body. About 5 days into it i woke up with flu like symptoms. I read they sometimes do this and dropped down to one pill in the mornings. I took it for 3 more days but experienced back pumps and noticed my testicles were drawn up like it is cold out. I immediately quit taking it and looked up what it was. Again dumb move I know. Im currently overseas and unable to get ahold of any clomid ect for pct. For about a week after taking it i could not get hard to save my life. After that slow improvement. I have noticed my testicles hanging like normal and they dont appear to have atrophy. About 2 and half weeks after stopping i noticed morning erections coming back. Some days its better than others. As far as sex drive its still low or not there at all. I was talking to the g/f the other night and she mentioned sex and i became aroused. Which was a first in past month. I am still feeling run down some to. Also i have had a pain in my left testicle off and on since this. What i am wondering is could i be showing signs of recovery, and also once i get back state side which will not be untill october what type of test should I have run? I have read alot online but some of it is just confusing. I am 30 years old 6'1 and 170. lift and run regularly, and try to eat somewhat healthy. Given my current location that is hard to do.


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At least you are on here now seeking help! Yes, first rule in the anabolic world is research before taking anything.

The effects you mentioned concerning testicular atrophy is normal while on cycle. Your body shuts down test production because the anabolic is metabolizing into a form of testosterone. This causes the testicles to shrink. The shrinking feels like a dull ache or mild groin pull. When off cycle they feel similar as they grow in size as they start normal testosterone production.

In light of not being able to get a SERM you can at least help the process out by finding some supplement with d-Aspartic Acid or DAA for short. DMZ is pretty harsh on the body and you should get a SERM. I'm sure other AMers that have experience with DMZ will chime in.


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I was thinking of getting bloodwork done once i get back stateside. What kind of test do i need. Just a complete hormone panel? I have insurance thankfully


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Kenpo broke it down for you, I will add that..., I just finished SDMZ , i got shut down and will run clomid for recovery. For you, Find a test booster , DAA, or some blend, and you will feel normal in a couple of weeks. Don't really think you need to find a serm after 8 days. SDMZ is a harsh compound. No reason to dwell on it. Next time do your research.


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Thanks for advice guys. any specific brand either of you would recommend. I also read that daa can increase estrogen. any thoughts on that?


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From what I read you seem to be recovering fine after only 8 days. It sounds like things are going back to normal. You can get something like Erase Pro/Test powder stack if you're really worried. If anything it's for your piece of mind, really though it sounds as if your are already recovering fine.


New member
Im thinking ill just stick to basic protein, bcaa and a multivitamin. Im a little paranoid at the moment. Then when i get back just have bloodwork done to see how im coming along. I guess its just gonna be a slow process to get back to normal


Well-known member
I am 30 years old 6'1 and 170.
your account says 157lbs

either lying about weight, or youre just a pseudo-hardgainer. because a real hardgainer doesnt gain 15lbs in 1 month


Definately find a natural testosterone booster if you can. As previously stated ones containing D-Aspartic Acid are a great choice. You will eventually recover on your own, but as you have already experienced it will take alot longer and I doubt anyone's girlfriend apprecitates a flaccid weiner and libido of a 90year old.

Good to hear you ARE recovering but again, I'm a big advocate of natural testosterone boosters and in your situation where a SERM isn't readily available to help kickstart your junk...give the boys down below a little pick me up.


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I ordered some usp labs daa 3k tablets, and some pes erase. It should be here in a few weeks. Im in afghanistan so mail is slow at times. Hopefully this speeds things up.


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one more question...should i start the erase immediately with the daa. Im guessing with low test from the sdmz i probably have elevated estrogen levels


Well-known member
one more question...should i start the erase immediately with the daa. Im guessing with low test from the sdmz i probably have elevated estrogen levels
Yes start together. 3g DAA and 3 caps erase. I like to spread the erase dose throughout the day. I would plan it so that you run erase solo two weeks or so after stopping DAA.


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thanks for the advice. I will order another bottle to make sure i have enough.


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thanks for the advice. I will order another bottle to make sure i have enough.
Your welcome. I'm actually running sdmz right now and its a very strong PH/DS. It can really cause your body harm if you don't plan for it appropriately.

Example cycle if you decide to try it again:
Weeks 1-2 cycle assist
Weeks 3-6 sdmz, cycle assist, aegis(tudca IMO a must for liver protection)
Weeks 7-12 Clomid, anabeta elite, erase,daa
Weeks 13-14 anabeta elite, erase

You may want to have your liver function checked out if you didn't run anything to protect it. I'm no doctor but that may have been where the flu like symptoms came from.


New member
i ordered a bottle of cycle assist after i got off of it. Ive taken it. But yeah i do plan on getting liver panels and full hormone panels once i return stateside.


Well-known member
i ordered a bottle of cycle assist after i got off of it. Ive taken it. But yeah i do plan on getting liver panels and full hormone panels once i return stateside.
Ok that's good. If you are in the army and in the middle east somewhere be safe! I've got a lot of bros from ft Bragg over in the middle east and I wish them all a safe return.


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Im both..i have a few months untill i come home. thats been my trouble getting things.


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Is this normal or even a *somewhat* frequent response to SDMZ?!


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Is this normal or even a *somewhat* frequent response to SDMZ?!
I can't say that I've read any logs with this side effect but he did not do anything to protect his liver before or while on cycle. Sdmz is very liver toxic and you should pre-load liver supplement 2 weeks prior to using and the continue throughout the cycle. I recommend something(cycle assist, Talos, etc) with milk thistle pre-cycle and on cycle and something with tudca(aegis) both on cycle and post cycle. I don't use milk thistle during pct, I read something about a year ago that lead me to believe milk thistle could possibly interfere with the effectiveness of a serm. Anyhow some of the more common side effect with proper supports are heartburn, back pumps, lethargy and I feel I'm missing something. Well I'm in week 3 of sdmz and the only side I have had is extreme back pumps which can be controlled with taurine.


New member
Very helpful and concise, brother man. Thx!


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I recieved usp labs daa and pes erase today. One more question about daa. when is the best time to take and should it be with or without food?


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I recieved usp labs daa and pes erase today. One more question about daa. when is the best time to take and should it be with or without food?
Morning, empty stomach. If it gives you GI distress then take it with your breakfast.


New member
Hey guys. I did the DAA and PES Erase pro like stated and they helped alot. I wouldnt say im 100% by no means but alot better. Sex drive, and energy still slowly coming back. I will be back in the U.S.A in about 2 weeks and have ordered some clomid @25mg and aromasin. I wondered if a half tab of clomid- 12.5mg ed would help just to finish up recovery. I bought the aromasin just in case I have estrogen sides. I wouldnt think i would have very bad sides at that low of dosage. Ive tried to schedule appointments with docs, but being military they just tell me its deployment stress. Obviously I cant say why im having trouble. What would be a good way to just pay for bloodwork. I wanted to see where i stand and post it before first though before starting anything. Just for looking for some more advice.


New member
Hey guys. I did the DAA and PES Erase pro like stated and they helped alot. I wouldnt say im 100% by no means but alot better. Sex drive, and energy still slowly coming back. I will be back in the U.S.A in about 2 weeks and have ordered some clomid @25mg and aromasin. I wondered if a half tab of clomid- 12.5mg ed would help just to finish up recovery. I bought the aromasin just in case I have estrogen sides. I wouldnt think i would have very bad sides at that low of dosage. Ive tried to schedule appointments with docs, but being military they just tell me its deployment stress. Obviously I cant say why im having trouble. What would be a good way to just pay for bloodwork. I wanted to see where i stand and post it before first though before starting anything. Just for looking for some more advice.

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