Prostate issue or something else?...



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All the articles I've read regarding prostate problem symptoms list urinary issues of some sort. Does anyone know if the same applies to rectal issues? For example, today I felt somewhat bloated during my workout and when I finally got home I used the bathroom (#2) and it hurt like hell - it felt restirected and was not coming out cylinder shaped, it was kind of flat and not as continuous at all and I had to keep pushing hard. I must have pushed too hard at the end causing some vessels to burst so there was blood... and it hurt like hell :sad: sorry for the graphic descrirtion.
Anyway, can this be related to prostate problems? I don't have any issues urinating, as a mater of fact I don't have any of the common sympoms. Did I just lift too much causing my midsection & bottom to become "irritated"?
Also, I've read enough articles about saw palmetto and beta sitosterol and it looks like Maximum Prostate is a solid product. Has anyone used it, or saw palmetto or beta sitosterol with success and more specifically what brand was used?
Today's episode was very alarming and I'm more concerned about my prostate now than I ever was before. I suppose previous use of PHs could have contirubted and I'm seriously re-considering my future plans... Are there any adverse effects caused by using saw palmetto/beta sitosterol during a cycle? The answer to this will help me determine my future plans.
I'm going to see the doctor asap and more than likely get whatever tests are necessary to determine if I have prostate problems. In the mean time I want to see what you think, has this happened to you and what was the cause?
Thanks for reading my rambling and sorry for the graphic description.


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I had the same problem, it happened for like 2 days i just waited it out. Its possible you scrathed somewhere inside the anus. I believe thats what happened to me. I have heard if you have diareha to much this can casue the anus to bleed and discharge in the toilet. If it doesnt go away see a doc. If it is painful its possible u could need to eat more fiber.


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I have not had diarreah since the last time I had food poisoning over a year ago, but you may be right about the fiber thing. Plus all the holiday foods have kind of wrecked my diet, I guess I better clean it up again. Thanks.


New member
I agree about the fiber intake. Get yourself some psyllum husk and get back on track with the diet. Of course, if it just gets worse or doesnt cease then definetely go to the doctor.

Jay Mc

Self diagnosis is not a good thing. Even as a medical person, when i get sick i go see another medical person because a) the placebo effect is powerful and b) its way better to get an outside perspective for a differential diagnosis.

You should definately see a doctor soon. I think anyone that gives health advice on the internet with out prefacing it by saying go see a doctor is silly.

Anyway, the bottom line is you NEED to go see a doctor. I'm going to attach a handout we give patients with information about rectal bleeding for you to read over, but please make sure you notice the part that says "rectal bleeding is not normal and you should consult a physician to rule out serrious illness."


Rectal Bleeding
What is rectal bleeding?

Rectal bleeding refers to the presence of bright red blood on or in a bowel movement, on the toilet tissue after wiping, or in the toilet bowl water. It is a common problem for people of all ages.
How does it occur?

There are many causes of rectal bleeding. The two most common causes are anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Both of these problems can be caused by constipation.

* Anal fissures are tiny tears, usually less than 1/2 inch long, in the skin of the anus. The anus is the opening through which bowel movements pass. Fissures are most often caused by hard bowel movements that tear the skin as they pass through the anus.
* Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. They may be external, which means they can be seen outside the anus. Or they may be internal, which means they are up inside the rectum and can't be seen without special instruments.

Diverticula in the colon are a fairly common cause of rectal bleeding in middle-aged and older adults. Diverticula are fingerlike pouches at weak points in the wall of the colon.

Other possible causes of rectal bleeding are:

* Infection in the intestines. In this case the bloody diarrhea lasts for 1 to 3 days and then is gone.
* Inflammatory bowel disease. This irritation of the lining of the colon causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and mucus in your bowel movements as well as bleeding.
* Cancer of the rectum or colon.
* Bleeding in the upper digestive system. However, when this happens the bleeding is usually heavy and constant and is a medical emergency.

What are the symptoms?

The first symptom is bright red blood on the bowel movement, the toilet tissue, or in the toilet water. You may or may not have some pain with passing the bowel movement. If you have external hemorrhoids, you may have pain when you sit.

If you have diverticula, you may have no symptoms or you may have bouts of abdominal pain. Sometimes you may have bouts of pain with fever for a day or two if the diverticula are inflamed or infected.

When colon cancer is causing rectal bleeding, you may have diarrhea some of the time and constipation some of the time, as well as abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, and tiredness. You may have blood in your bowel movements, but it's not possible to see it. Special tests are done to detect the blood.
How is it diagnosed?

Often rectal bleeding is discovered with a routine screening test that can find even very small amounts of blood in a sample of bowel movement. When the sample is checked in the lab, the test may find blood that you might not have noticed otherwise.

If you have rectal bleeding, your health care provider will ask about your medical history to learn what other symptoms you may have. You will have a rectal exam to look for anal fissures, external hemorrhoids, and cancerlike masses. A sample of bowel movement may be checked for blood. Your provider may insert a small plastic tool called an anoscope an inch or two into the rectum to look for internal hemorrhoids or other causes of bleeding in the rectum.

If these exams do not find a cause for the bleeding, and especially if you are at risk for colon cancer because of your age or family history, you may have a special exam called a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy. This exam with a long flexible tube and tiny camera can also be used to look for other problems such as diverticula in the colon. A special type of x-ray called a barium enema is another way to look for cancers and diverticula.

You may also have some blood tests.
How is it treated?

The treatment for rectal bleeding depends on the cause. For simple problems such as fissures and hemorrhoids, you may need to increase the fiber in your diet and make other lifestyle changes to prevent constipation. Your health care provider will discuss with you other possible treatments if something else is causing rectal bleeding.
How can I take care of myself?

* When you have bleeding, see your health care provider to make sure it is not a symptom of serious disease. Rectal bleeding is not normal. If your bleeding is nonstop or in large amounts, you should seek emergency care.
* Follow your provider's instructions carefully.
* If you are not getting better, let your provider know.

How can I help prevent rectal bleeding?

Try to keep the lower intestine as healthy as possible. Eat a healthy diet with lots of high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of fluids. A high-fiber diet, lots of fluids, and regular exercise help the intestines work better. They help prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticula, and colon cancer.

Published by McKesson Health Solutions LLC.

This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.

Developed by McKesson Health Solutions LLC.
Copyright © 2004 McKesson Health Solutions LLC. All rights reserved


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I can understand where you are coming from jay, I just presented a few ressons why this could of happened. Like I said I waited mine out for a few days and was all fine, this may not be the same case with silver. Anyways GoodLuck!


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Thank you everyone for the feedback. Also, this query was not a means for a Dr visit substitute and I thought I made that clear in my original post.
I'm going to see the doctor asap and more than likely get whatever tests are necessary to determine if I have prostate problems. In the mean time I want to see what you think, has this happened to you and what was the cause?
Thanks for reading my rambling and sorry for the graphic description.
Posting this type of query in a forum such as this allows me to gather information faster and prepare my questions for my Dr visit. Thank you again.


dead sexy wino
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I'm thinking that you got a hemorrhoid from straining too hard. Time for some Fiber (I would use All Bran or Fiber One in conjunction with psyllium personally). Eat lots of veggies....LOTS. Your doc will probably tell you to get some prep-H. I've never heard of anyone getting hemorrhoids from prostate issues and if you don't have prostate symptoms then my best guess is that your prostate is fine. Let us know what the doc says.


A pH cycle will always cause a little prostate inflammation, which causes increases urination and discomfort, I myself take saw palmento which helps...The most common symtom is increased urination and then when you piss not much comes out cause the bladder dosent fully empty...When food in the digestive tract and rectum passes it can sometimes push against the prostate which causes alot of uncomfort too

max silver

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That really doesn't sound like a prostate problem to me, I know as I've experienced them firsthand, and let me tell you, it's hell.

I've noticed blood in my stool as well before, and in the same situation as you've described. I too was freaked out at first, until I did some reading and came to the conclusion mine must've been hemmoroid related. It was just a one time thing for me, and came with a particularly unruly movement. I'm of the same mindset, that if this is more than a onetime thing, then a trip to see the doctor is definitely in order.


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My doc is closed for the holidays and won't be back until next week. I'm feeling better now but I'm still going first thing next week.


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Hey SS, I'm inclined to agree, out of experience, that you did a little too much straining in squats or whatever and caused your problem. As far as prostate issues go, I am a long time user of Maximum Prostate and its predecessor Better Prostate and very pleased with the results. I especially like its current formulation with 300 mgs of Beta-Sitosterol and 300 more of assorted Phyto-Sterols because it has an excellent side effect as a very reliable, well regarded cholesterol reducer. I take it twice a day. Its so good I have my wife on it. I just don't trust her Lipitor crap! Best of luck.


Hot Italian Goldmember
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That really doesn't sound like a prostate problem to me, I know as I've experienced them firsthand, and let me tell you, it's hell.
I'm of the same opinion.

Just take something that will make your toilet use easier, that is a mild laxative. Probably just 2 tbsp of flax oil a day will work. Be regular in the batrhoom :)
More fiber could costipate u more and u want to definitely avoid pushing hard again.


Ive read somewhere that saw palmento can inhibit a little anabolic gains when your on cycle, is this true?


Hot Italian Goldmember
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Ive read somewhere that saw palmento can inhibit a little anabolic gains when your on cycle, is this true?

Saw palmetto is a weak inhibitor of the enzyme (5 alpha reductase) that converts testosterone into DHT in prostate tissue.
However, weather a similar effect would occur in skeletal muscles is unknown.

People who takes it probably need it, so stopping it on cycle is not questionnable.
Such people, like me, should avoid at all PH/PS that converts to DHT too much.
This seems to not be the case of SD, altough its a DHT-derivative. Too few reports are available at present time.


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I feel much better now. I think it was heavier lifts on squats and leg press that caused me problems down there. I'm still calling the Dr tomorrow morning and seeing him asap.


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Too much stress caused my pooper hole to act up. I have a follow up in 2 weeks. I'm back to normal now WHICH IS GREAT !!!


I thought that might be the case. I've had the same problem, and it was short lived. In fact, I know several bodybuilders who go through it from time to time. Could it be because of chemical imbalances causing the stool to harden, because that is definely the result. I've also heard that too much iron can cause it.
Having blood in your stool is always a reason to react. Its good to know where its coming from...

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