Precursor to my epistane log...


New member
Day 28

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- While I was hoping to have nothing to report, my overactive mind may be concocting some gyno. Hell... maybe I've always had it as I was definitely a fat kid growing up. In either case, I happened to notice that there is a lump/mass beneath or around the nip on both sides though it's more pronounced on the left. No sensitivity in my nipples or areolas themselves, but depending upon how I manipulate those masses, it can be a bit tender.

Given that, what do you guys think?
  1. Stay the course as-is and trust the nolva + erase to do their thing in PCT?
  2. Immediately stop cycle and begin PCT?
  3. Add nolva to my current cycle?
  4. Add Erase Pro to my current cycle?
  5. A combination of these?
  6. Quit being a little bitch and get back in the gym?

Rest day.

As I've reported, eating is a challenge lately. I figured that it would be a cake walk today as I get to consume a staggering 800 calories less than workout days. Nope. Still had to force myself to pack in the last bit.

Nutritional Totals - 2,392 cal, 104g carb, 140g fat, 200g pro

NOTE: Added a new pic to the rest (post#3). Despite the difference on the scale, I don't really notice a whole helluva lot of difference visually. Maybe it's just me?


New member
Day 29 (Week 5, Day 1)

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Regarding the gyno comment yesterday, I definitely don't have anything like what you might see online. As I've done all along though, I want to document EVERYTHING regardless of severity.

That said, there is in fact a structure under the surface. I can't say that feeling my pecs has ever made it on to my to-do list so I have no idea if it's pre-existing and/or normal. I will continue to monitor the situation and do what I think is needed. In the interim, if anyone has any opinions on the subject then please feel free to voice them here.

Rest day.

Maybe I'm getting used to the increase or maybe I was just hungry, but today was easier than previous days of eating.

Nutritional Totals - 2,452 cal, 127g carb, 134g fat, 179g pro


New member
Day 30

Weight: 182.9 lbs
Up 2.5 lbs week-over-week, and 10.2 lbs since my weigh-in on week 1.

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Week2, Day 1 of Shortcut to Size.
Decided to up the ante a bit and threw in some light squats between sets instead of just sitting around. 135x12 between sets of flat bench, then 185x8 for all the other chest movements.

Chest, Triceps, Calves
Bench Press - 4 x 9-11
Incline Bench Press - 3 x 9-11
Incline Dumbbell Flye - 3 x 9-11
Cable Crossover - 3 x 9-11
Triceps Pressdown - 3 x 9-11
Lying Triceps extension - 3 x 9-11 (skipped)
Cable Overhead Triceps extension - 3 x 9-11
Standing Calf Raise - 4 x 25-30 (skipped)
Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 25-30 (skipped)

Ended up going nearly 2x the fat versus the targets but the overall calories weren't there otherwise. Gotta work on this...

Nutritional Totals - 3,423cal, 319g carb, 137g fat, 191g pro


New member
Enjoying reading your log, thinking about starting a cycle soon!


New member
Enjoying reading your log, thinking about starting a cycle soon!
Glad to have you. It's always nice to know that other people are getting something out of it. Guess I should probably log the last two days while I'm here...


New member
Day 31

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Day 6 of the Shortcut to Size program.

Felt pretty damned good strength wise. I was using the 100lb DBs for my SA DB BO Row which for me, is pretty hefty. I didn't add anything in between like I had the day before, but it was plenty taxing as we had some pretty good velocity going with the routine as a whole.

Back, Biceps, Abs
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row - 4 x 9-11
Wide-Grip Pulldown - 3 x 9-11
Straight Arm Pulldown - 3 x 9-11
Seated Cable Rows - 3 x 9-11
Barbell Curl - 4 x 9-11
Dumbbell Incline Curl - 3 x 9-11 *Subbed in DB Hammer Curls
One-Arm high Cable Curl - 3 x 9-11
Hip Thrust - 3 x 20-30
Crunch - 3 x 20-30
Oblique Crunch - 3 x 20-30
* As with last week, I unfortunately didn't have time to hit abs today. I will make up for it tomorrow though which still gives me a day to rest before the second ab day. I also try to think of it in terms of core versus straight up abs.

Despite the overall calories being a bit light compared to the target, the macros felt appropriate and it was certainly clean. Hell, I made a smoothie that was plenty to hold me over all night. Unfortunately, I also had to put down some chicken breast, veggies, whole grains, etc. That's why I stopped when I did. It was just too much volume. Gotta get more calories in earlier on these days I guess.

Nutritional Totals - 3,016cal, 379g carb, 87g fat, 215g pro


New member
Day 32

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Rest day, but I decided that I'd hit up some cardio and abs (to make up for yesterday). I rode the stationary bike (not recumbent) for about 10 minutes but had to stop on account of my balls going numb. While this seems to happen frequently when I do the bike, it's never a comfortable feeling and I didn't want to mess around with it.

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 3 x 10 225. Nothing fancy. Wanted a weight that I'd notice at 10 reps but wouldn't prohibit the slams immediately afterward.
Heavy Rope Slams - 3 x 25
* These two were superset and completed for speed to get more of a metabolic effect.

Hip Thrust - 3 x 20-30 * I did these at 135 for sets of 8. I've only just started to incorporate these and never with the bar so I wanted to break myself in easily to hopefully save some nasty bruising around my Netherlands.
DB Crunch - 3 x 20-30 * Sets of 12-15 instead.
Oblique Crunch - 3 x 20-30 * Subbed in some Planks and Pallof Presses instead.

Though it wasn't a true rest day in every sense of the word, my nutrition was catered to that notion. So less overall calories and a macro split consisting of fewer carbs and more [good] fats, just as I would on a rest day.

Nutritional Totals - 2,451cal, 145g carb, 112g fat, 207g pro

Weighed myself again just for the hell of it. I know from past experience that my weight fluctuates a decent amount throughout the week which held true again today. I was a bit over 184.

I setup my exit comp for Monday the 26th. Pounds of mass have definitely been added but the trick is ensuring that it's the right kind of mass. I'm certainly not in the same hemisphere as terms like ripped or shredded as you have seen in the pics and that makes it difficult for me to give you guys a good guess. Not sure what to expect honestly but that's the beauty of the calipers. Either way I will keep you guys posted.


New member
Day 33

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Day 7 of the Shortcut to Size program.

Delts were on fire again. Felt a bit like I was stabbed and they forgot the knife in there. Okay. You caught me. I have no idea what that would really feel like, but it was more than apparent to me that I was in the midst of a shoulder workout.

Shoulders, Traps, Calves
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 4 x 9-11
Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 3 x 9-11
One-Arm Cable Front Raise - 3 x 9-11 *Subbed in DB Front Delt Raise
High Cable Rear Delt Fly - 3 x 9-11
Dumbbell Shrug - 4 x 9-11 *Subbed in Trap Bar Shrugs
Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 15-20
Leg Press Calf Raise - 4 x 15-20 * Skipped due to lack of leg press (BOOO!)

A buddy of mine was in from out of town so we went to watch some Thursday night football. Considering that nugget of info, I'd say I did pretty damned well as I was left to the mercy of the menu.

Nutritional Totals - 3,136cal, 241g carb, 163g fat, 184g pro


New member
Day 34

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Day 8 of the Shortcut to Size program... what this was supposed to be. Unfortunately I had/have a ton of stuff going on at work and in addition had to move back to my old building. All of that translates to skipping leg day (which I actually like doing so this pisses me off even more).

Quads, Hamstrings, Abs
Squat - 4 x 9-11
One-Leg Leg Press - 3 x 9-11
Leg Extension - 3 x 9-11
Lying Leg Curl - 3 x 9-11
Romanian Deadlift - 4 x 9-11
Hip Thrust - 3 x 20-30*
Crunch - 3 x 20-30*
Plank - 3 x 1 minute​

Since I hadn't planned on skipping the gym, I ate as though it were a workout day. Again, this is less than ideal but also not my first choice of how the day would go.

Nutritional Totals - 3,192cal, 331g carb, 117g fat, 217g pro


New member
Day 35

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- I've noticed for a while now that I can actually remember my dreams. This is pretty significant for me as that isn't something I typically have been able to do since I was young(er). I'm hoping that it persists after the epi as I'll miss this "side".

Rest day.

Meh. Needed more protein and less fat.

Nutritional Totals - 2,404 cal, 74g carb, 170g fat, 154g pro


New member
Day 36 (Week 6, Day 1)

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Rest day.

An improvement over yesterday in terms of the macro split per my target.

Nutritional Totals - 2,388 cal, 107g carb, 144g fat, 182g pro

This is it ladies and gents. The last week of the cycle. Here's to hoping that I knock this bitch out of the park.


New member
Day 37

Weight: 183.2 lbs
Up 0.3 lbs week-over-week and considering my just in calories that is pretty damned interesting in my opinion.
Also +10.5 lbs since my weigh-in on week 1.
Body comp will be done one week from today. Same nutritionist, calipers, scale, etc.

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Week3, Day 1 of Shortcut to Size.

Strength was up today. I used the 90lb DBs without any issue on flat bench. Tried them on a set of incline and while I got it, I went back down on the next set to preserve form. 80lb on the Cable Tricep Pressdown and 325lb on the seated pressdown machine.

Chest, Triceps, Calves
Bench Press - 4 x 6-8
Incline Bench Press - 3 x 6-8
Incline Dumbbell Flye - 3 x 6-8
Cable Crossover - 3 x 6-8
Triceps Pressdown - 3 x 6-8
Lying Triceps extension - 3 x 6-8 * Subbed in seated pressdown machine
Cable Overhead Triceps extension - 3 x 6-8
Standing Calf Raise - 4 x 25-30 (skipped)
Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 25-30 (skipped)

Huge improvement on macros compared to Monday of last week. I was pretty much dead nuts on the targets. A little over on protein but nothing to cry about.

Nutritional Totals - 3,317cal, 473g carb, 68g fat, 207g pro


New member
Day 38

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Week 3, Day 2 of the Shortcut to Size program.

Jinxed myself... The area around my right lat felt a bit off but I didn't do anything that would've tweaked it (or so I thought). That said, I decided to proceed with this workout after a little extra foam rolling to be "safe".

While I worked out I felt pretty good. Was rowing either the 110lb or 100lb DBs, can't remember which. No issues at all. Similar experience in terms of pain during the workout for the subsequent movements.

I will elaborate more as to the significance in the next post.

Back, Biceps
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row - 4 x 6-8
Wide-Grip Pulldown - 3 x 6-8
Straight Arm Pulldown - 3 x 6-8
Seated Cable Rows - 3 x 6-8
Barbell Curl - 4 x 6-8
Dumbbell Incline Curl - 3 x 6-8 *Subbed in DB Hammer Curls
One-Arm high Cable Curl - 3 x 6-8

Nothing to add.

Nutritional Totals - 3,317cal, 473g carb, 68g fat, 207g pro


New member
Days 39-42

3 caps (45mg); split 1 cap morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in evening.

- Nothing noteworthy.

Forced rest.

Unfortunately I've been out of commission since the back workout. The next day I could hardly get out of the damned bed; I had to roll off. Oh well. Such is life.

Though I did my best to stay within the targets, I wasn't able to workout which pissed me off and I had Thanksgiving to contend with. I still feel as though I ate okay considering, but didn't want to sweat the minutia given the circumstances.


New member
Day 43 (Week 7 / PCT, Day 1)

20mg Tamoxifen; split 10mg morning, 10mg evening.
3g DAA; afternoon.

- None.

Rest day. Back and side are still being quite the nuisance. Given that I had a few flare-ups today that stopped me dead in my tracks, I'm going to assume that this week isn't going to be much in terms of production.

Living the dream.

Nutritional Totals - 2,484 cal, 201g carb, 110g fat, 223g pro

Tomorrow is my comp which will be posted when I get home from work. I'll also try to snag some pics to throw up there.

Hopefully I'm just blind, but as I mentioned earlier, I don't see a huge difference.


Well-known member
Good log bro. Keen to see some finish photos! How much weight are you up??


New member
Loafy, very nice breakdown of your results. I've been running havoc at 4 caps a day since 11/15 with 300 mg of stanodrol mixed in. I have also been using cycle assist and take that 4 hours apart from the havoc doses. So far I have not noticed anything significant except some nasty head aches from time to time. Pumps have remained ok I guess, hopefully week 3 gets a little better. Im gonna increase it to 5 caps a day during weeks 5 and 6 though.


New member
Day 44 (Week 7 / PCT, Day 1)

Weight: 188.1 lbs
Up 4.9 lbs week-over-week, +15.4 lbs since my weigh-in on week 1. :head:

20mg Tamoxifen; split 10mg morning, 10mg evening.
3g DAA; afternoon.

- None.

Rest day. I'm thankfully feeling a good bit better but don't want to rush things and be out of comission any longer than absolutely necessary.

Living the dream.

Nutritional Totals - 2,608 cal, 214g carb, 83g fat, 253g pro

I know that I said that I'd post the comp results but I (a) don't have the full data and was thinking that would be useful for you guys and (b) want to see what you think based on the pictures. Couldn't get the others to upload. I'm thinking that my recent switch to DSL translates to no upload speed to the point where it just times out.

P.S. - I realize that I am both a hairy mofo and dreadfully bad at posing.




New member
Great log!:thumbup:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Good log bro. Keen to see some finish photos! How much weight are you up??
Loafy, very nice breakdown of your results. I've been running havoc at 4 caps a day since 11/15 with 300 mg of stanodrol mixed in. I have also been using cycle assist and take that 4 hours apart from the havoc doses. So far I have not noticed anything significant except some nasty head aches from time to time. Pumps have remained ok I guess, hopefully week 3 gets a little better. Im gonna increase it to 5 caps a day during weeks 5 and 6 though.
Thanks everyone. I was started to wonder if I had been talking to myself for 6 weeks... :jester:

Luke: I threw it into the post just before this one also, but I made a pretty big jump last week; Up 4.9 lbs week-over-week, +15.4 lbs since my weigh-in on week 1.

Edog:Keep us posted on the Havoc/Stano. I don't see a log (but could easily have missed it?) so toss a comment out there somewhere.


New member
FYI, the first comp was 12 days prior to the week 1 weight that I had been referencing throughout the log. I'll also post this at the beginning of the thread as well [eventually] but for now, here are my body comp results:


The summary is that I:
  • Lost 1lb of fat
    [*]Gained 13+ pounds of lean mass!
Now the trick will be to maintain that.


New member
Dude that is awesome bro! Good work man!!!

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