Prayer Request Thread



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I haven't posted here in years I haven't even looked at the site in forever but after a long lay off off from lifting I have started to train again so I logged in here for info and motivation and first thing I noticed was that this thread died. What a shame I thought because I was inspired by this thread when I regularly frequented this site. Today I notice it's been revived. So let me say that I could use your prayers brothers for the past year and half I stopped lifting weights and started lifting the bottle most every single day. Needless to say I am woefully out of shape physically but even more so mentally and spiritually. I have recently discovered that I don't need alcohol(thank God) I just wanted it. Many of the problems that have made depressed and feeling like drowning my sorrows have been resolved, not due to anything I've done because only a coward hides behind substances to deal with his issues. I pray that I will get my head out of my rear end and with God's help restore my health and my marriage which is not great at the moment. DD 2 Years ago when I was on AM you were having job related issues I hope you haven't been dealing with it all this time that is a lot of stress for a man to carry. You will be in my prayers brother.


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I'll be praying for you my Brother, you've brought forth witness here which for me at least has been strengthening, God Bless you for that. If you're interested in opening up a brick and mortar health/nutrition store shoot me a PM. I know God is in control, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." and His design for our lives is never forgotten.


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I haven't posted here in years I haven't even looked at the site in forever but after a long lay off off from lifting I have started to train again so I logged in here for info and motivation and first thing I noticed was that this thread died. What a shame I thought because I was inspired by this thread when I regularly frequented this site. Today I notice it's been revived. So let me say that I could use your prayers brothers for the past year and half I stopped lifting weights and started lifting the bottle most every single day. Needless to say I am woefully out of shape physically but even more so mentally and spiritually. I have recently discovered that I don't need alcohol(thank God) I just wanted it.I pray that I will get my head out of my rear end and with God's help restore my health and my marriage which is not great at the moment. DD 2 Years ago when I was on AM you were having job related issues I hope you haven't been dealing with it all this time that is a lot of stress for a man to carry. You will be in my prayers brother.
Didn't mean to skip you're post BUCKNUUTS it is good to hear you've realized you don't need alcohol.

"Many of the problems that have made depressed and feeling like drowning my sorrows have been resolved, not due to anything I've done because only a coward hides behind substances to deal with his issues." - Reminds me of something my father told me long ago. When you're having problems in life "that's the worst time to start drinking"


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I haven't posted here in years I haven't even looked at the site in forever but after a long lay off off from lifting I have started to train again so I logged in here for info and motivation and first thing I noticed was that this thread died. What a shame I thought because I was inspired by this thread when I regularly frequented this site. Today I notice it's been revived. So let me say that I could use your prayers brothers for the past year and half I stopped lifting weights and started lifting the bottle most every single day. Needless to say I am woefully out of shape physically but even more so mentally and spiritually. I have recently discovered that I don't need alcohol(thank God) I just wanted it. Many of the problems that have made depressed and feeling like drowning my sorrows have been resolved, not due to anything I've done because only a coward hides behind substances to deal with his issues. I pray that I will get my head out of my rear end and with God's help restore my health and my marriage which is not great at the moment. DD 2 Years ago when I was on AM you were having job related issues I hope you haven't been dealing with it all this time that is a lot of stress for a man to carry. You will be in my prayers brother.
My desire for reviving this was selfish really. I'll explain...

I have walked, tripped and fallen, and even jumped into disastrous things during my time with Christ. Much of my will, my self, and my self-centeredness still exists. I have witnessed, testified, served, and lead throughout my years yet there is still so much of me that I hold onto - refuse to relinquish to Him.

Since the middle to later part of last year many material things have have fallen apart. I drive a modest beater of a car that I had been keeping together with "bubble gum and string" because I am convicted that it is simply transportation to and from work and I do not desire to accrue the debt of a new car. The near overheatings (leaking head gasket one repaired already) and AC failures (I live in Arizona) I persevered with just keeping it moving. The weather finally cooled off and I managed to keep a regular schedule of topping of the radiator.

I play men's senior baseball (hardball) and I'm a catcher. Winter league started up and this year I was excited to be recruited to play in the 35+ when in the previous two years I played 45+ (I turned 49 just last week). I walk out of the LAFitness after a 4:00AM workout to find that damned car of mine stolen. In that car is my entire bag of catchers gear as well as bats and many other personal properties. I can't afford a new car, and the replacement value was barely $1200. Long story short, the car gets recovered with the entire contents lost. I file a home owners claim and get enough money to replace some personal property and an entire set of brand new catchers gear. I am excited about the new gear and and humbly grateful to have that POS car back without damage. A few weeks later it strands me on the freeway and it is toasted.

During this same time period my garage door finally exploded to pieces after years of the "bubble gum and string". My roof leaked during a rain storm and on to the ceiling of my master bedroom and soaked through the drywall and in onto my bedroom floor (That previous summer my AC unit condensation drip pan plugged up and leaked onto the ceiling of my living room and soaked though to pour onto the carpet in my living room). This same rain season period stirred up the termites like nobodies business and there's tubes appearing everywhere.

I humbly share a vehicle with my wife for my commute to work for weeks until I can save the cash to buy a $3000 replacement car. I was so proud of myself (and my wife) for practicing patience and humility during that time. Several weeks later this car does the very same damned thing - overheated. Apparently this guys I bought it from had used the pour in radiator head gasket sealer that survived just long enough for it to go undetected and I got duped. I'm still doing the previously mentioned topping off on an now $3000 investment!!! I'm infuriated!!!!

By this time winter ball is over and we are in the last game of the spring season (April 6th 2014) and in a freak accident during a check swing I rupture my right bicep completely from the bone. Brand new gear. Brand new younger team. I'm a damned good defensive catcher and in pretty good shape (I still chase a batter down to first base to back up an infield throw). It is my great escape and joy to play - done! Done for the season. Done is weight training for the season (indefinitely) and my vain aspirations to a potential run at a physique competition or at least the condition to even consider one. I cannot even wipe my own asz.

I have surgery May 1st. In a splint for two weeks. Begin PT on or about May 15th. I'm struggling with the prospects of the aesthetics never returning and the humiliation of the atrophy. Most difficult is the loss of lifting, as I have done so faithfully for 12 years as part of my therapeutic substance abuse self-help alternative (from which my deliverance from is another entire testimony) and of course my brand spanking new catchers gear is now useless to me (although I am happy to let the guy who stepped up in my absence use it this season)

May 27th the day after memorial day weekend just before lunch I get the sit down and separation notice from my employer...

There are many details of ongoing trials within those mentioned above that are to many to recant or even exhaust you or myself with.

I have a fair severance package that will carry me for a couple three months if we scale back.

Although it has been a brutal process of arriving here I have been here before and have seen victory on the other side. I have seen a faith that has been deepened and evidence of His great work yet I am still simply a man that has fear and anxiety of the things I cannot control. Far too much energy wasted focusing on what is out of my control rather than focusing on what I can control - may attitude.

I appreciate the opportunity to document this to maybe put it down once and for all and bury it so I can - with peace, hope and joy - move on to the great opportunity the He has in store for me. The first one of which is the greatest and dearest to my heart - QT with my 12yo daughter while she is home from school for the summer. I BUMP'd this thread for a selfish reason. To be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to reach out to someone else instead of focusing on myself.

Obedience is the prerequisite to blessings. :)

(sorry for the long-winded back story ;) )

I'm grateful you have been delivered to sobriety. You can return to a fit and healthy self in no time. He is ready and willing to heal anything and everything you ask of Him.

In regard to your marriage, I am convicted by this scripture more than anything - Ephesians 5:25.


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  • Established I BUMP'd this thread for a selfish reason. To be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to reach out to someone else instead of focusing on myself.Obedience is the prerequisite to blessings. :)(sorry for the long-winded back story ;) )I'm grateful you have been delivered to sobriety. You can return to a fit and healthy self in no time. He is ready and willing to heal anything and everything you ask of Him. In regard to your marriage, I am convicted by this scripture more than anything - Ephesians 5:25.
Wow that's heavy man you will definitely be in my prayers. Maybe you only think your motivation to revive this thread was for selfish reasons. I sought this thread out and was disappointed to find it dormant. That was 2 days ago and today I find it revived. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence. I know you don't either.I have begun to train my mind again as well as my body by spending time in His word and in prayer. It's only been just short of 2 weeks but I feel better already. Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. That passage of scripture is the VERY one I have always clung to and have always been awed by. How can I do that? I have always wondered. Christ love for the church (us) is so perfect and selfless to the point of laying down his life for us. It's daunting every time I think about it but I know it's His will for me to be that man for my wife and while I have failed miserably I have tried to keep this commandment and am committed to spending my life with her. Another passage of scripture that has always kind of blown me away is 1 Peter 5:7 (ESV) 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.God creator of the universe cares about me specifically? that's is hard to wrap the mind around isn't it? Take care of yourself man I'll be praying for your situation and mine.


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I was writing an e-mail to my uncle just a few days ago about a visit to his place in Colorado a few years ago.

As I wrote I was amazed at what flowed out of me. He never fails to hold on to me!

"On our drive home from your house in July we drove through Moab. Sadly it got dark before we could get there but to our surprise there was an amazing lighting storm. Every few minutes there were these tremendous and amazing bolts of lightning that lit up the entire landscape. As a result we could see, in a 360° panoramic view, the surrounding wonder of the mountains and terrain that were hidden in the darkness. Unfortunately the girls (mostly Brianna) were too terrified by the lighting to look and see the awesomeness - but I could.

Now, as I write this I am moved to see how right now I feel like her, a scared "Bri-ANNA" - too terrified of the lightning to see what He is revealing to me - the glorious work of His that I am surrounded by. Why must I require these valleys of darkness to grow..."

I just thought I would share. :)


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I'm glad to see this up and started again. Haven't been on this forum in a Long time.


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Now, as I write this I am moved to see how right now I feel like her, a scared "Bri-ANNA" - too terrified of the lightning to see what He is revealing to me - the glorious work of His that I am surrounded by. Why must I require these valleys of darkness to grow..."
This probably applies to everyone who has tried to live a life of faith, of trust in God. I guess that's Part of that sin nature we are born with to not trust Him when we've been commanded to repeatedly. I have a lifetime of repeated failure in that regard.


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Just found this. Will check back often and now am subbed.


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I'm in


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In :)


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He and I had history. Contrary to popular opinion he did practice humility and integrity with me in our dealings and was always respectful to me and accountable for his actions on the board.

We established a report that was not as intimate as many of you have but I always enjoyed our infrequent on and off line banter. He was immensely passionate about his ideology as well as quick to humor and jest.

He was a monster of a physical specimen and too young to pass.

RIP Steve! May God be with you and your family.


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My 70-something year old FIL is in the hospital after open heart surgery Monday. He keeps coming down with illnesses and complications recovering. Prayers welcomed.


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Im in.


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My 70-something year old FIL is in the hospital after open heart surgery Monday. He keeps coming down with illnesses and complications recovering. Prayers welcomed.
you got it man!


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My 70-something year old FIL is in the hospital after open heart surgery Monday. He keeps coming down with illnesses and complications recovering. Prayers welcomed.


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My 70-something year old FIL is in the hospital after open heart surgery Monday. He keeps coming down with illnesses and complications recovering. Prayers welcomed.
you got it man!


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In!...Praying for your FIL Thomas!


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He and I had history. Contrary to popular opinion he did practice humility and integrity with me in our dealings and was always respectful to me and accountable for his actions on the board.

We established a report that was not as intimate as many of you have but I always enjoyed our infrequent on and off line banter. He was immensely passionate about his ideology as well as quick to humor and jest.

He was a monster of a physical specimen and too young to pass.

RIP Steve! May God be with you and your family.
i thought he would have been more pissed when you mods took away his rep points...he just shrugged it off and told me he was gonna pass me up anyways, lol. i actually believe he would have!!!

RIP....nothing but aces!!!


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This is not a faith debate thread. This is not a God debate thread.

Insensitivity, mockery and disrespect will not be tolerated in this thread.

If you got 'em, post them. You don't believe in God or a god or prayer give it to someone who does and let them do so on your behalf.

The world if full of hurting, lost, confused, broken, helpless and hopeless, fearful and lonely men, woman, boys, girls, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.

At this very moment in our very own midst there are those who suffer from and struggle with addiction and alcoholism, physical and psychological handicaps, disease, guilt, shame, victims (and perpetrators) of sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse, divorce, abandonment, rejection and the pain of lost friends and loved ones who are desperate for hope, trust, understanding, forgiveness, peace and comfort.

I am one. How about you?


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Praying for last 3 requests, and glad to see afi revive this thread.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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My grandfather just went into the hospital with chest pains, he's 87yrs old.


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He and I had history. Contrary to popular opinion he did practice humility and integrity with me in our dealings and was always respectful to me and accountable for his actions on the board.

We established a report that was not as intimate as many of you have but I always enjoyed our infrequent on and off line banter. He was immensely passionate about his ideology as well as quick to humor and jest.

He was a monster of a physical specimen and too young to pass.

RIP Steve! May God be with you and your family.
Yes sir, RIP to Steve and prayers be with his family and loved ones!


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truly glad to see this thread remain active. happy to take some time to read through and give prayers to those in need.

God Bless


I hate to say it, but I've been going through some bad mental health issues... If anyone could say a prayer for me it'd honestly mean a lot.


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I hate to say it, but I've been going through some bad mental health issues... If anyone could say a prayer for me it'd honestly mean a lot.
done. Praying for u brotha.


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I hate to say it, but I've been going through some bad mental health issues... If anyone could say a prayer for me it'd honestly mean a lot.


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"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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I am surrounded by material and financial challenges and troubles and cares that seem insurmountable - for what seems my entire adult life. I know the truth yet am still like a fool and or a child in that they consume me with worry and anxiety - to a point of incapacitating at times. I know I am not alone!

"It is one thing to know why one should not worry and another to know how not to worry. How could one keep from worrying when one is surrounded by apparently insurmountable problems and difficulties? Paul gives us an answer in the second part of the reading. "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (4:6) In every situation, in every difficulty or problem, in all circumstances, Paul knows one thing we should do rather than worry, and that is: take it to the Lord in prayer. Paul does not ask us to deny that we've got problems or to pretend as if they are not there. He urges us rather to face our problems squarely, not with worry but with prayer. Turn worries into prayers.

This is how we arrive at that inner peace which people around us cannot understand. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (4:7). It is the peace that God gives, the peace that nothing in the world can give, and all because we have learnt to trust God in everything and in every situation. All because we have learnt to bring everything to God in prayer. No matter the magnitude of the problems facing us at this time, we can with the prisoner Paul pray with joy and confidence: "Maranatha, Come Lord, Jesus.""


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I can't believe I just found this thread.

Do what you can and let God do what you can't. We have to trust in His will.... :)


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Posting in a thread like this is way out of my comfort level. I am not looking for attention or pity. I just want to release and cope with the feelings and images in my head. I was involved in a very bad car wreck about 5 1/2 months ago. I was awake and saw everything that happened. I watched my good friend get thrown and killed. I watched my dad get beat around in the truck and thrown out. I stayed in luckily but suffered injuries that have left me unable to work or lift yet. The pain is one thing i can deal with but the images in my head are really taking a toll on me. I re-live the wreck multiple times daily, every day. I kept my dad alive in the ditch as he choked on blood. He broke his back in 4 places,collapsed lung and his skull was shattered too bad to repair. After 2 months in ICU,He is home and recovering but he is and will not ever be the same. I never thought anything could affect me like this and never have i felt so weak. No amount of self medication has helped. I have started counseling to deal with the ptsd. I know i have a long way to go and i know i will never be the same. I've never been a religious person but for some reason i'm still here. Hour by hour is how i cope now but i will never give up. Thanx for this thread. As hard as this is, getting it off my chest helps a little more each time.


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Prayers, Wicked.


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^^ x2
Prayers to you and your family. We're here for you. :)


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Posting in a thread like this is way out of my comfort level. I am not looking for attention or pity. I just want to release and cope with the feelings and images in my head. I was involved in a very bad car wreck about 5 1/2 months ago. I was awake and saw everything that happened. I watched my good friend get thrown and killed. I watched my dad get beat around in the truck and thrown out. I stayed in luckily but suffered injuries that have left me unable to work or lift yet. The pain is one thing i can deal with but the images in my head are really taking a toll on me. I re-live the wreck multiple times daily, every day. I kept my dad alive in the ditch as he choked on blood. He broke his back in 4 places,collapsed lung and his skull was shattered too bad to repair. After 2 months in ICU,He is home and recovering but he is and will not ever be the same. I never thought anything could affect me like this and never have i felt so weak. No amount of self medication has helped. I have started counseling to deal with the ptsd. I know i have a long way to go and i know i will never be the same. I've never been a religious person but for some reason i'm still here. Hour by hour is how i cope now but i will never give up. Thanx for this thread. As hard as this is, getting it off my chest helps a little more each time.
We are created to be in fellowship with one another. We are not supposed to deal with life, good and bad, alone. Society teaches us different - so consider the source.

You have great courage to come out of your comfort zone. I can quote you a whole lot of scripture but right now I want you to know that I share in your suffering. I too have things I cannot unsee - ever. This is short and brief (at work) but know - He listens to a man when He seeks Him with all His heart.

Be blessed!


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We are created to be in fellowship with one another. We are not supposed to deal with life, good and bad, alone. Society teaches us different - so consider the source. You have great courage to come out of your comfort zone. I can quote you a whole lot of scripture but right now I want you to know that I share in your suffering. I too have things I cannot unsee - ever. This is short and brief (at work) but know - He listens to a man when He seeks Him with all His heart. Be blessed!
wise words. Praying for you man.

Also if you guys could pray for a fellow teacher of mine. His daughter just turned one (was 4 months premature) and has now been hospitalized due to breathing problems. Also that my dad will get off of his pain meds he is addicted to. Thanks guys


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wise words. Praying for you man. Also if you guys could pray for a fellow teacher of mine. His daughter just turned one (was 4 months premature) and has now been hospitalized due to breathing problems. Also that my dad will get off of his pain meds he is addicted to. Thanks guys

I love this positive thread.


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Prayers to you, Wicked...may you find peace and strength again!

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