powerFull + recreate + BCAA's following a Leangains AM workout protocol


New member
New to the forum and new to USPlabs supplements. I searched the threads but didn't find anything to answer my question completely. so if this has been asked before I apologize.

I train in the AM (early AM) M-W-F Brazilian Jiujitsu and Tues-Sat lift follwing a 5x5 program and Thur-Sun OFF. Can anyone tell me if the following supplement schedule would be advantageous or not.

5am-2- powerFull +2- recreate
5:15am strat sipping BCAA 10g.

7:15 BCAA 10g

9:15 BCAA 10g

11:15am 1-Anabolic Pump
11:30am 1st meal (largest meal of the day)

3:00pm 1-Anabolic pump
3:15pm Protein + Carb shake

6:00pm 1-Anabolic Pump
6:15pm Dinner

7:30pm Protein only shake
9:00pm 2-Powerfull before bed

Your feedback is greatly appreciated

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