PH cycle need help


New member
Let me start by saying that I'm an experienced lifter at age 29, 5'5 165lbs. Ive done cycles of weaker PH's like p-mag, and I've only used OTC pct for them and things worked out fine. I've been sitting on a bottle of t19 rage which is the as same as tren extreme because I've never been able to get a pct that I feel is strong enough for something that harsh. I'm looking at running the tren for 6 weeks @ 100mg a day. I cant get torem, which leaves me with clomid or nolva. I don't like the potential sides from clomid, but I've heard not to take nolva with a 19-nor? I'm not prone to gyno, so I don't think nolva would be a big deal but th PH's I've done also haven't been as strong as this one. I need some advice, do I go with the nolva? What kind of dosage for pct? Any input would be a big help!

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