Perfect diet/Cannot get rid of love handles



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Oh yeah, I forgot to add I still have love handles.


I can see it in the picture. I have a 32 inch waist too but weigh 30 lbs more, and i'm still at 13ish % bf. Theres fat in EVERYONEs forearms, biceps, all over their entire body. Its a layer under the skin. the fact that its no so heavy in any one spot that its obviously fat and jiggly is meaningless, its still there. Its 30lbs of fat, not 30lbs of "extra" fat. a healthy reasonable "normal" level is around 15% for males.

IF you were even just 15%, there would be some more definition on your body.
I know there is a layer of fat everywhere, but literally my stomach does not stick out when I am sitting down. I do the "pinch" test on most areas of my body, and there is very little, if any fat. My weight is now 170/171.
If my body was 20% fat, that would mean I would have 34 pounds to lose.
I just don't see 34 pounds of fat. As I have said previously, my diet has always been exceptional in terms of fat/calories, and I have always worked out. I actually was on an ultra low fat diet for most of my life..which means low calories because I don't eat sugars or starches either. There is simply no way for me to stockpile 34 pounds of fat on my body with my diet/exercise. I am willing to bet my body fat is around 15%. We will see this week or next when I have the pod test.


A lot of good advice here. I had a similar problem. I would starve myself of carbs and run 13 miles at a time trying to keep my stomach tone but I could never really get the love handles off completely.

Obviously I realized this wasn't working and had to try something different. I started trying to tone up my midsection and lower back. I concentrated on deadlifts, squats and clean and press. Another good move is doing weighted side crunches on the roman chair. Tone up in those areas and the fat will start to come off. (A good thermogenic can't hurt either.)

I have had a lot of success since I changed things up. I am about 15 pounds heavier with the same waste size and I can eat carbs again.
That is what I have been doing. I bought the P90X Ab Ripper DVD. I make sure I do every single repetition on the tape....If I am feeling too tired to go forward..I pause it..get a little rest..and continue through the rest of the set. It takes me a while sometimes, but I make sure I get 25 reps per cheating.

I have been doing that twice a week. Also, when I am at the gym, I have been doing the weighted curl machine..descending sets starting at 115 and down to 65...I have also been doing leg lifts there..and I have been using the pulley machines to work my obliques..I do a movement I saw online..sort of like a baseball swing where I hold my arms straight and keep my legs set and can only "pull" with a twist of my midsection..sort of like swinging a baseball bat.


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I know there is a layer of fat everywhere, but literally my stomach does not stick out when I am sitting down. I do the "pinch" test on most areas of my body, and there is very little, if any fat. My weight is now 170/171.
If my body was 20% fat, that would mean I would have 34 pounds to lose.
I just don't see 34 pounds of fat.
If your body was 20% fat, you'd have 20 pounds to lose to look like a bodybuilder going on stage for a national level show, or 7-8 pounds to have your body start having some definition.

As I have said previously, my diet has always been exceptional in terms of fat/calories, and I have always worked out. I actually was on an ultra low fat diet for most of my life..which means low calories because I don't eat sugars or starches either.
Your diet is terrible. Ultra low fat is health negative. And there is nothing wrong with sugar and starched in reasonable quantity. Your body has chosen to store excess fat as you'v kept it in starvation mode, and made sure you didn't eat enough in fats to create normal levels of hormones. not a perfect diet by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm not saying any of this for any reason other than if you don't come to realize that these things are true you are stuck with the same lack of progress you've had.


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If your body was 20% fat, you'd have 20 pounds to lose to look like a bodybuilder going on stage for a national level show, or 7-8 pounds to have your body start having some definition.

As I have said previously, my diet has always been exceptional in terms of fat/calories, and I have always worked out. I actually was on an ultra low fat diet for most of my life..which means low calories because I don't eat sugars or starches either.
Your diet is terrible. Ultra low fat is health negative. And there is nothing wrong with sugar and starched in reasonable quantity. Your body has chosen to store excess fat as you'v kept it in starvation mode, and made sure you didn't eat enough in fats to create normal levels of hormones. not a perfect diet by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm not saying any of this for any reason other than if you don't come to realize that these things are true you are stuck with the same lack of progress you've had.[/QUOTE]

:goodpost: and well said Eric!


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I've experimented with all types of diets imaginable, and at one point was on a VERY low fat, low calorie, low carb diet, such as yourself. I felt accomplished just by how strict I was on the diet, believing I had an excellent diet... I lost a ton of weight, mostly bone and muscle lol. I never could get rid of all the fat, although there wasn't a lot. My skin, and hair dried out, I felt weak, I injured my lower back, I had trouble sleeping, and severely lowered my libido. It want until I states having these health problems, and became willing to forget EVERYTHING I thought I knew, and go against what is thought to be a healthy diet (i.e. Low fat), that I regained my health back. If you really want help, listen to what everyone here has been trying to tell you.


That is what I have been doing. I bought the P90X Ab Ripper DVD. I make sure I do every single repetition on the tape....If I am feeling too tired to go forward..I pause it..get a little rest..and continue through the rest of the set. It takes me a while sometimes, but I make sure I get 25 reps per cheating.

I have been doing that twice a week. Also, when I am at the gym, I have been doing the weighted curl machine..descending sets starting at 115 and down to 65...I have also been doing leg lifts there..and I have been using the pulley machines to work my obliques..I do a movement I saw online..sort of like a baseball swing where I hold my arms straight and keep my legs set and can only "pull" with a twist of my midsection..sort of like swinging a baseball bat.
I'm telling you. Squats, dead lifts and clean and press. Learn these moves and it will change your body. Get on a squat rack, start with low weight and work your way up. Get a good pre workout sup if you are tired.


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Your diet is not perfect. The lactose from the dairy you consume is making you fat along with the gluten in the wheat products you consume like special k.

Cut out the dairy and the gluten and you will lose weight, guaranteed.


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Milk spikes insulin quite high, which does cause fast gains in sedentary people. But if the goal is to first put on muscle, and then burn off the fat, elevated insulin levels are a good thing. That's why bulk up routines like the old "milk and squats" routine work so well.


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Milk spikes insulin quite high, which does cause fast gains in sedentary people. But if the goal is to first put on muscle, and then burn off the fat, elevated insulin levels are a good thing. That's why bulk up routines like the old "milk and squats" routine work so well.
Ya, but the lactose in dairy is a killer.

Surely there must be a vegan equivalent that has the same insulin spiking and protein nature of milk? I ask because I am a vegan and I like the idea to this.


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Your diet is not perfect. The lactose from the dairy you consume is making you fat along with the gluten in the wheat products you consume like special k.

Cut out the dairy and the gluten and you will lose weight, guaranteed.
C'mon... really?


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C'mon... really?
I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, didn't see any green font.

I switched to a true vegan diet for 2 months, cut out all dairy and gluten. Along with meat too. Was getting my protein from plant based sources like nuts and kale. I shed 20 pounds and most of it was fat.


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You were using kale as one of your protein sources? No wonder you lost 20lbs!


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You were using kale as one of your protein sources? No wonder you lost 20lbs!
Lol, ya, Kale is great stuff. Along with tons of various nuts; almonds, macadamia, pistachios, cashews, etc.


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I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, didn't see any green font.

I switched to a true vegan diet for 2 months, cut out all dairy and gluten. Along with meat too. Was getting my protein from plant based sources like nuts and kale. I shed 20 pounds and most of it was fat.
Not being sarcastic, really just asking if you are really serious in your statements.

Neither dairy, gluten, nor meat, by themselves, make people fat. In fact you could go on a 100% whole milk diet @ 1 liter per day (approx 600 kcal) and would lose a lot of weight. In fact you might even starve to death on it. Now if you drank 10 liters per day (6000 kcal) then yeah, most people would put on a lot of fat.

I apologize for getting cranky in my old age, but it slays me that with the length of time that this board has been up and its collective knowledge people still post crap like 'cut out food X and you will lose those love handles.'

You lost those 20 pounds because your particular vegan diet gave you a sustained energy deficit not because you chose to eat nuts and kale.


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To be fair, I have a lot of clients who lose weight substituting gluten containing grains for those that are gluten free.

Removing a cortisol reaction from a food someone is sensitive to is going to help body composition even if calories are the same.

Naturally it won't work with everyone for obvious reasons.


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Not being sarcastic, really just asking if you are really serious in your statements.

Neither dairy, gluten, nor meat, by themselves, make people fat. In fact you could go on a 100% whole milk diet @ 1 liter per day (approx 600 kcal) and would lose a lot of weight. In fact you might even starve to death on it. Now if you drank 10 liters per day (6000 kcal) then yeah, most people would put on a ton of fat.

I apologize for getting cranky in my old age, but it slays me that with the length of time that this board has been up and its collective knowledge people still post crap like 'cut out food X and you will lose those love handles.'

You lost those 20 pounds because your particular vegan diet gave you a sustained energy deficit not because you chose to eat nuts and kale.
You are absolutely right to look at cutting calories as being the most important factor in determining weight loss.

I'm not arguing with you on that point.

However, the original poster complained that despite him maintaining a calorie deficit as evidenced by his low calorie diet plus working out....he could not lose his love handles. He thought he was following "a perfect diet".

I had to chime in and correct him. Dairy and Gluten are known to bloat people.

Most people on Earth are actually lactose intolerant. Lactose has a bloating effect on many various genetics and blood types. Google it, don't take my word for it. The only argument against lactose you could make is you are one of the few that has genetics that are accustomed to it...(Mainly European). Human beings are mammals and they are indeed supposed to drink milk...but only in youth stages. As we get older our ability to process dairy diminishes. That's why drinking milk when you are an old man actually causes osteoporosis.

On the subject of Gluten there is absolutely ZERO ARGUMENT supporting it is healthy for you. There is nothing good about Gluten and all it does is make you fat. Google it, don't take my word for it.


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Removing a cortisol reaction from a food someone is sensitive to is going to help body composition even if calories are the same.

Naturally it won't work with everyone for obvious reasons.
Sure but now we're getting into medical condition territory and as such we really have to get into specifics because each case will be individual.

For example, people with hypothyroid will have a real challenge trying to lose body fat. However, they will also have other symptoms to go along with it that should raise flags that it is not simply a dietary issue.

In the absence of other suspicious symptoms, IMO it is appropriate to start with diet fundamentals of 'how much you eat is as, if not more, important as what you eat.'


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You are absolutely right to look at cutting calories as being the most important factor in determining weight loss.

I'm not arguing with you on that point.

However, the original poster complained that despite him maintaining a calorie deficit as evidenced by his low calorie diet plus working out....he could not lose his love handles. He thought he was following "a perfect diet".
Correct. He 'thought' that he was following a perfect diet. In reality he was guessing what his daily calories were and this is not a sufficiently accurate way of counting. An average person needs a 500 kcal daily deficit to lose about 1 lb of fat per week with minimal muscle loss. This target is really easy to miss if youre not following a set plan with MEASURED portions.

Several people also suggested that the OP might be eating too few calories which is putting him in 'starvation mode' and making his body hold onto fat. While this does happen, weight loss will continue as long as there is still a deficit (this is just physics - the energy has to come from somewhere) but this will come with symptoms of fatigue and significant strength loss. However the OP mentions nothing of this; in fact he says that he feels fairly strong.

So... if he is not feeling weak and tired, and is not losing weight on the scale, and does not have any biological medical conditions, then he is not in an overall energy deficit.

Most people on Earth are actually lactose intolerant.
Possibly, I'm not arguing that but that has nothing to do with weight loss. The OP never mentions that dairy causes him gastrointestinal problems.

On the subject of Gluten there is absolutely ZERO ARGUMENT supporting it is healthy for you. There is nothing good about Gluten and all it does is make you fat. Google it, don't take my word for it.
All it does it makes you fat? So eating 2 grams of gluten per day just causes fat gain? Didn't you just agree that calories are what matter most?


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Calories do matter the most.

However, quality of calories cannot be overlooked either. High Glycemic Index Foods or Foods that fatten the human body such as Gluten and Dairy play important roles in weight gain and loss too.

The overall goal is to lose weight. First thing you do is try to reduce calories, after that you must improve the quality of your calories.

For example, you can eat a 100 calorie candy bar or choose a 100 calorie apple. If you were only counting calories then they'd both be of the same value. However, the candy bar has dairy, refined sugar, has a bunch of chemicals, and has a High Glycemix Index Value. (High Glycemic Foods turn into fat very fast and don't give your body enough time to burn off)

The Apple is simply not the same as a candy bar even if they are the same calories. Why? The Apple has a lot of fiber and fiber calories don't even count as they get pooped out. The Apple also has some vitamins and minerals that aid the body in overall living healthy. Not to mention the Apple is low glycemic so your body won't turn it into fat, it will burn it off.

Anyone who is truly serious about losing weight will cut out dairy and gluten from their diet completely. It's a smarter and more efficient way of going about things.


Never enough
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Calories do matter the most.

However, quality of calories cannot be overlooked either. High Glycemic Index Foods or Foods that fatten the human body such as Gluten and Dairy play important roles in weight gain and loss too.

The overall goal is to lose weight. First thing you do is try to reduce calories, after that you must improve the quality of your calories.

For example, you can eat a 100 calorie candy bar or choose a 100 calorie apple. If you were only counting calories then they'd both be of the same value. However, the candy bar has dairy, refined sugar, has a bunch of chemicals, and has a High Glycemix Index Value. (High Glycemic Foods turn into fat very fast and don't give your body enough time to burn off)

The Apple is simply not the same as a candy bar even if they are the same calories. Why? The Apple has a lot of fiber and fiber calories don't even count as they get pooped out. The Apple also has some vitamins and minerals that aid the body in overall living healthy. Not to mention the Apple is low glycemic so your body won't turn it into fat, it will burn it off.

Anyone who is truly serious about losing weight will cut out dairy and gluten from their diet completely. It's a smarter and more efficient way of going about things.
Actually, 100 calories is 100 calories as far as fatloss goes. there was someone who did a study using twinkies for weight loss.


Never enough
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right and I don't think the original poster's diet consists solely of snickers either. Saying dropping junk food will help is a crock of shet :) if you don't change total calories too.


right and I don't think the original poster's diet consists solely of snickers either. Saying dropping junk food will help is a crock of shet :) if you don't change total calories too.
My diet was naturally low fat/low calories. If you cut fat out of your diet, it's very hard to put on weight unless you started eating tons of pure sugar i.e. sodas. My Erase and Alpha T2 came in today..going to stack that with the Hydoxycut..We will see how it goes:)


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If you cut fat out of your diet, it's very hard to put on weight unless you started eating tons of pure sugar i.e. sodas.
I feel that this entire quote is very incorrect. 1) I don't think people are calling for you to cut fat COMPLETELY out. But having low fat will not make it difficult to gain weight. You will just need to increases caloric intake in proteins and carbs. I'm sure i will be corrected if I am wrong. 2) don't sodas contain refined sugar, artificial sweeteners... et cetera and not "pure sugar"? In your case it may be true that "fat and pure sugar i.e. soda" would help you gain weight but i think in many cases it is quality food intake with the correct number of calories and proper protein, carbohydrate, and fat consumption i.e. almonds vs fast food french fries.

I am sleep deprived right now and therefore maybe i was just reading this post wrong but it seemed to be lacking very common knowledge in the nutrition world. Maybe i'm wrong but i'm sure to be corrected if I am.


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get rid of love handles

How to Lose Love Handles for Men

Having love handles as a man is a terrifying prospect, it is no laughing matter. The chances are you have probably rolled up here after desperately searching around the net about the topic, because you are one of the unlucky men who have them. How the hell did you let that happen? Women who have a little bit of extra fat around their sides can always cover it up. They can dress up to cover them. Use makeup, and play around with their hair to distract the attention away from their love handles. Even a womanly smile can help to distract the attention away from their problem fatty areas. Us men like the idea of having something to hold onto as well! But, if you are a man, and you have love handles, how are you expected to get rid of them and get a flat tummy? Many men think that press ups will help. That extensive time spent training in the gym, and dieting will be the key to being able to get rid of those terrible loves handles, the thing is though; this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Love Handles and Men Are Not a Pretty Sight

Love handles are basically extra parts of fat that form around your stomach and hips. It is a disgusting sight, and every man’s worst nightmare. Women can have the excuse that they have them because of having kids, their hormones, periods, and of course sitting at home looking after the kids. Men, however, who have love handles, well that is just every man’s worst nightmare come true; a flat stomach is every man’s desire. You hear what I am saying right? If you’re a guy, and you have love handles, it is almost comparable to having man boobs! You will look terrible; you will be classed as lazy and not active; you will lose confidence when it comes to approaching women. Your wife, (if you have one) will make your male love handles the topic of the town and tease the hell out of you! Any pair of trousers that you have will feel tight, and look terrible when you’ve eventually managed to squeeze them on. To top it all off you will just feel like a complete fatty. Your abs will go to pot, and every time you want to go and pee, you will see your terrible love handles staring back at you! That is not to mention that every time you see a man with a washboard flat stomach, you will feel like killing the dude! It doesn’t have to be like this though.

So Just What Causes Love Handles In Men?

According to LiveStrong what causes love handles in men, is a poor diet, overeating, eating the wrong types of food, and of course, something that may sound really weird to you, under eating! That is not forgetting to mention the accumulation of waste. Yes, you read the text right. Under eating can actually cause you to snack on all the wrong foods because your body starts to crave fats and carbohydrates instead of balanced and healthier more nutritious options. Not to worry though because there are heaps of ways that you can fix them and start to lose fat, and get a flat tummy.

Love Handles Exercises for Men to Get Rid of Fat

• Squats
• Weights
• Jumping Jacks
• Push ups
• Speed Walking

Men’s Health, states that you can start to make some small changes in your life that will make a big difference. Cardio work outs are fab. Sit ups are not something that should be considered until you have actually burned the underlying fat. Some fantastic exercises that really help to shift the flab and turn the flab to muscle are weight training or resistance training, and of course push ups. You can do some very strong cardio work outs without the need to have a personal trainer. Cardio is basically where you interval train and then slowly build up your heart to work overtime, gently slowing back down the pace again. You can exercise for an hour, and split the training into sections. 10 minutes of speed walking, followed by 5 minutes of running, followed by 10 minutes of weights, 5 minutes of jumping jacks, 10 minutes of jogging on the spot at a slow pace, 5 minutes of push ups, a final 10 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of squats, if you get the concept! Cardio work outs with interval training are all based on getting your heart up fast, helping to burn calories, and shift problematic areas of fat, then of course 10 minutes at normal pace, then repeated again. As Jennifer Ellison shared in her top selling UK DVD, four cardio workouts in an hour can be the equivalent to three hours of normal training, how cool is that? You also can do this type of training at home in your own comfort zone until you are fully confident to step out into a public place and exercise. If she can drop to a size 8, then surely you can!

First Steps to help Get rid of Men’s Love Handles with Food and Lifestyle Changes

• Eat five balanced meals
• Drink enough water
• Always eat breakfast
• Have an early dinner
• Increase fiber intake
Aside from exercise, you should start to try to ensure that you eat five balanced meals throughout the day. I don’t mean 5 huge ginormous meals; I mean five small meals. A balanced meal should be around the size of your fist. Should include some vegetables, protein, and of course a starch. You should always start your day with breakfast, each time you eat, just before you start your meal, you should ensure to have a glass of water. Water is fantastic; it is natural; it is refreshing and the human body really cannot function without the stuff. When you start on your way to making small changes, you are well on your way to lose belly fat and gain a flat tummy.

5 Foods that Help Lose Belly Fat Quickly

• Avocados
• Eggs
• Almonds
• Cashew nuts
• Cheese
According to Dr Atkins – the award winning Doctor whofounded the amazing weight loss plan, the Atkins diet – the above 5 foods are great to help to keep your body fuller, longer. They decrease your appetite, make your metabolism speed up, and of course, they all carry a whole array of health benefits too. You have heard about the Atkins diet right? That is out there because it is successful. Why? Because people focus on eating protein, getting their body to shift carbohydrates, carbohydrates are what help build your stomach and love handles build up in the first place. Ironically foods that we skip and try to bypass because of their high-fat contents are actually the types of foods that should be eaten more, to speed the very clock inside the human body that starts to speed up the fat-burning process.
Green Teas Help Lose Fat and Burn Fat Fast
If you like the idea of having a flat stomach by using other methods in order to get rid of fat fast, green teas are a great option. Teas like green tea are fantastic for speeding up the metabolism they only contain 5 calories per cup and are packed with fat burning antioxidants! It also flushes out the toxins from your system and well, have you left feeling refreshed at the same time. Posh Spice, the famous singer from 90’s band, The Spice Girls, also wife of David Beckham, the UK footballer doesn’t like her green tea for any old reason; she likes it because she counts the calories like she counts her salary! Her job needs her to be thin and have a flat tummy. She needs to look fine all the time because she never knows when the press will roll up to snap a picture of her. Posh Spicehas been noted to mention her love of green tea time and time again in interviews when she is asked about her favourite things.
No- Any old reason it is a UK term, more slang and laid back?

So you have spent the time to read the information in this article right? You are starting to take notes? STOP!! We have a fantastic plan to get you looking fine in a short space of time. A specially designed exercise, diet, lifestyle regime to help you LOSE THE LOVE HANDLES and get a FLAT TUMMY FAST! You do not need to have a fat tummy forever you know.
So, if you like what you hear (and believe me we know what we are talking about because we’ve done extensive research on all of the mentioned topics in this article). Well, let’s not go too far to blow our own whistles but well, we believe that you deserve the chance to be a man, and have a FLAT TUMMY. Make sure that the next time you step out, you are not ashamed to show the ladies your stomach! Run around on the beach without your shirt on, and start yourself off on the way to belly perfection.
So, here goes for a small price, we’re offering you the chance to get into our secrets that are not listed in the above text, the chance to be able to take part in a regime that will have you looking fly and have the ladies chasing you around. So, go on, it is time to treat yourself and purchase the ZOX formula now and start to get rid of those love handles, once and for all. Do not dream about having a flat tummy, just go for it and get one! The ZOX formula has great steps that are clearly explained so even the dumbest person could get rid of their love handles.
It comes in the form of an ebook, and offers you step to step guidance to banish your love handles. All the information that this article contains is great to get on your way to having a flat tummy. The ZOX formula, will take you to new heights, offering you amazing techniques, that you will never have even heard of.
So, go on- pick your very own copy up today at a low, low price. Before we decide to change the fee!

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