Ok I'm Going to Go with German Volume Training on AAS



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I respond very very well to volume. Thank you guys for the advice. I was thinking to hard instead of just realizing what works best for my particular body. However, I do have one question. Do you guys think I should follow the GVT program as it says or should I make so alterations to it to make it harder for AAS? It has three workout days with two days off every 5 day cycle. It looks like this:

Day 1 - Chest and Back

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Interval
A-1 Decline Dumbbell Presses, Semi-Supinated Grip(palms facing each other) 10x 10 *90 sec rest
A-2 Chin-Ups (palms facing you) 10x 10 *90 sec rest
B-1 Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3x 10-12 *60 sec rest
B-2 One-Arm Dumbbell Rows 3x 10-12 *60 sec rest

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each "A" exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each "B" exercise and each superset. Incidentally, I only recommend three sets of ten in this program for the "B" exercises. The "B" exercises constitute supplementary work, and doing ten sets of them would result in overtraining.

Day 2 - Legs and Abs

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Interval
A-1 Back Squats 10x 10 *90 sec rest
A-2 Lying Leg Curls 10x 10 *90 sec rest
B-1 Low-Cable Pull-Ins* 3x 15 - 20 *60 sec rest
B-2 Seated Calf Raises 3x 15 - 20 *60 sec rest

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each "A" exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each "B" exercise and each superset.

Day 3 - Off

Day 4 - Arms and Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Interval
A-1 Parallel Bar Dips 10x 10 *90 sec rest
A-2 Incline Hammer Curls 10x 10 *90 sec rest
B-1 Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises* 3x 10 - 12 *60 sec rest
B-2 Seated DumbbellLateral Raises 3x 10 - 12 *60 sec rest

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each "A" exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each "B" exercise and each superset. "
Day 5 - Off

This is only the first phase but you get the general idea :D. All critiques are very welcome and encouraged.


  • Established
bump. sorry for posting a long workout guys. Just wanted to show the details. What do you experienced users think?


Well-known member
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looks good, depends on what and how much aas your using but i bet you can work out more than that.


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Looks really boring. If youre having good luck doing what youre doing now just stick with it. I like the standard 3/4 day split myself. As long as youre eating and training with intensity I really dont think it matters much.


Never enough
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have you ever done GVT before?'

should I make so alterations to it to make it harder for AAS?
makes me think you haven't :D


  • Established
looks good, depends on what and how much aas your using but i bet you can work out more than that.
Thanks man, 12 weeks of test e 500mg/week with a phera kickstart for the first 4 weeks. So do you think I should do something like workout 3 days in a row, take a day off, and then do it over again?


  • Established
have you ever done GVT before?'

makes me think you haven't :D
Haha no man, I haven't before but I have done volume training with short rest before and it is a suicide workout. I LOVE IT! Also my body loves volume for some reason. I actually naturally gained 4lbs of lean mass and got down to 4% bf this summer for my comp doing a rogue variation of volume training :D


  • Established
Looks really boring. If youre having good luck doing what youre doing now just stick with it. I like the standard 3/4 day split myself. As long as youre eating and training with intensity I really dont think it matters much.
Thanks man. For some reason I love volume training so I can push through it. But I am priming my body for the cycle right now and start in about two weeks. Just making sure I have everything together. But I need to get into a more of a hypertrophy workout where the one I am on right now is gauged toward fat loss/muscle retention. Thanks for the help guys!


Never enough
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well, what you have to remember is that even though AAS will help with physical recovery it never helps with CNS recovery and sometimes even makes it worse (insomnia, etc). So rather than even planning for more frequent workout with high volume, you may want to just plan to raise working weights faster than you normally would.


  • Legend!
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well, what you have to remember is that even though AAS will help with physical recovery it never helps with CNS recovery and sometimes even makes it worse (insomnia, etc). So rather than even planning for more frequent workout with high volume, you may want to just plan to raise working weights faster than you normally would.
Good show, good show


  • Established
well, what you have to remember is that even though AAS will help with physical recovery it never helps with CNS recovery and sometimes even makes it worse (insomnia, etc). So rather than even planning for more frequent workout with high volume, you may want to just plan to raise working weights faster than you normally would.
Actually a great point. Thanks Easy. Nothing is worse than burning out your CNS. Worst feeling in the entire world IMO. I was thinking maybe just working out day 1&2, taking day 3 off, workingout day 4, taking day 5 off, and then instead of taking three days off in a row just starting with workout 1 again so in essence if you were looking at it from a weekly point of view it would be a 5 day split with two off days in a 7 day period (week). Would this be a good idea or should I just do the three workout days and four off days per week?


Never enough
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that will probably work out ok, so long as its not too messy for your schedule - you'll just have to fill it all in on a calendar up front :) Working out every other day might be simpler, then you average 3.5 workout days a week. Just try and keep an eye on it, but the CNS strain is a little hard to notice till its too late. When you feel like you still have some intensity left after a workout and want to do more sets, don't, but make sure you bump the weights significantly next time. There are times when you may from one rotation to the next see as much as a 10-15% increase in weights, sometimes even more.


  • Established
that will probably work out ok, so long as its not too messy for your schedule - you'll just have to fill it all in on a calendar up front :) Working out every other day might be simpler, then you average 3.5 workout days a week. Just try and keep an eye on it, but the CNS strain is a little hard to notice till its too late. When you feel like you still have some intensity left after a workout and want to do more sets, don't, but make sure you bump the weights significantly next time. There are times when you may from one rotation to the next see as much as a 10-15% increase in weights, sometimes even more.
Thanks Easy. Yeah I would def write out a schedule before hand :D. So do you think that the every other day method would be good or the other method (doing everything in 5 day intervals (3workout days, 2 off days?). Thanks again and I can't wait to get started! By the way the only reason I ask is because I think for AAS it doesn't make sense to take friday, saturday, and sunday off of weights. To me this would seem far from ideal to maximize gains on cycle. Almost like "wasting days". However, I know that recovery (especially of the CNS) is very very crucial. Thanks :cheers:


Never enough
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every other day allows for consistent rest periods. You can try it the way you are talking, but don't try and shorten the rest periods any further :)

I tried (actually with GVT) one time on cycle shortening rest times and eventually by end of cycle I reached no rest days, and made no real progress either strengthwise the last few weeks :D


  • Established
every other day allows for consistent rest periods. You can try it the way you are talking, but don't try and shorten the rest periods any further :)

I tried (actually with GVT) one time on cycle shortening rest times and eventually by end of cycle I reached no rest days, and made no real progress either strengthwise the last few weeks :D
Sounds good to me :D. Welp and with that question out of the way I believe that I have everything planned and ready for my cycle! In two weeks it will be time to get started :drive:

Thanks again Easy, I really appreciate the help man!


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Ok bro. What was the "ok" for?
haha my bad bro I spose my comp messed up. i was going to ask if you have ever tried GVT before. I see the answer now from a post up the page.

How much are you hoping to gain from the cycle?


Well-known member
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i always used GVT my chest is 52in


  • Established
haha my bad bro I spose my comp messed up. i was going to ask if you have ever tried GVT before. I see the answer now from a post up the page.

How much are you hoping to gain from the cycle?
Ha it's all good man. I'm hopin for as much as I can get! :cheers: But on a serious not I'm hoping to keep at least 20-25lbs of lean mass in a 12 weeker. I understand that probably more in the 15-20lb range is more realistic but no harm in trying to step it up a notch.


  • Established
i always used GVT my chest is 52in
Good stuff man. Yeah, I always have responded good to volume and I think that this will be the perfect approach for mass (in my case). Thanks for the input man.
