No B.S. Shred ultra review.



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I've been meaning to post up a review of SU for quite sometime and one of the reasons why I didn't was the fact I wanted to give it a good run for about 2-3 weeks and also I thought I was getting some bad reaction and stomach upset but actually I had the stomach flu and didn't know it for about a week, Matt said no worries and send it back but I decided to give the full bottle a go regardless and I'm glad I'm sticking to that.
Everyone know's that stim like products are pretty much the corner stone of the supplement industry and if you put caffeine into anything the consumer will most likely go " I feel it alright !!! " and yes SU falls into this category and it falls into this category real well and to me that's not a bad thing. After experimenting with dosages I find that 2 caps is more than perfect for me ( I'm @ 220 ) the label says you can go up to 3 but I don't think anyone needs to do that, I'm pretty much stim dead most of the time and at 2 caps I'm running around the room like a madman and it's a good calm euphoric buzz which has gotten me in the zone real well for my squats and my cardio. This stuff will make you sweat like a madman as well.
The other thing that makes SU pretty damn sweet is not only do the source of the adaptogens ( Panax, Aswagandha, American Gins and Siberian Eleu ) help with adrenal function and tolerance ( which has not diminished at all for the last 3 weeks ) but I've noticed a great increase in libido.

Shred Ultra will help make you sweat your ass off, drop a good amount of fat, get in the zone, put you in a good and almost euphoric mood as well help you between the's about time this product got more play because IMO it's one of the best.

* Also, the red Shred Ultra label is hands down one of the coolest IMO, MST has the best label designs ever *
Big Poppa S

Big Poppa S

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Awesomeness! I'm happy to see a very positive review as this is a product that I haven't tried (want to soon though).


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Awesomeness! I'm happy to see a very positive review as this is a product that I haven't tried (want to soon though).
I couldn't find a better individual here to start this thread with me, and that includes the whole gang of MST supporters, reps and especially Matt, the best group on the board. SU is really that good and it's about time it gets more play, as well as Citruvol Ultra.


MST Reppin Hard!
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thanks Ryan....we really appreciate the feedback. Im glad you're enjoying Shred Ultra so much. I actually just got a bottle a few days ago so i'm looking forward to my 3rd run of it :)


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I have a few samples ,and plannig to buy this on a cut before christmas!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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