Nick Walker Is Smoking Crack!



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So I don’t know if I have permission to share the interview that Nick Walker did with Tony Doherty for NPC News from the Pittsburgh Pro, but I will let my publisher decide whether or not it’s included. I would think that they would be happy with it because it’s going to get them more views, but who knows what’s in their head. What I will say is if the video isn’t included you can go and check it out for yourself on YouTube and you will see that many of my points hold water.
So what exactly am I writing this article about? Well let me just put it this way. I will never forget when Ronnie Coleman made that now classic expression about Jay Cutler when he accused him of smoking crack. Obviously The Big Nasty was not suggesting that the Boston-based bodybuilder was in fact smoking illegal substances but he was more so making the point that he had to be absolutely delusional to think that he stood a chance of beating him. And in the same fashion I use that now famous catchphrase to describe the demeanor of The Mutant Nick Walker when interviewed by Australian bodybuilding legend Tony Doherty relative to toppling Derek Lunsford.
Tony is a legend in the gym world, the contest promotion world, and has done so much for bodybuilders all throughout the Australian continent that the title of legend is completely justified. I have to say though that maybe this interview would fall into the awkward category as he really should not have interviewed both Nick Walker and Derek Lunsford at the same time because he had questions for one guy while the other guy stood around aimlessly. And the guy who stood around aimlessly the most happened to be Nick Walker – not the reigning Mr Olympia Derek Lunsford, but I will talk about that in a separate article.

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