Need some serious advice/suggestion regarding my 1st cycle:


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I'm 29 years old. been lifting consistently for almost 3 years, currently 5'8 173 14-15%bf. I had my testosterone levels checked on Tuesday and I'm at 390 (within the average range of 300-700)

My goal is to put on some more mass but remain lean - perhaps lose a few %'s bf. I've read that test can bloat you and because orals have a tendency to be harsh on your system I would prefer to use injection based steroids.

Basically I'm asking what steroids would you recommend based on my goals of putting on some mass but with as little bloating as possible.


Rule of Thumb: 1st AAS cycle should be test only.

Test is the backbone of any AAS cycle. Always start with it solo first so you can see how your body reacts to it. If all goes well on a solo test cycle, then you can add in some deca or something. Stay away from tren until you're more advanced. Test is great; solo or combined. Run it at 500mgs for 12 weeks. You'll feel great, have excellent libido, great focus and drive in the gym, endurance, strength, and size. I have done several cycles and from now on I am running test only. My gains are very solid, lean, and I keep more than 90% of them after cycle. I do not bloat of test; I lean up very well on it.

In reference to your comment that orals are harsh and AAS aren't, somewhat true, but not completely. Orals are harsh because they run directly through the liver and vitals. AAS are injected directly into the bloodstream bypassing the liver. That's why injectables can be ran longer, but they're still harsh and proper support supps are required. You need to research HCG, aromatase inhibitors, and proper test cycle supps before starting a cycle. PCT with a SERM is mandatory! No way around it, unless you're on TRT.

I would suggest you drop some more bf% before starting a cycle of anything. It's a good idea to have your diet in check and your bf% < 11%. Hit up some hard cardio and circuit training for a few weeks and that will drop you down quick, with a clean diet of course.


New member
Rule of Thumb: 1st AAS cycle should be test only.

Test is the backbone of any AAS cycle. Always start with it solo first so you can see how your body reacts to it. If all goes well on a solo test cycle, then you can add in some deca or something. Stay away from tren until you're more advanced. Test is great; solo or combined. Run it at 500mgs for 12 weeks. You'll feel great, have excellent libido, great focus and drive in the gym, endurance, strength, and size. I have done several cycles and from now on I am running test only. My gains are very solid, lean, and I keep more than 90% of them after cycle. I do not bloat of test; I lean up very well on it.

In reference to your comment that orals are harsh and AAS aren't, somewhat true, but not completely. Orals are harsh because they run directly through the liver and vitals. AAS are injected directly into the bloodstream bypassing the liver. That's why injectables can be ran longer, but they're still harsh and proper support supps are required. You need to research HCG, aromatase inhibitors, and proper test cycle supps before starting a cycle. PCT with a SERM is mandatory! No way around it, unless you're on TRT.

I would suggest you drop some more bf% before starting a cycle of anything. It's a good idea to have your diet in check and your bf% < 11%. Hit up some hard cardio and circuit training for a few weeks and that will drop you down quick, with a clean diet of course.
Thanks a lot for the response. I plan on cutting come Feb for the entire month then start using Test. I was reading that Test-p might be the best option for me because of the minimum bloating it causes even though its a pin eod.

If I start noticing gyno during cycle what can I use to stop that?
If my balls start shrinking what can I take?

I'm just trying to cover all bases and make sure I have all the necessary items before I start a 12 week cycle. Also what products would I need for a Test only PCT?


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Arimidex and nolva for gyno.
HCG for ball shrinkage.

Pick your SERM for pct, i'm a fan of nolva and clomid combined in moderate/mild doses, and I see no harm in reccomending DAA and Erase/Erase Pro for a mild AI (arimidex is too harsh for PCT).



New member
Arimidex and nolva for gyno.
HCG for ball shrinkage.

Pick your SERM for pct, i'm a fan of nolva and clomid combined in moderate/mild doses, and I see no harm in reccomending DAA and Erase/Erase Pro for a mild AI (arimidex is too harsh for PCT).

I see you post a lot in this forum and I'm glad you posted in my thread.

Also would I start using Arimidex or nolva during my cycle if I start experiencing gyno or wait for PCT?
Currently my diet is good, I hardly drink any alcohol or soda - mostly water and milk. I plan on just using Test-p at about 300mg per week for 12 weeks. The last 4 weeks I plan on adding winstrol or Var to lean out towards the end. My goal is not to get huge while minimizing any potential side effects.


New member

Currently my diet is decent. I plan on cutting the entire month of Feb then start pinning in early March. My major lifts are ok. Since I think I know what I want to run during cycle (test-p 300mg per week and winstrol 40 mg the last 6 weeks) i'm now researching PCT and all the possible side effects that may occur during the mild cycle. Any input is welcomed.


New member
The yes section
1) Are you 21 or older? 29 years old
2) Have you hit your natural potential or close to it? Close to it
3) Do you know what your goals are? Gain lean mass, maintaining low bf%. Not looking to get HUGE off steroids
4) Do you know what your macro/ micro nutrient intake is? Yes. I've been eating clean and keeping a decent ratio in regards to diet
5) Have you trained with intensity for at least 6 months? Yes
6) Have you tried alternatives to anabolics? (Natural test boosters, creatine, pre-workouts, etc) I use creatine, protein, fish oil, multi's, some jack3d
7) Do you have access to a gym and go regularly? I work at a gym lol
8) Do you realize the risks of anabolics? Yes, been reading a lot the past 2 months
9) Do you have the ability to get a proper PCT? Still looking to acquire test-p, winstrol, and researching what items I would need for a PCT with that cycle

The no section
10) Do you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart problems, or diabetes? Nope.
11) Do you have a family history of high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart issues, liver failure or male pattern baldness? Recently had my blood work checked, my liver is "great" according to my doctor. Not sure about my families male pattern baldness
12) Are you on anti-depressants? Nope

Like I said, I plan on running test-p 300mg per week for 12 weeks and winstrol the last 6 weeks.


I see you post a lot in this forum and I'm glad you posted in my thread.

Also would I start using Arimidex or nolva during my cycle?
Currently my diet is good, I hardly drink any alcohol or soda - mostly water and milk. I plan on just using Test-p at about 300mg per week for 12 weeks. The last 4 weeks I plan on adding winstrol or Var to lean out towards the end. My goal is not to get huge while minimizing any potential side effects.
Arimidex is ON cycle. 12.5-.25mg every other day seems to be a popular dosage. You can add or use less, depending on level of gyno signs.

Nolva is post cycle. 40/40/20/20 or 40/40/40/40.
Some people use it on cycle, but that is kind of over kill in my opinion.

You may want some HCG on cycle as well. Help preserve your balls a bit haha.

If you are going to be using Test P, Make sure you spread your dosages out evenly throughout the week. Remember, Test P is a short ester.
Idk though, 300mg seems kind of low to me.. But you did say it was your first cycle, so just go ahead and play it safe bro.

Best of luck!!!

Make sure you have everything on hand before starting though man, you don't want to f**k yourself up as a result of impatience. Hah Just some advice.


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You are more prepared then 99% of the people who post asking about their 1st cycle. Make sure you get a solid pct and good luck.


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The arimi can be held off on until (if) gyno shows up, or you can run a very light dose throughout. Same with the nolva, if gyno appears, use it to help against it, otherwise save it for PCT. Arimi should not be used during pct, but a mild natty AI like Erase can be. I'd bump the test up to at least 400mg/week especially if its going to be the primary for most of your cycle.

Good luck and great gains :)


If gyno appears, use Nolva/Clomid to help against it. I run this mix from time to time as needed.
Run your test up to 400-500mg/week .


Thanks a lot for the response. I plan on cutting come Feb for the entire month then start using Test. I was reading that Test-p might be the best option for me because of the minimum bloating it causes even though its a pin eod.

If I start noticing gyno during cycle what can I use to stop that?
If my balls start shrinking what can I take?

I'm just trying to cover all bases and make sure I have all the necessary items before I start a 12 week cycle. Also what products would I need for a Test only PCT?
Like these guys are suggesting, an AI can be arimidex, aromasin (my fave), or letro. I would stay away from letro unless you get really bad gyno while using another AI. Letro is pretty harsh stuff and a little goes a long ways. It's a good idea to start using your AI in light doses around the 3rd week. I always recommend starting an AI then even if you're not gyno prone just because gyno can be very tough to get rid of. Light dosing of arimi at .25mgs e3d or aromasin at 12.5mgs e3d would be great.

HCG is another injectable that you pin in your stomach like insulin using insulin pins. While on an AAS, your body stops making test because of the over saturation of test in the body from the AAS; ball shrinking happens here. HCG makes the brain continue to send a message to the testes telling them to keep making test, so your balls stay fuller and it's a more rapid recovery on PCT. Very good idea to use this while on cycle, but NOT during PCT!

Test P is great, but it does suck that you pin eod. I've never taken it personally. I'm a test E kinda guy. I've had great results with that, so why fix something that's broken? Test is great stuff bro. I do know that test cyp can hurt like a mofo. Having said that, you're going to probably be sore most of your cycle in the injection sites, especially the 1st few times you pin each area (glutes, quads, and delts). It's all part of living in the dark side! When you get closer to cycle time, I can give you some simple instructions on how to keep the pain to a minimum. It's not terrible by any means, but your first few times will be uncomfortable and you may wobble around for a day or 2 after lol.

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