need help designing a westside routine


New member
It's been a long time since i've posted here due to some personal issues, long story short i gained a lot of strength and then i lost it really quick due to a ****ty schedule.
So here i am with football season already started (I play nose guard)and realizing i need to get a LOT stronger before my senior year (i am a currently a junior in high school), I'm ready to get back at it.
here are my stats:
height- 6'1
squat-440(has probably gone down since my last max, damn alcohol)
Deadlift-who knows? last time i did them i was struggling pathetically with 315, yeah i know that sucks

I've done some reading around on westside and it looks just as good as any other routine but if you know of anything better im all ears.

So Ive read some of the articles on westside but they seem very confusing.

I really need help in designing a routine to suit my goals in in strength and as a football player. due to my loss of strength i was demoted from varsity to JV so my games are on thursdays so i need to make sure i have adaquete rest time before then.

Keep in mind i will be lifting after the 2nd football practice of the day(we practice from 10:45 till 12:30 and from 2:45- 3:45).

Also I know that bodybuilders have specific needs as far as diet and nutrition go, but do the same ratios and stuff apply to powerlifters since we have a different goal?

thanks in advance for help.


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Google "Westside for Skinny Bastards", that will walk you through a Westside routine. Everyone has needs when it comes to nutrition, whether you eat clean or not you need to eat more than you burn, it's upto you if you want to minimize fat gain by eating dirty.

Btw are you 16?


New member
okay so here's my routine:

Friday: max effort upper
barbell flat bench- work up to max set of 3 to 5 reps
incline dumbell bench- 3x8
bent over barbell rows- 3x12-15
Bent-over dumbbell rear delt flyes- 3x10
weighted crunches- 4x15

saturday: rest

Sunday: max effort lower
Box squats- work up to max set of 5 reps
dumbell lunges- 3x10
good mornings- 3x8
wrist roller- 3 sets up and down

monday: rest

Tuesday: repetition upper
DB flat bench- 3 sets to failure
skull crushers- 3x10
BB shrugs- 3x10
DB lateral raises- 3x10
hammer curls-3x8
hanging leg raises/russian twists- 2 sets each with no rest btwn

wednesday: rest

thursday: gameday

^does that look good or should i add more? it dosen't seem like much

what macro ratios should i use? i'd like to minimize fat gain as much as possible so it doesnt slow me down during games.

and yes, I am 16.


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okay so here's my routine:

Friday: max effort upper
barbell flat bench- work up to max set of 3 to 5 reps
incline dumbell bench- 3x8
bent over barbell rows- 3x12-15
Bent-over dumbbell rear delt flyes- 3x10
weighted crunches- 4x15

saturday: rest

Sunday: max effort lower
Box squats- work up to max set of 5 reps
dumbell lunges- 3x10
good mornings- 3x8
wrist roller- 3 sets up and down

monday: rest

Tuesday: repetition upper
DB flat bench- 3 sets to failure
skull crushers- 3x10
BB shrugs- 3x10
DB lateral raises- 3x10
hammer curls-3x8
hanging leg raises/russian twists- 2 sets each with no rest btwn

wednesday: rest

thursday: gameday

^does that look good or should i add more? it dosen't seem like much

what macro ratios should i use? i'd like to minimize fat gain as much as possible so it doesnt slow me down during games.

and yes, I am 16.
Everything looks good. Just make sure that you switch your max effort exercises every 2-3 weeks to keep from stalling. Also, listen to your body. Not every Max effort day is a PR day, if you're not feeling it, then don't push it. And never do any exercises that don't "work" for you just because someone else does, stick with what you know works for you and go from there. Three days should be plenty of volume for you. Make sure you really work on your hamstrings, lower back and triceps, this will help you both on the field and in the weight room. Hammer your posterior chain and you'll get stronger and faster.

For your macros, I would stick with a 40/40/20 P/C/F ratio, but you're 16, eating the bad stuff once in a while won't hurt you. Just make sure you're eating as clean as you can. Good luck.


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Looks decent, but you will want to change your assistance exercises every 3-4 weeks also to avoid stale workouts. Plus, on your max effort bench day, I see you are doing incline bench after you ME movement? I would make sure you are using a close grip for this movement, you want to be concentrating more on tricep strength here. There are a lot of other movements you could use to replace this. Since you are in season, your ME days will be your most important to keep you're strength up. If you are practicing everyday (I'm assuming on your rest days you still have team practice), you may find you have to lighten up on your Dynamic/Speed days. Its going to be hard to keep strength up during the season. I am no football player but have played hockey in college and there are some similarities. I see your a nose guard, so I would think you still need to work on lateral movement drills and quickness but wouldn't be as important as linear speed. I know you want to get stronger but remember that isn't everything that is needed. Keep up on your running and agility drills also. Strength will get you no where if you can't move. I have seen it with guys before and they can't understand how they got worse at their sport but yet they are so much stronger in the gym. Its because they didn't keep up with their mobility speed and quickness. Treat your nutrition for those workouts the same as when in the weight room. Meaning get ample food 60-90 minutes before and ample food after. (Protein and carbs mostly)

Westside concentrates on weaknesses also. So try to get your trainer to pinpoint where you are weak. Judging by your lifts for your weight, you can already see your bench and deadlift are suffering. You are probably weak in the lats and tris. as for the deadlift, it would be hard to tell because your squat is pretty good, perhaps you need more core work (abs and lower back). Knowing your weaknesses and correcting them is key to any sport. You are starting at a young age and you should go far with this, especially starting off on the right foot and seeking advice. good luck.


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If you're an athlete and conditioning a lot, you can probably afford to eat a good surplus of food as you will most likely use or burn most of it.


  • Established
If you're an athlete and conditioning a lot, you can probably afford to eat a good surplus of food as you will most likely use or burn most of it.
especially at 16, eat all you want. the cleaner, the better.

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