My UCP-1 Log


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Day 4
With your indulgence, I've decided to post some initial impressions about my UCP-1 experience. It is still too early to weigh in and make a judgement, but I thought it might be fun to write my impressions as I go along.

I have completed Day 4. My regimen now is to take 2 tabs 4 times a day. This is much much more than I thought I would actually do. But I thought I might as well up the dose closer to the recommended amount, because I haven't noticed any change:

My weight is the same, and -- if anything -- I've noticed some bloating, primarily because of the increased water I am consuming (doubled my amount to about 1.75 gallons H2O -- I know because I use the 2 gal jug of water).

Fortunately, I also haven't noticed any side effects from the UA, which is a welcome relief: no lethargy, rashes, or sweating. In that regard, I am quite happy.

The upside is that I've discovered that tyrosine (TYR) does indeed enhance the anorexic effects of an E/C stack for me. During my regimen, I have been playing with my dosage of E/Y/C and tyrosine, and have found that decreasing my E/Y/C stack to twice a day with 500 mg TYR twice a day has had a signifigant effect on my appetite. I just don't have those really late night urges anymore.

Still, it is only Day 4. I am no doubt expecting too much in too short a time. From my own vanity, I will post more as I progress.


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Day 5
Weighed in and was surprised to see that I had lost 2 pounds. No BF measurement yet. I plan to get that measured at the end of therapy. Still no sides, which is a true relief.

The EYC+TYR stack has helped control my appetite. And for some reason, I feel like the UCP-1 IS doing something. It's difficult to explain, but you always knows what your body is telling you. My stomache feels a little more tight.

I had been taking antioxidants, milk thistle, and R-ALA like a maniac, but realized yesterday that I was overdoing it by taking too much. Wasting money. Excess is not prophylaxis.


New member
Day 6
Well, back up to 172. And I noticed that my gut doesn't feel as "tight" as yesterday.

Had to go to work today and cover someone else's ass. Ugh. Went to the gym right after, and noticed a significant decrease in energy and focus. I rarely, if ever, have any problems completing my routines, reagrdless of the kind of day I have. But today, I barely ecked out some bi's, abs, and my sprints. Lasted only about 45 minutes total.

Yesterday was similar, but less dramatic. I did notice a decrease in energy and focus, but was able to "leg it out."

I can't say whether putting in those extra hours sapped me of my energy.

On to to Day 7.

Hope the rest of you are having a good weekend. It's pretty nice out here, doulby so, now that I'm finally home.


New member
Addenda -

I just remembered -- I had been stacking Beverly Int. Lean Out and R-ALA for two weeks prior to starting UCP-1. Beverly's Lean Out has L-Carnitine. Perhaps I am not as sensitive to this component in the UCP-1 because of this, and because of this, am not realizing optimal results.

At any rate, I have been sticking with 8 caps total per day (i.e., 2 caps x 4 times per day). I want to stay a little under the 9 caps recommended.


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has anyone else noticed a huge increase in sweatiness and unbearable hotness at nights, especially after a late carb rich meal?

why is that? during the day and on nights with less carbs, i dont get anything.


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i did read through that all. but let me elaborate.
during the day even after a carb rich meal i dont get hot or sweaty at all.
in actuall fact i get cold in the morning after a tuna breakfast and first dose of UCP-1. weird eh?


New member
Day 7
Okay, the lethargy has realy set in, and I am certain that it is the UA in UCP-1. Been tired all day, and I almost fell a sleep a little while ago. Even after 9 hrs of sleep. I took a little caffeine earlier in the day, but it didn't seeem to help.

I'm back down to 168. Can't really say why my weight is going up and down so much.

Over the week, my diet has been very clean. Mostly meal replacement shakes plus solid food for dinner. Mostly rice dishes. But last night, I really loaded up on the carbs. Past, plus rice, plus potatoes (not all at one sitting, but spread over a three hour period).

For the hell of it, I'm thinking about getting some Taco Bell for dinner tonight, because my diet has been so clean for so long. Just want to taste something different. If I do "cheat," I'll report any differences.

has anyone else noticed a huge increase in sweatiness and unbearable hotness at nights
Not at all. And it's been pretty warm here, lately. It's the sleepiness that gets me. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Have you noticed any progress?


UA (or any uncoupler use as users of D are well aware) causes water retention so dont worry about the scale, use the mirrior, clothes.


New member
UA (or any uncoupler use as users of D are well aware) causes water retention so dont worry about the scale, use the mirrior, clothes.
What he said.

I was getting worried after the first few days on UCP-1 because I hadn't lost any weight. Then I realized that some of the pants that had been a little tight (at the end of a bulking cycle) weren't so tight anymore.

I'm a little over a week in, and I'm happy thus far with the results. I definitely look better in the mirror.


New member
Day 8
Early entry. As I was struggling to finish my cardio, I realized that the lethargy roughly coincides with cycling off my EYC stack. D'oh.

At any rate, yes, I do go more by the mirror. But as far as numbers go, I've been checking my weight until the end of week two, when I will see about measuring BF.

I also didn't realize until this morning that my pants are starting to hang lower. I think my waist is shrinking, but I'm hoping to lose more soon.

Still staying with my 2 caps x four times a day.


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Not to burst people's bubble....but the primary cause of waist shrinkage on an uncoupler is due to the fact of lack of glycogen in the muscles....similar to the intramuscular water weight lost on CKD diets. Use both scale and mirror....mirror itself can be decieving because while the water bloat might cover up the fat loss....the lack of carbohdrate water retention inside the muscles might give the illusion of losing more fat then is actually occuring.


New member
Day 9
Got a bit of a cold... ugh. It's not so bad. I press on.

Looked in the mirror -- the upper two part of my abs are distinct, creating a STARK contrast with the fat around my stomache. Odd thing is, I am now at 175#s. Based on the evidence in the mirror, the product seems to be working quite well.

Will post tomorrow.


New member
Forgot to add that I was surprised by my diet log. I've basically been sucking down meal replacement shakes, with my only solid food being a few portions of rice/pasta/bread stuff at dinner. (Pasta is always on sale. LOL). All of my replacement shakes were 8 oz. of skim milk with Beverly International powders: 1.5 scoop of Mass Maker; 0.5 scoops of Muscle Provider; and 0.5 scoops of 100% Egg. I was surprised, because I thought I had been eating more CHOs. But I guess I haven't....


New member
Day 10
Okay, now I am officially puzzled. I have been steadily gaining weight, and my diet has been pretty much the same. I am at 177 pounds today! Can that much be due to water? Last week I hit around 168! What is going on?


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Carbs seem pretty damn high to me. You should be below maintenance cals...and meal replacements suck bro. Eat chicken and fruit on an uncoupler.


New member
Day 11
Okay, this is weird. Today, I'm back down to 170. Seven pounds in a day!

You may be right about the carbs, but the fact is, I'm hardly eating anything. Today, I had one shake:

8 oz. of skim milk with 1.5 scoop of Mass Maker; 0.5 scoops of Muscle Provider; and 0.5 scoops of 100% Egg.

That's it. Everyday, it's been that shake twice, plus Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey after I work out, and then maybe two portions of some rice or pasta.

EXCEPT... I drank about 3 quarts of orange juice per day from Day 8 to Day 10 while I've had this dang cold. (I recorded OJ, but I haven't been recording my Diet Sprites or water.) The weight gain started after Day 8, so all that OJ might be it. Today, I haven't had any OJ at all, and as I say, I've dropped weight considerably.


New member
Scott - You're absolutely right. I've been a fool; I just wasn't thinking. But I honestly thought that the shakes and a little CHOs would do just as well. Again, I wasn't thinking.

Well, I still have three more days left. I'll switch to chicken and tuna alone. Hopefully, I won't have wasted too much time!!


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No prob bro. Dont be afraid to eat some carbs, but liquid meals just seem to add up in cals a lot faster then people think. Also, fruit often helps keep energy strong and gives off very little unwanted heat. Now on a conventional diet, I would not follow a high fructose plan, but with an uncoupler things can be a little differently. Good luck bro.


New member
Day 12
Came in at 174. Given how my wt. has been up and down, I'm not letting it faze me. I'm focused on completing the cycle as best as I can.

Still no side effects. Still battling the cold, but that's getting better. Although this morning and this after noon, I was hungrier than you can believe. Those hunger pains wer almost as bad as some of the hunger pains I used to get at night. I feel bad, because I broke down and bought a breakfast burrito at the cafeteria. It was either that or the nasty looking sausage. Sigh.

Had a pretty good workout, though, all considered. I can't wait until I get over this cold....

Scott, thanks again for the tip. It's funny, but you're right. I didn't think about the cals from meal replacement shakes. But when I looked and did the arithmetic, I was surprised. The calories do kind of sneak up on you.


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Day 14 (6/22)
Late entry. Today is actually the last day for my cycle. I will only have an afternoon dose, and then will be done. I will post my final results on Monday (6/23) or Tuesday (6/24).

This cold just won't go away. I'm feeling really tired and irritated that it won't go away.

For the record, I started at 172 Lbs, 10 percent BF. My goal was to get into single digits, and get the bottom part of my abs to come out. So far they haven't, and I don't expect them to at this point. Although I ran a restricted calorie diet, I probably shouldn't have used the Beverly cocktail I mentioned in Day 11.

If I don't get the results I want, I may try one more cycle in about another 4 to 5 weeks or so.


  • Established
Not to hijack your thread but I've been taking UCP-1 for 4 days and haven't noticed or felt anything. I took Sodium Usinate for a couple of weeks going as high as 800mg and felt nothing.


New member
Monday - First Day Off.
Results? I just don't know.

I'm 5'10". I started at 172 and 10.8% BF. The BF measurement was done during a corporate health fair. Today, I weighed in at 169 and 7.8% BF using Accutrack FatTrackII Calipers. My abs are definitely in, but I STILL can't get that bottom part to really come out.

Overall? Thumbs up. Go for it, and follow the instructions carefully.

Best of luck to all.




Monday - First Day Off.
Results? I just don't know.

I'm 5'10". I started at 172 and 10.8% BF. The BF measurement was done during a corporate health fair. Today, I weighed in at 169 and 7.8% BF using Accutrack FatTrackII Calipers. My abs are definitely in, but I STILL can't get that bottom part to really come out.

Overall? Thumbs up. Go for it, and follow the instructions carefully.

Best of luck to all.


Maybe it's not because of the fat... training that part might help.
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