My Pslin Log



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tuna salad on it and then doing a morning resistance workout.

Oh... USP Labs, I have a question. It's probably been answered, but... what's the reccommended cycle length and how should p-slin be cycled? Oooo... the GHB is kicking in, yipes.

I know that certain things need to be cycled to keep effectiveness, but can I use P-Slin continuously/indefinitely if I do 5 days on/2 days off? THANKS!

P-Slin and AP do not need to be cycled, although I like to use them 2 months on followed be about 2 weeks off.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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P-Slin and AP do not need to be cycled, although I like to use them 2 months on followed be about 2 weeks off.
Nice. That's awesome. I appreciate your help!


P-Slin and AP do not need to be cycled, although I like to use them 2 months on followed be about 2 weeks off.
Yea the 2 weeks gives you time to think "yes the product is that good and i need to get back on!"


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Yea the 2 weeks gives you time to think "yes the product is that good and i need to get back on!"
my feelings exactly.. 'course, I feel that way about pretty much all the USPlabs stuff...


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Well, my first month is complete. Still enjoying this tiny little yellow pill to the fullest, and when I say fullest, it's a play on words.. My body feels so full on this stuff! I have one bottle left.

Here's the situation I have in front of me:

Our first baby (boy!!!!) is due Oct 3rd. My gym membership expires Oct 10th. That gives me just over a month to go balls out & try to pack on more size. When the baby's born, I'll most likely be out of the gym for a month or more just to help out.

Today I ordered a bottle of the Epidrol. Would that be good to take w/ the Pslin or should I do one or the other? I also have a bottle of a SD clone.

this is it for me for a while - I want to go out w/ a bang. I'm talking super intensity, blood vessel popping, screaming, :aargh: grunting, hard core lifting for one more month!!!

I took some before pics back when I started the pslin. I think when the baby comes, I'll post the after pics & maybe the middle of the road pics too.. My wife thinks I'm so vain....:toofunny:

let me know what y'all think!
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Well, my first month is complete. Still enjoying this tiny little yellow pill to the fullest, and when I say fullest, it's a play on words.. My body feels so full on this stuff! I have one bottle left.

Here's the situation I have in front of me:

Our first baby (boy!!!!) is due Oct 3rd. My gym membership expires Oct 10th. That gives me just over a month to go balls out & try to pack on more size. When the baby's born, I'll most likely be out of the gym for a month or more just to help out.

Today I ordered a bottle of the Epidrol. Would that be good to take w/ the Pslin or should I do one or the other? I also have a bottle of a superdrol clone.

this is it for me for a while - I want to go out w/ a bang. I'm talking super intensity, blood vessel popping, screaming, :aargh: grunting, hard core lifting for one more month!!!

I took some before pics back when I started the pslin. I think when the baby comes, I'll post the after pics & maybe the middle of the road pics too.. My wife thinks I'm so vain....:toofunny:

let me know what y'all think!
In my opinion, PCT is more important than the cycle itself, so it would be in your best interest to be in the gym trying to keep your gains. I'm not sure how exciting it would be spending PCT with your newborn watching that muscle you just packed on for nothing wither away. Just my opinion ;)


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damn, good point...:frustrate

back to the drawing board.. The wife was just telling me she didn't want me to stay out of they gym for too long. May stay w/ the current one I'm w/ or look elsewhere for one of those 24 hour places.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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With the stressors of having a new baby, maybe you'll need something to help moderate cortisol around the clock. Something like Relora, the non-sedative, clinically proven adaptogen and cortisol modulator could play a key role in maintaining your gains and keeping at bay the irritation and distress that comes with caring for a newborn.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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At about 12 dollars per month, Relora is awesome stuff. NOW makes it and so does Baywood. Take it 3x a day, spread as evening as possible: 1 morning, 1 mid day, 1 before bed. Works like a charm. It's actually recommended for longer term use, and I've been on it now for a couple months... Keeps me even keeled.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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thanks a ton!! I'll get some tomorrow!
You're welcome. Take it empty stomach, it won't give you an upset stomach at all. It will not make you tired either, it just helps with the mental and physiological effects of stressors. Remember, stress is perception; depending upon how you percieve something, what is usually distressing to you in a certain state of mind, can be quite clarifying and enlightening in another state!

Check out this interesting article that backs a hypothesis I just conjured about eustress (good stress) actually controlling cortisol levels:

There are two kinds of stress--distress, which is the negative kind of stress; and eustress, which is the positive kind of stress. While distress increases stress hormones such as beta-endorphin, corticotrophin, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and the catecholamines, eustress decreases these hormones and instead increases the activity of Natural Killer (NK) cells that help fight diseases (Berk & Tan 1996). Distressful events and major life changes can obviously impact our bodies negatively. It has been proven that stress depletes the immune system's ability to fight against disease. Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan of the Loma Linda University Medical Center have done an abundance of research in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI simply says that the immune system is directly connected to the brain; therefore, it would be effected by the emotions. One of Berk and Tan's experiments showed that immunosuppressive hormones (hormones that harm or deplete the immune system) such as epinephrine and cortisol were lower in those participants that laughed than in those who did not (Wooten 1995). Another experiment performed by Berk and Tan (1996) in which they presented their results at a conference on April 18, 1996, proved that laughing (while watching a humorous video) increases the amount of NK cells.

Indirectly, stress is probably our number one killer. It effects us physically and mentally, wearing our immune systems down, and causing us to be more susceptible to sickness and disease. We try to treat the disease, when we really need to treat the cause. How does one treat something like stress? Many times the stressors cannot be removed from a person's life; they are permanent fixtures. Laughter, if used generously, can help drain the stress away. As Mark Twain once said, "The human race has only one really effective weapon, and that's laughter. The moment it arises, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place."
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Oh yeah... so... as part of your PCT protocol be sure to include:

1. Toremifene Citrate

2. Some Powerfull or IGF-2

3. Plenty of humorous films from your local video store to increase your immune system and preserve muscle mass


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thanks for the info. As an EMT, some of the stuff we were taught early in our studies was the eustress & distress.. Believe me, I'm very big into that kind of stuff. VERY little bothers me. I'm sometimes too happy-go-lucky, but in my opinion, that's why I'll live to see 110 years or more!!!:head:

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