My First Cycle Log (Havoc)



New member
Day 25


Sick as hell again. I went to bed with a fever, sore throat and body aches. I feel much worse today. I WAS JUST SICK. WTF?!?!?!


Needless to say, I don't know what this is going to do to my workout plans. And to make matters worse, I just found out that I am getting shipped out of town next week..... F-U-C-K!!!!


New member
ah man, thats crappy as hell.. feel bad for you bro! hope you get better soon and as long as you do not have fever u can train if ur able to. do you know if youre able to train when youre out of town and how long youll be away ?


Well-known member
Know the feeling for the past week I've been out of the gym sick as hell.


New member
A lifter in awesome shape... who is modest? In Phoenix no less? If you weren't already 3 pages deep with this log I'd have to call BS. I say that only partially tongue-in-cheek because it seems like we have a pretty dense population of douche canoes around here.

Going to have to agree with those before me and say that you are pretty beastly to begin. I'd "hate" to look like that... :thumbsup:

Aside from the unfortunate run-ins with illness, this thread is quickly pushing the needle toward buying everything for a first cycle of my own. Did you/are you running the recommended dose of CEL Cycle Assist (4 caps/day)? Did you manage to go RX on the Nolva or "other"? (not asking for details per the rules... just curious)

Nice work thus far man.


New member
ah man, thats crappy as hell.. feel bad for you bro! hope you get better soon and as long as you do not have fever u can train if ur able to. do you know if youre able to train when youre out of town and how long youll be away ?
Thanks man. I could barely move for the last couple of days. Working out was out of the question. But I'm back. Stay tuned.


New member
Know the feeling for the past week I've been out of the gym sick as hell.
Being sick anytime sucks balls. I hate missing gym time. Being sick while you're peaking on a cycle is like going on vacation and finding out you've been re-routed to hell.


New member
A lifter in awesome shape... who is modest? In Phoenix no less? If you weren't already 3 pages deep with this log I'd have to call BS. I say that only partially tongue-in-cheek because it seems like we have a pretty dense population of douche canoes around here.

Going to have to agree with those before me and say that you are pretty beastly to begin. I'd "hate" to look like that... :thumbsup:

Aside from the unfortunate run-ins with illness, this thread is quickly pushing the needle toward buying everything for a first cycle of my own. Did you/are you running the recommended dose of CEL Cycle Assist (4 caps/day)? Did you manage to go RX on the Nolva or "other"? (not asking for details per the rules... just curious)

Nice work thus far man.
Appreciate the kind words bro. I still don't think I look all that great....but I'll keep trying.

I really think this is a good cycle. I can't wait to get back on my game. I am running the recommended dose of Cell Cycle Assist but it's actually 4 caps - twice​ per day. On the Nolva, I am going other.


New member
A lifter in awesome shape... who is modest? In Phoenix no less? If you weren't already 3 pages deep with this log I'd have to call BS. I say that only partially tongue-in-cheek because it seems like we have a pretty dense population of douche canoes around here.

Going to have to agree with those before me and say that you are pretty beastly to begin. I'd "hate" to look like that... :thumbsup:

Aside from the unfortunate run-ins with illness, this thread is quickly pushing the needle toward buying everything for a first cycle of my own. Did you/are you running the recommended dose of CEL Cycle Assist (4 caps/day)? Did you manage to go RX on the Nolva or "other"? (not asking for details per the rules... just curious)

Nice work thus far man.
Appreciate the kind words bro. I still don't think I look all that great....but I'll keep trying.

I really think this is a good cycle. I can't wait to get back on my game. I am running the recommended dose of Cell Cycle Assist but it's actually 4 caps - twice per day. On the Nolva, I am going other.


New member
Day 26

Couldn't even think about the gym today. Worked from home and laid on the couch with laptop in lap for 7.5 hours straight. Then I fell asleep. Even messed up my dosing. Got in everything but the 40mg of Havoc. Only took in 30mg. It was a rough day. By the evening, I was getting so damn pissed off that I was wasting my cycle. And I know that next week my workouts will be limited at best as I'll be out of town working with no car so I will be forced to work out in a crappy hotel "gym."


Well - far be it from me to take this sh*t lightly - or lying on my f*cking ass. I decided that unless I am knocking on death's door tomorrow morning - I am hitting the gym. And the same goes for Saturday/Sunday/Monday (pre-flight). And none of this cardio business - that sh*t can wait for the hotel. Four days of lifting with cardio mixed in as an afterthought at best. Back to eating good food too. I've been eating almost nothing for the last couple of days and when I do eat it's not food that helps my cycle. It's crap like grilled cheese and chips. I did manage to throw in a few protein shakes, but I need to make gains and this is not the way to do it. F*ck this. Time to nut up and show up.


New member
Day 27

So, I woke up at 4:15 and felt pretty sh*tty. But not sh*tty enough to let my cycle continue to be useless. I dragged my ass out of bed and took the 20mg of Havoc. Waited about 30 minutes then took 1/2 scoop of Maximize Intense. Since I have been off stims for a couple of days, I expected to be worked up pretty good. Well.... I wasn't... The only thing that got me to the gym was sheer determination to make gains....

So, by 5:25 I arrived at gym. I decided today was going to be back/triceps/calves day. And I had a decent workout. It wasn't fantastic. Most of the time I was out of breath due to the build-up of mucus in my lungs and I mostly felt like I was going to pass out. But I pushed my way through a 45 minute workout and lifted a respectable amount of weight.

High points
Hammer Strength Lat Pulldowns - 320x8, 360x7
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions - 100x10, 110x8
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows - 100x8, 110x7

Overall, I give the workout a C+ but that's mostly because I felt like I was working out in a sauna after smoking a pack of cigarettes (I don't smoke). But I give myself an A- for effort.

BTW - I weighed in at 183.5 this morning. There's no telling what that means until I have some time to stabilize again. Pics will have to wait until sometime this weekend. And I am definitely not impressed lately... Need a few more days to harden up again.


Don't sweat it bro. I never let water weight get to me. It's can eat clean for 3 days to get rid of it.....sweat it out with some cardio....or sweat it out in the sauna. Either the case....I ain't scared of NO water weight or NO sodium. What I'm afraid of is bland tasting food and fat gain. Unless I'm bulking....I'm not as hard on myself when it comes to body fat.


Well-known member
Damn you got the good determination. For me wen I feel crappy I just don't lift and I don't eat for a full 24 fast


Damn you got the good determination. For me wen I feel crappy I just don't lift and I don't eat for a full 24 fast

I hope you don't do that when your sick or ill. It would be counter productive. Course that's just me butting into your f'n business like I'm a 2nd cousin or something. ;)


New member
Back in town yet? Feeling better and how about them gains?

Keep us posted man...


New member
Ok - so I totally ****ed up this log. After getting sick and sent out of town and everything, I still finished my cycle but I neglected to post my results. It's been so long I don't remember **** either. Except this....

I'm ready for another cycle. I think I've made good gains since last time, and I will probably start stocking up for another detailed log/cycle in late June (after my week long Cali beach house trip). Stay tuned....

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