My Celtic Labs Ostarine PCT



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Figured I would start up a small log, not big lol as I have a nutso life, two kids, two dogs and my better half.

Short and Sweet, here we go:

Came off an msten/test e 12/14 weeker and now in PCT about 3 weeks now. Yeah I'm logging a bit late but would like to share results good and bad for you all.

PCT as follows:

Ostarine 10/20/20/20/20/20

Creatine Mono 10 grams first two weeks, now dose is 5 grams as I'm saturated.

Torem 120/90/60/30

Letro on and off cycle low dosed as I'm am gyno prone

Nolva 20mg-30mg after ostarine as mini PCT

May bridge right back into Ostarine pending shutdown and overall feeling.

Sorry folks, no bloods. I know my body very well lol!!

Ok, gotta go, more about me, stats, vids and pictures to come....


  • Established
Aborting Log, torn pec and pulled calf muscle, WTF!!!!!!!


  • Established
Doing 5x5's 3rd set on 3rd rep with 405 on flat bench. Coming off chest felt a pull in between chest and pec but continued through rep and went for a 4th rep! Funny enough the 4th rep went up easier than the 3rd, but had major discomfort and pain so squashed the rest of chest workout. I then jumped onto treadmill and about a half mile in, left calf started feeling tight and became more painful every step. Stopped after a mile and called it a day, a very bad day that is. I guess this is what happens when you come off gear. I've always been an advocate of deloading after a cycle, but felt too good (ostarine) to do so. I may update once in a while...
Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln

Well-known member
  • Established
Doing 5x5's 3rd set on 3rd rep with 405 on flat bench. Coming off chest felt a pull in between chest and pec but continued through rep and went for a 4th rep! Funny enough the 4th rep went up easier than the 3rd, but had major discomfort and pain so squashed the rest of chest workout. I then jumped onto treadmill and about a half mile in, left calf started feeling tight and became more painful every step. Stopped after a mile and called it a day, a very bad day that is. I guess this is what happens when you come off gear. I've always been an advocate of deloading after a cycle, but felt too good (ostarine) to do so. I may update once in a while...
Well ****, hope you get the stuff sorted out. I haven't had any injuries like this but damn I'm going to be extra careful after cycle now.


  • Established
My approach is strength work all the time for the most part, sometimes taking a week off for volume work. My body responds better to heavier weights, less reps say 6-10

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