Mass at home- Tips from experience



Active member
Hey guys, first post in a long while. Been working out from home these days but wanted to start to gain again (without the gym) and wanted some opinions on my plans. Anyone who has gained well from home without a squat rack or bench rack would give good advice right about now.

My diet is great and I've tracked macros before for a few years. I've gotten to 8% @ 210 once, so I'm not new to this. I'm back down to 195 right now at about 11%

I'm looking for tips to get back to this (or more) size WITHOUT a squat or bench rack. I have a flat/incline bench, dumbbells and a flat bar. Instead of bench I do cluster sets of leg elevated push ups and also do a lot of bent rows/ chins. Instead of heavy squats I do sets of 15-20 squat jumps @ around 100 lbs and I also run 15-25 steep uphill sprints 2-3 times a week. I do clusters/ low rest style lifting for almost everything I do. I've just gotten the best results from it with my tall, slender body type. Keeps me lean and really puts muscle on me.

My main hope is to get tips for what I have available and also to see if extra volume can actually be exchanged for the weight I'm missing out on in order to gain the size I'd like. I have about 150 lbs I can go up to on the flat bar. I guess I'm almost here to ask if you absolutely have to lift really heavy to gain good size. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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