Little i-Force update


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Hey guys. Starting a thread just to keep my teammates posted on what I have learned so far from being a rep. I noticed how time management is everything while holding a job and keeping my craft. So I ask this of you guys. If you ever find a thread that has a lot of commotion going on. Post it here and I would love to get involved...on any site!!! I am still trying to get the technicalities down. I also am loving doing the videos for you guys. Which leads me to mention I want to start running forum logs along with video logs of my progressions with my iForced Stack (Which is going extremely extremely well/For all of you who do not know...running a Maxiv2/Hema/Testabolan v2/Creapure/ZMA/Trib stack). So stay in touch for my log links on here and more video updates. Seems like there is a lot coming up and a lot of talk for the 2012 i-Force. I am excited to be working with you guys and trying to make this the best year possible. If you guys have any more video ideas please let me know. Any stack ideas. Any goofy movie ideas. Anything. I am trying to target market a totally different crowd with my channel along with our normal gym rats. Dancers/actors/film makers are already watching my videos asking me what i-Force is. So please if anything comes to mind let me know!!! But so far I am trying to just learn the basics, find where you guys are at a lot, and just giving a helping hand where I can. Loving it so far!


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Honestly bro, I've been a rep for a long time and feel the same at times. I work 3X12 hour shifts, and those 3 days a week, I go to work, come home, sleep, eat, pack and go back to work. My life gets shut down, and it is really easy to get lost on the forums. Working 3, 12 hour shifts, being in contest prep, and trying to start a life with my girl, taking care of my pets, and being on here can be very time consuming, so by posting threads or even PMing them around would be a big help.



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Honestly bro, I've been a rep for a long time and feel the same at times. I work 3X12 hour shifts, and those 3 days a week, I go to work, come home, sleep, eat, pack and go back to work. My life gets shut down, and it is really easy to get lost on the forums. Working 3, 12 hour shifts, being in contest prep, and trying to start a life with my girl, taking care of my pets, and being on here can be very time consuming, so by posting threads or even PMing them around would be a big help.

Yeah man. Pets are rough. My guinea pig craps so much so fast and always wants food haha.


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Honestly bro, I've been a rep for a long time and feel the same at times. I work 3X12 hour shifts, and those 3 days a week, I go to work, come home, sleep, eat, pack and go back to work. My life gets shut down, and it is really easy to get lost on the forums. Working 3, 12 hour shifts, being in contest prep, and trying to start a life with my girl, taking care of my pets, and being on here can be very time consuming, so by posting threads or even PMing them around would be a big help.

i can always tell when you get on the forums though.....first page of the sections are always loaded with your posts :p


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Yeah man. Pets are rough. My guinea pig craps so much so fast and always wants food haha.
You do know, you can litter train them right? Lol, both of mine are litter trained, and are fairly good about telling you if you are holding them. They start to squirm and wont be calmed.. if you dont set em down.. 3 mins later they will pee on you.. but we pretty much figured it out and accidents rarely happen. Mine live on the couch.

Mine always want food to, the second the fridge opens.. they go nuts. They get celery and carrots for breakfast.. dry food all day, spinach and whatever else for dinner, dry food and a vanilla wafer cookie over night haha.. and then watermelon whenever we feel like it. yep spoiled lmao

i can always tell when you get on the forums though.....first page of the sections are always loaded with your posts :p
I have to isolate my time and go nuts since I can only get on once a day now. I pretty much work, sleep, train, cardio, and sleep the rest of the day away.. low to no carbs for days on end.. I cant even sit up half the time!


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Yeah my guinea pig squeals in a very sharp way when he has to piss. But when he is calm and collected and he lays on my chest and lets me scratch his ears...cutest stuff...he loves that ish to. Guinea pigs are almost like the perfect women. They love food...will actually let you know when you are bugging them and not bs you...appreciate a good petting and are cuter than a button.


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Yeah my guinea pig squeals in a very sharp way when he has to piss. But when he is calm and collected and he lays on my chest and lets me scratch his ears...cutest stuff...he loves that ish to. Guinea pigs are almost like the perfect women. They love food...will actually let you know when you are bugging them and not bs you...appreciate a good petting and are cuter than a button.
lmao.. i got to tell that to my girl! They are what you make them, I spoil mine rotten, and they spoil me with love, joy, and happiness each and every day.

We have such sensitive sides:p


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lmao.. i got to tell that to my girl! They are what you make them, I spoil mine rotten, and they spoil me with love, joy, and happiness each and every day.

We have such sensitive sides:p
How much does those little pigs cost?
It's like a hamster or gerbil huh?


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lmao.. i got to tell that to my girl! They are what you make them, I spoil mine rotten, and they spoil me with love, joy, and happiness each and every day.

We have such sensitive sides:p
Your telling me. Haha. The life I live as an actor.

How much does those little pigs cost?
It's like a hamster or gerbil huh?

Anywhere from 25-35 dollars. Basically large hamster that loves to eat/be pet/and sleep. Like a gerbil dog.


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How much does those little pigs cost?
It's like a hamster or gerbil huh?
I paid 35$ from the pet store for my first, and adopted the second one from a shelter for free but I gave them a 50$ donation for taking such good care of her while she was there. Aside from that, monthly expenses for the two vary depending on how you do it.. but we spend like 15$ in timothy hay, 5 bucks on dry food, 30 bucks on fresh food.. and we don't use bedding for there cage, we use carpet on the bottom, with a flece blanket on top.. we have 7 blankets, change it out each day, and wash all 3 on the weekend.

We pour a crap load of money into them though since we spoil em like they deserve. Way more complex than a gerbil/hamster, they are bigger so they can do more, you can play with them easier, they don't try to escape, they stay with you. Mine walk around the house and follow you around begging for food 24/7.. sit in front of the fridge for hours waiting.. i have a shih tzu dog also, and they are basically identical animals haha.


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I paid 35$ from the pet store for my first, and adopted the second one from a shelter for free but I gave them a 50$ donation for taking such good care of her while she was there. Aside from that, monthly expenses for the two vary depending on how you do it.. but we spend like 15$ in timothy hay, 5 bucks on dry food, 30 bucks on fresh food.. and we don't use bedding for there cage, we use carpet on the bottom, with a flece blanket on top.. we have 7 blankets, change it out each day, and wash all 3 on the weekend.

We pour a crap load of money into them though since we spoil em like they deserve. Way more complex than a gerbil/hamster, they are bigger so they can do more, you can play with them easier, they don't try to escape, they stay with you. Mine walk around the house and follow you around begging for food 24/7.. sit in front of the fridge for hours waiting.. i have a shih tzu dog also, and they are basically identical animals haha.
Never knew how big are these things about 2 pounds?
They let u pet em?
The cage is fleece and carpet trying to picture how u have that set up.
Make get 1 :)


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I paid 35$ from the pet store for my first, and adopted the second one from a shelter for free but I gave them a 50$ donation for taking such good care of her while she was there. Aside from that, monthly expenses for the two vary depending on how you do it.. but we spend like 15$ in timothy hay, 5 bucks on dry food, 30 bucks on fresh food.. and we don't use bedding for there cage, we use carpet on the bottom, with a flece blanket on top.. we have 7 blankets, change it out each day, and wash all 3 on the weekend.

We pour a crap load of money into them though since we spoil em like they deserve. Way more complex than a gerbil/hamster, they are bigger so they can do more, you can play with them easier, they don't try to escape, they stay with you. Mine walk around the house and follow you around begging for food 24/7.. sit in front of the fridge for hours waiting.. i have a shih tzu dog also, and they are basically identical animals haha.
You gotta get some vids up man of them following you. That's to funny.


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Never knew how big are these things about 2 pounds?
They let u pet em?
The cage is fleece and carpet trying to picture how u have that set up.
Make get 1 :)
This is there play pen haha. Yes I no.. we spoil the hell out of them, but honestly, they make me happy every second of every day. When I am mad, sad, upset, pissed, doesn't matter, they make me forget everything. And to think, the one i adopted was left on the side of a road in a box, taken to a kill shelter, was going to euthanize her in 13 days if she wasn't adopted, a non-kill shelter adopted her then. Spent 6 months, then a family adopted her, took her home, and there other guinea pig attacked her so they took her back. Spent another month back at the shelter, and will now spend every second with me; makes me sick with how much love and joy she has, someone did that to her. There cage, i can't take a pic right now, girl is sleeping haha. We got these organize it, grid lock shelf system from kmart for 20 bucks about.. you can custom build a shelf.. each grid is 14X14 in.. so we did a 3X7 grid, pretty big. Put carpet on the bottom, then a fleece blanket on top. We change the blanket daily, looks nice, much cheaper than bedding. Ours are 80% potty trained to go in a litter box. There poop is like tic tacs, they are hard and small, I just pick em up. We lay a blanket on the couch and they spend the night laying on couch watching tv with me haha.

All I can say is, if you get one, treat it right; you don't have to go nuts like us, but give it a life. They are very social animals and tell you there feelings and make many different noises. They prefer to live in pairs as they are very social and get lonely fast.. two will play together. If you get 2, make sure they are both girls. Two guys will fight to the death, unless they are brothers and have been together since birth. There are many different types and styles, we picked the long haired Abyssinian breed, hard to find but worth it when you do; suppose to be most outgoing.

They are what you make them imo. Don't get one to just sit in a cage; read up and adopt one if you are serious. You will see how broken and neglected they are when you get them, and you will watch them change into a whole other person as they gain your trust. Remember, they are the PREY to everything and they know that.. they are scared to death of everything, so keep them safe, let them no they are safe.
You gotta get some vids up man of them following you. That's to funny.
haha.. walking to the fridge is like a parade for them.. they never run ahead, always tail behind like i dont know they are there.


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This is there play pen haha. Yes I no.. we spoil the hell out of them, but honestly, they make me happy every second of every day. When I am mad, sad, upset, pissed, doesn't matter, they make me forget everything. And to think, the one i adopted was left on the side of a road in a box, taken to a kill shelter, was going to euthanize her in 13 days if she wasn't adopted, a non-kill shelter adopted her then. Spent 6 months, then a family adopted her, took her home, and there other guinea pig attacked her so they took her back. Spent another month back at the shelter, and will now spend every second with me; makes me sick with how much love and joy she has, someone did that to her. There cage, i can't take a pic right now, girl is sleeping haha. We got these organize it, grid lock shelf system from kmart for 20 bucks about.. you can custom build a shelf.. each grid is 14X14 in.. so we did a 3X7 grid, pretty big. Put carpet on the bottom, then a fleece blanket on top. We change the blanket daily, looks nice, much cheaper than bedding. Ours are 80% potty trained to go in a litter box. There poop is like tic tacs, they are hard and small, I just pick em up. We lay a blanket on the couch and they spend the night laying on couch watching tv with me haha.

All I can say is, if you get one, treat it right; you don't have to go nuts like us, but give it a life. They are very social animals and tell you there feelings and make many different noises. They prefer to live in pairs as they are very social and get lonely fast.. two will play together. If you get 2, make sure they are both girls. Two guys will fight to the death, unless they are brothers and have been together since birth. There are many different types and styles, we picked the long haired Abyssinian breed, hard to find but worth it when you do; suppose to be most outgoing.

They are what you make them imo. Don't get one to just sit in a cage; read up and adopt one if you are serious. You will see how broken and neglected they are when you get them, and you will watch them change into a whole other person as they gain your trust. Remember, they are the PREY to everything and they know that.. they are scared to death of everything, so keep them safe, let them no they are safe.

haha.. walking to the fridge is like a parade for them.. they never run ahead, always tail behind like i dont know they are there.
Thx 4 the advice man I learned a lot!


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This is there play pen haha. Yes I no.. we spoil the hell out of them, but honestly, they make me happy every second of every day. When I am mad, sad, upset, pissed, doesn't matter, they make me forget everything. And to think, the one i adopted was left on the side of a road in a box, taken to a kill shelter, was going to euthanize her in 13 days if she wasn't adopted, a non-kill shelter adopted her then. Spent 6 months, then a family adopted her, took her home, and there other guinea pig attacked her so they took her back. Spent another month back at the shelter, and will now spend every second with me; makes me sick with how much love and joy she has, someone did that to her. There cage, i can't take a pic right now, girl is sleeping haha. We got these organize it, grid lock shelf system from kmart for 20 bucks about.. you can custom build a shelf.. each grid is 14X14 in.. so we did a 3X7 grid, pretty big. Put carpet on the bottom, then a fleece blanket on top. We change the blanket daily, looks nice, much cheaper than bedding. Ours are 80% potty trained to go in a litter box. There poop is like tic tacs, they are hard and small, I just pick em up. We lay a blanket on the couch and they spend the night laying on couch watching tv with me haha.

All I can say is, if you get one, treat it right; you don't have to go nuts like us, but give it a life. They are very social animals and tell you there feelings and make many different noises. They prefer to live in pairs as they are very social and get lonely fast.. two will play together. If you get 2, make sure they are both girls. Two guys will fight to the death, unless they are brothers and have been together since birth. There are many different types and styles, we picked the long haired Abyssinian breed, hard to find but worth it when you do; suppose to be most outgoing.

They are what you make them imo. Don't get one to just sit in a cage; read up and adopt one if you are serious. You will see how broken and neglected they are when you get them, and you will watch them change into a whole other person as they gain your trust. Remember, they are the PREY to everything and they know that.. they are scared to death of everything, so keep them safe, let them no they are safe.

haha.. walking to the fridge is like a parade for them.. they never run ahead, always tail behind like i dont know they are there.
This made my day. Completely. Hahahahahah!!!! LOVE IT!

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