LGD/MK677/Dermacrine/Epiandro Log


I would get some P5P and L-dopa, cut the MK677 and see how it feels after a few days.
Thanks, Rob. I've got some ar1macare that has P5P and L-Dopa for prolactin control so I just took a dose of that in addition to the torem at 60. In the middle of the night and when I woke up I'd say I had a 60% hardness event which is certainly improvement over yesterday's impotence. I forced out a couple of nuts - when I woke up and midday and while the equipment is certainly not working as expected, it's better than yesterday and a step in the right direction.

Think adding back in either 4-andro or epiandro or both today or tomorrow would be better or worse?


Think adding back in either 4-andro or epiandro or both today or tomorrow would be better or worse?
I would just call it a cycle and move on. Do your PCT, chalk it up to a learning experience, and try again later on if you want. Stay in PCT and get yourself back to normal before going for another try. Last thing you want to do is fark yourself up even more and possibly put yourself in a position you cant recover from.


I would just call it a cycle and move on. Do your PCT, chalk it up to a learning experience, and try again later on if you want. Stay in PCT and get yourself back to normal before going for another try. Last thing you want to do is fark yourself up even more and possibly put yourself in a position you cant recover from.
Thanks for the response. I think you're right. Any idea how long I should wait before my next cycle? I'm thinking just 2 weeks of pct, assuming things go well and then another week or two to achieve homeostasis before hopping onto a new cycle without the damn mk677.


I'm gonna tell you the same thing most others on here will, do a proper PCT and take enough time off. Cycle + PCT = time off. I'm sure that not what you wanted to hear but in your case I would definitely stick to that formula. I know i'm guilty of not taking my own advice sometimes but then, i've never had things stop working like you are now. Iirc, you're in a state where you cant get anonymous blood work, so how would you even know if you've achieved homeostasis?


I'm gonna tell you the same thing most others on here will, do a proper PCT and take enough time off. Cycle + PCT = time off. I'm sure that not what you wanted to hear but in your case I would definitely stick to that formula. I know i'm guilty of not taking my own advice sometimes but then, i've never had things stop working like you are now. Iirc, you're in a state where you cant get anonymous blood work, so how would you even know if you've achieved homeostasis?
I hear you and I agree. I definitely don't want to fuk up anything long term.

I'm still unable to get a decent hardon but my loads are bigger so I really don't know what's going on.


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A couple things. According to my research, MK-677 is a SARM, just an unconventional one which does function as a GHRS.

I'm running it during PCT to keep gain synergy at 12.5mg twice per day. I definitely notice the rapid weight gain from water and the speedy recovery, but not any issues with libido (albeit markedly less than the 4-andro/epi-andro cycle I just finished) and no more than usual lethargy. Perhaps this is due to the clomid/nolva combo (40mg and 20mg twice per day respectively) which I'm using for PCT, but I just wanted to add my experience since someone asked what people with these unusual side effects have in common. My stats are similar - 5'11 and aprx 180 lbs.
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A couple things. According to my research, MK-677 is a SARM, just an unconventional one which does function as a GHRS.

I'm running it during PCT to keep gain synergy at 12.5mg twice per day. I definitely notice the rapid weight gain from water and the speedy recovery, but not any issues with libido (albeit markedly less than the 4-andro/epi-andro cycle I just finished) and no more than usual lethargy. Perhaps this is due to the clomid/nolva combo (40mg and 20mg twice per day respectively) which I'm using for PCT, but I just wanted to add my experience since someone asked what people with these unusual side effects have in common. My stats are similar - 5'11 and aprx 180 lbs.
Thanks for sharing. How did the epiandro/4andro treat you? High or low libido?


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Thanks for sharing. How did the epiandro/4andro treat you? High or low libido?
Epi/4 cycle was A-OK. Libido and erection quality was FANTASTIC, but you can definitely tell when you're far from your last dose (e.g. morning sex took a lot of work unless I got a dose in first.) I'd link to the thread about it, but I can't do that until I'm at 100 posts. This was my first ever cycle, so ther was a lot of learning involved. I would have run higher dosages and a higher ratio of epi to 4-andro if I had to do it again (which I likely will).

I definitely gained good size, which stayed along after ceasing and starting PCT, but the real improvements were in strength. I was able to add significant amounts to a lot of lifts, especially the leg press.

I ran 200 and then 300mg/each/day for awhile and ended at 200mg 4-andro and 450mg epi-andro. Increasing the epi and dropping the 4 caused me to dry out a bit and hardened everything up nicely. If you're pondering a similar cycle, you can probably find the thread through my profile. It will the be one I started. There's a lot of really knowledgeable brothers who chimed in on it.
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Epi/4 cycle was A-OK. Libido and erection quality was FANTASTIC, but you can definitely tell when you're far from your last dose (e.g. morning sex took a lot of work unless I got a dose in first.) I'd link to the thread about it, but I can't do that until I'm at 100 posts. This was my first ever cycle, so ther was a lot of learning involved. I would have run higher dosages and a higher ratio of epi to 4-andro if I had to do it again (which I likely will).

I definitely gained good size, which stayed along after ceasing and starting PCT, but the real improvements were in strength. I was able to add significant amounts to a lot of lifts, especially the leg press.

I ran 200 and then 300mg/each/day for awhile and ended at 200mg 4-andro and 450mg epi-andro. Increasing the epi and dropping the 4 caused me to dry out a bit and hardened everything up nicely. If you're pondering a similar cycle, you can probably find the thread through my profile. It will the be one I started. There's a lot of really knowledgeable brothers who chimed in on it.
Will do - thanks for the info. I'll check it out. I'm thinking of running epiandro/4andro on top of either osta or LGD next cycle without the MK677.


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Will do - thanks for the info. I'll check it out. I'm thinking of running epiandro/4andro on top of either osta or LGD next cycle without the MK677.
Any time, brother! I haven't tried/researched Osta or LGD much yet. I spent all of my time researching the MK-677, so I can't offer much insight on that portion, but I don't think you'll be disappointed with the 4/Epi cycle. You might consider adding some 1-andro also. That's the only of the DHEA metabolites which actually has accredited research backing up its ability to build lean muscle. Not to say that the others aren't any good, but this was a recommendation that I wished I would have taken as well.

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