Legs still sore 1 week later?



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I took a lot of time off from lifting and just recently got back into it. First leg workout I got the expected severe DOMS.

Soreness went away about 6 days later. However today when I went to do squats it felt like I was getting stabbed in the legs, and I was actually pushing LESS weight than the first workout.

I had to call it quits. Terrible feeling, but I don't want to train legs if they're still not recovered.

I've also been doing heavy deadlifts, so I wonder if I'm taxing my legs too much at once?

Anyone else ever deal with this?


New member
Im looking for the same information. Im pretty new to bodybuilding and have only had max one day gap for rests between workout days. I've been told by a friend that I should have one full weeks rest roughly every 8 to 10 weeks to help rest the body nervous system. The thing is, its really hard to say 'no' to the gym..... Can anyone please give me more info, i'd like to know if one week off would benefit me or kill my strength and mass gains


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One week off won't do much damage. I am not a fan, however, and would rather recommend a deload week if you feel one is necessary. A lot of people recommend them. They say you end up stronger for it.

As for OP, have your legs recovered? There could be so many factors for this happening, and some days we just have off-days. If keep hitting it, and if you're not 100% just hammer out what you can. In time the strength and recovery will improve if your diet is also on track.


Hey, I don't think one week will hurt. I go all out for 3-4 months, then vacation comes around and I take a full vacation from all stress. Keep up with the food intake, obviously if your laying around on the beach ya might wanna dial the carbs back but I find that I usually come back looking and feeling a little fuller. A week back on the grind and you'll be good. I'm sure your body will thank you for it.


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The hardest thing to grasp is the benefit and need to deload. It not only helps physically, but the mental aspect can't be downplayed. Not only do you give your body and mind time to recuperate, but you will come back even more focused and stronger.

Now, people that are new to lifting really don't need to worry about this so much as you are just getting your body adapted to training and growth. After you've been at it for a couple years, you should start to look into it. You can do an active deload, just reducing intensity/reps% or a full time off. At 40 and lifting serious for about 23 years now, I look forward to a deload every 8 -10 weeks. Dependent on the routine I am coming off of, I will decide on a working or full week off.


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Thats why im a big fan of these forums, always got a lot of people egar to share their knowledge. Thanks guys

"If you don't ask, the answer is always no"


New member
One week off won't do much damage. I am not a fan, however, and would rather recommend a deload week if you feel one is necessary. A lot of people recommend them. They say you end up stronger for it.
I've found this to be true. I think it is because as I move up in weight my form tends to slip a little bit but when I go on a deload and since I'm using less weight than I'm used to I am able to focus more on having perfect form.

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