Kyran's Blow the F up Log


30g BCAAs

Wide grip upright row
185x8 dropset 135xfailure

Reverse Fly machine
160x8 dropset to 80xfailure

Superset of DB press and seated side laterals. Then did a superset of front raises and bent over external rotation. Ended with shrugs and stretching. The heavy reverse flys really got me pumped.

Didn't weigh myself today. Diet had been slacking past few days. Not that I was eating bad I just was not eating enough as I should have. I got it back on track today though.

Still looking decently lean and I am doing no cardio, so I have to attribute this to eating clean and the GH.

** I have decided that I am going to keep the cycle at 12 weeks but I am just going to continue the Test E and Deca for those 12 weeks and not throw in the winny and the tren like was previously planned. I do not think I am going to need them to reach the goals I set for myself on this cycle. I still have a bottle of SD so if I feel like I need an extra kick in those last few weeks I might throw that in there.


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This is week 6 of a 12 week cycle and the PERFECT time to start tren ace for 6-8 weeks IMO. Have you ran tren before? It is AWESOME!
this man speaks the TRUTH!


you guys don't think running tren along with deca at the same time is a bad idea!? A lot of progestin activity going on!

No I have never ran tren before.

My weight has stalled a little bit though, even with a lot of food intake. I might just start cheating a little bit more, maybe not be so strict on my diet so that I can gain some extra size.

Something extra to throw in would be nice though, but I do not know if it should be the tren.


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you guys don't think running tren along with deca at the same time is a bad idea!? A lot of progestin activity going on!

No I have never ran tren before.

My weight has stalled a little bit though, even with a lot of food intake. I might just start cheating a little bit more, maybe not be so strict on my diet so that I can gain some extra size.

Something extra to throw in would be nice though, but I do not know if it should be the tren.
with prami you would be okay- but your risks of having higher side effects would be greater


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The risk of sides would be greater, but are you prone to gyno? If not, I say run it with an AI on hand, you got any cabergoline? That's good for prolactin sides.


I have prami on hand but it kills my energy if I take it during the day, and it makes it so I can not sleep if I take it at night!!

I have a lot of P5P though which I am currently using to keep prolactin under control. Caber is a little expensive and I do not have the funds to pick it up right now.

My friend has some sciroxx stuff stashed away that he said I could use but he doesn't remember how much or exactly which compounds he has. I am hoping he comes through with some good stuff!! :D

My facial hair is growing back quicker and thicker than before which is a good sign the test is working. Haven't weighed myself in the past few days but I have thrown in some more higher calorie meals, some cheats and some not, so I am hoping this will kickstart the size gains again. I also upped the dose on the deca this week to about 600mg split into two injections.

I hit legs the other day and it went like this:
455x4 dropset to 135xfailure

Leg Press Sumo Stance
4 plates each sidex15
5 plates each sidex12
6 plates each sidex10
7 plates each sidex8

Then went on to some prone hamstring curls where we went heavy with a lot of dropsets which really killed the hams. Finished with some heavy leg extensions and stretching.


Do you really need the prami? The evidence of deca increasing prolactin is really non existent. Are you getting this gear from a special uncle? Obviously it's good **** and would love to know more. What are you eating?


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Do you really need the prami? The evidence of deca increasing prolactin is really non existent. Are you getting this gear from a special uncle? Obviously it's good **** and would love to know more. What are you eating?
WHAT!? do you have ANY scientific data to back this absurd claim?


Well from what I have read, all progestins have the possibility of raising prolactin levels. I think around this forum especially in the PH section, there have been some articles posted about the prolactin increasing effects of progestin based hormones. I take the P5P and nolvadex every day and have cut out the Prami entirely and to be honest I feel much better all around.

I don't really understand how I am not moving anywhere in weight though. I know the school of thought that if you eat enough you will grow is pretty much true but I honestly killed it in the calorie department the past week and am still at 228. I ate anything and everything, cheat meals galore on top of my usual diet and I still couldn't put on even a half of a pound. :-/ I have some tren ace and masteron that I think I am going to throw in for weeks 9-12 at the end here so we will see how that goes.

I didn't hit the gym all weekend, I have actually been a little sick and I am 100% positive it has to do with my standing in the rain watching my good friends play some lacrosse this weekend.

And to whomever commented on the gear, as I posted earlier the labs are:
Omega Labs Test E 250
Sciroxx Deca 300
Jintropin GH 10iu each vial 100iu kit
Serostim GH 10iu each vial 100iu kit

The tren and mast are both going to be from Omega Labs as well, I think the tren/mast/SD combo should help me blast through this plateau I am currently at as well as help me get more cut up and defined in the last 4-5 weeks.

Tomorrow is Chest I will report back in here after the workout.


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whats your training? do you train for hypertrophy or strength- and theres a point where you will stop gaining- it has happend to me- im on tren ace- gaining no strength- because ive been on so long

myostatin will inhibit gains at some point, when we go off cycle myostatin levels drop- hence why either blasting and cruising is good, or coming off and waiting for several months- this is just one benefit of pct


Yeah I have also read about that. The gains stop at some point. I think I might just see what happens when I toss in the other compounds. I mean if I can't put more quality size on with this combo:

test 750mg EW
tren 50mg ED
mast 100mg EOD
SD 20mg ED

I can pretty much go ahead and say that it is my myostatin just refusing to allow my body to gain. It is weird though because I have been as high as 240 while on cycle before so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to get back up there. I have some suppress-C on hand as well that I might throw in as a last resort to see if my cortisol is too high which could also be causing the stop in gains.

My training right now is a mixture of both. I only stick with a certain type of training for 5-6 weeks then switch it up. Currently I am doing heavy weight with dropsets and burnout style training. In about a week I will be switching it to high volume training hitting between 20-30 sets per muscle group which has worked wonders for me on cycle before.

Oh and schwelly check your MaiLZ


Several studies have been done showing no increases in prolactin from deca. If you do a deca only cycle, the blockers won't even work for ED.


Don't take this as an insult bomb402, but if you have a link to those threads you are talking about that would be awesome. Also all I know is that once I threw in the P5P, which is known for its prolactin lowering effect, my sensitive nips started to go away.

Anyways today was chest and it went like this:
375mg Test E
300mg Deca
3IU GH (took it all 1.5 hours preworkout)
20mg Nolvadex

Incline DB

Flat Bench
225x8 (tris could not lock out anymore!!)
225x8 dropset to 135xfailure

Superset of cable flys and close grip pushups and finished with a superset of decline bench and incline flys with lower weights higher reps focusing on the squeeze. My lifting partner dared me to check out my pump today in the gym so I didn't shy away from the challenge. I walked right up to the mirror in front of everyone, took my shirt off, hit some poses and came back. I had a lot of people staring at me and some dropped jaws which was awesome!

weight was 230 today with some food in me. No side effects right now that I can mention. Dosing the entire 3IU GH pre workout today seemed to make my pump that much more insane. Diet has been on point, just increasing the cals with good food as well as throwing some carb powder into my intra-workout sizeon and post-workout protein shakes.

Placing an order here soon, should have some tren and test p coming my way very shortly. I can not wait to start hitting the cardio and dropping fat like it is nothing with the help of tren/mast/t3.

tomorrow is back and I will report in after the workout!


Hey guys today was back, nothing special to report lifting wise because I felt like absolute crap this morning during my lift. I got a half ass lift in, everything felt like slow motion or something. This sickness is beyond annoying. Anyways my weight has jumped up a little bit to 230 in the AM with no food in me so that is good.
20mg Nolva
30g BCAAs

I hit seated rows, reverse close grip pull downs, wide grip pull downs superset with shoulder extension and then wide grip rows. I did 4 sets of each I think the heavies I got to was 200x8 on the rows. Other than that the workout was pretty much mediocre weight to be honest. I hit a little bit of abs at the end but then started to get a cramp in my lower abs/hip flexor region lol. Just all around not that great of a day!


I don't think there is anyway to know for certain. I have bought through a very close and secure source that I know has a very good rep. He has dealt with some big names in the bodybuilding world who keep coming back to him so I have a good feeling about it.

Things I have noticed from the gear I have:
GH - great vascularity and I can eat whatever I feel like and will still wake up the next day looking even leaner than the day before. The first few weeks on it I also felt very tired which from what I read was a common side effect.

Test E - From week 2 on I felt a significant increase in libido. I could get wood from the smallest thought of something sexual. My aggressiveness increased around week 4 which is when it probably started kicking in.

Dbol - from the 4th day on it I could notice a large jump in strength and weight all the way through week 4.

Deca - seems to have taken a bit longer to start seeing the water retention of the deca this time around but I think the GH has something to do with that as well. My joints have felt absolutely awesome while I have been on it and I also noticed that when my nips were hurting a couple weeks back, once I threw in the P5P the pain subsided significantly.

We will see with the Mast/Tren combo, I bought through a much cheaper source this time around but he was recommended to me by a few close friends so I gave it a whirl. Most reviews of his products are great. I will report on these once I have them in hand and ready to go.


Today was shoulders:
standing side laterals
45x8 dropset to 30x10 then dropset to 20xfailure.

Then I went into a superset of close grip up right rows and standing front raises, then on to some heavy reverse flys:
150x7 dropset to 70x12

Then I finished up with a superset of seated machine shoulder press and seated machine side laterals and then a superset of shrugs and bent over reverse flys. The pump was great, shoulders are starting to round out a bit more and the strength seems to have gone up a little.

Weight today was 231 with some food in me. I can see some water weight becoming more apparent so I hit a little adex to see if I can't get rid of it. At this point I have about 1 more week of all out bulking followed by 4-5 weeks of recomping on the test/tren/mast/gh combo. The decision on SD will come later once I have fully evaluated how I want to attack the recomp.


Today was arms
375mg Test E
300mg Deca
30g BCAAs

Standing barbell curls
125x7 dropset to 95x7

superset of seated close grip EZ bar curls and hammer curls

went on to tri pushdowns with flared elbows
195x12 dropset to150x12

then hit a superset of dips and standing skullcrushers.

then hit a superset of standing db curls and rope push downs.

then a final superset of reverse grip tri extension and cable concentration curls.

Pump was great, everything seems to be piecing together nicely. I am still about 230-231, the adex helped with some bloat that was goin on. My strength is still increasing slowly each workout and the pumps seem to be getting better and better. I am feeling a bit better today as well so that cold I had is moving on. I have noticed a slight increase in acne on my arms especially but nothing too noticeable. I have been using this skin wash that has been helping out a lot. No other side effects to report.

Tomorrow, if I have time to hit the gym after work, should be legs. So we will see as the work day goes on how I feel at the end of it all.


Hey guys today was chest:
300mg Deca
375mg Test E
2.5mg Vardenafil pre workout

Incline DB

Incline DB Fly
45x8 dropset to 27.5x10

Decline Bench superset with close grip pushups and then finished with some decline pec dec flys.

The pump was great in the gym today, the striations in my chest are becoming insane when I get a good pump going in my chest. Since upping the deca dose i have noticed more water retention in my mid section but today was the last deca injection so I am expecting some water loss in the near future.

I have some tren ace, mast diprop, and test prop coming in hopefully by the end of this week so if that is the case I was thinking about starting the tren ace next week. Do you guys think this is smart or should I wait a couple weeks for the deca to clear? I am currently in the middle of week 8. Nips were pretty sensitive today so I used the prami again and it seemed to clear up the pain pretty well but not entirely so I also took 20mg nolva and .25mg of adex which cleared everything right up. The prami hit me as it usually does making me extremely tired which wasn't too great because I missed out on some studying time while I was napping.

todays weight was 229 so I have been fluctuating between 227.5 and 231 which I am thinking has to do with the prolactin/estrogen levels fluctuating as well.

I was thinking about ending the cycle like this:
9-13 tren ace 50mg ED
9-12 Test E 750mg EW
14-18 PCT

during the tren I will be using a low dose of T3 as well alongside the GH and will start doing cardio again :(

All in all I am pretty happy with the cycle so far, I was hoping for a lean 230-235 by the end of this one but it is looking like that is not going to be the case. I have to admit that this 228 looks a lot better than my previous times being at this weight.


Hey guys, got lazy with the log. Had a lot of studying with midterms and projects lately. I have basically been living in the library during the week and then working the weekends. All in all though the cycle has not suffered much from this. I am currently off the deca and have been for a complete week now. I still have some water retention from the deca but it is slowly going away.

I have entered the last 5 weeks of the cycle and am expecting the tren ace to come in any day now. Once it does I will be on 50mg ED to make 350mg of tren ace a week to go along with my 500mg test e. I have also begun my cardio regimen and did about 15 minutes on the stairstepper and 15 minutes on the bike. This along with a low dose of T3 and the GH I have been on should really attribute to some quality lean mass gains and fat loss.

Question though, I have mast coming in as well and was wondering if you guys think I should toss that into the mix as well? I also have some SD waiting to be used but don't know if that would be overkill or not. Thanks for the input.


well today was first day back hitting legs in about 2 weeks now and it went like this:
250mg test e


Sumo Stance Leg Press
2 plates each side x 15
3 plates each side x 15
4 plates each side x 15
5 plates each side x 15

Leg Extensions and HS curls finished off the day. First day back hitting legs in a bit so I wanted to work them back in slowly. I still had a great pump I can feel the soreness in my legs now so I know it wasnt a wasted workout

The questions above still stands guys, should I toss in the Mast alongside the Tren when it gets here or should I save it for another run later on? Also what about thoughts on SD?


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good reps on those leg exercises, i added 6 more sets to my leg day yesterday and i can tell, i love it

when will progress pics be up?


I was hoping to put up some pics once I hopped on the tren and got a bit into the cutting portion but it has taken a while for me to get my hands on the tren so I am unsure. I can probably take some soon here though.


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I was hoping to put up some pics once I hopped on the tren and got a bit into the cutting portion but it has taken a while for me to get my hands on the tren so I am unsure. I can probably take some soon here though.
ya ya!

email me asap bro got some ideas for ya!


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hey. i havent posted much in ur log (or at all) sorry, but ive been keeping an eye. you train hard bro and i really like the cycle. its nothing too crazy i like that, and i love the part how u have growth along everything. your workouts/diet seem spot on so no need to comment on that.

i got a little confused about ur cycle. you say ur running test + deca + dbol (kickstart). are you changing to test/tren/mast?
if you decide to do that, run your test e for 4weeks on its own, drop it to 250/week. this will clear up ur reseptors/body from all the **** u put it thru so when you add the tren/mast u will see the difference right away. if i were u i would do that. and in those 4 weeks, dont workout too hard, just do a lot of supersets since they are light on ur joints. also using bw dips/pull ups is very good way to gain/keep all your gains, while giving ur body a rest. do more cardio as well, i mean summer time is coming haha.

i understand you probably wanna just keep blasting hard with compounds and the weights at the gym, but the body cant keep that up very long...mayb 10weeks of hard training, than u need some "off" time.

hope you take some of my advice, ive seen a pro and other big dudes do 10weeks blast, 4week cruise, 10week blast and than bounce outa the cycle.


Hey bro havnt posted in your log for a min...good to see your keeping it going and interested in seeing the bridge into the tren coming up.Save the after pics for the end,the end result is what your working torwards anyways.I do like the idea about the t-e 250mg pr week for a small period to get your receptors prepped for the tren ahead.anyways good job and keep training hard and plugging away torwards your goals.


Yeah guys funny how you mentioned dropping the test dose. I have been on the test only for 2 weeks now and have been doing just that, training lighter. The reason I am training lighter though is because I possibly broke my ankle the other week and am currently in a soft cast. I am waiting on the radiology report, and am seeing my PCP on monday. If it is not broken, or the fracture is small enough, they will take off the cast and let me take it easy (what I am hoping for). Worst case scenario is that the fracture is serious and I will have to be in a hard cast for 4-6 weeks (what I really do not want).

To add on top of all of this, my tren and mast just came in lol. The plan was to hit these and switch the test from enan to prop for the last 5-6 weeks to really get cut up for the summer time. So basically my doc appt on monday will decide whether or not to hit the tren/mast/test p, or if I will just end the cycle on a low dose of test e and go into pct in the next couple of weeks. I don't want to waste the tren and mast if I can't get the most I can out of them with cardio and such.

so as you can see I am in a pickle, just a waiting game right now.


Yeah guys funny how you mentioned dropping the test dose. I have been on the test only for 2 weeks now and have been doing just that, training lighter. The reason I am training lighter though is because I possibly broke my ankle the other week and am currently in a soft cast. I am waiting on the radiology report, and am seeing my PCP on monday. If it is not broken, or the fracture is small enough, they will take off the cast and let me take it easy (what I am hoping for). Worst case scenario is that the fracture is serious and I will have to be in a hard cast for 4-6 weeks (what I really do not want).

To add on top of all of this, my tren and mast just came in lol. The plan was to hit these and switch the test from enan to prop for the last 5-6 weeks to really get cut up for the summer time. So basically my doc appt on monday will decide whether or not to hit the tren/mast/test p, or if I will just end the cycle on a low dose of test e and go into pct in the next couple of weeks. I don't want to waste the tren and mast if I can't get the most I can out of them with cardio and such.

so as you can see I am in a pickle, just a waiting game right now.
yeah man it never fails..everytime you get a good run going an injury happens


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Swole bro. Arms looking big. Keep on killin, hopefully the injury doesn't set you back.


I am actually right handed haha :-/

I really hope I get this cast off tomorrow so that I can hit the cardio again, want to get the best results from the tren and mast as possible. Also need to trim up on the love handles ^_^


well I saw the doc today, and she said that there was no fracture. She did however refer me to an orthopedic surgeon to get it looked at because she said there seems to be serious ligament damage. She had me wrapped up in an ace bandage and told me to ice and elevate it. Luckily I used to work in a PT clinic, so I headed over there afterwards and got some free PT and more instruction.

I am hoping to hop on the bike later this week for some cardio. About to go hit what I can of chest shoulders and tris with my old lifting partner. Should be awesome. I'll take a pic of the pump if I can manage it.


well yesterday consisted of shoulders and tris in the early afternoon and then 30 minutes on the bike.

today was chest and bis in the early afternoon and then 45 minutes on the bike followed by abs.

I have been on the tren ace now for about a week at 50mg ED, I already notice and increase in aggression and I notice that I am warmer throughout the day, also the pumps are stupid lol. I also had my first injection of 100mg masteron diprop yesterday as well which I will be dosing EOD. Yesterday was also the beginning of my low dose T3 regimen which will last me for the next 4-5 weeks depending on where I am at.

I weighed in at a solid 227 today. Can't wait to start seeing the difference in body composition in the next 5 weeks. It should be awesome.

Judging from my pictures above, do you guys think it is possible to get my abs fully showing and do some serious damage to the love handles in the next 5 weeks with all of the drugs, cardio and dieting being on point?

I will post pics at the very end of it all.


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What brand of Superdrol did you use and how did 30mg a day feel? Cool log btw.


I used mdrol from CEL but only for a couple of weeks at 20mg once the deca was clearing my system.

Yesterday was chest
100mg test P
50mg Tren Ace

incline bench
275x5 dropset to 225x4 dropset to 135x20

flat bench superset with flys
we used 30lb dbs for the flys the entire time for sets of 15 following the bench at:
235x9 (force rep'd last 2) dropset to 205x7 dropset to 135x15

incline hammer machine superset with wide grip hammer machine
cable flys superset with close grip pushups (really focusing on the middle chest squeeze)

workout went well, the dropsets early on really got me sore today so that is good, I am waking up in sweat almost every night and I have definitely noticed a shorter temper alongside some lethargy.

About to go hit some arms, I'll let you know how it goes!


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yes i think you can get your abs in if you work hard

masteron/tren/test is a very synergistic combo

masteroin if you read about it was originally made for patients with breast cancer, it works like an ai
and is derived from dht- meaning its A/A ratio is actually 5x that of what it sais on paper

seriously- masteron is no joke i got 30ml's coming :)


Today was shoulders
100mg Test P
100mg Mast
50mg Tren A

Smith machine shoulder press

standing side laterals
2IU GH in the AM

reverse pec dec
close grip upright row on cable
bent over reverse flys
superset of machine shoulder press with machine side laterals to failure

I can really notice the tren kicking in. Last night I slept for probably 2 hours max. The rest of the night it was like I was just resting my eyes, I could never get into a full on sleep. I also had to constantly remove the covers because I would heat up. Besides those negative sides I did notice that the weight I was using on all exercises felt much lighter than before and the pumps and definition I am seeing in the gym are intense to say the least.

All in all I seem to be looking better by the day. I will post some pics up soon.

For the future I have a couple more short term short ester bulking cycles lined up before I hit my pre contest cycle next year. Things seem to be falling into place rather well. My goal is to get to about 250 or so before I start dieting down next year for the show.


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Today was shoulders
100mg Test P
100mg Mast
50mg Tren A

Smith machine shoulder press

standing side laterals
2IU GH in the AM

reverse pec dec
close grip upright row on cable
bent over reverse flys
superset of machine shoulder press with machine side laterals to failure

I can really notice the tren kicking in. Last night I slept for probably 2 hours max. The rest of the night it was like I was just resting my eyes, I could never get into a full on sleep. I also had to constantly remove the covers because I would heat up. Besides those negative sides I did notice that the weight I was using on all exercises felt much lighter than before and the pumps and definition I am seeing in the gym are intense to say the least.

All in all I seem to be looking better by the day. I will post some pics up soon.

For the future I have a couple more short term short ester bulking cycles lined up before I hit my pre contest cycle next year. Things seem to be falling into place rather well. My goal is to get to about 250 or so before I start dieting down next year for the show.
whats your tren dose at?

mine was at 525mg/wk and sides where unbearable

i dropped it to 350mg/wk and i have no insomnia. I am grouchy, and impulsive, and uhm the covers/sheets are soaking wet when i wake up.... and im loosing bf quickly so yeah...what it at?

are you going to pct or just cruise?


hey schwell my tren is at 350mg EW, 50mg ED.

I am unsure whether or not to just cruise or pct..

basically the debate comes down to the question of gains, one I do not have experience with. will I be able to still make significant gains when I blast later on if I cruise for say 4 weeks or so at 200mg Test P EW? or would I make better gains if I were to PCT?

some input on that would be awesome. I don't want to blast and cruise if I can't make significant gains with each blast you know?


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hey schwell my tren is at 350mg EW, 50mg ED.

I am unsure whether or not to just cruise or pct..

basically the debate comes down to the question of gains, one I do not have experience with. will I be able to still make significant gains when I blast later on if I cruise for say 4 weeks or so at 200mg Test P EW? or would I make better gains if I were to PCT?

some input on that would be awesome. I don't want to blast and cruise if I can't make significant gains with each blast you know?
I cruised for 4 weeks and my gains where not significant. I would cruise for 8 weeks on long estered test c or e, then transition into test p again

im thinking about cruising again- for 3 months minimum but i dunno

if u cruise long enough you will see gains when you blast


Alright well I have decided that yesterday was my last injection for this cycle. I feel that if I were to continue on with the tren mast and prop that I would not be able to get the most out of them because of my ankle injury.

I am going to PCT as I did when I came off of my last long cycle a while back which was to take the hcg at 500iu on M W and F of the last week I was on, and then hit 4 more pins of hcg the first week of PCT at 1000iu Sunday 1000iu Tuesday 1000iu Thursday and 500iu on Saturday. This will be alongside clomid at 50mg ED for the first 2 weeks and nolvadex at 40mg the first week and 20mg the last 3 weeks. This method worked awesome for me last time and I am going to give it a whirl again.

I figured adding everything up, my injury, time left before I compete, time I had been on and how the gains stopped a while back, that it is probably the best time to PCT and come off for a while. I need to let the ankle heal as well as give my body a bit of a break so that when I am healthy and can hop back on, I will be able to make significant gains again.

I am kind of bummed that the cycle had to end the way it did but I know it is the best decision at this time. I am happy with the results I got, about an overall 12 pound gain at this point in time, it was more a few weeks ago before this injury and I can see a significant deflation in my legs due to my inability to work them out. I thank everyone who followed along and I will definitely log my next bulking cycle on here in the future.


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