It's about to get real serious! Mdrol Estane bridge.


I've heard of people running m-drol for four weeks.....but **** if I pack on 10lbs in 3 weeks thats fine....and with the epi at three solid weeks I should pack on another 2-5lbs.....I MIGHT leave 11oxo out but I bought the stuff so I dunno maybe I will keep it for a latere cycle....I got two bottles of M-drol so 3 weeks might be more bang for my buck as thats at least two more cycles of the good ol drol for 3 weeks.....HRrrrrmmmm I probably will leave 11oxo out....I dont want too many compounds as this is only my 2nd cycle....cant add it into pct because it has anabolic properties thus cancelling out any effective pct:( maybe I can find an otc cortisol suppressent?
Bro ur being anal about the whole cortisol suppressent bit. Look, either u need it or u don't, it's not a big deal. It all depends on ur diet. If ur diet is kept perfectly thru PCT, I doubt u will lose more than 1-2 lbs (weight loss will still be losing all that glycogen storage/water weight if u get any).

Ur dosing is messed up. Follow it like this:

M drol: 10-20/20/20/0/0/0
Epistane: 0/0/30/40/40/40

call it a cycle, wrap it up w/ PCT, have fun


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guess ur right....I will save the 11 oxo and stack it with something else for a cut after a good break to let my body heal up.....and thanks for the dosing man preciate it....and eating will NOT be a concern I LOVE eating! I will be puttin down 4.5-5k cals a day- 6out of 7 days will be clean with one or two splurge meals thrown in


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guess ur right....I will save the 11 oxo and stack it with something else for a cut after a good break to let my body heal up.....and thanks for the dosing man preciate it....and eating will NOT be a concern I LOVE eating! I will be puttin down 4.5-5k cals a day- 6out of 7 days will be clean with one or two splurge meals thrown in
No offense here bro, but you are jacking his thread. Start you own because your derailing this log.


Alright feeling good and fed the beast today!

Meal 1-4 eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 tbsp fish oil.
Meal 2-8 oz pork chop, 1 cup cauliflower and broccoli.
Meal 3-3 scoops whey, 1 tbsp olive oil.
Meal 4-8 oz pork chop, 1 cup cauliflower and broccoli.
Meal 5-3 scoops whey, 1 tbsp olive oil.
Meal 6-3 chicken soft tacos and a serving of deluxe chili cheddar fries from Del Taco mmm! lol!
Meal 7- 1.5 cup whole milk, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein, 1 tbsp natty pb.

As I'm starting to peak here I'm adding in some dirty calories to help fuel more gains. I pretty much made a pact to myself that as long as I get my prescribed clean meals in for the day than any thing else is icing on the cake.

At this point side effects I can happily say are non existent! I'm sleeping like a baby and recovering like nothing. My lower back is a little sore but other than that it's as if I didn't even train yesterday, my recovery is that good right now.

No libido, blood pressure, or rage issues whatsoever. Is it the Dermacrine, or is it the epi? I honestly don't know, but I will say from what I can tell Dermacrine will be my "test base" for my cycles from now on, it really seems like a solid addition to any cycle.

The only thing I'm noticing at the moment is some slight muscle spasms or aches if you will. I wouldn't say my joints feel dry, and as you guys have seen I take in plenty of healthy oils and fats, but for example, if I stretch or do mobility work, I really "feel" the muscles, and it seems like I could pull something easily with the way they are feeling.

My food intake and training are on point right now, and that's the way I plan on keeping it. This week is the money week, so every meal and every session I really want to make count here. Chest/delts/and tris on tap tomorrow, gonna do some serious work on them!

And support or feedback is appreciated.


PR city once again!

Strict standing military press-ramped up to 160x8 PR!
Incline db press-80s x10, 90s x6 PR!
Weighted dips-60 2x10 PR!
Weighted Roman chair sit-ups-70 2x12 PR!

Meal 1-4 eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese.
Meal 2-8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies.
Meal 3-3 scoops whey, 2 tbsp olive oil.
Meal 4-2 Double Doubles from In N Out Burger, Oh yea!
Meal 5-3 scoops whey, 2 tbsp olive oil.
Pre-workout-10 grams bcaas.
Post workout-3 scoops torrent.
Meal 6-1 cup cup cottage cheese, 1 scoop casein.

Resting up Thu and Fri, and back to it Friday with back and biceps.


Some more PRs!

Hang cleans-135x5, 150 3x3

Weighted chins-50 lb chain 3x5 PR!

One arm db rows-110x8, 125 2x6 PR!

Pull aparts with a blue mini 2x12

Well today marks the transition into 40 mg of epi. I'm doing 20 with breakfast, and 20 with dinner, along with 4 ml of Dermacrine with each dose.

Having an epic cheat/carb up day today, as I really feel the need and urge for it, so I've been splurging on fast food all day.

I'll be resting up tomorrow, and starting Monday I'll be resetting my lift percentages (531), so I plan on going for a nasty squat widowmaker since I'll be using lighter weight than the last sessions.

Will report back later with today's food intake.


Food intake

Meal 1-Big breakfast and a sausage mcmuffin from McD's
Meal 2-2 bowls of Raisin Bran and a medium orange
Meal 3-3 scoops whey, 1 tbsp olive oil
Pwo-3 scoops torrent
Meal 4-2 chili cheese dogs, 1 polish sandwich, and a reeses freeze from weinersnitzel
Meal 5-8 oz sirloin, 2 eggs
Meal 6-2 cups whole milk, 1 scoop casein, 2 tbsp natty pb

Oh yea, good and bloated today lol!

Feeling good though, my metabolism needed the stimulation, and some times it's good to let loose, carb up, and keep the flow going.

I'll be back to clean eating tomorrow.


Just had a really good session.

Squats-240x21 PR!

Incline barbell press-ramped up to 185x5 PR! Then 155x10 for a back off.

One arm standing db press-ramped up to 70 x6 each arm PR! Then another set of 6 with right arm, failed at the 6th with the left.

Weighted dips-70 2x8 PR!

Changing up my split here a little bit. Going to do just push and pull days to increase the frequency on bodyparts.

We will see where that takes me.

I'm making great progress, to put things in perspective, when I first began this cycle I did 235x15 on the squats, and now I just did 240x21, with that in mind I have to be growing!

Will report back later with food intake and all.


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Just had a really good session.

Squats-240x21 PR!

Incline barbell press-ramped up to 185x5 PR! Then 155x10 for a back off.

One arm standing db press-ramped up to 70 x6 each arm PR! Then another set of 6 with right arm, failed at the 6th with the left.

Weighted dips-70 2x8 PR!

Changing up my split here a little bit. Going to do just push and pull days to increase the frequency on bodyparts.

We will see where that takes me.

I'm making great progress, to put things in perspective, when I first began this cycle I did 235x15 on the squats, and now I just did 240x21, with that in mind I have to be growing!

Will report back later with food intake and all.
Congrats on those PR's bro. Keep that intensity!!


Congrats on those PR's bro. Keep that intensity!!
Thanks brother, intensity=immensity!

Food intake for today:

Meal 1-2 eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup blackberries, 2 tbsp natty pb, 1 tbsp fish oil.

Meal 2-Breakfast burrito from Robertos.

Pre-workout: 10 grams creatine, 10 grams bcaas.

Post-workout: 3 scoops Torrent.

Meal 3: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup blackberries, 1 cup milk.

Meal 4: 8 oz pork chop, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup mixed greens salad, 1 cup milk.

Meal 5: 2 eggs, 1.5 cup cottage cheese, 1 tbsp fish oil.

Meal 6: 2 cups milk, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein, 2 tbsp natty pb.

Weight is hovering around 210-213, so I guess it's safe to say I got those 10 lbs I wanted! I weighed in at 210.2 today first thing this morning.

Right now I'm focusing on maintaing a good frequency of 6+ small meals a day to maintain that positive nitrogen balance, and am adding milk to the mix for the extra cals and protein.

I like to look at my way of eating as sort of like a Paleo with dairy, with some dirty stuff thrown inbetween to stimulate the metabolism and up the glycogen stores.

Training wise it's all about continual strength gains. I got everything laced up percentage wise for the squat, rack pull, incline barbell press, and standing barbell press based on the 5 3 1. Since I'm still "on" here I didn't bother to deload, but definitely will for the first week of pct to give my joints a break.

That's all for now, resting tomorrow, back to it Wednesday.


Ok put in some work today.

Trained with a buddy of mine at the gym at our work, it has some free weights and a few machines.

Deads-300x3, 350x3, 390x1. The free weight bar they have there is a 5 ft olympic bar that only weighs 30 lbs, so basically I did 3 pps x3, then 3 pps plus a quarter for 3, then 4 for 1.

Pull downs-ramped up to 215x6, then 180 2x8

Cable rows-165 3x10

EZ bar curls-95 3x8

Hammer curls-45s 2x10

All is still going well. Food intake and rest have been on point. Took yesterday off as I'm having a very busy week at work, but still got a good session in today. My buddy that I trained with today commented that I looked like I put on a bit of size and leaned out some, so that's definitely a good sign.

Off tomorrow, back to it Saturday.


Alright had a pretty good sesssion today.

Incline barbell press-ramped up to 160x12 PR!
Weighted dips-62.5 2x8 These were good deep reps, and the weight was controlled, whereas my form felt a bit sloppy last time with 70 lbs.
One arm standing db press-60 2x8 PR! Easy!
Pullover-75 2x10
Ab work.

The weights keep going up, so I got to be doing something right!


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how much weight have u put on?


Kept it short and sweet today.

Squats-ramped up to 255 for 18 reps PR!, failed midway at the 19th, I wanted 20!

I was utterly nuked after this, since I squatted to complete muscular failure.

I wanted to press on and finish my workout, but my body was just saying no, have your Torrent shake and call it a day lol!

Once again to put things in gains perspective, I was only squatting 260 for 6 pre cycle, and now here I just put up 255 for 18, that's pretty significant!

Food intake for the day:

Meal 1-4 eggs, 3 sausage links, 1 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, 1 cup blue berries, 1 cup milk.
Meal 2-2 scoops LG Science Liportropic (my new protein powder of choice), 1 tbsp natty pb, 1 tbsp olive oil.
Meal 3-Breakfast burrito from Robertos.
Post workout-3 scoops Torrent
Meal 4-8 oz pork tenderloin, 1 medium size yam, 1 cup milk.
Meal 5-8 oz rib eye, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 cup milk,
Meal 6-2 scoops lipotropic, 1 tbsp natty pb, 1 cup milk.

Off the next 2 days, back to it Thu. Since my squats are getting so intense I am going to start hitting them last in my workout from now on lol.



So far appearance wise what I notice as of now is my upper body seemingly appears more fuller, especially in the delts and trap, and my arms have gotten much more vascular. There are veins popped up all over the place on my forearms and biceps that I've never even seen before.

I definitely look like I've put on a bit of mass in the upper body though, my shirts are filling out more too.

Side effects.

Until now I fortunately haven't experienced much of any, no libido issue, lethargy in the beginning but nothing major, the Dermacrine killed it right off.

At this point I've finally began to notice some, I've had a tad bit of acne that started Friday, but I nipped it right in the bud my washing my face thoroughly several times a day from there on out, and applying acne cream on the problem area and it subsided within a day or two.
Also, I've been feeling it in my joints, if I stretch out, I feel like I could easily pull something, and sometimes by a simple odd movement here or there I kind of feal a tweak every now and then, hard to explain, but those of you who have been down this road probably know where I'm coming from ;)
Lastly, I've been having some crazy dreams lately. I always take a zinc/magnesium complex before bed, but I know how I react to it, and this is something else lol. Those kind of dreams you are relieved to wake up from if you know what I mean. Could be testosterone issues? In my experience usually when I'm taking something that raises it I have aggressive dreams.
These are all very minor though. I will say since I always make sure to take in a gallon of water minimum, eat clean for the most part, take plenty of fish oil and support supps this has been great, pain free cycle thus far!


  • Established
Congrats on your gains bro.
this log has been very helpful asi have m-drol, epi and propadrol on the way now and i was flip flopping a few ideas on what to use and when... and you my friend have made up my mind. im going to follow this cycle hopefully starting next wk. so thanks again.

you didnt find any signifigant dropoffs when you were switching to the epi?
any noticeable darkening of your urine? i found this when i have used SD a little longer than three wks in the past.


Congrats on your gains bro.
this log has been very helpful asi have m-drol, epi and propadrol on the way now and i was flip flopping a few ideas on what to use and when... and you my friend have made up my mind. im going to follow this cycle hopefully starting next wk. so thanks again.

you didnt find any signifigant dropoffs when you were switching to the epi?
any noticeable darkening of your urine? i found this when i have used SD a little longer than three wks in the past.
Hey thanks bro!

So you are going to run the same bridge?

No dropoffs at all. Intensity and progression continued even after discontinuing the mdrol. Having ran both mdrol and epi solo, I can say I respond and feel better with epi, but I noticed the mdrol kickstarted the gains, both strength and weight wise, and like Unreal says in his write up, the epi (in my experience here) essentially solidifies and sustains the gains.

No discoloration in my urine, I always drink a gallon of water a day minimum, and that is definitely a requirement of any cycle.

I do remember experiencing that on a solo mdrol run in the past though.

Like I said, very little side effects here, just a tad bit of acne, lethargy in the beginning but the dhea killed that, and the joint and sleep issues I made mention of in my previous post are very minor. Nothing to complain about.

Just make sure you take a basic all around support supplement (cycle support or assist) and I highly recommend megadosing fish oil, get a liquid form and take 2 tbsp a day, also I'd add in liv52 for the extra liver support.

Anyways thanks for stopping by bro, and if you plan on logging your cycle let me know and I'll be sure to follow.


  • Established
yeah im going to this same bridge. honestly ive been debating what exactly to do and since ive been reading this ive gotten really excited haha. seriously though i cant stop thinking about starting.

I am going to load up on fish oils, i supplement them already but will up it once i start. im going to be taking Assist and im big on liver supps. since god only gave me one, i should try to make it last.

and yeah i am gonna log it. i usually log for my own purposes so i may as well do it on here.

im also debating taking insulin (humalin-R) with this as well. Which i think would just push this over the top.


yeah im going to this same bridge. honestly ive been debating what exactly to do and since ive been reading this ive gotten really excited haha. seriously though i cant stop thinking about starting.

I am going to load up on fish oils, i supplement them already but will up it once i start. im going to be taking Assist and im big on liver supps. since god only gave me one, i should try to make it last.

and yeah i am gonna log it. i usually log for my own purposes so i may as well do it on here.

im also debating taking insulin (humalin-R) with this as well. Which i think would just push this over the top.
Sounds like you got all your ducks in a row bro, and I'm sure it will be a good cycle!

If you already got the humalin I'd say go for it, why not?

I added the Dermacrine in on this a while ago and it really seemed to help, and at this point I'd recommend it as a "test base" now.

Definitely better to be safe than sorry, I swear by liv52, and I'm sure it plays a big role in why I've had little to no sides.


  • Established
Sounds like you got all your ducks in a row bro, and I'm sure it will be a good cycle!

If you already got the humalin I'd say go for it, why not?

I added the Dermacrine in on this a while ago and it really seemed to help, and at this point I'd recommend it as a "test base" now.

Definitely better to be safe than sorry, I swear by liv52, and I'm sure it plays a big role in why I've had little to no sides.
liv52 looks a good prouct, maybe i should give it a go too. you are exactly right with the better safe than sorry.

im doing more research now on topical tests and such. ive been wanting to find something that would help me "cruise" in between two cycles then PCT. much like ive done in the past with a low dose of test e. due to my job now i have to stay with "gray market products"

dude, your squat increase from 6 reps to 18 has me just dying to start. my mail cannot come soon enough!


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GET IT! I Started this same bridge yesterday, day 2 and my bench is up by 5lbs and up reps too......could be just good diet....maybe not....I have experienced some sides already- dry joints dry mouth and a little trouble sleeping- but I think thats cause Im so damn excited- Oh and lethargy.....does dhea work for that? past that though its been good....I started at 10mgs and bumping it up to twenty


  • Established
Being safe than sorry would mean not running an epistane bridge with superdrol...

I really hope the majority of the kids on the board dont think this is a good idea for a cycle.


  • Established
Being safe than sorry would mean not running an epistane bridge with superdrol...

I really hope the majority of the kids on the board dont think this is a good idea for a cycle.

kids read this and remember this.

we all do this at our own risks. make sure you've done your research and make your decision an educated decision.


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Yep, just cause Im doing it or he is doing it does NOT mean its a good idea....research and talk to people who know about it before you put ANYTHING in your body


liv52 looks a good prouct, maybe i should give it a go too. you are exactly right with the better safe than sorry.

im doing more research now on topical tests and such. ive been wanting to find something that would help me "cruise" in between two cycles then PCT. much like ive done in the past with a low dose of test e. due to my job now i have to stay with "gray market products"

dude, your squat increase from 6 reps to 18 has me just dying to start. my mail cannot come soon enough!
Yea it's definitely solid.

The Dermacrine is a great addition as well, it will kill any lethargy sides.

The strength gains have definitely been nice, every time I've trained during this cycle I hit a new PR, got to love that!
GET IT! I Started this same bridge yesterday, day 2 and my bench is up by 5lbs and up reps too......could be just good diet....maybe not....I have experienced some sides already- dry joints dry mouth and a little trouble sleeping- but I think thats cause Im so damn excited- Oh and lethargy.....does dhea work for that? past that though its been good....I started at 10mgs and bumping it up to twenty
The dhea definitely helps with lethargy, did with me at least. Good luck with your cycle bro.
Being safe than sorry would mean not running an epistane bridge with superdrol...

I really hope the majority of the kids on the board dont think this is a good idea for a cycle.
If you want to be pedantical about it, it would be safe to just not do any gear at all. But plenty have had success with this bridge, and as long as proper support supps and pct is done there shouldn't be any problems.

You have the right to your opinion, but please keep it out of my log.


Ok just had a good session.

I'm incorporating a light day in my split now, focusing purely on more volume, short rest periods, and getting a pump.

So here it is, no more than 1 min rest between sets:

Incline db press-50s 3x10
Weighted dips-25 3x10
EZ bar skullcrushers-80 3x10
Lat raises-20 5x10
Ab work

Felt good to lighten the load a bit and just go for a pump for a change. In my experience it's good to throw in some light days every now and then to aid in active recovery, and also let you focus on more on hypertrophy with the extra volume allotted by going lighter.

Well, I'm closing in on this cycle, and only have one week left, to be honest I'm eager to start pct, just getting to the point where I'm ready to get off.


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Good work bro.
I kicked mine off today, started a log too. So See how it compares to your success.


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Ok just had a good session.

I'm incorporating a light day in my split now, focusing purely on more volume, short rest periods, and getting a pump.

So here it is, no more than 1 min rest between sets:

Incline db press-50s 3x10
Weighted dips-25 3x10
EZ bar skullcrushers-80 3x10
Lat raises-20 5x10
Ab work

Felt good to lighten the load a bit and just go for a pump for a change. In my experience it's good to throw in some light days every now and then to aid in active recovery, and also let you focus on more on hypertrophy with the extra volume allotted by going lighter.

Well, I'm closing in on this cycle, and only have one week left, to be honest I'm eager to start pct, just getting to the point where I'm ready to get off.
how are you doing in terms of weight, bf, vascularity?


Good work bro.
I kicked mine off today, started a log too. So See how it compares to your success.
Right on bro, best wishes for your cycle!
how are you doing in terms of weight, bf, vascularity?
Sitting steady at 210-212 now depending on the time of day, I seemed to either lose a bit of fat, or at least didn't gain any. As far as vascularity goes, I noticed my arms have gotten much veinier, there's veins on my forearms and biceps that I've never even seen before!


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sounds great man! keep going strong in PCT


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Sitting steady at 210-212 now depending on the time of day, I seemed to either lose a bit of fat, or at least didn't gain any. As far as vascularity goes, I noticed my arms have gotten much veinier, there's veins on my forearms and biceps that I've never even seen before!
nice bro! your log has me so psyched right now.


Ok so PCT starts today.

Conventionally speaking, I still had one more week of epi to go, but at this point my body was just telling me to cut it short and get off. I was starting to get really irritable and a back pump in my lower right side was also starting to nag me, so I figured it would be better to just go into PCT and conclude the cycle since I already made great gains with relatively little sides anyway.

So I startng things off with 3 caps of PCT Assist this morning with breakfast, and will start clomid tonight before bed.

I can honestly say I feel better already, and am glad to begin pct. This was a good cycle, and it, like all cycles, has been a good learning experience.

I don't plan on stopping here, and am still gonna hit it hard during pct, starting things off with a bang.

Squats-ramped up to 270x9 PR! These were atg, I've been going to parrallel and decided to make things more challenging.
Weighted chins-27.5 2x6
One arm db rows-125 2x8 PR!
2" thick bar curls-80 2x8 PR!
Rack pulls-350x10 Wanted 20 but I decided to cut it short since I was a bit fatigued at this point.


  • Established
Ok so PCT starts today.

Conventionally speaking, I still had one more week of epi to go, but at this point my body was just telling me to cut it short and get off. I was starting to get really irritable and a back pump in my lower right side was also starting to nag me, so I figured it would be better to just go into PCT and conclude the cycle since I already made great gains with relatively little sides anyway.

So I startng things off with 3 caps of PCT Assist this morning with breakfast, and will start clomid tonight before bed.

I can honestly say I feel better already, and am glad to begin pct. This was a good cycle, and it, like all cycles, has been a good learning experience.

I don't plan on stopping here, and am still gonna hit it hard during pct, starting things off with a bang.

Squats-ramped up to 270x9 PR! These were atg, I've been going to parrallel and decided to make things more challenging.
Weighted chins-27.5 2x6
One arm db rows-125 2x8 PR!
2" thick bar curls-80 2x8 PR!
Rack pulls-350x10 Wanted 20 but I decided to cut it short since I was a bit fatigued at this point.
congrats on your gains bro.
this is the most important part of it now, keep hittin it hard!


Well clomid begins now.

Bring on the emotions baby! ;) lol

Being a 35/ml dosage with a 1 ml oral syringe I'm going to do a 70/50/50/35 protocol.

This is my first time running clomid, I ran nolva in the past and it really didn't have any noticeable effect on me mood wise, but I can honestly say the clomid is already producing a euphoric effect just 30 min after administration, could be a placebo, but I definitely feel energetic and in good spirits.


  • Established
Well clomid begins now.

Bring on the emotions baby! ;) lol

Being a 35/ml dosage with a 1 ml oral syringe I'm going to do a 70/50/50/35 protocol.

This is my first time running clomid, I ran nolva in the past and it really didn't have any noticeable effect on me mood wise, but I can honestly say the clomid is already producing a euphoric effect just 30 min after administration, could be a placebo, but I definitely feel energetic and in good spirits.
i always use nolva as well... but the "euphoric feeling" sounds appealing.

your appetite holding up?


Ok still taking care of business.

Incline barbell press-ramped up to 170x8 PR!
Weighted dips-65 2x8 PR!
One arm standing db press-65 2x8 PR!
DB pullover lying across bench-50 2x10 PR!
Turkish get up-25 2 singles on each side.

Things are still coming along nicely, my goal on the incline for right now is 205 for reps, I'm never really gave the exercise a serious go, hence being weak on it, but that won't be for long!

Dips and db press are still making progress which is good.

I decided to do the pullovers today old school style lying across the bench, and let me tell you, it was one of the best pumps and stretches I ever felt in my pecs and serratus.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the exercise check em out and give em a try: This was a staple back in the golden era.

Also, I decided to give Turkish get ups a go for ab work, and f<ck let me tell you, they are one of the hardest exercises I've ever done! Once I master the technique I'm sure I'll do well with them, but for now 25 lbs felt like 405! lol!

That's it for now, off tomorrow and Wed, back to it Thu.


  • Established
What would you guys think about this cycle for cutting?


What would you guys think about this cycle for cutting?
For pure cutting, I think you'd be better off with just epi, or hdrol. My only regret with this cycle is I wish I would've upped my cals and carbs more, but instead I did more of a recomp instead of bulk.

Mdrol is a carb/calorie monster for sure, that is one of the reasons I don't think it's good for cutting. On other hand it is great for adding some lean mass and hardening you up.


  • Established
If you starve mdrol of calories and carbs wouldnt that help the cutting process?


Still going strong fellas!

Haven't updated this in a few, but rest assured I'm still putting in work to keep the gains, and even continue gaining to some degree.

Today's workout:

Incline barbell press-160 3x5
Weighted dips-70 2x8 PR!
Weighted chins-30 2x6 PR!
One arm db rows-130 2x8 PR!
One arm standing db press-70 2x6 PR!

PCT has been going fine, haven't really noticed much of anything side wise, and I'd presume the clomid and PCT Assist are doing its job nicely.

I've noticed I've been sleeping like a baby lately, talking 10+ hrs a day.

Weight wise I'm down a few lbs, but nothing major. I'm eating really clean right now, and am just focusing on staying relativley lean, and continue maintaining intensity in the gym.

Regarding training, everything is going well except I've noticed my squats are starting to take a dump, so I'm going go more power oriented on them and lower the reps to 5s, rather than do the all out high rep sets I was doing.

That's it for now.


  • Established
I've noticed I've been sleeping like a baby lately, talking 10+ hrs a day.

Weight wise I'm down a few lbs, but nothing major. I'm eating really clean right now, and am just focusing on staying relativley lean, and continue maintaining intensity in the gym.
1. you bastard lol. haha

2. careful with this right now bro. if i were you id keep my cals up til i was done with pct.


2. careful with this right now bro. if i were you id keep my cals up til i was done with pct.
Good call.

I'm still taking in plenty of cals, but just keeping it clean. If performance or intensity shows any sign of dropping I'll be sure to up them.

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