IntraXcell/Steeledge - The Gift of AEN

Athletic Edge N

Athletic Edge N

NEW product-IntrAbolic!!
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Not bad for one month..... Looking at my pics me thinks id better get back in the gym to actually look as good as i feel.
WOW, very impressive man, very. From the pics, it's obvious you dropped body fat and gained some muscle as well. The pic from the front, you can really see the bf drop, ab/obliques are showing better and it's obious in the arm pic as well, with the vein showing in your forearm. :)

All of the pics you can tell you added some muscle.

Awesome work and congratulation's. :)

We love seeing logs with before and after pics as it really puts things into perspective for the people following.

That was just one month, I would like to see the pics after 3-6 months.

I hope you keep it up!


New member
I saw my local retailer sold a tub of steeledge last night.

right here in Asia, steeledge seems to selling/spreading reputation like fire. :bruce2:

"pour some steeledge on meeeeee!!!!" and lick the yellow juice off my chest!

this SE baby is cool as ****! :cheers: :head:


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After not being ill for months, maybe 5 months ive just gotten bronchintis and now 4 days into my antibiotics ive gotten red sore swollen tonsils as well. Bronchitis, tonsilitis, fever .... unfortunetly ive stopped dosing my supps as its hard enough to get by and my diet is in the gutter, but on the bright side my abs are getting a wicked workout from all the coughing.


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Ive really noticed the IXL making a difference in my libido, after dosing before bed, things get stimulated and the stamina is crazy. It really gets the blood pumping, lol. Lil perk i never really detailed much.

Im still using SE and IXL, and i noticed the effects again after i got over being sick and it was more readily noticable after being off and missing it.
Athletic Edge N

Athletic Edge N

NEW product-IntrAbolic!!
  • Established
Ive really noticed the IXL making a difference in my libido, after dosing before bed, things get stimulated and the stamina is crazy. It really gets the blood pumping, lol. Lil perk i never really detailed much.

Im still using SE and IXL, and i noticed the effects again after i got over being sick and it was more readily noticable after being off and missing it.
Awesome. :)

BTW, IntraXCell and SteelEdge pictures just came back from the studio..check it out!


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