Intimidate/Anabeta Elite/Erase Pro Log



Was going to do a natural show this summer, but had a disastrous two weeks at work and prep went to hell. Anyways, I took a week off from the gym and took no supplements. Went back to the gym and hit legs for 100 mins (8 exercises, 34 total sets) yesterday. Felt so weak. I started taking the above supps yesterday. I slept great yesterday for the first time in weeks, and I attribute that to the Intimidate. It always promoted great sleep for me. This will be my first time running these PES supps....About to hit chest/calves in two hours. Can't wait. I take all three supps separately throughout the day on an empty stomach about 20-30 mins before a meal. Taking Hemovol, creatine monohydrate, beta alanine, caffeine tablets (if necessary), DHA, b-complex, zma, gaba. Looking to add size while promoting leanness, hardness. Macros are slightly scattered, but are always clean and bodybuilding oriented. Above all, looking to have fun and enjoy myself.
