I had a heart attack. Are you kidding me? AAS????



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Im 45 years old lying in a hospital bed watching the series, and surfing my iPhone Everyone called me the picture of health. But yesterday I had a mild heart attack and now have a stent in my heart because they found a 99% blockage on the right side. My blood pressure has also been very high the past month. Ten years ago I had a heart scan and it was clean and my pressure fine.

I have only been cycling SD, Tren, Dymethazine and Phera(not all at once of course) for the last four years. I have followed all guidelines and dosages. I don't think there is any way this has anything to do with the AAS/PH I've taken. I have to think it was family genetics from dad and grandfather who had heart attacks.

This may sound strange but can anyone give me peace of mind that it's my genetics and that I didn't do this to myself?? My cardiologist isn't familiar with PH, so he said he can't say for sure.



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Im 45 years old lying in a hospital bed watching the series, and surfing my iPhone Everyone called me the picture of health. But yesterday I had a mild heart attack and now have a stent in my heart because they found a 99% blockage on the right side. My blood pressure has also been very high the past month. Ten years ago I had a heart scan and it was clean and my pressure fine.

I have only been cycling SD, Tren, Dymethazine and Phera(not all at once of course) for the last four years. I have followed all guidelines and dosages. I don't think there is any way this has anything to do with the AAS/PH I've taken. I have to think it was family genetics from dad and grandfather who had heart attacks.

This may sound strange but can anyone give me peace of mind that it's my genetics and that I didn't do this to myself?? My cardiologist isn't familiar with PH, so he said he can't say for sure.

Damn, just yesterday you were posting here and now all of a sudden you're in a hospital. Sorry bro. I would rather it be prohormones than genetics because if it's genetics, it's gonna be hard to fix.



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Lets just say that when they try to discourage people from taking steroids,

They often note heart damage as a side effect.....

The point is you'll never know if it was pure genetics or AAS, but now you know that you personally should never be taking them again.


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I know I still can't believe it. A few chest pains, some sweating and shortness of breath for a day was all the warning I had. I jokingly told my better half to take me to the ER and at least I could get something to help me sleep through it. Who knew....


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I know I still can't believe it. A few chest pains, some sweating and shortness of breath for a day was all the warning I had. I jokingly told my better half to take me to the ER and at least I could get something to help me sleep through it. Who knew....
Damn..I know some of these DS's like Superdrol can cause heart enlargement but idk about your situation. What did the doc say?


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Heart problems run in the family so you wait till you're 40 to take steroids?


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Damn..I know some of these DS's like Superdrol can cause heart enlargement but idk about your situation. What did the doc say?
Although the doc is a good cardiologist, I think he is in the dark about PH/AAS and says he cant say for sure. Of course the young nurses follow the popular media script and say its the steroids and that's why you shouldn't take them etc, etc. I guess when I'm back on my feet I'll have to part with my PH storage bin and stick to creatine and DAA or something. Not sure what to do now if still in disbelief. Thank you for your posts.


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Heart problems run in the family so you wait till you're 40 to take steroids?
When your dad and grandfather smoke and drink and you don't , you don't find out it's genetics until you have a heart attack too. People that know me think I'm in my thirties, so this has come as an unpleasant surprise.


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I attribute your condition to low natural test from cycling orals, and along with extremely high LDL and a lack of HDL. Theses sides combined came out to equal a hardening of arteries, as well as masses of build up.

and alcohol and smoking could have actually helped ya out, by thinning the blood, but they also carry with them other complications, lol


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Wow man sorry to hear. That's kinda scary to hear these kinds of question but at the sane time it help keep some of use grounded who wanna go crazy and be on all the time. Thank you for sharing and hope it gets better.


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Mannn you just scared me of doing my cycle next month :(((


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Get well brother!


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Do yourself a favor....

growth hormone peptides.

Although the doc is a good cardiologist, I think he is in the dark about PH/AAS and says he cant say for sure. Of course the young nurses follow the popular media script and say its the steroids and that's why you shouldn't take them etc, etc. I guess when I'm back on my feet I'll have to part with my PH storage bin and stick to creatine and DAA or something. Not sure what to do now if still in disbelief. Thank you for your posts.


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I will agree they most def attributed to the fast progression in such a short time frame from the lipid issues they cause as well as the low test which in itself causes heart disease. Best luck 2 u


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Sorry to hear man. I hope you make a full recovery. You'll probably never know either way what was the cause so don't beat yourself up thinking about it. You could have not taken any ph's and had a completely healthy lifestyle your whole life and still had a heart attack. The main thing now is to recover and bounce back. Goodluck bro.


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well first good job realizing the symptoms and getting help...you're alive!!
but 10 years ago you had a "heart scan" so somebody suspected something back then well before the PHs.
depending on what the scan was, there are varying degrees of sensitivity for detection. you could have been at 50% back then. could have been zero, sure. but knowing for sure what did what is hard. one month of high BP wont do this, its been brewing longer. genetics, with high lipids and borderline high BP can do this over time and unfortunately the PHs can up the BP and lipids, too

with so many MIs being fatal, its cool you're alive man. peace!


  • Established
I attribute your condition to low natural test from cycling orals, and along with extremely high LDL and a lack of HDL. Theses sides combined came out to equal a hardening of arteries, as well as masses of build up.

and alcohol and smoking could have actually helped ya out, by thinning the blood, but they also carry with them other complications, lol
Smoking thickens the blood.


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Don't forget that Phera (DMT) has been shown to cause HCM, which is very bad. At your age, why didn't you go the TRT route instead of these DS?


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Don't focus to much on the past and things you cannot change. Good luck getting better man, focus on the things in life you can change and have control over.


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It didn't help, sorry bro, but the more time you're on, the more area under the curve of "risk" there is for plaque formation. High LDL, and DESTROYED HDL is not a good combo at 40+


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When your dad and grandfather smoke and drink and you don't , you don't find out it's genetics until you have a heart attack too. People that know me think I'm in my thirties, so this has come as an unpleasant surprise.
If you don't mind me asking mate, how many cycles have you done? What were the cycles? How long etc. Did you even notice any sides when on them? And what supports did you use?

I think it would be interesting to have a look at all of this overt the past 4 years mate, so people reading can make an informed decision on your issues. Plus it will just be a n interesting bit of info.

Kudos to you for posting this thread. I wish you all the best. I believe genetic factors play a major role in our long term heath, the things we do and the lifestyle we lead can aggrivate our genetic destinations. Im sure now you have had the stent put in, you can look forward to many healthy years. My father in law has had them and his life expectancy is much the same as an average person. Personally im sure there are many people out there in their mid 40's who could do with a heart stent(without having used steroids) but will never know until they are a fair bit older, hopefully not being to late.

Good luck dude, train hard and train natural.


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from now on u can run growth realising peptides. and mayb trt dose of test.

i think it was genetics to begin with but phs made it happen faster.


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You cannot fight genetics, bottom line. But running the compounds you did of course did not help.

Regardless of all the conjecture on the forums about how great steroids are (Which these are steroids, not PHs), they do have their down falls.

Enlarged cardiac tissue is a known result of using steroids

Destructive lipid numbers

High BP

These are most likely the sides that affected you most. During the time on the compounds you used, you most likely had higher BP which has a great little affect on your arterial walls. As the BP goes up, the carried cells within the arteries get slammed into the arterial walls much harder than when the BP is normal providing tiny scares along the arterial wall. These scares are a great foot hold for LDL and VLDL to grab on to and begin forming plaque deposits. Now with the lipids being out of whack with higher LDL and low HDL, now because of the compound being ingested there isnt enough HDL to clean up the mess of the LDL.

When all is said and done, when this generation of PH users starts aging, I think we will see some issues that the generation previous to us didn't see.


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If you don't mind me asking mate, how many cycles have you done? What were the cycles? How long etc. Did you even notice any sides when on them? And what supports did you use?

I think it would be interesting to have a look at all of this overt the past 4 years mate, so people reading can make an informed decision on your issues. Plus it will just be a n interesting bit of info.

Kudos to you for posting this thread. I wish you all the best. I believe genetic factors play a major role in our long term heath, the things we do and the lifestyle we lead can aggrivate our genetic destinations. Im sure now you have had the stent put in, you can look forward to many healthy years. My father in law has had them and his life expectancy is much the same as an average person. Personally im sure there are many people out there in their mid 40's who could do with a heart stent(without having used steroids) but will never know until they are a fair bit older, hopefully not being to late.

Good luck dude, train hard and train natural.
Thanks to everyone who has posted here. When I'm back home from the hospital and at my computer (it's hard typing on this iPhone and the spell correct is killing me) I'm going to post a thread to show the cycles I did more or less the best I can remember for those that wanted to know. I think everyone is different and I guess I'm one of those that shoudnt have done anything. But for those that can by all means press on. Peace


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Do you have any bloodwork over the last 4 years? Particularly cholesterol level, and HDL levels. That can have a huge impact. So many of the 21 year olds who even think of cycle support supplements only think about liver protection, and really liver damage is the least meaningful part of using the hormones (unless you of course take it to the extreme). The liver generally bounces back if you don't hit actual tissue death levels.


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Sorry to hear about this, man, but glad to see that you're alive. Definitely a new opportunity. The big man wasn't ready for you yet ;)


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Sorry to hear about this, man, but glad to see that you're alive. Definitely a new opportunity. The big man wasn't ready for you yet ;)
I reckon the 'Big man' was on gear during the old testament days. Some of that androgenic aggro especially in Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT. I wonde rwhat his PCT was LOL.


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Glad to hear you are doing better -- I will say this:

I am sure your genetics played a large role in this, but I am also sure the AAS hurt.

In MY opinion, this is a rough estimate, this was probably going to happen one way or another due to genetics, but the AAS made it happen sooner. How much sooner? Who knows.

But HDL is what is important when it comes to heart disease, and HDL is killed by AAS. People have shown HDL going to single digits after just 3 weeks of superdrol. That is AWFUL

Hang in there man -- eat your cheerios!


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Presa - Glad to hear that you are alive. You may never know exactly how the steroid use affected you. There's no sense in me speculating as to why this happened, but now you must take new precautions and try to concentrate on your health. Im assuming at this age you have family, you owe it to them at least to really do whatever you need to do to improve your condition. I wish you the best and hopefully this can be used as a learning experience about knowing pre existing conditions and the importance of bloodwork, which is an absolute MUST if you're playing God with your hormones and endocrine system. It affects a lot more.

On a less serious note... You got someone in mind to send those DS's to?? lol jk bro


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Sorry to hear man. I hope you make a full recovery. You'll probably never know either way what was the cause so don't beat yourself up thinking about it. You could have not taken any ph's and had a completely healthy lifestyle your whole life and still had a heart attack. The main thing now is to recover and bounce back. Goodluck bro.
word, hope you feel better man. nothing like one of these situations to put everything in perspective!


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You cannot fight genetics, bottom line. But running the compounds you did of course did not help.

Regardless of all the conjecture on the forums about how great steroids are (Which these are steroids, not PHs), they do have their down falls.

Enlarged cardiac tissue is a known result of using steroids

Destructive lipid numbers

High BP

These are most likely the sides that affected you most. During the time on the compounds you used, you most likely had higher BP which has a great little affect on your arterial walls. As the BP goes up, the carried cells within the arteries get slammed into the arterial walls much harder than when the BP is normal providing tiny scares along the arterial wall. These scares are a great foot hold for LDL and VLDL to grab on to and begin forming plaque deposits. Now with the lipids being out of whack with higher LDL and low HDL, now because of the compound being ingested there isnt enough HDL to clean up the mess of the LDL.

When all is said and done, when this generation of PH users starts aging, I think we will see some issues that the generation previous to us didn't see.
I be scared of this ****!
I Hope you get better soon and start killing it in the gym. Just remember your family is very important and I'm sure they love you just the way you are. We are all obsessed with getting that edge and work our asses off at getting bigger. Unfortunatly we are hurting ourselves as well. As we experiment on our own bodies like mad scientists in our laboratories.
It's important to look to something that can ground you and try to keep you from doing anything unhealthy in the future.

Goodluck man and don't stress over it, it happened now recover and find solice in the love you get from the ones close to you.
I know regardless of how I look, I will always be my families superhero. And it only hurts my wife when she see's all this stuff in my cabinets because she is very happy with me and just wants me around longer.

**** that was deep....


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Wow. Glad you're doing ok now man. This really hits home as I just turned 39 in September and haven't done a run in several years, but have been thinking about doing a couple more runs. Probably going to have to pass now. (A shame too..still have orig Pheradrol, SD, T1pro.)
Luckily, there's Prime, Testopro, P-full, etc, etc. to use as a "natty stack" of sorts. I'm actually making some of the best gains I've ever made, lately...natural or with DS. Getting a good diet coach seems to go a long way, lol.

The best is still ahead my man. Adapt and overcome. Just good to hear you're still in the game.

Best 2 u.


Thanks for posting this, I am sorry it happened to you but I think it is a wakeup call for some of us older fellas. I just turned 39 myself and although I am in good shape I still want to add some more mass. That being said I have always had really low HDL (between 20-35). Your story reminds me what can happen and I have a beautiful wife and two young kids that would like me to stick around. So maybe a cycle of EpiStrong but with all these new natural test boosters I might not need to. Best of luck to you I hope you are back to normal very soon.


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Thanks for posting this, I am sorry it happened to you but I think it is a wakeup call for some of us older fellas. I just turned 39 myself and although I am in good shape I still want to add some more mass. That being said I have always had really low HDL (between 20-35). Your story reminds me what can happen and I have a beautiful wife and two young kids that would like me to stick around. So maybe a cycle of EpiStrong but with all these new natural test boosters I might not need to. Best of luck to you I hope you are back to normal very soon.
If your HDL stays that low, you really need to address it. Eat more salmon, add fish oil, flax seed, borage oil etc. to your diet.


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Don't forget that Phera (DMT) has been shown to cause HCM, which is very bad. At your age, why didn't you go the TRT route instead of these DS?
is this specific to phera or orals in general? (not asking about aas as i dont use it )


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Thanks for posting your experience, have you had your LDL and HDL checked in the last few years while you were cycling the orals, single digit HDL for 2 years could have been a significant contributor to the arteries clogging


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Get better brow!

and try to do bloodworks with more frequency.



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I guess as we get older we are little more prone to health issues. Spent my wakeup call in the hospital bed, that was 52 pounds ago. 5 years ago, I weighed 224 with a bp of 165/112. I am 5'7 at 52 yrs old and I had to change everything. Genetic will throw you a curve ball at any time. Now I'm 170.5, today is my 2nd day off bp meds, 117/72 today and next month I'm 57, I owe it to a doc at the hospital, who is a bb er and rekindled my interest in body building and dealing with my health issues. I wish you the best, keep us informed on you progress.

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