HGH off / on - or always on.


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Just about through a cycle of ansomone hgh.. for the majority of which I've been cycling it 5iu 6 days on / 2 days off.

Just recieved a package of Jino's (damn it looks nice)...

I'm considering switching from:

1000 iu dosed 5iu, 6 days on / 2 days off , cycle length of 266 days


1000 iu dosed 3.33iu ED no time off, cycle length 300 days


How would you do it, and why?


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i'll try to find it but i remember reading somewhere that it's beneficial to have one or two days off per week of GH. whether it has any validity to it or not is questionable.

i like the first plan better anyway......:)


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Oh.. and for those curious... it states right on the box that storage for one month at room temperature is fine.. Which is good to know from a shipping stand point. First time I heard that.


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i'll try to find it but i remember reading somewhere that it's beneficial to have one or two days off per week of GH. whether it has any validity to it or not is questionable.

i like the first plan better anyway......:)
Well one reason I heard was.. it was simply a matter of financial reasons for alot of people.. which is understandable.. but then again I also imagine the longer you run without breaks the better your chance you going to loose some ability to produce it on your own... but I'm not sure if it's true or not, or to what extent.


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you could try 5 ius eod, ive read alot of studies that state eod is better for growth, then you could go for 400 days.


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I wish some references and digging would be done... I would work on that, give me some time.


Hang'n & Bang'n
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I would do 4iu's for 50 weeks (350 days), 5 on 2 off.


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I wish some references and digging would be done... I would work on that, give me some time.
I'd appreciate it... I've heard so many differing opinions on this... I believe a post by johnny blaze, suggest that ed is best with no pause, due to lowered to non-existant igf on the off days... but then you hear that the days off allow your own production to rebound... it all gets confusing... But in the case of IGF I'm cycling that aswell (but on a 3 week on 3 week off basis).

For educational purposes.

The blue tops.. are ansomone.. (I hate the cheap ass labels.. so easy to duplicate, although I'm certain they are legit)
The red tops are IGF by MR
And of course the 2 kits are Jino's (hopefully more to come.. :twisted:)



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OK here's the low down:

GH exerts its negative feedback loop in several ways. the first and most well recognised is through IGF-1. IGF-1 exerts its negative feedback loop by inhibiting GHRH production. since the half life of exogeneous GH is 4 hours, and it would seem quite obvious to me, that shutdown induced by IGF-1 even in absurdley high levels would be very short lived. I would say several hours in low GH doses and 24 hours in high doses (IGF-1 has a short half life in the blood).
so in that sense, the pitutary sutdown is a myth. all the studies Ive seen have used ED doses when they could, the only reason for lower frequency was convinience with clinic visits. in the testes cells atrophy on long (AAS) cycles while in the pituitary there has been no documentation of such response, at least not in the studies I found.

now one of the long term shotdown mechanism is through somatostatin, tied strongly to insulin and blood FFA levels. here is where it gets tricky. GH over the long run decreases insulin sensetivity. it is not know yet by the exact mechanism by which blood FFA, bodyfat or insulin levels efect somatostatin, but it is thought to be one of the three or combination thereoff, as high dose IV arginine, a somatostatin regulator was shown to improve GH response to high glucose meal. this is very relevant to bodybuilders who also abuse stimulants and accumulate androgen-related VAT, both adding to insulin resistance.

one other thing is cortisol - IL1(interleukin1) is one of the promoters of GHRH, and high cortisol will supress it (cortisol also decreases insulin sensitivity).

so my advice is to dose as frequently as possible, while trying to keep insulin sensitivity as high as possible, with right choice of food and timing, supplements(KRALA, fish oil, lean extreme), and obviously exercise.

right after the cycle ends, the use of high dose arginine may be benficial, but that is a speculation on my part.

hope this helps
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Craps.. I wrote a response to this and posted... but it went blamo.. :(

Appreciate the info.. I feel bad now.. lol

Well how's this... going the ED non stop route... and taking into consideration I'm also using IGF.. Do you think it would be a good decision to cut back the dosages of each, and run each ED non stop... (currently running igf 50mcg 3 weeks on / 3 weeks off)

something like...

HGH 3.33 IU (am/pm) ED, IGF 25mcg (pm, close to post workout) ED.



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Craps.. I wrote a response to this and posted... but it went blamo.. :(

Appreciate the info.. I feel bad now.. lol

Well how's this... going the ED non stop route... and taking into consideration I'm also using IGF.. Do you think it would be a good decision to cut back the dosages of each, and run each ED non stop... (currently running igf 50mcg 3 weeks on / 3 weeks off)

something like...

HGH 3.33 IU (am/pm) ED, IGF 25mcg (pm, close to post workout) ED.

I've heard that IGF would be usefull to cycle, not beucase of GH shutdown but because of claimed "IGF receptor down regulation".
there is no evidnce here either way but ancedotal
the GH plan looks good though.

I would cycle the IGF just for safety and for lessened on cycle sides.

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