Help needed for finding the right supplements


New member
This is basically my first posting on Anabolic, I'm 5'3 150 lbs and looking to add some lean mucsle. Im currently going throught the process of entering the Border Patrol and ive recently loss 12 lbs by running and working out. I tool Stakabol about 2 years ago and saw great results regarding working out, huge loss in the sex department. I have had a few friends talk to me about injectables but I don't want to ruin my chance with the Border Patrol. I would like something compared to Stackabol, but better results. I am taking a daily shake of Monster Milk, bu nothing besides that. I have a bad tolerance for products with caffene, makes me very shaky and sick, due to none what so ever in my diet. Any tips, product recomendaions would be greatly appreciated. I am impressed with all the knowledgable minds on this site. Please help!! Thanks much!

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