Hard Rock's M 1, 4ADD / Myopharma's Epibolan mini review inside...



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Currently on day 10 of my bulk using Rockhard Supplement's M1-D (M1, 4ADD clone) and Myopharma's Epibolan (epistane clone). I started the bulk at 176.1 lbs. Weighed in today at 188.1 (+12.0), so it has obviously kicked in by this point. Maybe some slight water weight but other than that I've felt amazing. Muscles are very full and dense, vascularity is increasing and still leaning out and cutting up pretty fuc*kin nicely. Been running letro on cycle to keep water weight and any gyno symptoms that could arise suppressed (slightly prone).

Cycle looks like this:

M1-D (m1, 4add): 60/60/90/90
Epibolan: 15/30/30/90
Letro: 1mg EoD

Also using LG Science's Methyl 1-D as a test base (same concept as dermacrine). Pre-loaded ancillaries and Methyl 1-D beforehand. Just thought I would post a quick update as I have seen a couple questions regarding this supplement company (Hard Rock Supplements) and whether or not they put out legit products. I can vouch that this product is for real. I'll update on a weekly basis or so in case anyone is interested.


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Currently on day 10 of my bulk using Rockhard Supplement's M1-D (M1, 4ADD clone) and Myopharma's Epibolan (epistane clone). I started the bulk at 176.1 lbs. Weighed in today at 188.1 (+12.0), so it has obviously kicked in by this point. Maybe some slight water weight but other than that I've felt amazing. Muscles are very full and dense, vascularity is increasing and still leaning out and cutting up pretty fuc*kin nicely. Been running letro on cycle to keep water weight and any gyno symptoms that could arise suppressed (slightly prone).

Cycle looks like this:

M1-D (m1, 4add): 60/60/90/90
Epibolan: 15/30/30/90
Letro: 1mg EoD

Also using LG Science's Methyl 1-D as a test base (same concept as dermacrine). Pre-loaded ancillaries and Methyl 1-D beforehand. Just thought I would post a quick update as I have seen a couple questions regarding this supplement company (Hard Rock Supplements) and whether or not they put out legit products. I can vouch that this product is for real. I'll update on a weekly basis or so in case anyone is interested.
I am interested.. That is damn good for 10 days. Although Dbol usually blows you up and you lose a lot of it.. Let us know after the cycle how much you keep b/c I would be interested to see beings you are taking letro.. Might have to pick up some of that M1-4.. Me and Epi don't get along.. I get horrible headaches from it for some reason if I run it over 20mg..


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Never heard of Hard Rock or Rockhard's supplements.. curious though, sounds like a fly by night company.


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I hadn't either until I started planning for this cycle. The M1, 4ADD clone was $20 a bottle when I picked them up. Turning out to be a worthwhile investment. Bub - I too was skeptical about some of the weight too because of the conversion to dbol, but because of the letro its stayed pretty dry. Also I'm ony running it at 60mgs (+30mg epi) currently, which isn't a hell of a lot. So either I'm getting a phenominal conversion rate to dbol or i hyper-respond to the M1, 4ADD by itself (or some combination thereof). The Epi should be kicking in right about now and I just bumped the dose to 30mgs a couple days ago. I'll keep it all updated.


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I've never looked into M1,4ADD but from what I've been reading everywhere, it seems the lure is that it converts to dianabol, no? So with this in mind, why wouldn't someone just run dbol? Just curious.


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I've never looked into M1,4ADD but from what I've been reading everywhere, it seems the lure is that it converts to dianabol, no? So with this in mind, why wouldn't someone just run dbol? Just curious.
Because it is not available OTC..


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I hadn't either until I started planning for this cycle. The M1, 4ADD clone was $20 a bottle when I picked them up. Turning out to be a worthwhile investment. Bub - I too was skeptical about some of the weight too because of the conversion to dbol, but because of the letro its stayed pretty dry. Also I'm ony running it at 60mgs (+30mg epi) currently, which isn't a hell of a lot. So either I'm getting a phenominal conversion rate to dbol or i hyper-respond to the M1, 4ADD by itself (or some combination thereof). The Epi should be kicking in right about now and I just bumped the dose to 30mgs a couple days ago. I'll keep it all updated.
Cool.. I actually just bought some.. I found it for 20 a bottle still somewhere.. Couldn't pass it up based on you saying it is legit M1,4.. Nothing like getting cheap Dbol..


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will be pickin up dome dbols and epi very soon. just purchased 2 more of cel's m1,4add before they're all gone forever, but never took dbol. but before this year is over, i should have a log of my first dbol experience here on AM, along with some sort of epi run.


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Just wanted to update everyone. Weighed in this morning at 188.7. So I've only gained half a pound, HOWEVER: the epi kicked in, so I've dried up a lot. Strength is going up nicely and sides are very low if any at all. Also cleaned up my eating a bit and my weight dropped actually, and has slowly risen back. Still need to up the cals slightly. Don't wanna gain much more but I would really like to solidify the weight I've gained. It's coming along nicely.


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so what was the final results after your cycle and pct.


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OP? I'm currently looking into this same cycle and was jus wondering how it went?


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OP, was this your first cycle? i was wanting to stack this M1-D with some epi for my first cycle. my reason is because im not sure if the epi i bought it legit. its called "Phenylvar" and its made by Extreme Performance Group.


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I am interested.. That is damn good for 10 days. Although Dbol usually blows you up and you lose a lot of it.. Let us know after the cycle how much you keep b/c I would be interested to see beings you are taking letro.. Might have to pick up some of that M1-4.. Me and Epi don't get along.. I get horrible headaches from it for some reason if I run it over 20mg..
bull**** dbol packed 25lbs on me and i lost 5 lbs then gained it right back on test/deca



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bull**** dbol packed 25lbs on me and i lost 5 lbs then gained it right back on test/deca

sure have.. and I am running M1,4ADD right now.. bull**** yourself.. Neither are dry compounds and I find, with dbol anyways, I loose ~1/3 of my weight during PCT.. As apposed to Var/SD/etc where I loose basically just the glycogen retention.. Everyone will respond differently depending on the amount of aromatase, test, SHBG, etc.. but I think from what I have seen Dbol is great for gains but don't expect to keep them all.. If it is different for you, thank God and continue..


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so you ran all orals? thats why you lost your weight bro, dbol is meant to be utilized on a long injectable cycle at least 12 weeks- i find it most beneficial to have another 12 weeks of being on after the initial 4 weeks of dianabol

maybe we respond differently i dunno


M1-D is a Dbol clone? as in dianabol? Dianabol sounds like its much stronger annd more expensive than this stuff. Is there another thing out there that Dbol refers to other than dianabol?


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M1-D is a Dbol clone? as in dianabol? Dianabol sounds like its much stronger annd more expensive than this stuff. Is there another thing out there that Dbol refers to other than dianabol?
Methyl-1,4AD is a 17aa pro-steroid that converts to the illegal anabolic steroid methandrostenolone (Dianabol) at a rate of about 15-20%. It takes one conversion with 3b-HSD to convert methyl-1,4AD to Dianabol which probably happens fairly rapidly in the liver. - quote -


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so you ran all orals? thats why you lost your weight bro, dbol is meant to be utilized on a long injectable cycle at least 12 weeks- i find it most beneficial to have another 12 weeks of being on after the initial 4 weeks of dianabol

maybe we respond differently i dunno
I can understand your view if you used it as a loader.. Might not notice as much and have other anabolics to offset.. I have a phobia with long cycles of anything.. I did a 12 week tren/test cycle once and I swear with nolva and all I didn't fully get my sex drive back for a year afterwards.. I try to stick to short, albiet less effective cycles and I usually bounce back within a month..


Methyl-1,4AD is a 17aa pro-steroid that converts to the illegal anabolic steroid methandrostenolone (Dianabol) at a rate of about 15-20%. It takes one conversion with 3b-HSD to convert methyl-1,4AD to Dianabol which probably happens fairly rapidly in the liver. - quote -
Would this compound be safe to stack with Methastadrol (the SD clone made by Hard Rock Supplements)? If so, how would one do it?


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Rayact. I would advise not stacking it with superdrol. Both are harsh which is why Epi is a good choice.


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Would this compound be safe to stack with Methastadrol (the SD clone made by Hard Rock Supplements)? If so, how would one do it?
thinking of them makes my right side ribs ache.
even epi is also a methylated compound, I won't stake two methyl stuffs.

I start to believe old school roids are safer than staking 'PHs'


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Rayact. I would advise not stacking it with superdrol. Both are harsh which is why Epi is a good choice.
And Epi is safer??

If you are going to take them both, don't run them together for the whole time.. run the M1,4 for 2 weeks, then add 10mg of SD for the 3rd week and then run the SD solo for weeks 4 and 5.. That cycle would get you huge.. If this is your first roid cycle though just pick one and run it.. SD would give you more maintainable gains..


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so you ran all orals? thats why you lost your weight bro, dbol is meant to be utilized on a long injectable cycle at least 12 weeks- i find it most beneficial to have another 12 weeks of being on after the initial 4 weeks of dianabol

maybe we respond differently i dunno
My friend had a dbol solo cycle and he said:
1. great gains and fat lose compare to his previous epi cycle (not surprising)
2. almost no sides
3. didn't feel water bloating and maintained most of gain after PCT

I asked him was he sure that is dbol rather than another stuff, but I also told him I would like to try that whatever it is :)
then he told me the supplier website was shut :(

p.s. schwellington, your pic look much bigger than last yr? is gelatin drink that effective? lol


And Epi is safer??

If you are going to take them both, don't run them together for the whole time.. run the M1,4 for 2 weeks, then add 10mg of SD for the 3rd week and then run the SD solo for weeks 4 and 5.. That cycle would get you huge.. If this is your first roid cycle though just pick one and run it.. SD would give you more maintainable gains..
Its going to be my 2nd cycle. I'm currently running this methastadrol cycle into a little under 5 weeks to finish the bottle. Its been a good cycle, but i made the mistake of taking milk thistle WITH my ph, so it hasnt been as effective as it could have been.

If you think that cycle would get me huge, thats what i want lol. I dont really care about being ripped, im looking for straight mass gains.

So I would essentially be using the M1,4 as a kickstart and then bridging into an SD cycle?


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And Epi is safer??

If you are going to take them both, don't run them together for the whole time.. run the M1,4 for 2 weeks, then add 10mg of SD for the 3rd week and then run the SD solo for weeks 4 and 5.. That cycle would get you huge.. If this is your first roid cycle though just pick one and run it.. SD would give you more maintainable gains..
Yes epistane is safer IMO the superdrol and I'm sure alot of people would agree.


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Yes epistane is safer IMO the superdrol and I'm sure alot of people would agree.
don't know if I would agree with safer.. but the experienced side effects are usually lower.. although epi gave me a headache so bad i had to quit the cycle.. just because you don't feel it messing you up doesn't mean it is safer.. i got blood work done on friday after m14, which i felt GREAT on and my HDL was 28.. way loww..


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Its going to be my 2nd cycle. I'm currently running this methastadrol cycle into a little under 5 weeks to finish the bottle. Its been a good cycle, but i made the mistake of taking milk thistle WITH my ph, so it hasnt been as effective as it could have been.

If you think that cycle would get me huge, thats what i want lol. I dont really care about being ripped, im looking for straight mass gains.

So I would essentially be using the M1,4 as a kickstart and then bridging into an SD cycle?
not sure i understand you on that one? how is taking milk thistle on a ph a mistake? its a neccesity on ph's.


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not sure i understand you on that one? how is taking milk thistle on a ph a mistake? its a neccesity on ph's.
While it will help protect your liver, the active component in Milk Thistle effectively reduces nuclear androgen receptor levels and down-regulates several androgen-regulated genes primarily by inhibiting the transactivation activity of the AR, and can also inhibit nuclear localisation of the androgen receptor. Milk Thistle will also have an inhibitory effect on the insulin-like growth factor receptor-mediated signaling pathway. All in all, there seems to be a reasonable expectation that this stuff is anti-anabolic. It’s a real loser to include during a cycle. A much better alternative is Prunella Vulgaris, which has been shown to protect liver cells and activate the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor, thereby allowing it to work as an anti-oestrogen as well. As long as you’re going to take oral steroids, you may as well take a liver protector that isn’t going to hinder your gains.


not sure i understand you on that one? how is taking milk thistle on a ph a mistake? its a neccesity on ph's.
I didn't see any dramatic gains until i stopped taking milk thistle. I saw some people say what Bubsnt has said here, so I stopped taking it for the remainder of my cycle and my gains immediately skyrocketed. I'm going to get a different liver supplement for my next cycle.


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don't know if I would agree with safer.. but the experienced side effects are usually lower.. although epi gave me a headache so bad i had to quit the cycle.. just because you don't feel it messing you up doesn't mean it is safer.. i got blood work done on friday after m14, which i felt GREAT on and my HDL was 28.. way loww..
I have never read or personally heard of anybody saying SD is as mild as epistane. I have heard of harsh back pumps and headaches on epistane but bloodwork on SD will come back harsher than epistane(in 99% of cases)


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I have never read or personally heard of anybody saying SD is as mild as epistane. I have heard of harsh back pumps and headaches on epistane but bloodwork on SD will come back harsher than epistane(in 99% of cases)
I doubt that.. But if you have some blookwork to compare the two on the same individual.. I would be interested.. This is how rumors get started.. I heard this, and that, and this... People say it is less harsh because, in general the cycle is (wasn't for me.) but internally your body is still pretty screwed up..
I am not going to spend a whole lot of time on this b/c I could really care less.. but a quick search gave me these liver results from Epi, looks pretty similar to SD.. And certainly not mild..
Week 1
AST: 24
ALT: 20

Week 5
AST: 52
ALT; 45


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I hear ya man. Thanks for the info, still I would never say 20mg of SD is as harsh as 20mg of Epi or even 30mg IMO


New member
I just purchased Rock Hard supplements M1-D.. I also have some Tribulus and BPI's A-HD. Can I stack tribulus with the M1-D and when should I start taking the A-HD?


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M1-D is a pro-steroid dude tribulus will not help.. get a proper serm and take the A-HD after..the ah-d is junk imo though.

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