Goal-10lbs. What should i use?


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Ok ive been reading up on this a while and finally have decided to do it and already have bought my pct(nolva) and Cycle support by AI

6 2
bench 305x3
squat 365x10
Age: 25

i would like to move from 218 to 225-230. That is my target weigh after pct.

I have my training and diet honed in and i have just been debating on what to try. I was thinking pheramax, since it is popular and easily obtained. Would pheramax alone get me to my goal or should i add in something such as x mass.

i have looked but when people say they gained 12lbs with alot of bloat i dont know how much lbs of lbm that is actually


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ice cream pizza and beer.
or X-mass, or Halodrol-50 (Tabs not gells), There are a lot of generic Labz supps that will work for ya.


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So what would u guys recommend?

A halodrol clone such as Juggernaut Nutrition Oral Turinadrol

A straight X mass cycle

A straight Pheraplex cycle

Or X mass + pheramax cycle

Note, my goal is to gain 10 lbs of lbm. Which i hope would be achieveble for a first time user with a good diet plan


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Well, when you pick the right designer for you. (My best results came from Superdrol and PP. I do have an unopened bottle of PheraMax and I will be watching your thread for your results.) I'm playing around with Powerful now for the first time.

Just make sure you add these routines to your workout and you will see the size:

Squats, leg curls, calf raises, bicep curls, triceps ext, dips, pull-ups, back rows, deadlifts, bench press, incline press, upright rows, shoulder press and crunches.

Now, for the food:

Pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, fish, turkey, chicken, veggies, fruit and plenty of water. I do recommend you add two or three protein shakes a day. Take one of those protein shakes right before you hit the bed. It does matter what you place in your body during the cycle because that will be your results after the cycle. If you eat nothing but junk food…it will show in the mirror. If you eat 90 to 100% clean during your cycle it will show in the mirror and in your clothes. {I prefer the 98 to 100% clean diet. The two percent is needed just in case I can’t make it through the cycle but I take a carb/fat erase pill 30mins before I indulge in a fatty meal and that will take care of that issue.}


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I would go with an H50 clone for a first time cycle. Xmass or Phera might make you bloat some.


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i could care less about if i bloat. just want which one will put the most weight on that i can keep after the cycle


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Hmm, that's up for debate then and will vary from person to person. I know that answer sucks, but it's true. I think I would still go with the H50 clone for starters. Low sides and nice dry gains. Water weight sucks.


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H50 clone would be a good starter cycle. You won't turn into ronnie coleman but if you like the effects of that cycle then maybe you could indulge in something more. But my first cycle was halodrol-50 and it worked very well for me.


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I remember the good ole days when the easy answer was a transdermal 4ad and 1 test cycle. But alas those days are gone. As for designers I would start with something easier on values perhaps xmass, or trn, or Haldrol.


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PheraPlex was my first, and it definately did the job. I enjoyed the cycle, put on a decent amount of size/strength.

But that decision is up to you bro. H50 will work well, Phera too. SD will definately work but the sides suck. I'm about to run ProMag in January and it seems like it would work well too.

I mean there are a ton of options out there. My advice, read the logs and make your mind up for yourself, in regards to how other people have reacted to each substance (gains vs. sides).


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I am currently in my 3rd week of my Phera-Max Cycle and have seen good results thus far. My starting weight was 186.4 completely dry weighing myself in the morning when I woke up after a piss and ****. This morning using the same scale and same method I am up to 196.8 pounds. I have been eatting very clean about 2500-3000 calories(300-350g of protein per day) a day of pretty much protein shakes, chicken, turkey, lean beef, milk, brown rice, corn, wheat bread, and natural peanut butter for my necessary fats for the day. My strength has gone up from 225 x6 before the cycle to 245 x8 on bench press and my max on bench has gone up from 280 to 305(maxing bench again here in a few days going for 315). I would recommend phera-max I have had very few sides the worst being a little bit of acne which I have countered with high doses of panothenic acid and my skin is as clear as ever. Of the 10.4 pounds I have put on so far I would say about 8-8.5 has been lbm and the rest water weight as my bodyfat % has actually gone down from 10.2 to 8.9 while on the cycle. I would definately recommend phera-max to you as this is my first ever cycle as well and it has run very smoothly thus far.


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k i decided on pheraplex.

now the ? is should i get pheraplex for like an extra 15 bucks or would pheramax work just as effectively


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get the plex its cheaper and cleaner. they are not exactly the same compound.

although i must warn you that i was similar in weight and height when i tried phera and i didn't gain much (6-7 pounds) at 30 mg. made my skin a oil slick.

also if this is your first cycle don't waste it on pheraplex. Use some test and dbol. if you can't get it or are scared of needles take some SDrol. i blew up on that stuff but there is a price to pay.


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u took Sdrol not the real superdrol?

i heard the size gains were similar w/ phera compared to superdrol but superdrol is just more strength


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get the plex its cheaper and cleaner. they are not exactly the same compound.

although i must warn you that i was similar in weight and height when i tried phera and i didn't gain much (6-7 pounds) at 30 mg. made my skin a oil slick.

also if this is your first cycle don't waste it on pheraplex. Use some test and dbol. if you can't get it or are scared of needles take some SDrol. i blew up on that stuff but there is a price to pay.
Not everyone would agree with this, majority yes, but i would say Pheraplex did great things for me bettter than Superdrol overall IMO..

PheraPLEX is not the same as PheraMAX. Plex is better IMO. but they are very close to the same compound. Try Methyl Plex i think that is the one most widely used now unless you can find decently price original, PheraPlex....


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dude get sd pp and d-bols....go big or go home.Just kidding!!!
i love phera-plex/max ive used them both and theyre both GREAT, less sides than sd with the gains a lil more dry. id suggest a phera-max 4 week cycle with m-trn starting week 3
wk1-pp at 15-30mg
wk2-pp at 30 mg
wk3pp at 30mg with m-trn 2-3 times daily(ppl react dif to it)
wk4-pp at 30 mg, m-trn 6mg
wk6 m-trn+pct, mayb throwing in m-zol for a couple weeks to 2 see good SOLID results..youll be friggin ripped
