Furuza-A ??


Has anyone tryed this? I cant find a log know where!

Reason asking as its very low on sides and simpile for a first cycle wanting to cut up mabye i was going to order h drol but i was thinking if i run Furuza-A 200/200/200/250/250/250

Will it have the same sides as h drol at this does? Know one seems to know the answer thanks


New member
I am running Winabol which is similar in compounds.
2 weeks at 300mg per day. Increase in strength with some fat loss.
Vascularity is awesome on this stuff.
No sides to mention so far.


Realy? But id inmagin winny is abit better right? How long is yiur cycle for? Also im around 2500cals aday at 182bls 5,6 so im trying to recomp diet bro lean out abit .... I heard wiinny is mild but fura a is milder aswell like no sides to speak of im thinking realy hard to do a h drol cycle or a fura a cycle.... I know more gains with h drol and strenge but if iys not that diffrent on strenge and bodyfat then id go with fura a at the does stated above but at that does will it have same sides as h drol or?


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Has anyone tryed this? I cant find a log know where!

Reason asking as its very low on sides and simpile for a first cycle wanting to cut up mabye i was going to order h drol but i was thinking if i run Furuza-A 200/200/200/250/250/250

Will it have the same sides as h drol at this does? Know one seems to know the answer thanks
fura is great for a cut at high doses but 200-250 is at the low end, 400+ would be a little nicer. as you can the major problem with this compound is the cost


400! Lol that would be like 10 tubs! Lol runing it at tgat rate will it be just as harsh as h drol or? Thanks..


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What about hairloss?

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You need to dose it high or your not going to see anything from it. 200mg is a waste in my mind. 350-400mg


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If it was me I'd stack it but like already mentioned cost is the issue.

Need to build muscle makes their bottle with enough to dose it 250 for 6 wks, I'd just up the dose to 300-350 run it 4.5/5wks.

Helladrol would be better in my mind. The bottle comes with enough to dose it 100mg for 6wks. But I don't really know what type of budget your working with so it's hard for me to tell what exactly to do


The munny aint a big big thing cheaper the better but i want it to be as safe and good as possible, im stuck between h drol and fura a if i doesed fura a at 300 will it be just as harsh as h drol or?


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Yeah, I'd imagine hairloss is a real problem at high doses of these DHT derivatives.


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Furuza a is going to be more androgenic, meaning more hair loss, acne, etc. at the high doses that you should run it at. I think for the cost and 1st cycle i would go with a simple 4 week 50 mg/day Hdrol cycle. It will cut you up, with the right diet. What are you running for PCT?


Oh ok right il go with h drol... Pct i was thinking serm nolva with pct assist ?

Diet wel im thinking of a recomp diet cals around 2500 im 182bls i look
Ore bulky then lean id like strenge to go up aswel do you think i shoukd bring it up to 3000 csls aday or? Thanks


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H drol at 50mg womt do much at all It takes 2wks to really start working and at 50mg
It isn't going to really gain much at all. That's a waste IMO


Yh i kinder guessed that its around 2 to 3 weeks before it kicks in so a 5 week cycle woukd be ideal ,

Maybye like this ... 5/50/75/75/75

? Sides shouldnt be that bad right?


  • Established
sides r not bad at high doses for me but as stated waaay better to stack this helps combat lethargy and helps add a little agression and libido


So you think i should stack h drol and fura a for my first cycle bro?


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you have to think about the amount of bottles your going to buy, if you want a mild h drol cycle. go 50/75/75/75/75/75. 6wks is perfect. get the helladrol bottle, you will have enough to run the cycle like this.


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What are the sides like for a 6-week cycle like you outline, gymrat?


Wow bro cslm down with your comments make your oen thred.... Ok so i think il do the h drol cycle its seems mild i want to lean out so wish me luck :)


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Were you not the same guy asking the exact same thing several months ago?


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Sides arent going to be much worse than a 5wk cycle. Proper cycle support will be essential. You can pm me and il put something together


Ok thanks alot im going to start this cycle after christmas i had p mag but its more of a bulker so i gave it to a friend at the gym :) il pm you


I can not pm yu bro im on my iphone could you pm me n il reply?


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Pika, you are making things 10x more complicated than they are. There are fantastic logs and stickies on here - exactly what I used to gain what I should of expted from my 1st run (H-Drol) and I could not be happier with the results.

Research some more, if you still can't decide then flip a coin.


Thanks bashh abit random as you said did i ask 7 months ago lol .... None the less ;)

Iv looked at stickys theres 100% no info on fura a i know for a fact iv only seen 2 to 3 logs and the rest are stacks i think il get h drol tho ... 1 last thing ph are/might come to a end so can i stock up? Will it be ok to order 2 tubs of h drol and use them after christmas bash?


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Even past expiration they should all be g2g for many years.


Oh ok thats great to know thanks .. Nice face pic ;) lool

Any sides on your h drol ? What did you use for pct?


New member
Whats up Pika? Glad you went with the h drol. You figure out what you're gonna run it at? The sides are really dependent on the person. It can cause all of the andro sides, but it is so mild it shouldn't be anything you can't handle. I've never seen it happen, when taken right. Not to say it's impossible though. Most likely the only side you might feel is lethargy. All you gotta do is push through though. PCT is easy for this too. Just use your fav SERM and i suggest PES Erase. Or you can take whatever AI and cortisol suppressor that you like. And did i read that right, you're not starting till after Christmas??


Hi bro thanks for the advice, yh i was going to start this summer but i think it be best by christmas more gains less bf% so i was thinking this

Preload h berry and milk thisle 2 weeks before hand

H drol 50/75/75/75/75
Cycle assist 8/8/8/8/8/ ( 4 hours after each does )

Nolva 20/20/10/10
Pct assist 8/8/8/8/8 along side nolva if im right il take the 20mg nolva 2 pills at night before bed and the pct assist threw the day

Training vol will be brought up to 5 days aweek monday, tru, thurs , fri, sunday , erta erta .... On pct i will bring it down to 3 to 4 days aweek?

Diet will be around 3000 cals aday clean as possible

Now im very confused about this .. Cardio i normly do cardio monday thus and fri but this is a steriod im told cardio is a no no ?? As its a risk with the heart ..... Thanks slot guys ?


New member
Only things i would add are Fish Oil for your Omega 3's, CoQ10, and maybe glucosamine if you have joint troubles. Everything else looks good. I personally like nice easy cycles. (Even though im not on what you would call an easy cycle right now) And your trying to cut right? See people say no cardio, because it can inhibit growth, but it is not really that significant. I think cardio is essential, and just plain healthy. I mean 20 mins 3/week isn't gonna hurt your growth. It will however help with your cholesterol, and shed that bf that you want.


Thanks for thevreply bro ...... I wouldnt say id want to cut but more like recomp diet maybye eat 3000 cals aday im 182bls and im only 5'6 5'7 so not tgat tall heres my diet bro just for some of your extra advice ...

8am 80g oats with 30g of whey

11am 4 large eggs 2 yolks 4 whites
With beans

2pm 80g of pasta with 140g of tuna

3pm gym til 430pm shake

Hour after gym ... 120g of steak with beans

740pm 200g of chicken with veg and brown bred

10pm 30g of cassinibg with milk

Now i will eat like snacks of cookies and stuff here and there also have my sunday dinner i will be takibg fish oil bro abd mutivits /)
wouls this be a good recomp diet?

Also should i use somthin to help my C on pct ? Tganks

Richard Swoll

New member
I'm coming to the end of a 6 week cycle of Primordial Performance's Turinabol (same compound as CELs H-drol), and Furuza-A. It was my second cycle - my first being an h-drol only cycle.
Here are my thoughts on Furuza-A: it is waaaaay overpriced, and waaaaay underdosed. To get noticable results, you'll need to dose it high. I would start off at 250, then work your way up slowly to 300 - 400mg. My cycle was turinabol 60/60/75/90/90/90, and Furuza 250/250/300/300/300/350.
Having run h-drol solo, I know how that compound made me feel - and I loved it when dosed correctly. I had that "on" feeling, and I attacked every workout.
The Furuza-A on the otherhand, was unpleasant - especially if I took too much. It made me feel very anxious. If I dosed too close together, I would sometimes get headaches, and get a sluggish feeling. Lethargy kicked my ass. I strongly suggest that you pick up some DHEA or you will feel like you have no energy. I started at 50mg. DHEA, and worked my way up to 200mg.
The anxiety by far was the worst part. I am already susceptible to it, so be forewarned if you tend to get anxious. Smoking pot will make you think you are losing your mind while on. I have read that the higher the dose, the better on Furuza, but I couldn't go higher than 350; I felt like I was going crazy sometimes.
Also, Furuza seemed to give me heart palpitations. Frequently. I am huge on cardio (I'm a marathon runner), and the palpitations were disconcerting to say the least.
This compound is a cutter; it works best for cutting, and is pretty decent for recomps. I have been on a recomp since January, and this gave me a nice boost in addition to the turnibol.
All this negative talk, is there anything positive I can say about Furuza? Well, it leaned me out nicely. I would have to say it made me more vascular. My forearms are literally rippled with veins now. I am a teacher, and a student remarked how strong my arms were when I rolled up my sleeves the other day. I was pleased by the comment (ha,ha). My lifts all went up moderately, but mostly I notice the change in my physique. My chest is more defined, my obliques are popping out now, and my lats. I did a LOT of pull-ups/ chin-ups this cycle. I went from maxing out at about 12 chinups at body weight (I'm 5'11", 190lbs) to about 17 by the end here (hell, I could probably bust out 20 if I'm feeling good). I gained about 6 lbs this cycle, eating slightly above maintanence calories. My macros were on average 260 grams protein, 391 carbs, 91 fat - 3500 calories a day. I averaged on a DAILY basis (7 days a week) 28 minutes of cardio, and 37 minutes of weight lifting. I took breaks when my body needed them.
Long story short - I went from 184 lbs to 190. I leaned out too. I haven't taken measurements, but I'm willing to guess I dropped 1 - 2% bodyfat (I'm probably around 14% now). I get compliments/ looks from EVERYONE - I don't mean to sound narcissistic, but it's true. Students, staff, family, friends - they all tell me I look good, which makes me feel great :) I have a very athletic build, and nobody would guess I was on the juice. The gains on these compounds are mild; you won't blow up like the Incredible Hulk, but that's a good thing. The gains you do acheive are quality muscle that is fairly easy to maintain post PCT.
So all in all, I'm happy with my results, but I'm also VERY happy my cycle ends Saturday. I miss drinking with my buddies, and I won't miss the anxiety Furuza produces.
I won't ever run Furuza-A again. It's too expensive, and makes me mad as a hatter. I do like my new vascularity however, and I am glad I ran the compound myself to see the results. Hope I shed some light for ya, and good luck!
Oh, and for your last question - I am going to be using CELs Suppress-C and Formestane in addition to Nolva for PCT. I suggest using cortisol control, because you no longer have the juice suppressing it. Cortisol is catabolic, so you want to control it during PCT for sure.
Last edited:


Wow! Sounds like all and all you had a great cycle bro

I think im going to run h drol it seems better cheaper and the sidrs aint much worser then fura a

So how does. This sound ...

Preload milk thisle and b berry for bp

H drol 50/50/75/75/75
Pct nolva 20/20/10/10/
Pct assist 8/8/8/8
Suppress c?? Thanks

Richard Swoll

New member
I'd say everything looks good! You may want to pick up some taurine for the inevitable back pumps you'll be experiencing. The first time I ran h-drol I was consistently cramping in my back, and found the taurine helped tremendously. I also like muscle milk, simply because it's so high in potassium. You should be very happy with your results on h-drol.


Thanks when should i does? I was thinking pct nolva 20mg at night then 10mg at night just before bed .... Pct assist few the day as normal and supress c 2 weeks later or? How shoukd i does that??


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is 250mg Fura enough when stacking with hdrol? Stuffs expensive, 4 weeks at 250mgs around $80.


Well-known member
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I am running Winabol which is similar in compounds.
2 weeks at 300mg per day. Increase in strength with some fat loss.
Vascularity is awesome on this stuff.
No sides to mention so far.
actually, winabol IS furuza A.

furuza A - 5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether



5a- androstano[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether

i know it has 'win' in the title, but its not unmethylated winstrol, like you're thinking.

Richard Swoll

New member
Thanks when should i does? I was thinking pct nolva 20mg at night then 10mg at night just before bed .... Pct assist few the day as normal and supress c 2 weeks later or? How shoukd i does that??
I always just do 20mg of nolva in the morning. Dose the nolva 20/20/10/10; h-drol doesn't aromatize, so estrogen isn't really an issue. Why run the nolva so high if you don't need to, right?
Start the suppress-c the day you begin PCT, as well as the PCT assist. Follow the dosing instructions on the bottle.


Ok so hm its a hot topic i just want to sort it out for my first cycke after christmas .... Right so say i take nolva 20mg in the morning and then pct assist few hours after and then suppress c after ?? I mean mixin them together like woulding it mess the eftects up? Pluse when should i take milk thirsle also shoukd i take somthin for bp on pct or is that not a ish ? Thanks

Richard Swoll

New member
Ok so hm its a hot topic i just want to sort it out for my first cycke after christmas .... Right so say i take nolva 20mg in the morning and then pct assist few hours after and then suppress c after ?? I mean mixin them together like woulding it mess the eftects up? Pluse when should i take milk thirsle also shoukd i take somthin for bp on pct or is that not a ish ? Thanks
If you use CELs Suppress-C it is a topical, so you rub it on your skin. It's best to do right after a shower, on clean dry skin. I've read cortisol levels are highest in the mornings, so it's best to take your c-suppress then. You can take the PCT assist whenever, so long as you are spreading your doses out over 12 hrs. Take your nolva whenever too. I take all my supps in the morning (I just started PCT; my morning "breakfast" consists of 20mg nolva, tribulus, cycle assist, multivit, fishoil, and the topical suppress-c and formestane). I do it for convienence and my stomach can handle it.
For bp use hawthorne berry, or use cycle assist (it contains milk thistle and hawthorne).
Just don't take your h-drol and cycle assist at the same time. It may affect absorbtion. Everything else don't worry about.


Oh ok then bro that sounds betteri did hear if yu take cycle assist with h drol it might affect it .... But on a pct then it dont realy matter right?

Do you know how good h drol is? I mean what will a 5 week cycle do? Ibln stenge wise and stuff thanks

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