Formex During a Non-Aromitizing Cycle


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I'm thinking of experimenting with Formex (oral Formestane) as I've heard a lot of good feedback about it. What I was wondering, however, is can it be used DURING a non-aromitizing cycle? For example, to keep libido elevated, or as a sort of HCG replacement to allow for faster better recovery during PCT.

Does this even make sense, as Formex works by inhibiting estrogens negative effects on the hypothalamus, correct? In a non-aromitizing cycle there would presumably be shutdown of endogenous T production, thus no (appreciable) levels of estrogen. Given this low estrogen environment, would Formex be able to stimulate any T production or have any beneficial effects on keeping the testicles more responsive to stimulation after the cycle (during PCT)?



people still get estrogen sides on non-aromatizing cycles. i've gotten estrogen-based gyno from the epi compound, and slight irritation from halodrol and superdrol. I don't have an explanation for this but clearly estrogen levels are affected even if the compound itself doesn't aromatize. running an OTC ai with these compounds helped mitigate those sides. but i doubt an AI will do anything good for your libido, or prevent suppression. i would only take it if you are highly prone to estro gyno.


i'd also note that taking an AI makes me feel rundown and generally crappy.


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Tagio, thanks for the insight.

I think what's going on here is that even during a very suppressive cycle T levels perhaps never truly reach zero--there's still some (however slight) T left in the system. In the meantime the body has sensed low estrogen levels (due to low T levels), and has responded by upregulating the aromatase enzyme and, or, upregulating estrogen receptors. Thus, what T is left is now aromatized at a MUCH greater rate, and there is a greater concentration of estrogen receptors.

So, I think I answered my own question: it does look like Formex could be useful during a non-aromatizing cycle IF you're prone to gyno. However, I still wonder if Formex on cycle could help with maintaining the responsiveness of the testes post cycle.


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