for the experienced lr3igf-1 users



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for the past two years i've been researching lr3igf-1 and found great personal results however i have found a few bad results. and the trend i've found is that the good results come from personal experience and the bad results come from mostly scientific facts. Here's one that's probably changing my mind from even considering using lr3igf in the future. Tell me what you think...

Do you want me to explain how rIGF-1 works? You realize rIGF-1 mimics insulin in it disposes of blood glucose, right? rIGF-1 has nothing to do with lipolysis like some wildly make claim to. How it helps with in a diet is it disposes of blood glucose as to not allow any extra to be stored as fat.
When people see weight gain on LR3 it is water retention, and or coupled with increased glycogen storage. There is not one bit of evidence showing LR3 IGF-1 can cause increased muscle tissue. Not one piece, nor will there ever be. Gropep has shown LR3 has caused kidney damage (and death) in mice. That alone will stop any human testing.

You added 3 pounds of what using LR3? Water/fat/ increased glycogen uptake (again, see water).

Let me ask you this question:
The FDA approved rIGF-1 for adolescent growth disorders. Why is it the FDA has not conducted studies on LR3 if it supposedly(by some wishful thinking bodybuilders) a great drug for mass?
Could it possibly be the FDA has spoken with Gropep over any concerns they might have with LR3 IGF-1?
I spoke in depth with gropep in regards to LR3 several years back.


Define in rIGF-1 that has clinical studies showing small increases of muscle mass, or LR3 IGF-1 that has zero clinical trails

LR3 has been shown in lab conditions, to be harmful in mice. Actually caused kidney failure. It showed some growth in mice. But what good is it if your a dead mouse? Further, human metabolism is significantly different than that of mice. It's foolish for anyone to say it will in fact work in humans, when science has shown countless times in lab conditions drugs that showed promise in animals had no bearing in human studies conducted. FACT! Any scientist will tell you that.

Bottom line is anyone who says LR3 has had muscle tissue growth has Zero clue about there body and are nothing more than dreamers...wishful thinkers if you will.


With actual rIGF-1 and HGH this happens via satellite cells. No f*cking way with LR3 IGF-1. Not in humans....

Myself along with 2 friends ran multiple experiments that my endocrinologist oversaw. Ranging from frequent blood work done throughout every LR3 cycle, to hydrostatic testing conducting by my sports doctor.
Not one of us gained any muscle tissue on these experiments doses ranging from 60 mcgs per day to 200 mcgs per day.We all followed the same exact diets, and training protocol. Every one of us are competitive bodybuilders at national level, so we do know how to train , eat and know if something works or not. That's a big difference as opposed to some arm chair quarter back sitting on some message board all day saying " I think IGF is great". I say to that/those wishful thinkers. Post up pictures to show what you look like after all these great LR3 cycles. You'll never ever see these as*holes posting pictures because they are full of sh*t!


rIGF-1 (recombinant Insulin-like Growth Factor) is what scientists altered to make LR3 IGF-1


I completely agree that actual rIGF-1 produces muscle tissue. LR3 IGF-1? No ****ing way...sorry to disappoint those who having been blindly pissing away money on that stuff.
You'd be far better off spending 200 a month on a kit of blue tops as opposed to LRshit IGF-1

I know exactly what my IGF levels are at 2 iu's-4 iu's- 6 iu's -8 iu's -10 iu's

6 and above is where IGF levels really start to soar. That's what you want!


thats dissapointing news to hear since i just started a cycle...:aargh:


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Hey Chaos, thanks for posting your feedback. We are all here for basically the same reason: To better ourselves physically and aesthetically.

Do you have data on the "study" you, your pals, the Endo, and Sports MD did? Any data you can share from the tests performed? I would be very interested in this.

I can say that from my IGF-1, I believe it has glucose-shuttling property as I have gained >10lbs and I was glycogen depleted prior to starting, and I do look "fuller" now. Have I noticed strength increases? Ehhh, not really (it's only week 3 though).

I could go on and on with what I've personally experienced, but I cannot, at this point, definitively say "YES, LR3IGF-1 LED TO INCREASED MUSCLE MASS VIA HYPERTROPHY OR HYPERPLASIA."

With that in mind, do you have any input regarding post-IGF-1 usage? Such as mass gained/lost in the following months? Or any other longer-term post usage effects?




  • Established
Hey Chaos, thanks for posting your feedback. We are all here for basically the same reason: To better ourselves physically and aesthetically.

Do you have data on the "study" you, your pals, the Endo, and Sports MD did? Any data you can share from the tests performed? I would be very interested in this.

I can say that from my IGF-1, I believe it has glucose-shuttling property as I have gained >10lbs and I was glycogen depleted prior to starting, and I do look "fuller" now. Have I noticed strength increases? Ehhh, not really (it's only week 3 though).

I could go on and on with what I've personally experienced, but I cannot, at this point, definitively say "YES, LR3IGF-1 LED TO INCREASED MUSCLE MASS VIA HYPERTROPHY OR HYPERPLASIA."

With that in mind, do you have any input regarding post-IGF-1 usage? Such as mass gained/lost in the following months? Or any other longer-term post usage effects?


sorry i haven't been on in a while, n-e-ways

i, personally, haven't done any tests on them. If you check all over google i can almost guarantee you that you won't find any lab tests on the peptide that'll lead to the conclusive result of an increased bmi in bodybuilders. The test did show death in mice and at most experiencing fat loss and hardening of the body. Many people will say that using the LR3IGF-1 for PCT will helps to keep all their gains in their previous cycle and gets them stronger. While the part of keeeping their gains may be true, having a great, steady diet and using a proper PCT (an AI and SERM) will give you the same result. and the increase in strength may be due to the fat loss and hardening of the skin giving the impression that they're stronger. And in rare cases IGF-1 can cause cancer, i say rare because unless you have a family history or show any signs of malignant tumors, you'll should be fine as long as you see a doctor first. BUT LET ME REMIND YOU, I'VE NEVER RAN THE PEPTIDE SO THESE STUDIES AND THEORIES I AM WRITING ARE FROM THE COMBOINATION OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, LAB TESTS, AND SOLITARY RESEARCH. So my thought is with it's high price and low availability, it may be best to skip it all together.

man that was a lot of typing


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That's very interesting CHA0S. What doses are used in the rat studies, was it the usual 1.5mg/kg? For me that would be just 1500mg a day, which at retail price would set me back a cool $300,000 a day for my cycle. Sorry I have not run that dose, so I could hardly tell what that does to anyone. My kidneys are OK though.

Now, I know for a fact that LR3 adds muscle on me and many other people. Sometimes the LR3 you get is bunk or totally degraded, which may explain your experiment's dismal results.

I for one, am extremely skeptical, but would like to hear more. I plan on living a hell of a lot longer. And get bigger.
