First beginner cycle - Need a debriefing before battle!


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So, for the past year I've been wanting to do a cycle of who new what, but I've held off because of my ignorance. Now for the past 3 months I've researched various things about steroids. Now I want to get some help from you guys.

I'm 21 years old. 5'10 in height and currently weigh, 173-177lbs (It fluctuates) I'm not worried about getting acne, hair loss isn't an issue. And I'm aware of the possible gyno. I've been training for 2 years religiously. Started at 130lbs, worked my way up from there. I diet to a degree try to eat every 2-3hours eat 6 times a day, don't eat junk. I DO NOT DRINK. But when I run this cycle I will take my dieting to a whole new level. Still researching that currently.... and will make a diet plan a few weeks before my cycle.

So, my ideal cycle would be Test-E, Deca, and Dbols. But lucky, I'm not that stupid.

So essentially this is What my Cycle Will look like.

Week 1: Test - 400mg/Week + Dbol -20mg/Day
Week 2: Test - 400mg/Week + Dbol -20mg/Day
Week 3: Test - 400mg/Week + Dbol -20mg/Day
Week 4: Test - 400mg/Week + Dbol -20mg/Day
week 5: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 6: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 7: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 8: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 9: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 10: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 11: Test - 400mg/Week
Week 12: Test - 400mg/Week
- and I would have Nolvadex on hand in case of sore nipples...

Week 13: Off
Week 14: Armidex @ .25mg
Week 16: Armidex @ .25mg
Week 17: Armidex @ .25mg
Week 18: Armidex @ .25mg

So.... I need help out with some questions/advice you may have.

First - I havn't decided with weather I want ethanate or cypionate. So....? Which would you guys prefer. One thing I understand is the price difference between the two. Which is not a problem for me.

Second - I feel like I need to add more for my PCT... like clomide... maybe vitamin e? Can you guys help me build a strong PCT?

Third - Should I do 400mg or 500mg of test per each weak.

Fourth - Is 20mg of dbol a decent amount? would 40mg be to strong for me?

And fifth - What do you guys think overall?

*** Sorry for writing so much, perhaps someone will include cliff notes. :p
*** and thank you in advance.


New member
I am getting ready to run a similar cycle to this except I am going to run..

Test e 500mg/wk weeks 1-12
**Beastdrol recomended dose/day weeks 1-4
**Dbol(Naps) 25mg/day weeks 1-4
HcG 250iu/wk weeks 4-12

** Havent decided which oral.

And for PCT was gonna run
50mg/day Clomid till I feel as if I've come back to normal but no less then 4 weeks.

Of course the on cycle stuff would be the usual..
Cycle Suppport by Anabolic Nutrition
Multi Vitamins.. etc

Also I'd have some letro on hand in case of the gyno sides but I didn't plan on running any AI on cycle because (it's sounds hypocritical) but I don't want to put anything into my body unless I needed it.

But for you you might want to look into HcG..


  • Established
Well I'm no expert, so consider this a bump, and just an opinion from a non-expert....

Arimidex is an AI and would probably be used better on cycle.

Get Nolva or Clomid or Toremifene(sp?) I prefer nolva. Clomid makes me


400mgs is fine

That's all i can comment on except.....

You get debriefed AFTER battle, not before.

Oh and you're probably going to get a whole lot of "your to small for steroids" Which, you proably are.

Good luck!


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  • Established
AI only during cycle if estrogen issues occur
You NEED a serm
Run serm 2 weeks after your last injection
Toremifene is superior and I recovered 100% with it...


New member
So... what I'm understanding is. To keep an AI during cycle in case of sore nipples? Like Armidex?

So my PCT would look like this?

Week 13: Toremifene @ 120mg ED
Week 14: Toremifene @ 90mg ED
Week 15: Toremifene @ 60mg ED
Week 16: Toremifene @ 30mg ED

So If I do feel sore nipples. I take my AI, how long do I keep taking it? What should the dosage be? And should I use Armidex, or letrozole?
**A lot of the posts I read, the guys talked about having Nolva on hand. And from, what I understand Nolva is a SERM?


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Arimidex every other day at .25, bump it up to .5 if symptoms don't go away... if by chance you still are getting gyno, letro is the only thing that will eliminate the gyno... so have it on hand just in case and to dose it... also be smart about the adex, it will suppress ur estrogen, stall gains and dry ur joints learn the true symptoms of gyno and don't start slamming down adex out of paranoia... for pct start Toremifene 2 weeks post last if u finish cycle week 12, pct starts week 14...test e and c take 2 weeks to clear...


New member
Thanks 'pillsRgood' you've been very helpful

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