Endosurge/Erase/DAA 8 week Run! First natty stack....



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Yeah...I got so damn busy at work...I forgot to do more than just order that ****...

Once again, got accused of being on... Post workout updates later
Tehran was thinking about cycling creatine in to. Lemme know how it goes. The kukker is loading. Do u do loading by body weight or just 20gm first five days.
Beta Aline heard a lot about it. Don't know peepose


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Tehran was thinking about cycling creatine in to. Lemme know how it goes. The kukker is loading. Do u do loading by body weight or just 20gm first five days.
Beta Aline heard a lot about it. Don't know peepose


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I don't load more than 10g a day... I'm not much on loading because if you take a weight gainer or PWO most of the time it has creatine of some sort in it already so your body has some saturation whether you like it or not!


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Looks like you put some size on your calves! I'm jealous as hell, mine barely grow and i hit them ALL the time.


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I'm not a great responder to creatine. Mono has the most effect on me. Tried concreat seemed like a gimmic. I might pick up the krya pill heard they r pretty good


If mono works well for you, get some German creatine (or any Creapure form of mono). Works great!


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If mono works well for you, get some German creatine (or any Creapure form of mono). Works great!
Clickster recommended German creatine to. Is it realty that much better? Is that the GAT brand


Mine is the AX brand. It's supposed to be a 'cleaner', 'purer' form of mono which reduces water retention (bloating) with better absorption. I assume it is better than regular non-Creapure kinds, but I can't say that for a fact. I don't get any noticeable water retention from mine.


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Looks like you put some size on your calves! I'm jealous as hell, mine barely grow and i hit them ALL the time.
That could be your problem... I was only hitting them heavy once a week... I read an article (I tried to find it for you/still looking) by Dorian Yates. He made a good point that helped me with Calves... He said "your calves are used to a bunch of repetitons at light weight--that's called walking. What you have to do is hit them heavy and shock them"...It makes tons of sense and doing that has put an inch on my calves in a month...literally.


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Day ??... Hell I've been really about about keeping track... So lets do it like this One bottle of Endo/Erase + 5 days into the next.

Back day...Hit a PR again today

Set 1: 135 x8 warmup
Set 2: 225 x8 semi-warm up
Set 3: 315 x5 (could have gotten more but I'm trying to not use straps and I lost my grip)
Set 4: 405 x1RM
Set 5: 425 (didn't get it) so I took a 3 minute rest and went back at it 415...Got 415 off the ground about 1 foot but couldn't lock out the back.
Set 6: 315 x4

40 Pull ups (10,8,6,5,5,4,2)...if that even adds up ... it was close to this.

Lat Pull downs: I dropped the weight from 170 last week to 140-150 this week. I turned around on the lat machine where my back rests on the leg pads and tried to really get the pull and squeeze out of my lats. I can really feel the difference.

T-Bar Rows:
2 plates x8
2 plates + 25 x6,x6,x4
3 plates x2

Lawnmower pulls... dropped weight to really get the pull out of my lats and try to not cheat...
70 x5, 70 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5, 90 x5

Lat Pull over machine (thank you to the guys who recommended this)
125 to failure 5 sets.

Worked on my grip strength today. Really happy that it is already improving...Also, we did a forearm workout like no other...It actually is hurting to type this...FML


Strong lifts! Glad your grip is improving. I had back today as well and my forearm kept cramping up on me when I wad getting ready for school haha. Gotta drop the creatine. :(


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I'm not a great responder to creatine. Mono has the most effect on me. Tried concreat seemed like a gimmic. I might pick up the krya pill heard they r pretty good
all those creatine supps are a joke...good ole cheap mono or CEE works the best IMO.


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Day ??... Hell I've been really about about keeping track... So lets do it like this One bottle of Endo/Erase + 5 days into the next.

Back day...Hit a PR again today

Set 1: 135 x8 warmup
Set 2: 225 x8 semi-warm up
Set 3: 315 x5 (could have gotten more but I'm trying to not use straps and I lost my grip)
Set 4: 405 x1RM
Set 5: 425 (didn't get it) so I took a 3 minute rest and went back at it 415...Got 415 off the ground about 1 foot but couldn't lock out the back.
Set 6: 315 x4

40 Pull ups (10,8,6,5,5,4,2)...if that even adds up ... it was close to this.

Lat Pull downs: I dropped the weight from 170 last week to 140-150 this week. I turned around on the lat machine where my back rests on the leg pads and tried to really get the pull and squeeze out of my lats. I can really feel the difference.

T-Bar Rows:
2 plates x8
2 plates + 25 x6,x6,x4
3 plates x2

Lawnmower pulls... dropped weight to really get the pull out of my lats and try to not cheat...
70 x5, 70 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5, 90 x5

Lat Pull over machine (thank you to the guys who recommended this)
125 to failure 5 sets.

Worked on my grip strength today. Really happy that it is already improving...Also, we did a forearm workout like no other...It actually is hurting to type this...FML
The PR Stack!


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Perfect name! Let's make it happen!
It has been for me... Another PR today. Shoulders day which used to be my arch enemy but I love shoulders now a days. My new workout partner (who accuses me daily of being on gear) is a shoulder fanatic and showed me some good work outs today. By the end of the day, my shoulders were so pumped and I was so hungry I ordered a four egg panini from the gym café.

I had so much energy in the gym that I ended up doing like 10 sets of power cleans... 8
x5x5x5x5x3x2x2x1x1. I realized I can do hanging cleans better than cleans from the ground up...My legs and back are spent from dead lifts and all that deadlift motion the next day really takes away from the explosion I need for cleans...So I can actually get more weight with hanging cleans.

Here is the weights 95x8 warm up 115 x5x5 135x5x5x5 145x3x2x2 160 x1x1 (then I did like 4 more x2 haning sets with 135 because it felt so good and I was so happy I had the form down and was able to rep out such heavy weight...for me).

Shoulder dumbell press
60 x8x8x8 70x6x6 80x4 40 x10

Front Raises

5x10 with 20/25


5x10reps 20/25

Rear delt raises

5x10 15/20lbs

Upright rows


Calves and Abs


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How long does your routine take.
Upwards 2 hours with a workout partner...only because there are a ton of idiots in the gym that think they know what they are doing getting in the way...I could push through my workouts within 1.5 hours on a normal day. Back day takes longer because I rest for deadlifts more than anything else...I rest more on deadlifts than on squats... I like to speed up my leg workout and end up super-setting leg extension with hammy curls for 5 sets.

I love my leg work out

5+ sets of squats/5+ leg press/5+ Hack Squats/5 Leg Ext//Superset//Leg curls

I do calves twice a week on other days depending on how long I'm there for...


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I think a PES Rep should hook me up with this stack so I can run a SPONSORED log after this one :)... I've proved my log worthiness. I want to run this stack so bad but I can't part with the $65 a month for two months...Maybe I buy one/get one sponsored?? I'm so cheap.



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Word up. I would do it. Bit would like to know if its worth it
I'm in if u get that going


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My goal after this bulk is to recomp and try to burn 2% bf (put me at 9.5%) and maintain 180 lbs. I'm sitting at 182 right now fasted in the morning (according to my scale; scale at gym says 179-180. I trust my scale because it's only used by me and I've went off of it since I started so even if I am only 179 I've used it as a baseline and have still gained 15 pounds in lean mass since Oct/November time frame... +3lbs approx since I started this stack. Slowly but surely on my way to hit 185 before the end...

I was worried I wasn't getting enough calories in because I haven't had much of an appettite the past week or so from sickness but I tracked today and my daily breakfast is 1000+ calories itself... I wonder if that is too much at one time...is my body wasting a lot of this since it's early morning and I'm not hitting the gym until after work? They say breakfast is the most important meal but maybe I'm over-doing it?

Normal breakfast (Mon-Fri)
4 Eggs scrambled with cheese
2 peices white toast
1/3 cup craisins
3 Tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 Serving IDS Smart Gainer or 2 servings ON Gold Standard

8oz water fasted (30 mins before breakfast) with bulk DAA

With meal: Endosurge

30 mins later
Fish Oil x2
CLA x1
Glucosamine X2
Lysine X1 (****ty immune system and it helps)
BCAA caps x2-4


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Why white and not whole wheat. White bead is a waste of space


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Why white and not whole wheat. White bead is a waste of space
Lots of carbs...I eat whole wheat bread too...love my fast acting carbs when I first wake up.

White bread = my coffee


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Lots of carbs...I eat whole wheat bread too...love my fast acting carbs when I first wake up.

White bread = my coffee
whole wheat still has good carbs and is better for you! I haven't touched a bleached bread in god knows how long! I did love white bread before I started getting serious in lifting though for sure.


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Dude white bread peanut butter + seperate grape jelly. Cool big cup of whole milk...
**** I hate grown up food. I want double stuff oreos for dinner! !



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I went to the diner the other day. Asked for whole wheat toast w/no butter with my eggs. They gave me white toast WITH butter. Damn it was good!


Not this whole wheat vs white stuff again. If his diet is balanced in fiber and micronutrients, it doesn't make a damn difference besides a minor satiety blip.


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Not this whole wheat vs white stuff again. If his diet is balanced in fiber and micronutrients, it doesn't make a damn difference besides a minor satiety blip.
I agree.


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Not this whole wheat vs white stuff again. If his diet is balanced in fiber and micronutrients, it doesn't make a damn difference besides a minor satiety blip.
I double agree...I'm hitting all of my macros and supplementing a multivitamin...I think I have my white bread on a bulk cycle..It's not like I'm eating a loaf a day :).


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Legs Day.. Changed the workout up a little bit because my workout partner wanted to do some front squats.


225x8x6x6 deep as he|l...literally aSs nearly touching my ankles
275x5x5 still deep but when I hit below ninety I got stuck on one and had to get assistance up...repped out 5 more because I was pissed off so really it was like 275x5fail5x5
225x8 deeeeeeeepppp again.

Front squats
165x5x5x5...Could have done way more weight but I am still learning the form so I went super low again...past ninety into the whole hamstrings to ankles... Also, I am using the cleaning grip so I can practice holding the bar that way...God, I love legs day.

Hack Squats (on hack squat sled like usual)
200x5...workout partner can only doo 200lbs so I just left the plates for the last one because I was spent anyways...

Box Jumps

5 set of 10+
JumpRope 3 sets 30 seconds

Finished with Leg extensions/HamString Curls


Hamstring Curls...
I forget but I can tell you my hamstrings are lacking compared to quads so we did Stiff Leg Dead lifts to finish off the workout.

240x4...I was feeling froggy--why not!

So, I tried some AI Sports Nutrition Sample Pack of Maniac today...I have to say thanks to STXNAS for the samples...That stuff is the sh|t. I never felt tired even after all of that. I wanted to do more but I had to give the guys I work out with a ride today and one was late for a Tee time at the Golf Course...If that wasn't the case, we probably would have finished with walking lunges... I really like AI Sports Nutrition's products. 3Z really helped me sleep when I tried it and Maniac seemed to keep me focused when normal PWOs never really help me. I am not very sensitive to stims but it seemed to give me extra energy and focus. Thanks again STXNAS...

I think I'm going to run Glycobol sometime...Maybe I'll run a AI Sports Nutrition Log next...Anyone suggestions? I've read some good reviews of their other products...


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Whoever mentioned they take DAA before bed...well that **** was insane last night.

I forgot to take my DAA in the morning and I took it before bed and I had the most vivid, crazy dreams I've ever had. I actually woke up at one point yelling because the dream was so real...FML It's the only thing different I did last night so I have to contribute it to DAA.

Any like experiences out there?


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Whoever mentioned they take DAA before bed...well that **** was insane last night.

I forgot to take my DAA in the morning and I took it before bed and I had the most vivid, crazy dreams I've ever had. I actually woke up at one point yelling because the dream was so real...FML It's the only thing different I did last night so I have to contribute it to DAA.

Any like experiences out there?

DAA will definitely do that to you. I got in a bottle of intimidate and decided to try it out for a week to see if the dreams were better or what not ( i know kind of weird and stupid but thats how i roll ) and the dreams were so vivid and real like you were saying, but i also had nightmares as well, first ones ive had in years. So i put the bottle back on the shelf for a rainy day. lol


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Yep... Exactly how it was..very vivid nightmares... Who the helI gets attacked by giant grasshoppers? This guy....


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I have heard that before. The only thing that happens to me if I take daa late is I sleep super light or don't sleep at all.


I can't remember my dreams since I began taking intimidate before bed. Kinda miss that.


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DAA will definitely do that to you. I got in a bottle of intimidate and decided to try it out for a week to see if the dreams were better or what not ( i know kind of weird and stupid but thats how i roll ) and the dreams were so vivid and real like you were saying, but i also had nightmares as well, first ones ive had in years. So i put the bottle back on the shelf for a rainy day. lol
I had the same issues with Intimidate. I slept so deep and my dreams were so vivid that I woke up and had to check to see if reality was present...scary. I started doing some light stretches and saying positive thoughts before and the dreams went from murder scenes to beautiful women pillow fighting and doing illegal things.


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I had the same issues with Intimidate. I slept so deep and my dreams were so vivid that I woke up and had to check to see if reality was present...scary. I started doing some light stretches and saying positive thoughts before and the dreams went from murder scenes to beautiful women pillow fighting and doing illegal things.
Thats what happens when i take endosurge, good times.


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I had the same issues with Intimidate. I slept so deep and my dreams were so vivid that I woke up and had to check to see if reality was present...scary. I started doing some light stretches and saying positive thoughts before and the dreams went from murder scenes to beautiful women pillow fighting and doing illegal things.
Lol, maybe I just need to try that!...

::Update:: CHEST DAY

Incline Dumbbell Press
80x5 90x5 95x5 100x5 100x5 Good deep pause reps

Flat Bench Barbell
225x5 245x5 255x5 275x3 (225x3) 255x5...295x2

Reverse Grip Barbell...First time we've done these in a VERY long time
185x5 185x5 205x5 205x5 225x5

Cable Flys...who cares about weight I didn't pay attention. I know I dropped down a few pounds to try and really get that contraction and not use shoulders...

Machine flys...same thing dropped the weight to worry about contraction... I think I did equivalent to 35 each side and 40 each side for 5x5

Calf Raises to finish the day.

Guy in the gym asked me what I was doing differently today...He said he wanted to start and M-Stak/Stak cycle and I told him about Erase and Endosurge... He may try it since it's cheaper.

I've been like a walking billboard for NutraPlanet since I started this stack...And PES and BPS...

I really stand by PES and BPS products. At least these two. I have seen nothing but good results.

Weighed myself fasted this morning...183 lbs. The most I've ever weighed in my life. And I can still see my abs for the most part...I can see six flexed and four relaxed... I can't weight to try and cut fat...Still waiting on advice if I should run Anabeta/Alpha T-2...anyone have any good results?? I want to run it but it's so damn expensive for two months. I want to run it with AAKG and Beta Alanine and Intimidate (but not really Intimidate now since DAA messed with my dreams)... I would love to gain some vascularity...

I've been reading a lot on PHs lately and I want to run one eventually...Probably after I get out the military in August...Maybe run 1 cut cycle, 1 bulk recomp cycle and then try and run something a little harsher...


The BPS Rep
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Impressive Incline Presses. :thumbsup:

Personally, I wouldn't recommend cutting on your first PH cycle. Recomp first - more calories will mean more gains and it will give you a chance to get used to being "on", so you'll know what to expect for when you run a cut cycle down the road. Just my two cents.


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That is a pretty solid incline press. They hurt my shoulders too much to go heavy.


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Impressive Incline Presses. :thumbsup:

Personally, I wouldn't recommend cutting on your first PH cycle. Recomp first - more calories will mean more gains and it will give you a chance to get used to being "on", so you'll know what to expect for when you run a cut cycle down the road. Just my two cents.
Yeah...that's what I meant...natural cut, natural recomp and then a bulk/recomp PH. I'm not even close to my natural potential. There is no reason I should run a PH yet... I am really interested in Super DMZ but I hear it's a little rough for a first cycle... I just don't want to run HDrol and only see like 5lb gains...I can see that natural... Just going to be hard to hit my goal of 200 lbs naturally... I'm only 183 right now and my gains are slowing down...


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Size wise, my upper chest is way behind my lower chest so for a month straight we hit only upper chest... We would do dumbbells and hit every peg on the adjustable bench for 3 sets each 8 reps... So we ended up hitting 4 or 5 different angles of incline heavy as we could and that shiz built my strength up massively... Then we would do the same thing with flys... So you figure 12 sets 8 reps each 96 reps both press and flys...

Try it sometime... You will like it

I had weak shoulders before I started getting serious about lifting...now, I've nursed an injury and built my delt strength up to a point it doesn't hurt anymore..


The BPS Rep
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Yeah...that's what I meant...natural cut, natural recomp and then a bulk/recomp PH. I'm not even close to my natural potential. There is no reason I should run a PH yet... I am really interested in Super DMZ but I hear it's a little rough for a first cycle... I just don't want to run HDrol and only see like 5lb gains...I can see that natural... Just going to be hard to hit my goal of 200 lbs naturally... I'm only 183 right now and my gains are slowing down...
I recommend an Epistane clone for most first cycles - sides are usually minimal, and gains are better than Hdrol. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place leading up to your first cycle.
Size wise, my upper chest is way behind my lower chest so for a month straight we hit only upper chest... We would do dumbbells and hit every peg on the adjustable bench for 3 sets each 8 reps... So we ended up hitting 4 or 5 different angles of incline heavy as we could and that shiz built my strength up massively... Then we would do the same thing with flys... So you figure 12 sets 8 reps each 96 reps both press and flys...

Try it sometime... You will like it

I had weak shoulders before I started getting serious about lifting...now, I've nursed an injury and built my delt strength up to a point it doesn't hurt anymore..
Wow, that's a ton of volume. I can definitely see how focusing on that movement pattern for a while like that would lead to serious progress there.


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Yeah...that's what I meant...natural cut, natural recomp and then a bulk/recomp PH. I'm not even close to my natural potential. There is no reason I should run a PH yet... I am really interested in Super DMZ but I hear it's a little rough for a first cycle... I just don't want to run HDrol and only see like 5lb gains...I can see that natural... Just going to be hard to hit my goal of 200 lbs naturally... I'm only 183 right now and my gains are slowing down...
If you see 5 lbs of gains with a first Hdrol cycle then something is seriously wrong with you! A year ago I put on 13 lbs with my first cycle! Kept 8-9 of them

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