Douchebags at the gym...



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ok finally have a story lol... normally people dont mess with me at all cause I listen to music and im in my own,world. the only time I will talk to you is if I know you or you get my attention or I need something your using....

welll lets just say my cals are extremely low and my epi is making me more aggressive I will admit.... butttt I was doing lat pull downs the hammer strength series kind.... and while I was loading 45s, I have always loved the sound of two 45s meeting on a bar its completely different then other weights, I made a decent bit of noise loading them on.... I mean I wasnt quiet about it... but whos softly loading 45s.... and this guy directly in front of me that was on the phone walked over and pointed his finger. well me not being able to hear anything I pulled my earphones off and said "whats up?". he said "your making to much noise...." I said in a smartass remark "oh I cant hear it..." and put my headphones back in.... he tried to open his mouth but he just shook his head and walked away... lol.... I wanted him to say something so bad.... lol I was ready to pounce....


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You would have been right to put his phone between the 45s. THAT sound would have been really sweet.


We have this skinny guy who wears these ***got ass stunna shades and doesn't put his shirt on until he gets in the gym. Same guy runs all kinda of ph cycles, never makes any gains..??? Only does half reps on everything!!... And is one of those amateur local wwe wrestling guys.....


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Douchebag: The bar with the ridiculous knurling that ripped open a callous on my hand from deadlifting.


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Some guy that looked like MS13 and spoke very little English asked for a spot on dumbbell incline presses. He had a 90 in each hand. No problem, I helped get him in position and put myself in a place where I could hopefully keep him from dropping the weights on his head. He can't get the weights up and he drops them to his sides and starts barking at me "Push! Push!". Great...he wants his spot to do the work for him. Fine. I crouch down behind him on the next set and push his damn elbows up so he can do 6 reps. And by push, I mean I figure I did about 30# on each hand. We do this "exercise" for 3 sets. Then he gets up and grabs a pair of 95s. I laughed. I didn't mean it...but it was damn funny and kinda pathetic. It just came out. Man was he pissed. I just walked away...really have no interest in a fistfight over something so stupid in the gym. He let it go.


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Some guy that looked like MS13
Man was he pissed.
He let it go.
Pride is challenged...
...does not fight/kill
= is not MS13, lol.


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Some guy that looked like MS13 and spoke very little English asked for a spot on dumbbell incline presses. He had a 90 in each hand. No problem, I helped get him in position and put myself in a place where I could hopefully keep him from dropping the weights on his head. He can't get the weights up and he drops them to his sides and starts barking at me "Push! Push!". Great...he wants his spot to do the work for him. Fine. I crouch down behind him on the next set and push his damn elbows up so he can do 6 reps. And by push, I mean I figure I did about 30# on each hand. We do this "exercise" for 3 sets. Then he gets up and grabs a pair of 95s. I laughed. I didn't mean it...but it was damn funny and kinda pathetic. It just came out. Man was he pissed. I just walked away...really have no interest in a fistfight over something so stupid in the gym. He let it go.
Should've let him drop them on his head. Maybe would have shaken up some loose connections.


Started to workout with my barber (free cuts for life might I add). Nice guy, but tends to be a douche sometimes. The other day he takes it upon himself to try to keep up with me (I'm not the strongest, but I have been going for almost a year, so my body can handle itself when it comes to heavy loads, he just started.) I warm up with 135 for bp..even after me warning him numerous times to stretch, he lays down and knocks out 3 halfassed reps. Gets up and starts to writhe in pain. Gets mad at me like I did something wrong, and walks out. Wtf did I do??


Started to workout with my barber (free cuts for life might I add). Nice guy, but tends to be a douche sometimes. The other day he takes it upon himself to try to keep up with me (I'm not the strongest, but I have been going for almost a year, so my body can handle itself when it comes to heavy loads, he just started.) I warm up with 135 for bp..even after me warning him numerous times to stretch, he lays down and knocks out 3 halfassed reps. Gets up and starts to writhe in pain. Gets mad at me like I did something wrong, and walks out. Wtf did I do??
I think you should skip your next hair cut with him lol


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1) The undergrads that just moved into town, joined the gym, and scream like they're lifting the weight of the world when they do... leg press.

Not douches, but:

2) Manly looking woman who moans like she is getting ****ed when she lifts.

3) Old man who dresses like he's Don Johnson in Miami Vice, wearing sunglasses inside during his workout, that only does the last two inches of any exercise. He literally does two-inch reps for every exercise. He does a **** ton of "reps," but it's just strange as hell.


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1) The undergrads that just moved into town, joined the gym, and scream like they're lifting the weight of the world when they do... leg press.

Not douches, but:

2) Manly looking woman who moans like she is getting ****ed when she lifts.

3) Old man who dresses like he's Don Johnson in Miami Vice, wearing sunglasses inside during his workout, that only does the last two inches of any exercise. He literally does two-inch reps for every exercise. He does a **** ton of "reps," but it's just strange as hell.
Gota love the college gym. I actually hate mine...


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Gota love the college gym. I actually hate mine...
I refuse to use my college gym. It's all full of basketball players and freshman that think they are huge and want to BS all the time. I don't have time for your egos


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Wat about the extremely hot douchechick wit a gigantic booty who constantly tries to give yu free sample shakes because she says she notices how hard yu work.. I just roll my eyes and continue to get my swell on


This last week my gym has been invaded by high-schoolers... School is starting back up again in Cyprus in 2 weeks and 15-year-olds seem to think that's enough time to bulk up, most likely in hopes they might impress a girl I'm guessing...

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't come in droves of 10-15, take up all the benches to sit on, hog all the dumbbells and go on about how great their gains are after only 1 week of doing nothing other than bench-presses and bicep curls (and half-assed ones at that of course).

It makes me wonder if I was such an intolerable little snot back then, although I never joined a gym at that age. It was still cool to play soccer at the local pitch.


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Wat about the extremely hot douchechick wit a gigantic booty who constantly tries to give yu free sample shakes because she says she notices how hard yu work.. I just roll my eyes and continue to get my swell on
You should offer her a shake or two ;)


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Gota love the college gym. I actually hate mine...

Nah, not even a college gym. It just happens that a few undergrads decided to come to a real gym instead of working out on campus. They'll probably be gone in a week or two -- no music or TVs at my gym.


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Nah, not even a college gym. It just happens that a few undergrads decided to come to a real gym instead of working out on campus. They'll probably be gone in a week or two -- no music or TVs at my gym.
Nice. I wish there were a real gym outside of the college one. There are some real lifter here though thankfully. Sadly the dumb bells only go up to 80 lbs lol. The machines are all crap. So I may be finding a secondary gym. Just don't know where yet...
Stroke UR Ego

Stroke UR Ego

What is the deal with dropping the DB's? Once in a while...I get it. It happens and if your legitimately pushing some heavier weight..ok. But some of the D-Bags at the gym drop their weight every freakin' time. Like 25's and 35's. Dude seriously of you have to drop those DB's, get on a machine.
Sorry. But that drives me nuts because i can hear it even wearing earbuds.
Rant over.
I love dropping dumbbells,Though my gym has those rubber coats dbs. feels boss.


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Man I preacher curl and well curl in general the same or slightly more weight then little guys. But I'm twice their size. You would think they would pick up that it's about technique and form not throwing the weight from point a to point b. but no they just think they are tough. Poor douches.


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1) The undergrads that just moved into town, joined the gym, and scream like they're lifting the weight of the world when they do... leg press.

Not douches, but:

2) Manly looking woman who moans like she is getting ****ed when she lifts.

3) Old man who dresses like he's Don Johnson in Miami Vice, wearing sunglasses inside during his workout, that only does the last two inches of any exercise. He literally does two-inch reps for every exercise. He does a **** ton of "reps," but it's just strange as hell.
Hot chick sounding like she is getting ****ed is worse... Distracting shiet...



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I in no way consider this man a douche bag, I merely thought it amusing what he was doing. He was the type to wear lifting straps his entire workout, and wrapped them around each db he proceeded to use. Even the 25lbs for one armed side raises. It's his own choice when to use them, I just know some are anti straps, some are for them in some instances, and some use them for everything. To each their own I suppose.


Just to be clear, what is considered throwing a db? I'm not the biggest guy and use db's between 20-40 lb and especially when doing overhead tricep extensions I drop the db at the end because it hurts to bring it around and place it on the ground. Is that considered douchebagery?

What pisses me off is the guy that uses a machine/squat rack/bench and takes a 3 minute break in the locker room (I asked him once. No exaggeration) between every set of 5 reps...but noone can touch the machine. Drives me nuts cause I go to planet fitness which is a really small and cheap gym. Especially since he is a bigger guy, so when he is on the squat rack,by the time I unload some weight he is already back and flipping a ****


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Just to be clear, what is considered throwing a db? I'm not the biggest guy and use db's between 20-40 lb and especially when doing overhead tricep extensions I drop the db at the end because it hurts to bring it around and place it on the ground. Is that considered douchebagery?

What pisses me off is the guy that uses a machine/squat rack/bench and takes a 3 minute break in the locker room (I asked him once. No exaggeration) between every set of 5 reps...but noone can touch the machine. Drives me nuts cause I go to planet fitness which is a really small and cheap gym. Especially since he is a bigger guy, so when he is on the squat rack,by the time I unload some weight he is already back and flipping a ****
You drop 40lb dumbbells behind your back from a standing position??

I think you qualify.


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Just to be clear, what is considered throwing a db? I'm not the biggest guy and use db's between 20-40 lb and especially when doing overhead tricep extensions I drop the db at the end because it hurts to bring it around and place it on the ground. Is that considered douchebagery?
Go back a page and watch the first 20 seconds or so of that vid I posted. THAT is throwing a db and in my opinion is completely unnecessary. Now its understandable if you were lifting a lot of weight, like 100lb DBs for flat benchpress with no spot... its ok to DROP them at the end of your set if you've hit failure. Sometimes its almost impossible to do a "crunch" and situate yourself back up while keeping each DB in your hand to place them back on your knees when all you want to do is drop that ****. But not like you're going to ****ing chuck it out a window. lol


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You drop 40lb dumbbells behind your back from a standing position??

I think you qualify.
LOL. Just need someone behind him to grab it for him when he's done.


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I've rescued 55lb dbs with one hand when doing overhead extensions. Why complain about 20-40lb overhead extensions? lol


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Hot chick sounding like she is getting ****ed is worse... Distracting shiet...

I had an ex gf that did that... couldnt help but turn me on.... I think she did it on purpose though... shes a sloot! lol...
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Man I preacher curl and well curl in general the same or slightly more weight then little guys. But I'm twice their size. You would think they would pick up that it's about technique and form not throwing the weight from point a to point b. but no they just think they are tough. Poor douches.
Smaller guy called me out about doing the hammer strength preacher machine with 55 (end of my "off-season at 225lbs) I just laughed and said yeah I guess these 18" arms grew themselves.


LOL. Just need someone behind him to grab it for him when he's done.
Haha yeah I know. But I don't always have a spotter and it's kinda awkward to go like "hey bud. Mind grabbing this 40 lb db from me? It's too heavy." :D

But I do them on an incline bench so it's not toooooo bad lol


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Wow upper classmen tryin to barbel curl 95 pounds with form that looks like a reverse grip power clean. And he can't bench 135. Lol.


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We have this skinny guy who wears these ***got ass stunna shades and doesn't put his shirt on until he gets in the gym. Same guy runs all kinda of ph cycles, never makes any gains..??? Only does half reps on everything!!... And is one of those amateur local wwe wrestling guys.....


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I hate the pussies at my gym. I am teaching a few guys some exercises routines and concepts just basic stuff. But then these dbags come in tryin to act tough. Then I lift more than they are and with good form, at 8% bf and way lighter than them. You would think they would shut up. At least no one gives me crap already at this new gym haha. They would probably crap themselves if they knew I had only been lifting 5 months since a fracture spine and nerve damage and I am in this shape. Can't wait for this time next year.

So specific d bag today, apparently models for kohls and was screaming and pulling his shirt up and offering to train half the gym population. He's like 6 2 200 pounds and incline benches 135. I dont think he should train anyone. Oh and he doesn't take protein because it makes him too big. IMO he needs it. Also he bumped me and set up his bench right beside me while I was db curling 50s. He proceeds to db press like 30s.

Next. Stupid cracker who does what appears to be a full bridge after each rep of deadlift. Like his back is bent about as far as it can go. He's gona have fun walking when he's 30...

Other guys are pretty low key so no more complaining from me. And met some cool guys actually so they outweigh the douches.


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Theres a guy that meditates in my gym, B*tch please!

And my gyms pretty small for it gets packed sometimes
We had a guy that used to do that at my gym. He would sit in one of the side sections of the gym and close his eyes in for a few minutes and then suddenly he would pop up and throw these quick MMA wanna-be punches and kicks at the mirror. If it wasn't in a gym, I'd think that he was having an epileptic seizure.


Well, the juice heads have returned to my gym. What's more fun than curling 10's HORRIBLY, then standing in front of the mirror for 5 minutes, flexing and grunting? Maybe the long conversations talking about how much protein you're taking with the ever so redundant "yo!" or "bro!"?

Jersey is such a joke sometimes.


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Cross-fitter's and their phaggoty stretching, mean mugging, high and mighty bull**** attitudes!


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I hate the pussies at my gym. I am teaching a few guys some exercises routines and concepts just basic stuff. But then these dbags come in tryin to act tough. Then I lift more than they are and with good form, at 8% bf and way lighter than them. You would think they would shut up. At least no one gives me crap already at this new gym haha. They would probably crap themselves if they knew I had only been lifting 5 months since a fracture spine and nerve damage and I am in this shape. Can't wait for this time next year.

So specific d bag today, apparently models for kohls and was screaming and pulling his shirt up and offering to train half the gym population. He's like 6 2 200 pounds and incline benches 135. I dont think he should train anyone. Oh and he doesn't take protein because it makes him too big. IMO he needs it. Also he bumped me and set up his bench right beside me while I was db curling 50s. He proceeds to db press like 30s.

Next. Stupid cracker who does what appears to be a full bridge after each rep of deadlift. Like his back is bent about as far as it can go. He's gona have fun walking when he's 30...

Other guys are pretty low key so no more complaining from me. And met some cool guys actually so they outweigh the douches.
Kinda funny, but have you offered to help him?


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Kinda funny, but have you offered to help him?
Which one. They are all upperclassmen in college. Dead lift hero is like in the Mma club. The model is just a ****y douche. The curl kid was being "instructed" by Mma man. So. I just sit back and do my own. If I get to know them I will say something. I have like 5 or so guys now I help with programs exercises and stuff. Lol.


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Last summer I walked into my gym and heard someone yelling as soon as I hit the front door. As I was walking towards the locker room I looked over at the peck deck and saw two really skinny guys (cross country runner looking types) the guy on the machine had his shirt off yell counting and the other one was slapping his chest between each make it worse when hes done he gets up chest puffed out and straight up mean mugs me the whole time im walkin... Top 5 gayest things I've ever seen at the gym.


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Last summer I walked into my gym and heard someone yelling as soon as I hit the front door. As I was walking towards the locker room I looked over at the peck deck and saw two really skinny guys (cross country runner looking types) the guy on the machine had his shirt off yell counting and the other one was slapping his chest between each make it worse when hes done he gets up chest puffed out and straight up mean mugs me the whole time im walkin... Top 5 gayest things I've ever seen at the gym.
lol. What is it with the mean mugging ****. I feel like as soon as I'm in the gym its like right outta fight club. "Everywhere we went we were sizing things up." Thats all it is. Sizing it up. Trying to establish the alpha. I just throw my headphones in and do my own THANNNNNG.

But I do love me some quarter-depth squats. Then work the quads REAL NICE.



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HAHAHA at the mean mugging dudes! I'm with you DJ, headphones on, in my own zone


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lol. What is it with the mean mugging ****. I feel like as soon as I'm in the gym its like right outta fight club. "Everywhere we went we were sizing things up." Thats all it is. Sizing it up. Trying to establish the alpha. I just throw my headphones in and do my own THANNNNNG.

But I do love me some quarter-depth squats. Then work the quads REAL NICE.

They have to look "up" you're six nine.


Last summer I walked into my gym and heard someone yelling as soon as I hit the front door. As I was walking towards the locker room I looked over at the peck deck and saw two really skinny guys (cross country runner looking types) the guy on the machine had his shirt off yell counting and the other one was slapping his chest between each make it worse when hes done he gets up chest puffed out and straight up mean mugs me the whole time im walkin... Top 5 gayest things I've ever seen at the gym.
That has to be one of the funniest stories lol
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