Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act Passes Senate

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Yeah I didn't see anything on that list that's in MASS 550. It's a natty supplement.

I don't use prohormones. Never have....KNOWINGLY.

I love MASS 550


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Do you actually even read the damn threads or are you just like most of these idiots that keep coming in and asking the same damn questions, over and over again?
my phone sent a second one sorry for asking I don't have my computer in front of me so was trying to read everything on my iPhone, sorry for the double, no reason to be an ass about it
Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln

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my phone sent a second one sorry for asking I don't have my computer in front of me so was trying to read everything on my iPhone, sorry for the double, no reason to be an ass about it
It is the Tren rage bro don't worry about it, had to speak to this guy in the past.


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Ok, I think it's just best to just find out when the dagger hits the heart. I think unless you are apart of the creation of the bill, it can be interpreted in many ways. But not worries at all bro
We had our lawyer look at it. I represent IronMagLabs brother and we have been through numerous bans before. There's some wiggle room on the chemicals not listed but the nomenclatures listed will be illegal to possess or sell the moment this bill becomes law.

If you read the part of the bill above what you copy and pasted there's clarity on the added chems. The added chems have a 30 day grace period. Let me give you an example. Lets say the Attorney general adds M-STEN. That means we have 30 days before its a scheduled anabolic steroid. Please see the excerpt below from the present form of the bill.

(b) CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY.—Section 201 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 811) is amended by adding at the end
the following:
‘‘(1) The Attorney General may issue a temporary order
adding a drug or other substance to the definition of anabolic
steroids if the Attorney General finds that—
‘‘(A) the drug or other substance satisfies the criteria
for being considered an anabolic steroid under section
102(41) but is not listed in that section or by regulation
of the Attorney General as being an anabolic steroid; and
‘‘(B) adding such drug or other substance to the definition
of anabolic steroids will assist in preventing abuse
or misuse of the drug or other substance.
‘‘(2) An order issued under paragraph (1) shall not take
effect until 30 days after the date of the publication by the
Attorney General of a notice in the Federal Register of the
intention to issue such order and the grounds upon which
such order is to be issued. The order shall expire not later
than 24 months after the date it becomes effective, except
that the Attorney General may, during the pendency of proceedings
under paragraph (6), extend the temporary scheduling
order for up to 6 months.


my phone sent a second one sorry for asking I don't have my computer in front of me so was trying to read everything on my iPhone, sorry for the double, no reason to be an ass about it
iPhone, because they just work.


Well-known member
Yeah I didn't see anything on that list that's in MASS 550. It's a natty supplement. I don't use prohormones. Never have....KNOWINGLY. I love MASS 550
MASS 550 will be ok. If you look at the label there is nothing that is or could be construed as be steroidal. Unless DAA all of a sudden becomes an issue.


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I would think the that PH's not specifically listed on this bill will still be sold for a while. I doubt the DA comes back to this and adds more to the list. At least not for a while. So PH's are still going to be sold. Just not the ones listed in this bill.


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I would think the that PH's not specifically listed on this bill will still be sold for a while. I doubt the DA comes back to this and adds more to the list. At least not for a while. So PH's are still going to be sold. Just not the ones listed in this bill.
Not a lawyer but I think you are right. Then the 30 window clause kicks in on the newly banned compounds...
Hope they don't add anything else for years. 2009 was the last ban and I really liked Bold


New member
For those that are stocking up I think its important to emphasize that these will now be classified as controlled substances like meth and heroin.. So be careful with your inventory. I got too much to lose by having controlled substances in my possession. Sucks dick but its not worth going to jail over..
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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We had our lawyer look at it. I represent IronMagLabs brother and we have been through numerous bans before. There's some wiggle room on the chemicals not listed but the nomenclatures listed will be illegal to possess or sell the moment this bill becomes law.

If you read the part of the bill above what you copy and pasted there's clarity on the added chems. The added chems have a 30 day grace period. Let me give you an example. Lets say the Attorney general adds M-STEN. That means we have 30 days before its a scheduled anabolic steroid. Please see the excerpt below from the present form of the bill.

(b) CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY.—Section 201 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 811) is amended by adding at the end
the following:
‘‘(1) The Attorney General may issue a temporary order
adding a drug or other substance to the definition of anabolic
steroids if the Attorney General finds that—
‘‘(A) the drug or other substance satisfies the criteria
for being considered an anabolic steroid under section
102(41) but is not listed in that section or by regulation
of the Attorney General as being an anabolic steroid; and
‘‘(B) adding such drug or other substance to the definition
of anabolic steroids will assist in preventing abuse
or misuse of the drug or other substance.
‘‘(2) An order issued under paragraph (1) shall not take
effect until 30 days after the date of the publication by the
Attorney General of a notice in the Federal Register of the
intention to issue such order and the grounds upon which
such order is to be issued. The order shall expire not later
than 24 months after the date it becomes effective, except
that the Attorney General may, during the pendency of proceedings
under paragraph (6), extend the temporary scheduling
order for up to 6 months.
Is Luis the lawyer?


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For those that are stocking up I think its important to emphasize that these will now be classified as controlled substances like meth and heroin.. So be careful with your inventory. I got too much to lose by having controlled substances in my possession. Sucks dick but its not worth going to jail over..
Just don't go telling every tom, dick and sally and you should be good. Obviously the feds are watching this thread (maybe srs), but they're looking for distributors.

It's like marijuana. It's stupid for a cop to write you up on a dub, but holding enough with intent to sell and you're fcked. Same logic applies. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


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We had our lawyer look at it. I represent IronMagLabs brother and we have been through numerous bans before. There's some wiggle room on the chemicals not listed but the nomenclatures listed will be illegal to possess or sell the moment this bill becomes law.

If you read the part of the bill above what you copy and pasted there's clarity on the added chems. The added chems have a 30 day grace period. Let me give you an example. Lets say the Attorney general adds M-STEN. That means we have 30 days before its a scheduled anabolic steroid. Please see the excerpt below from the present form of the bill.

(b) CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY.—Section 201 of the Controlled
Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 811) is amended by adding at the end
the following:
‘‘(1) The Attorney General may issue a temporary order
adding a drug or other substance to the definition of anabolic
steroids if the Attorney General finds that—
‘‘(A) the drug or other substance satisfies the criteria
for being considered an anabolic steroid under section
102(41) but is not listed in that section or by regulation
of the Attorney General as being an anabolic steroid; and
‘‘(B) adding such drug or other substance to the definition
of anabolic steroids will assist in preventing abuse
or misuse of the drug or other substance.
‘‘(2) An order issued under paragraph (1) shall not take
effect until 30 days after the date of the publication by the
Attorney General of a notice in the Federal Register of the
intention to issue such order and the grounds upon which
such order is to be issued. The order shall expire not later
than 24 months after the date it becomes effective, except
that the Attorney General may, during the pendency of proceedings
under paragraph (6), extend the temporary scheduling
order for up to 6 months.
Ok, good to know. Thank you for the clarification/information


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Of course they have their Internet teams sharking around on forums to bust.


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Is Luis the lawyer?
Luis has provided counsel. Many companies in this business also use Jonathan Clark Baird. WE are a tight knit group so many of the company owners talk together about current legislation. I have been fortunate to get to know a handful of these guys over the years.

Anyway after much reading and discussion I predict Dimethazine, Alpha 1 and M-STEN will be around weeks or even months after the signing of this bill. I would therefore focus on acquiring the chems you like that are explicitly listed in the bill as getting scheduled. I'm personally going to pick up some limited amounts of Epi and Tren for my own use. =)


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Luis has provided counsel. Many companies in this business also use Jonathan Clark Baird. WE are a tight knit group so many of the company owners talk together about current legislation. I have been fortunate to get to know a handful of these guys over the years.

Anyway after much reading and discussion I predict Dimethazine, Alpha 1 and M-STEN will be around weeks or even months after the signing of this bill. I would therefore focus on acquiring the chems you like that are explicitly listed in the bill as getting scheduled. I'm personally going to pick up some limited amounts of Epi and Tren for my own use. =)
Well crap. Threw my money at the stuff that's going to be around...


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. Anyway after much reading and discussion I predict Dimethazine, Alpha 1 and M-STEN will be around weeks or even months after the signing of this bill. I would therefore focus on acquiring the chems you like that are explicitly listed in the bill as getting scheduled. I'm personally going to pick up some limited amounts of Epi and Tren for my own use. =)
Hearing that the beloved dmz,MSTEN and A1 will stay around for a little while, has made my night good sir. And it's finals week so I needed this :)


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But what about trest...


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Well crap. Threw my money at the stuff that's going to be around...
Well, with the new bill the scheduling of the designers to anabolic steroids will take place much faster than before so I'm not sure its a bad idea to have some extras around. Keep in mind it used to take months or even years to schedule a designer under the old law. Under the new law it will only take about a month to schedule a designer as an anabiolic steroid.

Keeping extra D-zine, A-1 or M-STEN around is still a good idea brother. I think the boy scouts have it right. Always be prepared!


Is it time to start making these purchases? I see Nutra had a huge drop in prices. Wondering if they'll continue to drop.


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All Platinum Nutraceuticals products added to the list.

Use "PN40" to save 40% off all Platinum Nutraceuticals products!


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All Platinum Nutraceuticals products added to the list.

Use "PN40" to save 40% off all Platinum Nutraceuticals products!
Any info on this company? They kind of just came out of the woodwork with these TDs.


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While the new catch-all language is bad, there has always been catch-all language. Generally constitutional requirements in the US require a compound to be named specifically in order for possession to be criminalized.

The real damage in this bill is the ease with which new substances can be added. It's only a matter of time before everything currently available is added.
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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Well, with the new bill the scheduling of the designers to anabolic steroids will take place much faster than before so I'm not sure its a bad idea to have some extras around. Keep in mind it used to take months or even years to schedule a designer under the old law. Under the new law it will only take about a month to schedule a designer as an anabiolic steroid

Keeping extra D-zine, A-1 or M-STEN around is still a good idea brother. I think the boy scouts have it right. Always be prepared!
From my understanding and what i'm reading in the bill here is that while these compounds are not on the list per se they are not to be omitted from potential regulation from the DEA. The attorney general could add the aforementioned compounds to the ban list and also regulate/bust those selling/manufacturing these very same compounds at the same time for the language below. (See absence from list clause, and then read the various criteria) We believe the 30 day window is more or less for new compounds not for compounds that have been marketed for years as being otc ph's/ds). I believe this is a viewpoint shared by many supplement companies at the moment.

by adding at the end the following:
(i)Subject to clause (ii), a drug or hormonal substance (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone) that is not listed in subparagraph (A) and is derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to, 1 or more anabolic steroids listed in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be an anabolic steroid for purposes of this Act if—
(I)the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that either—
(aa)promotes muscle growth; or
(bb)otherwise causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone; or
(II)the drug or substance has been, or is intended to be, marketed or otherwise promoted in any manner suggesting that consuming it will promote muscle growth or any other pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone.
(ii)A substance shall not be considered to be a drug or hormonal substance for purposes of this subparagraph if it—
(aa)an herb or other botanical;
(bb)a concentrate, metabolite, or extract of, or a constituent isolated directly from, an herb or other botanical; or
(cc)a combination of 2 or more substances described in item (aa) or (bb);
(II)is a dietary ingredient for purposes of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.); and
(III)is not anabolic or androgenic.
(iii)In accordance with section 515(a), any person claiming the benefit of an exemption or exception under clause (ii) shall bear the burden of going forward with the evidence with respect to such exemption or exception.

(b)Absence from list
The absence of a product from the list referred to in subsection (a) shall not constitute evidence that the product does not contain an anabolic steroid.


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A tough law with far fewer loopholes than previous laws. However .... it still has NOT been signed by Emperor Obama ..... perhaps this is one bill he will not sign ,,,, maybe ? One can hope right?


New member
A tough law with far fewer loopholes than previous laws. However .... it still has NOT been signed by Emperor Obama ..... perhaps this is one bill he will not sign ,,,, maybe ? One can hope right?
If he vetos it, it goes back to Congress for another vote. So either way, it's passing.


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If he vetos it, it goes back to Congress for another vote. So either way, it's passing.
Perhaps but back to congress means it needs a few changes before he signs ,,,, like perhaps removing the section that allows them to add anything new to the law anytime they see fit .... thus leaving more of the usual loopholes so that the game of cat and mouse can continue


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So whats the deal with osta? Any idea? Nutra seems to be selling it in the liquidation sAle


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From my understanding and what i'm reading in the bill here is that while these compounds are not on the list per se they are not to be omitted from potential regulation from the DEA. The attorney general could add the aforementioned compounds to the ban list and also regulate/bust those selling/manufacturing these very same compounds at the same time for the language below. (See absence from list clause, and then read the various criteria) We believe the 30 day window is more or less for new compounds not for compounds that have been marketed for years as being otc ph's/ds). I believe this is a viewpoint shared by many supplement companies at the moment.

by adding at the end the following:
(i)Subject to clause (ii), a drug or hormonal substance (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone) that is not listed in subparagraph (A) and is derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to, 1 or more anabolic steroids listed in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be an anabolic steroid for purposes of this Act if—
(I)the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that either—
(aa)promotes muscle growth; or
(bb)otherwise causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone; or
(II)the drug or substance has been, or is intended to be, marketed or otherwise promoted in any manner suggesting that consuming it will promote muscle growth or any other pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone.
(ii)A substance shall not be considered to be a drug or hormonal substance for purposes of this subparagraph if it—
(aa)an herb or other botanical;
(bb)a concentrate, metabolite, or extract of, or a constituent isolated directly from, an herb or other botanical; or
(cc)a combination of 2 or more substances described in item (aa) or (bb);
(II)is a dietary ingredient for purposes of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.); and
(III)is not anabolic or androgenic.
(iii)In accordance with section 515(a), any person claiming the benefit of an exemption or exception under clause (ii) shall bear the burden of going forward with the evidence with respect to such exemption or exception.

(b)Absence from list
The absence of a product from the list referred to in subsection (a) shall not constitute evidence that the product does not contain an anabolic steroid.
I think that's a reasonable interpretation and certainly a conservative approach. I also think this directly impacts how OTC anabolics should be marketed. Frankly the section you have cited is not only the most concerning part of the bill but hopefully the section that keeps Obama from signing it.


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So whats the deal with osta? Any idea? Nutra seems to be selling it in the liquidation sAle
Its an rc. As long a its pure it should be legal to sell. It may just be a bit harder to find


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While some retards are trying to pass marijuana laws, other retards are trying to ban more steroids. You may get high, but not big and strong. What the **** is goin on here??


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This thread is pretty eye opening regarding how many people have no idea how backwards and intrusive our Government can be.

:cue political arguments: Lol. Not my intention here.


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I'm not too worried about it if they don't end up dropping prices. I'm just saying, if they do, i'm ready.
Same, if you are looking into trest though nutraplanet got the best deal. Calculates to about 40% off. OL DMZ was also $20 a bottle


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I think this is an important question..

Will be this act be valid only in USA or all over the world? How about european brands, will be afected too?


Active member
I think this is an important question.. Will be this act be valid only in USA or all over the world? How about european brands, will be afected too?
I don't know, but I'm gonna say a policy in USA shouldn't affect what EU does. You might have a tough time getting a US product. But I don't know how this could affect EU to EU.
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