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  • Established
I wanted to ask why demonchem was banned? I felt he was contributing good information with us all, and it was good to see that.
Your insight is appreciated :)
Zero V

Zero V

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WTF he is banned? Dude was a genius and knew his stuff. Why?
Zero V

Zero V

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Actually WTF, every post this guy ever made has been wiped clean by mods. seriously, this is the kinda BS we see from the FDA or Feds for someone they dont like.

Something, is wrong here.

The only proof he was ever here is the [Deleted by] comments on every post/thread?

Questions? Either he fugged up big and I/we didnt see it, or Obama took over the board.


  • Established
This is truly a shame. I have been a member of this forum for not too long and thought the camaraderie to be a really strong attribute of this forum as a whole i.e. support groups, knowledgeable people.. good times.
He contributed BIG time to this forum in 1 day, without posturing or jockeying for position aka nutriding. ZeroV made a suggestion that unless he fudged up big time, and to follow through on that I would like to know what that may have been if it was the case.
I am assuming it wasn't due to him calling out poison by its rightful name, and sharing his experiences as a consultant for supp companies with us all so we can get an inside view to the business. Even if it was allegorical the message was entertaining at worst, and an eyeopener at its best.
I was trying to find the forum rules here and could not, maybe I was in a rush and missed it (always happens).
Looking forward to hearing some responses to this, and if need be pm me, I think closure is appropriate when a valuable contributor who isn't pimping his wares in a pretty bottle gets canned for sharing information that otherwise would cost you money.

Gator 87

  • Established
That guy got banned from TSC as well a few weeks ago. My guess is that it is b/c he is selling AAS (he sent me a PM that had a link to some "pharma" company that sold all sorts of research chems and AAS. Some Canadian company...Demon pharma or the like).
Zero V

Zero V

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It would make sense if he was shooting "sources" to people in PMs I guess. But to wipe out all of the information? I mean some of his info was downright amazing, and enlightening. His thread "Where steroids come from" was great. No reason it should be gone, even if he WAS banned for breaking a sourcing rule.


  • Established
Thanks for chiming in Gator, what was your gut feeling based on what the pm's he sent you? Did any red flags come up?Scammer, fraudster?? If anything we can all chalk this up to experience on do's and don'ts, but to censor valuable information..For what?

He gave insightful information on how to verify if by chance you came across AAs how to determine if its real or not, even talked about how BB is toxic and you should only have BA as the disolving liquid, heck even the pharma's do that.. Looks like standard operating procedure or as is affectionately known GMP (Good Mfg Practice).
Any thoughts?
Zero V

Zero V

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It is true that through giving such informative views, he could have just been trying to get everyone to have faith in him and his product so he could through a sales pitch. Scamming 101.

Gator 87

  • Established
It is true that through giving such informative views, he could have just been trying to get everyone to have faith in him and his product so he could through a sales pitch. Scamming 101.
Bingo. This is what I'm thinking. He was possibly posing as a doctor to gain trust and get people to buy into his scam site.
And no, he never directly PMed me in an attempt to sell stuff, but all of his PM's contained a link to his site, something that is already against rules, I believe (sources can't be members).
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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I will say this... talk of conversions is strictly a NO GO here at AM. It's in the rules; however, I do think this guy was smart, as I spoke with him through PM's, and had some very interesting conversations, but rules are rules. I do not expect any MODS are ADMIN to explain their reasons, to be honest. That would be like my Lt. or Capt. questioning my direct order to them; sh*t just doesn't fly.

Regardless, maybe at some point he can return and post the information without breaking any rules.
Zero V

Zero V

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I will say this... talk of conversions is strictly a NO GO here at AM. It's in the rules; however, I do think this guy was smart, as I spoke with him through PM's, and had some very interesting conversations, but rules are rules. I do not expect any MODS are ADMIN to explain their reasons, to be honest. That would be like my Lt. or Capt. questioning my direct order to them; sh*t just doesn't fly.

Regardless, maybe at some point he can return and post the information without breaking any rules.
A simple online forum full of digital information and Mods and Admins in now way compares to the duty and responsibility of an Officer in the armed forces. Not even and NCO for that matter.

Its a social forum, not a military organization on a war footing....

So yes I do believe their actions should have reasons. Which I understand the reasons for conversions being banned(what it could get the forum and its members labeled as and targeted as). But alas it is a forum, and in all reality the mods are normal citizens with no authority other than digital authority over this site. No better than me and you.(or if hey are an officer such as jay, same difference thats their real life, this is the digital.)

That concept reminds me of gaming clans who take crap too far in their hierarchy crap. Its a damn game.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

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If a guy comes on here for the sole purpose to drive business to his steroid site, then he's gone along with his posts. If you don't like how its run, or feel you need an explanation, you are going to be disappointed.

Censorship applies to public institutions, not privately owned one. If you are going to start throwing around terms, then you might want to learn how they apply.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
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A simple online forum full of digital information and Mods and Admins in now way compares to the duty and responsibility of an Officer in the armed forces. Not even and NCO for that matter.

Its a social forum, not a military organization on a war footing....

I wish it was a military backed board because then the federal government would be liable instead of me and me only. Get the point chief?

IF you want to continue with that line of though zero, its not going to end well for you at AM. Hit 25 and own your own business before you start passing judgement.
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