cutting about to start need help!


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right now i am about 205 at 14-16%bf im going to bulk for the rest of april very lean to get up to 210 then i want to cut to about 10-12% how much do u think i would need to weigh to get thier i was thinking probably 190-195lbs and what would b good supps to stack


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i was thinking of using pink magic and oxylite?


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If you assume you remain 15% bf at 210, that puts you at 31.5lbs fat.

If you want to get down to 10% fat, you'd have to drop 12.5lbs fat putting you at 197.5lbs with 19.5lbs fat. Chances are you'd lose some muscle too, so 15lbs is more reasonable, so 195lbs end weight.


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If you're doing OTC fat burners, OxyElite is good for working out or doing cardio FASTED (i.e., no food before). It loses some effectiveness when dosed with food.

Some good ones are Forged Burner and Adderlin, you can get both with free shipping on and use discount code "needto139" for 15% off.

A few folks have had great success with this combo, but it will only help if diet and training are really dialed in. It takes 6-12 months of concerted effort to figure these out, I'm just getting there 3 weeks out from a BB show.


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yea i got a pretty good diet in check how long do u think it will take to get down to 10% i was thinking around a month


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yea i got a pretty good diet in check how long do u think it will take to get down to 10% i was thinking around a month
What's your diet, honestly. A lot of people say "chicken and rice/oats 6 times a day" but their real diet is far from it. Do you know your macros and total calories versus maintenance? How many protein shakes a day?

If you're going to lose 12.5lbs, and want to preserve muscle, you should target 1-2lbs a week. Let's assume you're doing the necessary cardio and calorie restriction and go with 2lbs, that would be about 6 weeks, or 1.5 months.


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alright my breakfast is 4 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal or grits
at about 10 am i will drink a protien shake and 10 almonds
lunch about 6oz chicken and a cup of broccolie
then pre workout meal glycomaze which is 35 g carb nd a few almonds nd after work out protien shake

then dinner 6-8oz talapia fish and a cup of veggies then b4 bed casien shake


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alright my breakfast is 4 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal or grits
at about 10 am i will drink a protien shake and 10 almonds
lunch about 6oz chicken and a cup of broccolie
then pre workout meal glycomaze which is 35 g carb nd a few almonds nd after work out protien shake

then dinner 6-8oz talapia fish and a cup of veggies then b4 bed casien shake
Okay, lets assume each protein shake is ~300 calories (2 scoops), with ~50g protein. You're sitting at ~1200 calories from whole food, and ~1000 calories from shakes. 140g protein from whole food, and ~150g protein from shakes.

I don't know how you're gaining at 2200 calories a day given your size and working out. Also, half your aclories/protein shouldn't come from shakes.

I think you need more protein in the AM too, whole food and not another shake. You'll learn very quickly on a good cut that whole food >>> shakes.

Try signing up at and craft a diet based on whole food with 1-2 shakes. You can track your macros and calories there rather than guessing.

Not trying to bash you at all bro. Diet and nutrition is THE KEY to bodybuilding, and most think they've got it figured out but it takes a LONG time trying a lot of things to find the right diet for your goals.

What are your cutting plans for diet, cardio, weights and supplements?


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its all good im only 18 man so its all good jus trying to learn as much as possible i would b taking cla protien possibly oxylite pro and pink magic ..what type of diet do you suggest and supplements please fill me in it is greatly appriciated


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If you're 18, your hormones are prefect for adding muscle or getting lean. Take advantage of that by increasing calories to gain, and a modest cut to calories when you cut with added cardio. Target a 500cal deficit when you cut.

Google base metabolic rate, and calculate what your base rate is. Add in exercise and you've got your daily maintenance calories.

I'd cut down to 1 shake during the day (post workout). You can add oats to your shake, ~1 cup. It's best to grind them in a blender or magic bullet first. Oats make me grow like nothing else, but are great on a cut too!

Also, for breakfast eat 3 whole eggs and 3-4 whites. It's 6g protein for whole eggs, and 4g protein for whites. Try to get at bare minimum 20g protein from the eggs, preferably more. Buy eggs in bulk, they're awesome for gaining and cutting (less yolks in a cut, like 10 whites and 1 yolk). Hot sauce goes great with this, something like Frank's or Cholula.

Cardio, I'd start off with 20 minutes, two times a day. Once in the AM, once in the PM immediately after you're done lifting (save the shake for after cardio, the time delay is actually good). If weight isn't coming off the way you want, increase the time or frequency on cardio.

Supplements, really don't NEED anything if diet and exercise are done right. CLA never did anything for me, and I went through >1000 pills over a period of time. You do want to include fish oil though, and a multivitamin, and some protein. If you want to get exotic, you can get a fat burner like Forged Burner or Adderlin from (coupon code "needto139" gets you 15% off), with free shipping. Another option is a nutrient partitioner like Need2Slin which you can get from the same place (basically an insulin mimetic that helps shuttle food to the muscles rather than fat). Also a BCAA product would be good, something like Xtend (helps preserve muscle in a caloric deficit). Those last few are optional, and depend on how much you want to spend.

If you've got any questions, just let me know.


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well im bulking now untill may nd my diet now looks like this
730 4 eggs cup of oatmeal
1030 30g whey 40 g carb
lunch 2 slice whole wheat bread turkey and chese protien bar 20 g protien and veggies
get home from schoolabout 3 pbj reduced fat pb 8-10oz chicken or fish then at 4 40 g carb b4 lift

after 30 g whey nd 40 g carb

dinner either fish chicken or steak with rice or pasta and b4 bed cottage chese greek yogurt and casien 30 g


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I'd throw in some more eggs in the AM and PM. Hardboiled eggs travel easy too, and are a great snack if you're bulking.

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