Coreys from 210 16% to 190<10% in 6 weeks with Clen/T3 +AAS(PH)


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Member of many other forums, but though I would post my log on this site with the help and insight of other members with your knowledge on Prohormones.

I have everything ready for this cycle, besides which pro-hormones i am going to utilize to minimize catabolism.

Name: Corey
Weight: 210
Bodayfat: 16%
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Cycle History: Pulsed Epistane, ECA stack
Medical Conditions: TRT therpay for 1 year due to natural low test levels, not anabolic steroids related. 100mg Testosterone Enthanate weekly.
Example Lifts:
Incline Barbell Bench - 225x8
Deadlift - 335x8
Squat: 315x8
Dumbell Shoudler press: 85'sx8

Former fat kid 220 5'6, lost a ton of weight without knowledge with the use of running and lettuce. have been building my way back up from 165 since I was 17.

Goals of this cycle: To maintain strength if not gain a bit, get to 10 percent and lose at least 20 pounds of fat, ATTAIN ABS for the first time ever.


Clen/Albuteral - (Havent decided yet) 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with benadryl in the off weeks. ramping from 40 and up to attain tolerance.

T3 - Debating starting this 1 week prior with clen prior to the conjuction with the pro-hormones. Will be using this for 7 weeks, starting with 25mcg and ramping up to 100 mcg day 21-25 then slowly ramping back down till day 42.

Fish oil, flax oil, Optimimum nutrition whey, Multi Vitamin.

DEBATING - Using an NO product as I hear T3 tends to create you to become flat....BP might be an issue.

Pro-hormones: THE MAIN GOAL HERE IS TO LOSE BF so with all the replies keep that in mind.

I would like to stack 2, have been thinking about Trenadrol, superdrol clone, 11-oxo/3ad but all other feedback is needed on this issue.

Diet: I will be keeping cals around 1800-2300 depending on off day or on day.

Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, veggies, fish oil and flax oil
Protein:40 grams 160
Fat:15 135
Carbs: 2 8
Cals: 300

Meal 2: 1 can of tuna, veggies, 1 tbsp natural PB.

Protein: 40 160
Fat:10 90
Carbs: 5 8
Cals: 250-300

Meal 3: PreWO 1/2 cup of oats, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 scoop of whey, small apple.

Carbs: 45
Fat: 0
Cals: 360

Meal 4: PWO 2 scoops of ON whey, 1 banana, 1/2 cup of oats, 20 grams of more random carbs.

Carbs: 60
Cals: 440

Meal 5: 10 egg whites, veggies, fish oil flax oil

Protein - 35
Carbs - 8
Fat: 10

Cals: 250-300

Meal 6: 1/2 cup CC, 1 scoop of whey, 1 tbsp natural PB blended with water/ice.

Protein: 40
Cals 300-350


A.M. cardio will be performed 4 days a week starting at 40 minutes and gradually raising it to 60 minutes alternating between incline treadmill and elliptical.

20 minutes of PWO cardio 4 days a week.

Once I get to 200, I will be performing HIIT sprint sessions 2x week.

I havent decided if Im going to use my current split which i will detail below or this interesting Alternating rep range I read somewhere on odd weeks you use 6-8 rep range and even weeks you condition with 15-20 rep range. If anybody has an idea on this please give me some advice. If not, this is what I will probally be doing.

Incline Barbell: 2 warmup sets, 10/8/6till failure
Decline barbell: 8/8/6/6
Weighted Dips: 3 sets starting with 45's and increasing 6-8 reps.
4 sets of dumbell front raises supersetted with chest cable flies.

Deadlifts: 2 warmup sets 10x8x6x4
Olympic bar in corner close grip. 4 sets of 8
Wide T-Bar: 3 sets of 6
Barbell shrugs: 4 sets of 8
Dumbell pullovers supersetted with hyperextensions 3 sets.

Wednesday: OFF

Sqauts 2 warmup sets - 10x8x6x4
Standing Calf raises - 2 sets of 12 2 sets of 8
Front squats - 3 sets of 12
SLDL - 3 sets of 8
AB routine.

Dumbell Shoulder press - 2 warmup, 10x8x8x6
Flat Barbell bench - 5 sets of 6
Wide-grip Upright Barbell rows - 4 sets of 8
Lateral Raises - 4 sets of 8
Incline dumbell flies supersetted with rear delt's 3 sets

Barbell Curls - 4 sets of 8
Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 8
Reverse Bench press or close grip - 4 sets of 8
Tricep pushdowns - 2 sets of 6
Reverse palm on dop tricep cable - 2 sets of 6
Dumbell kickbacks with twist - 2 sets of 12

PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS GUYS, I want this to be the most successful 6-8 week run I can possibly have with all the knowledge and help from myself and you guys.

IM OPEN to all revisions and anything you guys have to offer me with your wisdom.



New member
Come on guys, close to 70 views and no response. The guys said I would have better luck posting it here.


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20 lbs in 6 weeks is a lot of weight. Even with the drugs, that may not be a realistic goal. 12-15 lbs is much more reasonable.


New member
Well yes, but a total net +/- when fat loss and 3-5 pounds of muscle gain are taken into consideration.

So any advice on what I should look into for supplements to work with clen/t3 and the desired goal of fat loss?


Well-known member
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Quick bio.

Member of many other forums, but though I would post my log on this site with the help and insight of other members with your knowledge on Prohormones.

I have everything ready for this cycle, besides which pro-hormones i am going to utilize to minimize catabolism.

Name: Corey
Weight: 210
Bodayfat: 16%
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Cycle History: Pulsed Epistane, ECA stack
Medical Conditions: TRT therpay for 1 year due to natural low test levels, not anabolic steroids related. 100mg Testosterone Enthanate weekly.
Example Lifts:
Incline Barbell Bench - 225x8
Deadlift - 335x8
Squat: 315x8
Dumbell Shoudler press: 85'sx8

Former fat kid 220 5'6, lost a ton of weight without knowledge with the use of running and lettuce. have been building my way back up from 165 since I was 17.

Goals of this cycle: To maintain strength if not gain a bit, get to 10 percent and lose at least 20 pounds of fat, ATTAIN ABS for the first time ever.


Clen/Albuteral - (Havent decided yet) 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with benadryl in the off weeks. ramping from 40 and up to attain tolerance.

T3 - Debating starting this 1 week prior with clen prior to the conjuction with the pro-hormones. Will be using this for 7 weeks, starting with 25mcg and ramping up to 100 mcg day 21-25 then slowly ramping back down till day 42.

Fish oil, flax oil, Optimimum nutrition whey, Multi Vitamin.

DEBATING - Using an NO product as I hear T3 tends to create you to become flat....BP might be an issue.

Pro-hormones: THE MAIN GOAL HERE IS TO LOSE BF so with all the replies keep that in mind.

I would like to stack 2, have been thinking about Trenadrol, superdrol clone, 11-oxo/3ad but all other feedback is needed on this issue.

Diet: I will be keeping cals around 1800-2300 depending on off day or on day.

Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, veggies, fish oil and flax oil
Protein:40 grams 160
Fat:15 135
Carbs: 2 8
Cals: 300

Meal 2: 1 can of tuna, veggies, 1 tbsp natural PB.

Protein: 40 160
Fat:10 90
Carbs: 5 8
Cals: 250-300

Meal 3: PreWO 1/2 cup of oats, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 scoop of whey, small apple.

Carbs: 45
Fat: 0
Cals: 360

Meal 4: PWO 2 scoops of ON whey, 1 banana, 1/2 cup of oats, 20 grams of more random carbs.

Carbs: 60
Cals: 440

Meal 5: 10 egg whites, veggies, fish oil flax oil

Protein - 35
Carbs - 8
Fat: 10

Cals: 250-300

Meal 6: 1/2 cup CC, 1 scoop of whey, 1 tbsp natural PB blended with water/ice.

Protein: 40
Cals 300-350


A.M. cardio will be performed 4 days a week starting at 40 minutes and gradually raising it to 60 minutes alternating between incline treadmill and elliptical.

20 minutes of PWO cardio 4 days a week.

Once I get to 200, I will be performing HIIT sprint sessions 2x week.

I havent decided if Im going to use my current split which i will detail below or this interesting Alternating rep range I read somewhere on odd weeks you use 6-8 rep range and even weeks you condition with 15-20 rep range. If anybody has an idea on this please give me some advice. If not, this is what I will probally be doing.

Incline Barbell: 2 warmup sets, 10/8/6till failure
Decline barbell: 8/8/6/6
Weighted Dips: 3 sets starting with 45's and increasing 6-8 reps.
4 sets of dumbell front raises supersetted with chest cable flies.

Deadlifts: 2 warmup sets 10x8x6x4
Olympic bar in corner close grip. 4 sets of 8
Wide T-Bar: 3 sets of 6
Barbell shrugs: 4 sets of 8
Dumbell pullovers supersetted with hyperextensions 3 sets.

Wednesday: OFF

Sqauts 2 warmup sets - 10x8x6x4
Standing Calf raises - 2 sets of 12 2 sets of 8
Front squats - 3 sets of 12
SLDL - 3 sets of 8
AB routine.

Dumbell Shoulder press - 2 warmup, 10x8x8x6
Flat Barbell bench - 5 sets of 6
Wide-grip Upright Barbell rows - 4 sets of 8
Lateral Raises - 4 sets of 8
Incline dumbell flies supersetted with rear delt's 3 sets

Barbell Curls - 4 sets of 8
Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 8
Reverse Bench press or close grip - 4 sets of 8
Tricep pushdowns - 2 sets of 6
Reverse palm on dop tricep cable - 2 sets of 6
Dumbell kickbacks with twist - 2 sets of 12

PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS GUYS, I want this to be the most successful 6-8 week run I can possibly have with all the knowledge and help from myself and you guys.

IM OPEN to all revisions and anything you guys have to offer me with your wisdom.

The plan looks good, actually doing it is a different story. Is the AM incline treadmill walking or jogging? Because walking incline treadmill won't get your HR high enough.


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Well yes, but a total net +/- when fat loss and 3-5 pounds of muscle gain are taken into consideration.

So any advice on what I should look into for supplements to work with clen/t3 and the desired goal of fat loss?
If you are going to be in such a kcal deficit that you would lose 12-15 lbs in 6 weeks, then it is highly unlikely that you will add any muscle. It is actually much more likely that you may lose a little muscle.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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i agree w/rodja. this will be a success if you don't lose much muscle during such a drastic cut.

we NEED pictures.
big changes in a short period (although unhealthy) are fun to follow.


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Clen/Albuteral - (Havent decided yet) 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with benadryl in the off weeks. ramping from 40 and up to attain tolerance.
Well, I would suggest albuterol. 12mg's/day dosed evenly throughout the day. You can pry go much higher but pay attention to the BP if you do. Google Anthony Roberts article on albuterol vs clen....its fairly informative.

Also I have never seen any good evidence that says you need benadryl with albuterol b/c it has such a short half life. Maybe someone can show us otherwise??

As far as a designer something dry would pry be your best bet for a cutter. Maybe Halo an Epi clone.


New member
Any idea what compounds I should use besides or incorporating the ones i listed?

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