Coorslight HIT training log



Well-known member
Another day of pure PR's! God this is just awesome i'm lifting weights I've never even been near and doing them sometimes effortlessly! Sometimes i have to jump more than 5lbs because i'll end up repping it more than i did with the lighter weight! HIT is the best thing ever! :yup:


Another day of pure PR's! God this is just awesome i'm lifting weights I've never even been near and doing them sometimes effortlessly! Sometimes i have to jump more than 5lbs because i'll end up repping it more than i did with the lighter weight! HIT is the best thing ever! :yup:

Bro, thats awesome!! I am feeling the exact same way as yourself. I have actually logged down measurable success every single workout the past 2 months. Its no longer good days and bad, its constant success. I feel like I'm the car running Nitro compared to the regular guys ride. I'm at the phase with the routine where I will replace one of my 5 workouts every 2 wks with a "Not till failure day" to further enhance recovery ability. I have no knocks on this routine with what its done for my physique, but if there is one problem I have its the fact that on my 2-3 days off I sort of feel like a slug. Now I'm not sure if this is because I'm growing at a rapid pace, I'm super drained from the workouts, or a combination of both. Or maybe its because now its in my head that the workouts are all out, but then its nothing but 2-3 full days of recovery. I agree the recovery time is much needed, but I think I'm going to add a little 20-30 min of brief cardio in there 2-3x/wk, mainly just to see if it helps me feel more energized.


Well-known member
Bro, thats awesome!! I am feeling the exact same way as yourself. I have actually logged down measurable success every single workout the past 2 months. Its no longer good days and bad, its constant success. I feel like I'm the car running Nitro compared to the regular guys ride. I'm at the phase with the routine where I will replace one of my 5 workouts every 2 wks with a "Not till failure day" to further enhance recovery ability. I have no knocks on this routine with what its done for my physique, but if there is one problem I have its the fact that on my 2-3 days off I sort of feel like a slug. Now I'm not sure if this is because I'm growing at a rapid pace, I'm super drained from the workouts, or a combination of both. Or maybe its because now its in my head that the workouts are all out, but then its nothing but 2-3 full days of recovery. I agree the recovery time is much needed, but I think I'm going to add a little 20-30 min of brief cardio in there 2-3x/wk, mainly just to see if it helps me feel more energized.
Haha i feel the exact same way when i take the days off, I just noticed that it takes me approximately 5-6 days to recover kind of an estimate but i feel top notch for those body parts after just around there. The lighter days of lifting will definitely improve your recovery it just sucks not being able to train as much sometimes. I'm doing cardio on my days off for 30 minutes and i haven't felt tired or anything from it, In fact it kind of "wakes me up" for the day and i have tons of energy. I do it fasted in the morning so it might be from the fat utilized that gives you that boost in the morning if you chose to do cardio then. I think it'll really help you out man because it doesn't physically exhaust me but it's more of an energy rush afterwards. On days i train i usually am EXHAUSTED afterwards too but the next day i'll feel a lot better. I got an idea of the calories i'm taking in on training days its STILL under my maintenance (Around 3500) i eat about 3000 on training days and try to get around 230-250grams of protein and the off days i eat 2000 or so and get 150-170grams of protein. So this is PROOF you can get stronger and bigger without a lot of excess calories but i bet you it would definitely help :)
I'm really gonna buckle down on loving cardio for these 4 weeks so i can just get this cut done and start focusing on gaining. I also found out that doing the bike cardio is actually more intense and i can burn calories quicker with similar effort. I aim for 300 calories a session too.


Haha i feel the exact same way when i take the days off, I just noticed that it takes me approximately 5-6 days to recover kind of an estimate but i feel top notch for those body parts after just around there. The lighter days of lifting will definitely improve your recovery it just sucks not being able to train as much sometimes. I'm doing cardio on my days off for 30 minutes and i haven't felt tired or anything from it, In fact it kind of "wakes me up" for the day and i have tons of energy. I do it fasted in the morning so it might be from the fat utilized that gives you that boost in the morning if you chose to do cardio then. I think it'll really help you out man because it doesn't physically exhaust me but it's more of an energy rush afterwards. On days i train i usually am EXHAUSTED afterwards too but the next day i'll feel a lot better. I got an idea of the calories i'm taking in on training days its STILL under my maintenance (Around 3500) i eat about 3000 on training days and try to get around 230-250grams of protein and the off days i eat 2000 or so and get 150-170grams of protein. So this is PROOF you can get stronger and bigger without a lot of excess calories but i bet you it would definitely help :)
I'm really gonna buckle down on loving cardio for these 4 weeks so i can just get this cut done and start focusing on gaining. I also found out that doing the bike cardio is actually more intense and i can burn calories quicker with similar effort. I aim for 300 calories a session too.

YES, EXACTLY!! it doesnt take 5-6,000 cals/day to grow or get stronger, I'm making gains faster than ever and my diet is usually 2800-3500/cals a day. Also, I could take in as little as 150-200 grams/day of protein and I'm fine, I put carbs first, protien 2nd, fats 3rd. Yesterday was my "not till failure day" and I still jumped 10 lbs on bench press and hit 300/10 with 4 second negatives, could have done 12. I increased my squat on the squat machine by 30 lbs and hit it for 12 reps like it wasnt ****, it was prolly more like 8 reps short of failure.


Well-known member
YES, EXACTLY!! it doesnt take 5-6,000 cals/day to grow or get stronger, I'm making gains faster than ever and my diet is usually 2800-3500/cals a day. Also, I could take in as little as 150-200 grams/day of protein and I'm fine, I put carbs first, protien 2nd, fats 3rd. Yesterday was my "not till failure day" and I still jumped 10 lbs on bench press and hit 300/10 with 4 second negatives, could have done 12. I increased my squat on the squat machine by 30 lbs and hit it for 12 reps like it wasnt ****, it was prolly more like 8 reps short of failure.
For the win! That's sick dude i'm gonna take my shot at 300 decline tomorrow and gonna utilize some techniques that seem to work really well like squeezing the crap out of the bar. This diet is incredible because it's like a cheat day every other day but it's making a HUGE difference then just doing the same calories everyday. My cardio is getting better as well so i'm burning more and more calories from it. I started at 300 per session now i got 365 in LESS time thanks to that stationary bike. I might give that "Not to failure" week a shot and see how it goes. Great job man let's keep killin' these workouts! :firedevil:


For the win! That's sick dude i'm gonna take my shot at 300 decline tomorrow and gonna utilize some techniques that seem to work really well like squeezing the crap out of the bar. This diet is incredible because it's like a cheat day every other day but it's making a HUGE difference then just doing the same calories everyday. My cardio is getting better as well so i'm burning more and more calories from it. I started at 300 per session now i got 365 in LESS time thanks to that stationary bike. I might give that "Not to failure" week a shot and see how it goes. Great job man let's keep killin' these workouts! :firedevil:
yea bro, its tough not to go in there and want to blast the **** out of the weights and give it 110%, but I feel a lot better today having that NTF workout yesterday. I'm following the routines to a T and I'm blasting through plateaus like nothing. Try it out, make every 5th workout a NTF day


Well-known member
yea bro, its tough not to go in there and want to blast the **** out of the weights and give it 110%, but I feel a lot better today having that NTF workout yesterday. I'm following the routines to a T and I'm blasting through plateaus like nothing. Try it out, make every 5th workout a NTF day
I'll give that a shot the 3rd week of that contest and see how it goes :yup:


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Today was BRUTAL, I started off smashing my incline press PR by 20lbs and kept the same reps i held back from doing another which i could of gotten so not to failure. Then i hit decline bench and went for another PR, i got 8 reps but that last rep was HARD and i didn't have perfect wrist placement so i'm 100% sure if i would of had it right i could of pumped out 10. After that i honestly was WIPED but i somehow managed all PR's on the rest of the lifts. Workouts are getting really really hard but I just keep pushing forward and i try not to let the poundages freak me out. I'm dialing in my training since i notice it takes 5 days to recover so i did one heavy set and then one with slow and controlled form with half of what i used for 8 reps or so. I think my diet and the cardio is starting to affect my lifting days a little bit so hopefully today when i eat a **** ton i'll feel better. I'm probably not getting enough carbs :S



Back to the gym earlier. Last lift was a "not till failure" day, which really benefited me as I felt much better past 2 days. Today was an all out assault. I did incline bench this time instead of flat, I put up 295/11 with 4 sec negative reps, 1 ****ing rep off my goal of 12!! So next incline day will be 295 again, will not increase until I can increase through double progression and hit my rep goal first. Did stiff leg deads instead of lying leg curls, nice change. Did 315/16 reps, will increase weight next time. Another new one I've added is a 1 rep negative chinup for my biceps, now this is just hell but within about 1 min my bi's were as pumped as they were going to get.

Physique is definitely transforming, people saying **** to me left and right now. Asking me what I weigh, what supplements I use, how I train. Normally I tell them, but now I feel like I wanna keep my little HIT secret to myself in there, LOL. Besides, nobody would follow it, everyone would think it wasn't enough work.


Well-known member

Back to the gym earlier. Last lift was a "not till failure" day, which really benefited me as I felt much better past 2 days. Today was an all out assault. I did incline bench this time instead of flat, I put up 295/11 with 4 sec negative reps, 1 ****ing rep off my goal of 12!! So next incline day will be 295 again, will not increase until I can increase through double progression and hit my rep goal first. Did stiff leg deads instead of lying leg curls, nice change. Did 315/16 reps, will increase weight next time. Another new one I've added is a 1 rep negative chinup for my biceps, now this is just hell but within about 1 min my bi's were as pumped as they were going to get.

Physique is definitely transforming, people saying **** to me left and right now. Asking me what I weigh, what supplements I use, how I train. Normally I tell them, but now I feel like I wanna keep my little HIT secret to myself in there, LOL. Besides, nobody would follow it, everyone would think it wasn't enough work.
Haha i completely agree, i think a lot of people make the assumption that HIT is easy because of the 1 set but they don't realize your doing more in 1 set than 10 light sets. Well too bad for them they're missing out :rasp:


So today was a decent workout. Its getting rough though, I managed to squeeze 1 more rep out on leg extensions making it 230 lbs x 17 reps, I'm trying to stay at 230 lbs until I can squeeze out 20 reps. Flat benched 305/12 today, so another 5 lb jump. I went up 5 lbs on curls and busted out 15 reps with 120 lbs, last few my form was a little lose but nonetheless a good set. I had to use a Nautilus plate loaded rowing machine instead of lat pulldowns due to a nagging little injury to what seems to be my Labrum in my rear shoulder. Doesnt bother chest pressing but I had a feeling the motion in my joint from lat pulldowns would bother it. So I ended up doing this machine and using 2, 45's on each side and doing a whopping 42 reps with it in slow, controlled form. My back was on fire. On top of all of this I had this beautiful girl in there eye ****ing the **** out of me the entire time. See, I'm to the point I just wear wifebeaters everywhere I go because my physique is changing like crazy, and in walks this hot girl in these tight black pants w/ huge tit implants and these glasses. She had that school teacher/stripper look, amazing body!! And this chick was just locking eyes with me every 20 seconds. Yea, sux being married sometimes. Anyways, killer workout. Hopefully this thing in my rear shoulder gets better soon, but how about a gain even despite that? LOL And the worst part of it all is how it happened. Not the gym, it never happens in the gym, I was moving a kids cheap plastic swimming pool to a more level place in the yard. I was pulling it when it was full of water. Yeah, I know, go figure!! But I have a feeling it'll heal fast. Until next lift....


Well-known member
So today was a decent workout. Its getting rough though, I managed to squeeze 1 more rep out on leg extensions making it 230 lbs x 17 reps, I'm trying to stay at 230 lbs until I can squeeze out 20 reps. Flat benched 305/12 today, so another 5 lb jump. I went up 5 lbs on curls and busted out 15 reps with 120 lbs, last few my form was a little lose but nonetheless a good set. I had to use a Nautilus plate loaded rowing machine instead of lat pulldowns due to a nagging little injury to what seems to be my Labrum in my rear shoulder. Doesnt bother chest pressing but I had a feeling the motion in my joint from lat pulldowns would bother it. So I ended up doing this machine and using 2, 45's on each side and doing a whopping 42 reps with it in slow, controlled form. My back was on fire. On top of all of this I had this beautiful girl in there eye ****ing the **** out of me the entire time. See, I'm to the point I just wear wifebeaters everywhere I go because my physique is changing like crazy, and in walks this hot girl in these tight black pants w/ huge tit implants and these glasses. She had that school teacher/stripper look, amazing body!! And this chick was just locking eyes with me every 20 seconds. Yea, sux being married sometimes. Anyways, killer workout. Hopefully this thing in my rear shoulder gets better soon, but how about a gain even despite that? LOL And the worst part of it all is how it happened. Not the gym, it never happens in the gym, I was moving a kids cheap plastic swimming pool to a more level place in the yard. I was pulling it when it was full of water. Yeah, I know, go figure!! But I have a feeling it'll heal fast. Until next lift....
Sucks to hear about the shoulder man but regardless your still progressing really well and you can't deny that! I don't really get a lot of hot chicks in my gym it's a small underground style bodybuilding gym with black walls and spray painted motivating quotes everywhere i love it for now but eventually i'm going down the street to powerhouse my gym has the basics mostly. Occasionally girls pop in but they leave pretty quickly :(
I've decided to focus more on negative control on my reps and just eliminate momentum completely. Some lifts went down for me but no biggie i have to seriously get rid of this ego thing, It isn't really bad but just bugs me sometimes. Once i get it through my head completely that i'm a BODY builder and not a strength athlete i'll be good.


Sucks to hear about the shoulder man but regardless your still progressing really well and you can't deny that! I don't really get a lot of hot chicks in my gym it's a small underground style bodybuilding gym with black walls and spray painted motivating quotes everywhere i love it for now but eventually i'm going down the street to powerhouse my gym has the basics mostly. Occasionally girls pop in but they leave pretty quickly :(
I've decided to focus more on negative control on my reps and just eliminate momentum completely. Some lifts went down for me but no biggie i have to seriously get rid of this ego thing, It isn't really bad but just bugs me sometimes. Once i get it through my head completely that i'm a BODY builder and not a strength athlete i'll be good.
When you completely drop the ego then you'll start getting serious results. And it wont matter much how you got them, you'll be hearing so much about your physique making changes you'll no longer give a damn.

on the chicks at the gym, dont get me wrong dude its nice once in awhile. But I'd rather have a hardcore gym anyday, i just go here because its cheap and close to home


Well-known member
When you completely drop the ego then you'll start getting serious results. And it wont matter much how you got them, you'll be hearing so much about your physique making changes you'll no longer give a damn.

on the chicks at the gym, dont get me wrong dude its nice once in awhile. But I'd rather have a hardcore gym anyday, i just go here because its cheap and close to home
I think i lost my ego today! :D I don't know if its this RX6 fat loss stuff or just my attitude but i'm feeling incredible today i'm gonna go back in and do another session of cardio. You would love my gym dude i'll take pics and post them up here i bet you're gonna **** yourself haha. But seriously its where work gets done but i'm just happy that there IS a gym by me. I feel so motivated right now its crazy, I'm pushing hard as hell to win this contest and in fact my friend is competing in a bodybuilding competition next month and i'm contemplating entering for the experience mostly :D


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Today i ditched the ego COMPLETELY, i did STRICT 1 second up pause 2-3 seconds down then pause again and i finally got what i consider FULL range of motion. It's funny because my lifts went down a TON but it was so challenging it was pure agony but i now understand that a good bodybuilder makes 10lbs feel like 100lbs and i'm wasted from it! Feels good to finally make the transition, no doubt in my mind this is the best way to train. God i wish i would of started this earlier but luckily i made a ton of progress from the "other" way i trained. This is like starting over again but i love it! Anyone who says it's easy is just ignorant haha


Well-known member
Another side note, It is now 2.5-3 hours post workout and i feel completely ravaged. I'm even sore on bodyparts i didn't even train like back/biceps and such. I'm really surprised right now but i have this feeling a blood rushing through my arms and shoulders. I feel like my body is working hardcore to repair itself right now and all i feel like doing is laying down and drinking water *until i'm hungry again*. I don't think i'm gonna train any other way now this is amazing considering for bent over lateral raises i was using only 10-15lb dumbbells with super strict form 1 second up then hold and 2 seconds down. My shoulders are wrecked too. I love the fact that i'm lifting so light because i have TONS of room for improvement now :)


Another side note, It is now 2.5-3 hours post workout and i feel completely ravaged. I'm even sore on bodyparts i didn't even train like back/biceps and such. I'm really surprised right now but i have this feeling a blood rushing through my arms and shoulders. I feel like my body is working hardcore to repair itself right now and all i feel like doing is laying down and drinking water *until i'm hungry again*. I don't think i'm gonna train any other way now this is amazing considering for bent over lateral raises i was using only 10-15lb dumbbells with super strict form 1 second up then hold and 2 seconds down. My shoulders are wrecked too. I love the fact that i'm lifting so light because i have TONS of room for improvement now :)
This is exactly the way you need to train. The goal is to take a lighter weight and make it hard, and only move up when you can keep the same form. Lifting this way is what makes your muscles "pop out" and give you that volumized look.

I went back into the gym today, a little disapointed because I really wanted 300/12 on incline and I only got 9 of them. But I cut my calories down a bit to try and lean out a little more, so considering that its not too bad. I did go up 5 lbs on the lift, just not for 12 reps, but I guess there comes a point where you just hit a certain weight that becomes a pain in the ass. So I will stay at this weight until I can get 12 reps with it, then jump another 5 lbs. I jumped 5 lbs in leg extensions making it a set of 235 lbs x 16 reps, what a bitch!! The leg extensions are really starting to suck!! Ok, on to stiff legged deadlifts, we went up 10 lbs here for the same reps as last week, 325 lbs for 16 reps. Solid 10 lb jump. For biceps all I did was a negative chinup, taking 1 full minute to get to the bottom position, that was grueling. Not much going on with triceps today, just 1 arm db extensions, 45 lbs per arm in good form but failed at 9 reps. So now the program has changed a little, every other workout I do a certain group of exercises and on the opposite workout days I do another group of exercises. Between this and the NTF(not till failure day) my body is getting even more recovery. Seriously debating on dropping the frequency to 2 gym days/wk, but I suppose it wont be necessary until I plateau on the lifts. Today may have just been a fluke day with incline bench or possibly the calorie cut. I THOUGHT I was only eating around 3,000 cals/day before, I was wrong!! No f'in way, now I'm tracking the calories 3,000/day feels like I'm starving!! I need my body to get used to it, going to try and go with it for a couple wks and see if I cannot keep the same strength level. Conjugate training, gotta luv it!!


comparison shots, one taken 2 weeks ago, the other today. Now obviously I'm not super lean but you can see how much more volumized and full the muscles are even at 2 wks apart. sorry for the pic sizes, ****ty camera phone. But if you cannot tell, the pic on the right is the more recent photo.




Well-known member
This is exactly the way you need to train. The goal is to take a lighter weight and make it hard, and only move up when you can keep the same form. Lifting this way is what makes your muscles "pop out" and give you that volumized look.

I went back into the gym today, a little disapointed because I really wanted 300/12 on incline and I only got 9 of them. But I cut my calories down a bit to try and lean out a little more, so considering that its not too bad. I did go up 5 lbs on the lift, just not for 12 reps, but I guess there comes a point where you just hit a certain weight that becomes a pain in the ass. So I will stay at this weight until I can get 12 reps with it, then jump another 5 lbs. I jumped 5 lbs in leg extensions making it a set of 235 lbs x 16 reps, what a bitch!! The leg extensions are really starting to suck!! Ok, on to stiff legged deadlifts, we went up 10 lbs here for the same reps as last week, 325 lbs for 16 reps. Solid 10 lb jump. For biceps all I did was a negative chinup, taking 1 full minute to get to the bottom position, that was grueling. Not much going on with triceps today, just 1 arm db extensions, 45 lbs per arm in good form but failed at 9 reps. So now the program has changed a little, every other workout I do a certain group of exercises and on the opposite workout days I do another group of exercises. Between this and the NTF(not till failure day) my body is getting even more recovery. Seriously debating on dropping the frequency to 2 gym days/wk, but I suppose it wont be necessary until I plateau on the lifts. Today may have just been a fluke day with incline bench or possibly the calorie cut. I THOUGHT I was only eating around 3,000 cals/day before, I was wrong!! No f'in way, now I'm tracking the calories 3,000/day feels like I'm starving!! I need my body to get used to it, going to try and go with it for a couple wks and see if I cannot keep the same strength level. Conjugate training, gotta luv it!!

Well if you reduce to 2x a week and the progress gets less then you know it's time to cycle in new exercises. I see the difference, where your bodyfat level wise is what i'm aiming to get to and go from there. I agree you prolly need more calories because as you get stronger/bigger you'll need more especially since your 237lbs! I'd up to around 3200 and see how you progress. My guess is you'll start gaining again :p


Well if you reduce to 2x a week and the progress gets less then you know it's time to cycle in new exercises. I see the difference, where your bodyfat level wise is what i'm aiming to get to and go from there. I agree you prolly need more calories because as you get stronger/bigger you'll need more especially since your 237lbs! I'd up to around 3200 and see how you progress. My guess is you'll start gaining again :p
Actually, what I think I'm going to do is try and time my caloric intake better around the workouts. Therefore, the day prior and up to training I'm going to take in a little more, and on my other days off take in less.


Well-known member
Actually, what I think I'm going to do is try and time my caloric intake better around the workouts. Therefore, the day prior and up to training I'm going to take in a little more, and on my other days off take in less.
Good strategy my man that's EXACTLY what i'm doing and it works really really well. I'm able to constantly improve my lifts and i swear it's helping with fat loss as well considering this article too that can possibly back it up.

Plus it allows me to get surplus protein on training days which i think will help me grow considering my daily protein intake fluctuates between 250-170 grams. I guess we'll have to see in another few weeks :D


I may have to try that sometime. I tend to grab something smaller here or there when I feel the need to cheat, its usually never an entire day of eating junk.


Well-known member
I may have to try that sometime. I tend to grab something smaller here or there when I feel the need to cheat, its usually never an entire day of eating junk.
I hear you, it's not for everyone but i enjoy it but i don't eat "Ice cream all day" i usually just eat a bunch of tacos or hamburgers. Sweets aren't too appealing to me honestly i love burgers/chicken all that good stuff :)



Yesterday I ate an extra serving of carbohydrates with almost every meal since it was the day before my workout. Worked very well, I've been dieting all week limiting most meals to 450 cals or less on non training days, but have decided to eat extra carbs the day prior to my lift, and extra carbs pre and post workout on lifting days, which are limited to once every 3 days. So today all went well, gained on a few lifts. I'm up to 310 lbs on flat bench press for 12 reps now w/ slow negatives(need help on 12th rep) my straight bar curls are now at 125 lbs for 16 reps. As for back, I've had to back off a bit(no pun intended) to try and let this rear shoulder thing get better. It seems to be improving well, comes and goes now. No pain in gym working around it, but I just know what I need to take it easy on. Went to the beach after the gym today, place was packed. People were looking at me like crazy and commenting, must be doing something right. I'm still not as lean as I'd like to be, but I'll be in the single digits % within a couple wks. Current weight as of today is 236 lbs. I got off my tren and test prop and switched over to 300 mg/wk primo and 200 mg/wk test e, will cruise on that for 10 wks now. Until next lift


Well-known member

Yesterday I ate an extra serving of carbohydrates with almost every meal since it was the day before my workout. Worked very well, I've been dieting all week limiting most meals to 450 cals or less on non training days, but have decided to eat extra carbs the day prior to my lift, and extra carbs pre and post workout on lifting days, which are limited to once every 3 days. So today all went well, gained on a few lifts. I'm up to 310 lbs on flat bench press for 12 reps now w/ slow negatives(need help on 12th rep) my straight bar curls are now at 125 lbs for 16 reps. As for back, I've had to back off a bit(no pun intended) to try and let this rear shoulder thing get better. It seems to be improving well, comes and goes now. No pain in gym working around it, but I just know what I need to take it easy on. Went to the beach after the gym today, place was packed. People were looking at me like crazy and commenting, must be doing something right. I'm still not as lean as I'd like to be, but I'll be in the single digits % within a couple wks. Current weight as of today is 236 lbs. I got off my tren and test prop and switched over to 300 mg/wk primo and 200 mg/wk test e, will cruise on that for 10 wks now. Until next lift
That's great dude, Well it's been about 4 weeks of HIT for me and i really feel ready to go back to somewhat longer sessions i mean at first i was gaining like CRAZY and i actually gained for 1-2 weeks into HIT which i may just attribute to more recovery but i honestly feel my bread and butter is 3 sets per exercise. If i do more i usually feel like it's too much and if i do less it feels like i still have energy left. I will use hit sort of like a "Deload" or "Recovery Period" but my initial gains of my 3 set all out training gave me absolutely crazy gains and after today i really set in stone that i need more volume to progress. I still am lifting slow and controlled and i'm doing a bunch of things i haven't touched before such as perfect form and controlled lifting which is making a huge different I've never had such a good back session. No doubt in my mind it'll work since it worked awesome before. I'll keep you updated on how it's going! I hope i can reach single digit bodyfat soon as well! I'm really trying to make this diet perfect.


That's great dude, Well it's been about 4 weeks of HIT for me and i really feel ready to go back to somewhat longer sessions i mean at first i was gaining like CRAZY and i actually gained for 1-2 weeks into HIT which i may just attribute to more recovery but i honestly feel my bread and butter is 3 sets per exercise. If i do more i usually feel like it's too much and if i do less it feels like i still have energy left. I will use hit sort of like a "Deload" or "Recovery Period" but my initial gains of my 3 set all out training gave me absolutely crazy gains and after today i really set in stone that i need more volume to progress. I still am lifting slow and controlled and i'm doing a bunch of things i haven't touched before such as perfect form and controlled lifting which is making a huge different I've never had such a good back session. No doubt in my mind it'll work since it worked awesome before. I'll keep you updated on how it's going! I hope i can reach single digit bodyfat soon as well! I'm really trying to make this diet perfect.
Tinyguy, I started getting like that towards my 4th-6th week on HIT myself, but after that first 6 wk block I took that time off, then switched the exercises a little and started gaining again. The one thing I will say about this type of training is there is nothing fun about it in any way,shape,or form. It's straight up work and intensity!! But my results are like Whoa!! So I must continue on!! Good luck bro


Well-known member
Tinyguy, I started getting like that towards my 4th-6th week on HIT myself, but after that first 6 wk block I took that time off, then switched the exercises a little and started gaining again. The one thing I will say about this type of training is there is nothing fun about it in any way,shape,or form. It's straight up work and intensity!! But my results are like Whoa!! So I must continue on!! Good luck bro
I think i'll benefit a lot more to this training when i progress a lot further with my current training. I just feel i'm not to the point where i need only 1 set. I know i eventually will but until then i'll still keep you updated on how everything goes. My goal is to try and be a lean 250 by the end of this year. :)



So now I'm dieting pretty hard. I've had 1 cheat meal in the past 2 weeks and i'm still making gains, which is impressive. My daily caloric limit is usually 3,000 cals, I shoot for closer to 2500 cals/day on non training day. I have added in high intensity cardio 3-4x/wk at 30 min a session. I have been doing my cardio outdoors lately, usually its a stair climb, occasionally a brisk walk. As for training goes, I finally got to 315 lbs on flat bench and managed to squeeze 12 reps out of it. Have to be honest, a few of the reps the tempo was a little quicker but I'd say the majority of the set was still 4 sec negatives. My shoulder injury has completely healed now, full range of motion with absolutely zero pain. I believe the cardio has helped a lot with the injury rehabilitation as well, just gets things moving around and flushes out the biproducts. The funny part of everything is I'm still 236 lbs, sometimes when I start dieting I actually gain weight but get leaner. Abs much tighter, will post updated pics soon


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So now I'm dieting pretty hard. I've had 1 cheat meal in the past 2 weeks and i'm still making gains, which is impressive. My daily caloric limit is usually 3,000 cals, I shoot for closer to 2500 cals/day on non training day. I have added in high intensity cardio 3-4x/wk at 30 min a session. I have been doing my cardio outdoors lately, usually its a stair climb, occasionally a brisk walk. As for training goes, I finally got to 315 lbs on flat bench and managed to squeeze 12 reps out of it. Have to be honest, a few of the reps the tempo was a little quicker but I'd say the majority of the set was still 4 sec negatives. My shoulder injury has completely healed now, full range of motion with absolutely zero pain. I believe the cardio has helped a lot with the injury rehabilitation as well, just gets things moving around and flushes out the biproducts. The funny part of everything is I'm still 236 lbs, sometimes when I start dieting I actually gain weight but get leaner. Abs much tighter, will post updated pics soon
That's gotta feel good to hit that goal though! Your calorie diet is really similar to mine as well, Even the cardio is the same! I do off days cardio 30min and try to burn at least 300 calories. My weight is going up somehow right now i'm 233 lbs and at the beginning of this week i was 230. I think going back to slightly more volume + these slow and controlled reps 1 second concentric 2-3 second eccentric type training is working really really good. I'm sore for like 5 days post-W/O but i can feel a difference overall and this is my 2nd week of it. My legs are trashed but for some reason i'm finding it easier to push through all the burning pain and get more reps with good form. I hope i build up a high tolerance to pain haha



So today marks day 9 with the only cheat meal being a subway sandwich on flatbread w/ some baked chips and a diet Coke. Damn I'm getting hungry now!! Been eating real strict for about 2 wks now and a lot of changes already. I knew I needed to tighten the diet up and drop the calories a bit being that I went back to my TRT dosage of test, and there was still going to be a slight degree of estrogen rebound. I threw some aromasyn in the mix as well and it's helped me to get real hard and avoid any puffiness. As for cardio, cardio has been very frequent lately. I've hit it about 4-5x//wk now in the past 2 wks. And despite dropping my calories and adding in all of the cardio I am still making strength gains. The gains are much slower now though, today when I inclined benched I got 300/10, which is only 1 more rep than the last time I inclined which was about 10 days ago or so. But I've probably dropped 2% bf already so I can't complain. And mind you, this is a strength gain on just a TRT dose of test now, and 300mg/wk primobolan. I'm off the tren and 500mg/wk test, so definitely something to be proud of in the gains dept. However, I did carb up a little more yesterday by eating an extra serving of potatos and a Greek Yogurt with dinner. The legs are taking a toll now, the cardio has made leg workouts much harder. I still jumped 5 lbs in leg extensions making it 240 lbs/12 reps in a slow and controlled fashion. I feel like hitting that wall is coming on real soon, I have roughly 2 more wks until my next full week off from training, so hopefully that week long break will help rejuvinate me more. I'm looking forward to switching some exercises up as well, this program is working great but it's getting very stale and boring in the gym. To be honest I'm sort of getting sick and tired of logging workouts and starting with legs every workout. Lately I've mixed it up slightly and started with bench, which is when I'm fresh and can make the most use out of any available energy to make gains with. But I said I was giving HIT an honest 6 months and that I will. The changes I've made so far are better than any training system I've ever used, I wont deny that. Therefore we push on forward and stick to the gameplan. Back to logging my lifts on Fri. peace


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So today marks day 9 with the only cheat meal being a subway sandwich on flatbread w/ some baked chips and a diet Coke. Damn I'm getting hungry now!! Been eating real strict for about 2 wks now and a lot of changes already. I knew I needed to tighten the diet up and drop the calories a bit being that I went back to my TRT dosage of test, and there was still going to be a slight degree of estrogen rebound. I threw some aromasyn in the mix as well and it's helped me to get real hard and avoid any puffiness. As for cardio, cardio has been very frequent lately. I've hit it about 4-5x//wk now in the past 2 wks. And despite dropping my calories and adding in all of the cardio I am still making strength gains. The gains are much slower now though, today when I inclined benched I got 300/10, which is only 1 more rep than the last time I inclined which was about 10 days ago or so. But I've probably dropped 2% bf already so I can't complain. And mind you, this is a strength gain on just a TRT dose of test now, and 300mg/wk primobolan. I'm off the tren and 500mg/wk test, so definitely something to be proud of in the gains dept. However, I did carb up a little more yesterday by eating an extra serving of potatos and a Greek Yogurt with dinner. The legs are taking a toll now, the cardio has made leg workouts much harder. I still jumped 5 lbs in leg extensions making it 240 lbs/12 reps in a slow and controlled fashion. I feel like hitting that wall is coming on real soon, I have roughly 2 more wks until my next full week off from training, so hopefully that week long break will help rejuvinate me more. I'm looking forward to switching some exercises up as well, this program is working great but it's getting very stale and boring in the gym. To be honest I'm sort of getting sick and tired of logging workouts and starting with legs every workout. Lately I've mixed it up slightly and started with bench, which is when I'm fresh and can make the most use out of any available energy to make gains with. But I said I was giving HIT an honest 6 months and that I will. The changes I've made so far are better than any training system I've ever used, I wont deny that. Therefore we push on forward and stick to the gameplan. Back to logging my lifts on Fri. peace
That's awesome man i'm jealous haha Have you ever done Higher frequency training? I'm just curious


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How often are you guys taking a week off. I'm 5 weeks into my HIT with no time off. I had a long weekend this past weekend to recover from working 7/12's for a month though. It's hot as a mutha here in Florida!


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How often are you guys taking a week off. I'm 5 weeks into my HIT with no time off. I had a long weekend this past weekend to recover from working 7/12's for a month though. It's hot as a mutha here in Florida!
Well i actually used HIT in itself for a recovery period. I've adapted my body to medium volume high intensity so when i went to HIT i felt like i had more in me but after 4 weeks i felt really really good so i'm back to my other training. No doubt in my mind it helps significantly. :)
Coors is planning to run HIT for 6 months i believe so, his progress really shows what HIT does :thumbsup:



updated photo of my progress. I'm about 3 months into this routine now, first time I've ever had decent abs while still in the mid 230's on bodyweight




How often are you guys taking a week off. I'm 5 weeks into my HIT with no time off. I had a long weekend this past weekend to recover from working 7/12's for a month though. It's hot as a mutha here in Florida!
at the end of every 6 wks of training take 1 full week off. If your training intense and everything is to the outlined program, by week 6 you'll be looking forward to the time off. You will feel like its necessary because for myself I've noticed that right towards week 5 or 6 is when I get sort of stale and want to hit a sticking point, then I take the week off, change a few exercises and I'm right back to feeling good and gaining, gaining, gaining!!


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updated photo of my progress. I'm about 3 months into this routine now, first time I've ever had decent abs while still in the mid 230's on bodyweight
Great job dude what are your goals bodyfat wise? Mine is to get to 6% i know it'll be a challenge but i like challenges :) I'm at 12/11% currently that contest i dropped 8lbs in 4 weeks and dropped 3% bf. Not sure if i'll win or not i should have got a tan to make it more dramatic haha good to see your still updating this! I'm going to start my own log probably the end of this week. :D


Great job dude what are your goals bodyfat wise? Mine is to get to 6% i know it'll be a challenge but i like challenges :) I'm at 12/11% currently that contest i dropped 8lbs in 4 weeks and dropped 3% bf. Not sure if i'll win or not i should have got a tan to make it more dramatic haha good to see your still updating this! I'm going to start my own log probably the end of this week. :D
my goal isnt to necessarily get bone dry shredded, its to keep my bodyfat in a range where I look good but can still continue to make strength/size gains. When I start feeling weak or depleted I will throw the carbs down, not like contest dieting or anything. But I do stay on my cardio a lot more now, usually 3-4x every wk now


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my goal isnt to necessarily get bone dry shredded, its to keep my bodyfat in a range where I look good but can still continue to make strength/size gains. When I start feeling weak or depleted I will throw the carbs down, not like contest dieting or anything. But I do stay on my cardio a lot more now, usually 3-4x every wk now
Ah i hear you on that, i'm doing the same in my own sense i'm increasing my training frequency really gradually and the moment i see a stall or fall in progress i'm gonna take a week off then start it again at the frequency i left off at and see how it goes. Pretty much i'm trying to train my body tough and rough so when i start my first PH cycle it'll be AWESOME results! I'll log it all too haha


That's awesome man i'm jealous haha Have you ever done Higher frequency training? I'm just curious
yes, I trained high frequency/volume for 14 yrs straight, I experimented with a little of the Dorian Yates training style, but unlike Arthur Jones, Dorian still isolated bodyparts with training splits, just lower volume. I like the full body/1 set per exercise routines better, I feel like I grow more as a whole when everything is stimulated in a single workout. And 1x every 3 days is perfect.

I've been more cut than this before, I've been bigger as far as how much space I take up before, but I have never developed this size/definition combo as well as this before. Everybody keeps asking me the same damn question "how many hours a week are you in the gym? You must live in the gym!!" When I tell them I go for 45 minutes once every 3 days nobody believes me.


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yes, I trained high frequency/volume for 14 yrs straight, I experimented with a little of the Dorian Yates training style, but unlike Arthur Jones, Dorian still isolated bodyparts with training splits, just lower volume. I like the full body/1 set per exercise routines better, I feel like I grow more as a whole when everything is stimulated in a single workout. And 1x every 3 days is perfect.

I've been more cut than this before, I've been bigger as far as how much space I take up before, but I have never developed this size/definition combo as well as this before. Everybody keeps asking me the same damn question "how many hours a week are you in the gym? You must live in the gym!!" When I tell them I go for 45 minutes once every 3 days nobody believes me.
Haha awesome just awesome. I can't wait to get cut up and demolish my first cycle :angryfire:


After some thought I've decided to jack up the carbs a little bit more on a daily basis for the next 6 wk phase. I'm going to raise the total caloric totals to 3500-4000 which should definitely put me into some anabolism. Trying to train conjugately here and accomplish size/definition simultaneously. At this point I feel I have the recovery side of things taken care of with my training, I need some sort of kick in the ass though and its food!



yep, definitely need that week off. Another stale day today in the gym, didnt have a lot of motivation to train. I did flat bench press today and did 325/9, which is 3 reps short of where I'm supposed to be before I progress in weights. I did lateral pulldowns again, which has gotten pretty damn boring, I did make a small jump on leg extensions doing 245 lbs x 12 reps, stiff leg deadlifts which felt like **** 345 x 12 reps, just wasnt feeling todays workout. I know these may sound like decent numbers but I was really just going through the motions today and not really giving a ****. Thats the thing about this program, your physically/mentally ready for a break at that 6 wks mark. I'm going to take a full week off now, eat an extra couple cheat meals, and not even think about the damn gym for a week.


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yep, definitely need that week off. Another stale day today in the gym, didnt have a lot of motivation to train. I did flat bench press today and did 325/9, which is 3 reps short of where I'm supposed to be before I progress in weights. I did lateral pulldowns again, which has gotten pretty damn boring, I did make a small jump on leg extensions doing 245 lbs x 12 reps, stiff leg deadlifts which felt like **** 345 x 12 reps, just wasnt feeling todays workout. I know these may sound like decent numbers but I was really just going through the motions today and not really giving a ****. Thats the thing about this program, your physically/mentally ready for a break at that 6 wks mark. I'm going to take a full week off now, eat an extra couple cheat meals, and not even think about the damn gym for a week.
Sounds like a good idea, the break will really help you out too it'll give you a fresh start especially with some extra calories that i'm sure you need. :)


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at the end of every 6 wks of training take 1 full week off. If your training intense and everything is to the outlined program, by week 6 you'll be looking forward to the time off. You will feel like its necessary because for myself I've noticed that right towards week 5 or 6 is when I get sort of stale and want to hit a sticking point, then I take the week off, change a few exercises and I'm right back to feeling good and gaining, gaining, gaining!!
Cool. Thanks bros! I'm starting week 6 Monday. I've just been feeling beat down at the gym this last week. I still manage to push myself, but it isn't the same as previous weeks. I'm going to finish this week and take a break. It's going to be strage not going to the gym, but I understand the recovory concept.


Cool. Thanks bros! I'm starting week 6 Monday. I've just been feeling beat down at the gym this last week. I still manage to push myself, but it isn't the same as previous weeks. I'm going to finish this week and take a break. It's going to be strage not going to the gym, but I understand the recovory concept.
This is not an exciting program. I'm loving what it's doing for me, but this routine is downright brutal. You wouldn't think just doing 1 set for each muscle group can tax you that bad, but when its to absolute failure it sure does!! But I'm not in this thing for exciting, I'm in it for results, and that I am achieving


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Dying to get back in the gym now, its day 5 off, I'll get back in there 3 days from now. I've eaten a little more loose this week and my muscles are pumped and very large right now. I probably didnt fill out good until my 2nd or 3rd day, so you figure its really only about 4 days with an abundance of cals or anything "over" what it took to compensate for what was lost through dieting hard. This next phase I will drop to only training 2x/wk, with one Not Till failure workout every 2 wks. I'm going back to barbell squats too, should be rough. I will pick up a few hundred grams of creatine monohydrate and mix 30 grams of creatine with sugar in a gal of water/day, as outlined in Dardens bulking and packing creatine procedure. Then cut back to 10 grams/day for the following 4 wks during this next 6 wk phase. I'll probably put on just a tad bit more bodyfat, but nothing crazy. I'm dedicating these next 6 wks to size and losing minimal definition. Cardio will still be kept at 2-3x/wk. Cant wait now, I needed this rest


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Hell yeah man! I know how you feel it's so hard to take a week off all i want to do is train! Creatine is awesome too. I started my log too So far so good! Losing about 1lb every 4 days. Pumped to see where your at in a few weeks with the needed extra calories and creatine. Keep up the hard work!!


Ok, just went back into the gym today after a full week off. It was my first day if the new 6 wk phase, I dont like it. I'm changing things up, at this point I just see no reason to cut my training back to only 4x every 14 days with a Not till failure day in there as well. This is something only the most grossly overtrained person would need and now its getting to the point where I feel slack about being involved with the gym at all. The biggest problem I see with this phase is your going too long before hitting an exercise again, so your body is not recognizing the weight like it should. I think there comes a point where its too infrequent. For example, lets say I cut it back to only Mon and Fri workout days, well the routine has me doing bench press Mon, and flys on Fri. So all week long I've only done 2 sets for chest and only 1 of those being a pressing movement. I dont like that, I feel I'd still benefit more from hitting chest 2-3x/wk if I was only going to do 1 set per workout. So I'm going to switch things up and go back to 3x/wk routine, still HIT because I like the concepts behind HIT, but I'm more athletic than just 4x/wk every 2 wks in the gym, **** that. So this is what I've come up with, 3x/wk.

Day 1- Bench press- 1 work set
Close grip bench (Smith Machine)- 1 work set
T- bar rows- 1 work set
lat pulldowns-1 work set
barbell curls- 1 work set
squats- 1 work set
calves- 1 work set
abs- 1 set of 50 situps

day 2- Pec deck- 1 work set
Tri pressdowns- 1 work set
deadlifts- 1 work set
lat pulldowns- 1 work set
alternate db curls- 1 work set
leg extensions- 1 work set
calves- 1 work set
shrugs- 1 set

day 3- incline bench press
1 arm db extensions- 1 set/arm
1 arm db rows- 1 set/arm
preacher curls- 1 set
hammer strength high row machine-1 set
leg press- 1 set
lying leg curls- 1 set
calves-1 set


Well-known member
Ok, just went back into the gym today after a full week off. It was my first day if the new 6 wk phase, I dont like it. I'm changing things up, at this point I just see no reason to cut my training back to only 4x every 14 days with a Not till failure day in there as well. This is something only the most grossly overtrained person would need and now its getting to the point where I feel slack about being involved with the gym at all. The biggest problem I see with this phase is your going too long before hitting an exercise again, so your body is not recognizing the weight like it should. I think there comes a point where its too infrequent. For example, lets say I cut it back to only Mon and Fri workout days, well the routine has me doing bench press Mon, and flys on Fri. So all week long I've only done 2 sets for chest and only 1 of those being a pressing movement. I dont like that, I feel I'd still benefit more from hitting chest 2-3x/wk if I was only going to do 1 set per workout. So I'm going to switch things up and go back to 3x/wk routine, still HIT because I like the concepts behind HIT, but I'm more athletic than just 4x/wk every 2 wks in the gym, **** that. So this is what I've come up with, 3x/wk.

Day 1- Bench press- 1 work set
Close grip bench (Smith Machine)- 1 work set
T- bar rows- 1 work set
lat pulldowns-1 work set
barbell curls- 1 work set
squats- 1 work set
calves- 1 work set
abs- 1 set of 50 situps

day 2- Pec deck- 1 work set
Tri pressdowns- 1 work set
deadlifts- 1 work set
lat pulldowns- 1 work set
alternate db curls- 1 work set
leg extensions- 1 work set
calves- 1 work set
shrugs- 1 set

day 3- incline bench press
1 arm db extensions- 1 set/arm
1 arm db rows- 1 set/arm
preacher curls- 1 set
hammer strength high row machine-1 set
leg press- 1 set
lying leg curls- 1 set
calves-1 set
I agree 100% that's pretty much why i switched to training a body part every 6 days instead of 7 i really want to move to 2x a week but i think i'm gonna wait until i'm a little bit leaner. I've always liked higher frequency training and felt better progress from it, I think the infrequency is honestly for people who recover at an extremely poor rate, have high stress lives and could benefit from the extra rest but for guys like us who feel 100% after a few days i don't think it's all necessary to train so infrequently. Here's an article i read that makes a ton of sense about higher frequency training. I know you have way way way more experience then me but it's a good read :)

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