Cardiovascular disease prevention may include magnesium supplementation



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Cardiovascular disease prevention may include magnesium supplementation as adjuvant therapy


Cardiovascular disease prevention may need to include magnesium supplementation as adjuvant therapy.

According to a team of researchers in France, "Epidemiological and experimental studies have indicated a relationship among aging, dietary Mg, inflammatory stress, and cardiovascular disease. Our aim in the present study was to investigate possible links between dietary Mg, oxidant stress parameters, and inflammatory status with aging in rats."

D. Blache and colleagues at INSERM U498 in Dijon explained, "We designed a long-term study in which rats were fed for 22 months with moderately deficient (150 mg/kg), standard (800 mg/ kg), or supplemented (3200 mg/kg) Mg diets. Comparisons were made with young rats fed with the same diets for 1 month."

"Compared to the standard and supplemented diets, the Mg-deficient diet significantly increased blood pressure, plasma interleukin-6, fibrinogen, and erythrocyte lysophosphatidylcholine; particularly in aging rats, it decreased plasma albumin," the investigators observed. "The impairment of redox status was indicated by increases in plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and oxysterols and an increased blood susceptibility to in vitro free-radical-induced hemolysis."

"We concluded that Mg deficiency induced a chronic impairment of redox status associated with inflammation which could significantly contribute to increased oxidized lipids and promote hypertension and vascular disorders with aging," stated the authors. "Extrapolating to the human situation and given that Mg deficiency has been reported to be surprisingly common, particularly in the elderly, Mg supplementation might be useful as an adjuvant therapy in preventing cardiovascular disease."

Blache and colleagues published their study in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Long-term moderate magnesium-deficient diet shows relationships between blood pressure, inflammation and oxidant stress defense in aging rats. Free Radic Biol Med, 2006;41(2):277-284).

For more information, contact D. Blache, INSERM U498, F-21079 Dijon, France.

Publisher contact information for the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine is: Elsevier Science, Inc., 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710, USA.


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Mg is a staple in my line up. I have acute mitral valve prolapse that used to hurt fairly often. Since begining Mg supplementation as well as a healthier diet, I very seldom have the chest pains associated with the MVP.

It's a factor or cofactor in so many biochemical reactions it should not be ignored.

Eat your veggies!
