Can someone answer me these questions about triazole please


New member
This is my first post, i wasn't too sure where to post this thread sooo......... I am not scientifically knowledgeable and i don't understand most of the slang used on the site ect.
I want to use triazole firstly because i have read good reviews about it and plus it's been backed up with blood work ect ect, my main goal is to gain weight at the moment, i am currently just under 14 stone with about 14-18 body fat percentage and 6foot tall.

So my question is...will i get good results from using this?

Will i get any side effects or have any side effects been seen yet or heard of?

can i just take this on it's own or do i have too take something with it?

When i come off it will my body be OK!!! or do i have too take something to wine me of so to speak? (like no cold turkey effect sort of thing) ?

I won't produce man boobs (fat) underneath my chest while using it or afterwards?

And will my sex drive be effected long term... because i know triazole increases sex drive but after you stop taking triazole does that mean you hardly get horny anymore ect ect???

Thank you and sorry to write something which has already been discussed, i just need it simplifying before i go ahead and buy triazole as i don't want any side effects ect ect. cheers again, i hope for a good reply, you guy's seem to know your stuff big time!!


New member
21 years of age...
i've used creatine quite a few times, gave me more strength, to be honest i think it was all in my head sort of thing, biceps bloated up a bit ect.
I just want too know about this triazole... do you have to be of a certain age to take this or something?


New member
anyone???? would appreciate the input so i can order some triazole...or not. cheers


New member
please can someone answer my questions or am i in the wrong section for what i'm asking???? cheers


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The Stuff is not HORMONAL so you will be fine.


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So my question is...will i get good results from using this?

Will i get any side effects or have any side effects been seen yet or heard of?

can i just take this on it's own or do i have too take something with it?

When i come off it will my body be OK!!! or do i have too take something to wine me of so to speak? (like no cold turkey effect sort of thing) ?

I won't produce man boobs (fat) underneath my chest while using it or afterwards?

And will my sex drive be effected long term... because i know triazole increases sex drive but after you stop taking triazole does that mean you hardly get horny anymore ect ect???
In order:

1. Yes, in combination with sound nutrition and training.
2. Stick to the recommended dosing and you will not suffer any side effects.
3. Triazole is very effective when used alone, so no need to stack. In fact, since this is your first run with Triazole i suggest that you do NOT stack it so you get to learn how the product effects you for future runs/stacks.
4. It is non-hormonal. You finish the cycle and your body returns to normal.
5. No. The product reduces estrogen so you have no issue in this regard.
6. No, your body simply returns to how it was pre-Triazole.

Hope this helps.

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