BioIdentical Test cream and Cyp injections ???


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I am currently on TRT with Test Cyp 100mg/wk and I've been on Topical Forma from CEL for about 2wks and I'm still having Low energy, Anxiety and Problems losing weight. I am getting stronger but that's about it. That's why I am going to see a Bio Identical hormone doc soon, as soon as all my blood and saliva testing are back and he said he's going to take me off the synthetic Test Cyp and put me on a compounded cream. I have a few ?'s for everyone. Is bio identical Testosterone as strong as synthetic ? I am in the upper range of normal now and I'm afraid I'll fall on the cream since Androgel didn't do **** for me. My E2 is also high as is my Prolactin and the doc said he'll be able to help me get all that under control with Bio Identical. I'm just skeptical bc they are derived from soy and plant extract. I think of herbs such as Trib and ZMA and stuff and I def don't want to trade my Test Cyp for. I also hear ppl do great on bio identical. Another ? is, my GP is willing to keep prescribing me the Test so could I use it along with the bio identical to add more strength and muscle mass @ the 100mg/wk dose ? I just told my GP that the Bio Identical doc is just treating me for the E2 and the Prolactin and possible DHEA-s and Cortisol/Thyroid stuff but since I was already on Test and my insurance covers it, he would let my doc keep prescribing it. That way I can stock pile my T and use it for a few blast cycles @ 500mg/wk or so. All thoughts are appreciated and I would love to hear from anyone that has experience with Bio-Identical hormone therapy and your results or lack there of.


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I am currently on TRT with Test Cyp 100mg/wk and I've been on Topical Forma from CEL for about 2wks and I'm still having Low energy, Anxiety and Problems losing weight.
Those problems are a direct result of your elevated E2 and prolactin. Get those under control and those problems will disappear.
Testoserone is testosterone as far as your body knows. Testosterone cypionate is simply testosterone with an ester attached to control delivery to your bloodstream. Once the ester is cleaved off, all your body sees is pure testosterone.
Combining the two treatments is a bad idea because all you are doing is raising your total teatosterone levels. More is NOT better when it comes to test. More simply causes a rise in estrogen and the associated problems.
On the other hand, the compounded creams usually absorb better than Androgel.
How often are you injecting?


New member
Thanks Drangonrider. I am injecting 100mg once a wk on Fri mornings. I have been using the TD Forma for about a wk steady now @ 50mg/day and don't really feel any better, so tonight I moved it up to 75mg. 25mg AM and 50mg PM. I 'll do that for a few days and see how I feel. I'm going tomorrow morning to get my DHT, DHEA-S, Total and Free T (before my injection) CBC w/Diff, PSA, and 24hr Cortisol Saliva. Will reducing my estrogen bring down my prolactin also ? As far as the Testosterone in concerned that makes perfect sense. I am just skeptical bc of my Androgel experience. Cardio is starting to have to be increased to get my HR up, so that's good and all my lifts are feeling way lighter and easier. I would trade that tho to see a stop to my anxiety and depression and to see my body comp start to change with all my hard work. I can't tell u the last time I've been out of bed before noon. It's awful. Thank God I still have unemployment coming in bc I couldn't work even if I had to right now bc of the way I feel. Can I still build muscle and lose fat on the Bio Identical Test or compounded cream ???


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Thanks Drangonrider. I am injecting 100mg once a wk on Fri mornings.
Injecting 50mg twice a week will go along way to lower E2 levels. You need to try that and then get your estrogen levels tested to see where you are.
Building muscle is hard to predict. Test levels are only one part of the equation. Genetics are very important. Number of muscle cells, type of muscle cells (fast twitch versus slow twitch ratio) and sensitivity to any and all androgens. I've personally experimented with over 2000mg of various androgens per week and still gained very little in terms of size or strength. Most likely, my body just is not sensitive to increased androgens, so it doesn't use them.
Generally speaking, the men who respond best to androgens respond very well to weights before the additional androgens are introduced.

Is bio identical Testosterone as strong as synthetic ?
One more time. Testosterone is testosterone. Once the ester is cleaved off, the only thing your body recognizes is a testosterone molecule. If it didn't, it couldn't use it. The testosterone molecule is like a key. Unless it is a perfect fit, it won't open your lock.


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Thanks again bro. You make perfect sense. I'm just worried about the absorbtion of the compounded creams.

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