Better Safe Than Sorry


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I want to pre-face this by saying I'm a long-time lurker and I've done as much research as possible on the subject and still can't find a straight answer.

I am mid-way through my first cycle, consisting solely of 6 weeks of Osta at 10mg.

I chose such a mild cycle because of a life-long fear of sides. For the record, I've loved the small, marginal benefits this cycle has provided.

My question is about PCT. It is generally agreed upon that Sarms including Osta require a SERM. However, because my dosage is so low, I am wondering if this is necessary for me. I've read conflicting information. I've seen some say "Better safe than sorry," but I've also seen some say that using a SERM would be far more jarring for the endocrine system than 10mg of Osta would ever be. I didn't get bloodwork done before this, unfortunately.

Me? I love "Better Safe Than Sorry," obviously. My question: is running a standard Clomid PCT after this cycle necessary? Secondly, is running a SERM PCT even "safe," if it isn't needed/necessary?


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What results have you seen with using 10 mg?
The Express 42

The Express 42

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Run Clomid at 25-12.5 mg a week for 4 weeks. I’ve never heard of people having any sides with that dose. Follow up with 8 weeks of rebirth and m test. That’s I what I did last cycle and worked like a charm.


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Run Clomid at 25-12.5 mg a week for 4 weeks. I’ve never heard of people having any sides with that dose. Follow up with 8 weeks of rebirth and m test. That’s I what I did last cycle and worked like a charm.
Yep from everything I’ve read this would be the smart play.


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There will never be a definitive answer to this highly individualized question.

Get bloodwork done after your cycle to see where your levels are at.

Short of bloodwork, I'd personally choose to run a low-dose SERM protocol for 3 weeks or so.

Clomid @ 25/12.5/12.5 or
Nolva @ 10/10/10

You ask if running a SERM is safe. Is running an unapproved investigational drug safe? I'd argue SERMs are safer as they've been studied and used many times over many decades. Perspective.

Is recovery possible without a SERM? Yes. Will YOU? It's a roll of the dice...
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Just for a bit of perspective, and I know everyone is different, the worst sides I've ever gotten on 50mg of clomid is I get emotional and teary eyed over little things (songs, commercials). Small price to pay for working junk in my opinion


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I haven't been logging so it's all anecdotal. I started this cycle after a pretty weak lifting year for me in general. I've been lifting for years but I felt pretty stagnant after moving away from my gym partner.

The strength gains have been good somewhat, able to add weight to nearly everything from where I started.
I've noticed no changes whatsoever to endurance or lack of fatigue. I get tired as much and as often as I normally would. This was probably the most disappointing aspect.
I had noticed some mood swings in the first two weeks, but they've long passed. I'm naturally stalwart to all mind-altering substances, so this wasn't too surprising.
No gyno. No sides. I have read some horror stories and I have been on the lookout.
Libido has also been boosted dramatically.
I've noticed some light recomp effects. My muscles look and seem a little bloated but fat seems to be disappearing. All gradual. Excited to do some Invictus or Erase afterwards and dry out.
My gym pumps are intensely vascular, just over the last week or so.
I've put on roughly 4 pounds. They feel clean.
I sleep like a baby at night. Long and hard. Feels great.

I don't have a good answer on whether or not I'd recommend it. Truth is, I've never done a proper PH cycle so I can't tell you how much this falls short.

One interesting aspect is if I so much as touch my toes in a day, I'll get light DOMS in my abs the next day. Like I'd been doing a core workout the entire cycle.

Genuinely sorry for the lack of log.


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There will never be a definitive answer to this highly individualized question. ..


Is recovery possible without a SERM? Yes. Will YOU? It's a roll of the dice...
No worries! I already have the Clomid, just wanted to make sure I wasn't jumping feet first into something idiotic or unnecessary. Perspective well-appreciated! Through my thread-lurking I had seen some posts implying that SERMs can suppress in their own right if you are otherwise unsuppressed. I think they were full of it, most likely, but I looked and looked for an example of someone taking one "even if they didn't need it," and couldn't find any examples to reassure me that it'd be okay.


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I just can imagine it being that important at that dosage an lenght. But sure better safe


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PCT for Ostarine? Nolva should be enough no?


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Clomid 25/25/25/25 or similar. Simple.


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PCT for Ostarine? Nolva should be enough no?
Nolva is underrated. It’s similar in effects to clomid. There’s even been studies showing that 20mg is equivalent to 150mg clomid, but better; although there will also be studies saying clomid is better. Either way, both are effective.


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Nolva is underrated. It’s similar in effects to clomid. There’s even been studies showing that 20mg is equivalent to 150mg clomid, but better; although there will also be studies saying clomid is better. Either way, both are effective.
You don’t have to take a lot of Nolvadex during your PCT to get the results that you’re looking for. Sure this may not be very significant, but Nolvadex definitely gets the advantage when you factor in the cost that you’re going to dish out in the process.



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You don’t have to take a lot of Nolvadex during your PCT to get the results that you’re looking for. Sure this may not be very significant, but Nolvadex definitely gets the advantage when you factor in the cost that you’re going to dish out in the process.

Yeah that's my take on it too but maybe guru might be on to something and perhaps people respond differently to one or the other. I always prefer nolva due to 0 sides and just as good of a recovery. On top of that it's probably the best for gyno.


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Nolva is underrated. It’s similar in effects to clomid. There’s even been studies showing that 20mg is equivalent to 150mg clomid, but better; although there will also be studies saying clomid is better. Either way, both are effective.
Underrated? I would say it is by far the most popular PCT standard in the bodybuilding world. I think clomid has taken off a bit because it is being prescribed to men more often now specifically to boost test. Also nolva has better anti estrogen effects and can be more useful if needed to be run on cycle. With that said, I have clomid.


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Guru is on to what? Exactly what I said?

Guru agreed with me... He's not on to anything...

Sure, they may be the same. But I've heard more negative **** from Clomid.

KISS it. Keep It Simple Stupid!

Not only will nolva block bitch tits, it will help cholesterol and get your boys working.

It will work the same for all men.

That's like saying men will respond differently to testosterone...

No they won't.

Nolvadex half life is 5-7 days.

You don't have to take it every day


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Guru is on to what? Exactly what I said?

Guru agreed with me... He's not on to anything...

Sure, they may be the same. But I've heard more negative **** from Clomid.

KISS it. Keep It Simple Stupid!

Not only will nolva block bitch tits, it will help cholesterol and get your boys working.

It will work the same for all men.

That's like saying men will respond differently to testosterone...

No they won't.

Nolvadex half life is 5-7 days.

You don't have to take it every day
Ehh.. that still doesn't necessarily make it better. There are still side effects of tamox such as IGF-1 reduction and ocular toxicity. Both are proven, so it kind of comes down to preference. If I didn't have an AI, then I definitely would have went with tamox. However, I chose clomid and exemestane. We haven't even touched upon torem or ralox yet...


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I just don't think everyone reacts the same to every compound and that includes test yes. Some people get acne,gyno etc etc. Some people grow like crazy on test and some don't. I personally prefer nolvadex but I am not gonna say that everyone reacts good taking it. He said that some prefer clomid an some nolva and you said nolva Is optimal. You didn't really agree or disagree you just made two statements of information. I wasn't hinting at you being wrong but I was hinting at guru might be correct that nolva isn't optimal for each person. I believe the majority responds better on nolva though.


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Nolva and clomid both get the job done. I think it just comes down to personal preference. Personally, I noticed more effects from clomid.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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a serm is a good idea. That said bloodwork is important after the serm leave your system to see if your body is producing on its own.

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