BDCC's LG Sciences Stack Log



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where do the boulder shoulders fit in that new routine??? lol


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No direct shoulder work for me at the moment. If they start lagging behind I will get on the case.

My upper back, hamstrings and calves are still so sore from my hamstring session that I had to skip my back workout and go straight to chest and biceps.


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I love a hardcore workout that leaves you a bit sore, but this time kept me out of the gym for 2 days.

Nice detail throughout the log.


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No direct shoulder work for me at the moment. If they start lagging behind I will get on the case.

My upper back, hamstrings and calves are still so sore from my hamstring session that I had to skip my back workout and go straight to chest and biceps.
Nice work. I tend to do the same with shoulders from time to time :)


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idk how you guys do it lol, i always feel like they need the most work haha


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idk how you guys do it lol, i always feel like they need the most work haha
I probably do specific shoulder work every 3rd-4th mesocycle excluding using them as synergists. I take the time to train calves instead as it looks like I stole mine from a 13 year old cheerleader lol.

Finished Substerone and Natadrol, still using NO Infuse. Final review is coming soon. :)


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No direct shoulder work for me at the moment. If they start lagging behind I will get on the case.

My upper back, hamstrings and calves are still so sore from my hamstring session that I had to skip my back workout and go straight to chest and biceps.
I have a narrow build to begin with so I HAVE to hit shoulders to give me some width. When I forst started adding some size that is the first area that people noticed.


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Awaiting final for picsorz?


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Final review:

I will review it as a whole and then break them down as much as possible into each supplement.

On the whole I loved this stack. My strength increased and I lost body fat whilst maintaining bodyweight. I looked more vascular and noticeably leaner.

Form-X- I found this caused quite serious gastric distress for me so I had to stop the supplement half way through the first bottle. No review for the effects of this.

NO Infuse- I didn't expect this to be anywhere near as effective as it was. Arginine research is debatable at best so I wasn't excited to get this. I was very surprised- the pump it caused was very pronounced and definitely something I would use again. It lasts a lot longer than the bottle suggests so I increased the dosage (the bottle says 10 sprays per muscle group) so started just putting 10 on each arm, now I can put 10 on my chest, shoulders and upper back. I still have about half a bottle left and use it on every upper body day. I didn't notice any increased pump on mu quads, hamstrings or calves when using this. The vascularity in my arms when using this was the most pronounced.

It leaves a slightly sticky residue when using higher doses and has a strong alcoholic smell. It sprays as a fine mist and easy to rub in- a watery texture rather than a creamy texture.

IGF-1- I noticed no improvements in sleep when using this and went up to taking 10 capsules per day to test a higher dose. Nothing to report from this which is the same as when I have bought it previously. This does nothing noticeable for me.

Natadrol and Substerone- this is the stack which had the most positive effect. I have used Natadrol before and was very happy with the strength gains it gave me and this time was no different. I don't know how much I can contribute to Substerone so I am giving feedback on these two together. I had noticeable strength gains above and beyond what I would have expected from training normally. This is where the product really shines. My weight didn't increase while on this. I leaned up whilst maintaining the same weight so essentially had a small increase in body fat and a subsequent increase in LBM.

Natadrol was 8 capsules per day every day (two capsules taken four times daily) and Substerone was 10 droppers per day (2 droppers five times daily).

Out of all of these products two that I would purchase with my own money are NO Infuse and Natadrol. I believe the strength effects I experienced are mostly from the Natadrol as I have used this before and experienced the same thing. NO Infuse despite getting no publicity gave a very noticeable increase in vascularity and is extremely cost effective for the price of the product and how long it lasts.

Thank you to LG for sending me this stack. :)


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Great review man, thanks a lot for keeping this log very well updated.

Glad you liked it!

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