Armed militants angered by a cartoon



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No. They need to visit the adullt section


When I read about "extremist" Muslim violence, I can't help but notice the huge lack of condemnation from almost any Muslims other than the most moderate (bordering on non-practicing).

My innitial reaction is TURN THE FUCKING DESERT TO GLASS.
I know this would be a horrible way to deal with Islamic violence, however, some primal and violent part of me likes the idea.

I have a professor in my Middle Eastern politics class who continually plays apologist for Islam. The hypocrisy of his statements are absolutely absurd. He's not even a Muslim and isn't playing devil's advocate. It's simply an anti-Western stance that is popular among those on the left. I can't even count how many times the guy says "imperialist Americans" in class. He stresses how important the 5 pillars are, how serious this kind of offense is to a Muslim and acts like we're ignorant for thinking that Muslims shouldn't react this way. Well, yeah. I'm sure it's offensive, BUT, it was a Danish, non-Islamic newspaper that printed it and some papers around Europe that reprinted it. Who are these people attacking and what are they destroying? Did the people in the embassies make the fucking cartoon? What about the guy who owns the shop you're ripping apart? Or the guy in the French hotel that gets kidnapped and beheaded (yeah, it just might happen) who hasn't even seen the cartoon. These people will only be happy when the world is entirely Islamic or in submission to Islam. If that ever happened, the world would still be bathed in the violence of civil war among the different sects.

How much print, music, movies and art in the Western world mock or degrade Jesus Christ? Lots, yet I see no apologist for Islam bending over backwards making illogical contortions to do the same for Christians. It makes me want to vomit.


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It really gets me to read that some Professor here in "our country" teaching a class to "our students" is allowed to say something like "imperialistic Americans". Why do we allow these anti-American assholes in our country in the first place? And to top it off, we are paying for our children to go to a college that employs these scum sucking "shite heads"...

If they don't like the cartoons, f*ck em. We don't like the cartoons they post on Al Jazera either, but we haven't started hacking off Muslims heads for it.....yet.

I hate to use the term "ethnic cleansing" because of what it has stood for in the past, but these people have some defective DNA or something. They just "aint right".


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Check out these cartoons by the Arabs.....
Well I suppose since they dont show any caricatures of a diety then it is fair and balanced and nobel. Who I really feel sorry for is the minority (NOT MAJORITY) of Muslims who see the hypocrisy and ill-education of their own people. It must be so friggin embarrassing and frightening to live amongst such animals.

Also let me just say that I really do respect and admire the majority of Muslim Americans. They really do condem these things and only want peace and understanding from what I've witnessed and don't tolerate rhetoric from extremists at the pulpit (for the most part). Damn it I love this country! We rock.


My 2 cents is that the aRabs just proved the comic right by going and rioting. Their religion is full of violence and how can they deny it when they go kill, riot, and kidnap over some stupid comic.


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I suppose we should be grateful that all the Polish, Italian, Indian, English, Rich, Poor, Males, females, and etc. of the world dont take great exception to the the jokes told about them or on them. Come on folks, its just words on paper. If we as a country acted upon our own that way we would all be dead along time ago. I say F_em if they can't take a joke. Since when did they think they lived alone in the world? Absoultely ABSURD! Of course none of this is news to the world. They seem to be a people destined for conflict. It they dont find one they create it. :wtf:

I vote we run it up their backsides if they cross our line. Otherwise I pay very little attention to the rantings of such a crazy lot.


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These people are fu*king crazy. Im starting to think they're a completley subset of the human race that just cant grasp the reality they live in.


The irony is just too great...."Let's show the world we're not terrorists by burning buildings, rioting, and killing people."



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Islam is a Religion of Peace that has been Hijacked by a Tiny Band of Extremists. We need to be more Understanding. It's really Our Fault.

/end sarcasm


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I really think the only way to stop these people is to kill them.
Unfortunately I agree. These people are spreading like a bad disease, and I think we need to wipe em out.
Seriously, this is the best idea that you guys can come up with?

Don't get me wrong, given the facts available throught the media, it's pretty clear that there are some cultures that just can't grasp the concept of modern civilization. However if we are going to stoop to their level, we may as well tattoo ourselves with 'hyprocrite' and flush our own civilization down the toilet.

IMO the west should have drawn a line in the sand and told the governements of these countries to fix the problem or they would close their doors to them, both socially and economically. Put the ball in their court. How long do you think the middle east would remain so cocky without the west buying their oil...
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sounds like it because everything else has failed. but they are killing themselves right now in these riots, at the same time driving a split between western muslims and middle eastern. The farther away they get from mecca, the more they want and like to live in peace. BUT say the need a "Girls of Anabolic Minds" calander :rolleyes:


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Well, considering their sadistic slant on the Muslim religion seems so deeply ingrained into their psyche - what else would you suggest?

I cherish human life dearly, but these people dont. They'd just as soon run a blade across your throat just for being an American as they would look at do you deal with that?

With love and kindness? They'd take that for weakness. By trying to understand their point of view? Sorry, I dont understand why people who are still living in the Dark Ages (socially) have such a beef with modern society.

They're religious zealots who will twist anything and everything they experience to support their f*cked up viewpoint. They hate and kill in the name of a religion that is supposed to be peaceful.

They're assholes. They need to stop their insanity, or be wiped off the planet.



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And god even said. If the tree is rotten you must chop it down to allow for a healthy and furitful one. Might not be direct quote. God doesn't talk to me like he talks to President Bush. SORRY MAYNARD I'M JUST KIDDING!


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Seriously, this is the best idea that you guys can come up with?

Don't get me wrong, given the facts available throught the media, it's pretty clear that there are some cultures that just can't grasp the concept of modern civilization. However if we are going to stoop to their level, we may as well tattoo ourselves with 'hyprocrite' and flush our own civilization down the toilet.

IMO the west should have drawn a line in the sand and told the governements of these countries to fix the problem or they would close their doors to them, both socially and economically. Put the ball in their court. How long do you think the middle east would remain so cocky without the west buying their oil...
I don't think they really care if we close our doors to them. The majority of them never see a dime of American money, as the kings and leaders take all the money. Look at Arafat, Plaestinians going hungry, and he had how many billions of dollars stashed away in a Swiss bank account??? And most of the other factions are worse than him. I've said it before, any culture that would strap bombs to their children and send them off to blow up civillians, women, children...and become a so called martyr, well, they just don't put the same value on life as we do. It is a shame that there are peaceful Muslims that do not agree with this type of behavior. I would never suggest killing people because they belong to a certain religion. You selectively erradicate the ones that you know are terrorists. Too many innocent people are dying to continue to let them get away with this behavior.


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IMO the west should have drawn a line in the sand and told the governements of these countries to fix the problem or they would close their doors to them, both socially and economically. Put the ball in their court. How long do you think the middle east would remain so cocky without the west buying their oil...
I totally agree with that, but that should have been the policy since the 70s. If the US had focused on developing an alternative energy source and getting us off the oil train, those crazies wouldnt have a pot to piss in.

But hey, too many people were making too much money on both sides for that to happen.

It will happen soon though, there's already a big push by automotive manufacturers to develop super-efficent cars, and the technology to build an energy independant home is becoming more and more affordable with every passing year (especially with the tax breaks)

Once people dont need mid-east oil, that part of the world will become irrelevant, as it should be.



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if only the 99% muslim have the gut to tell that 1% muslim to STFU... that would have taken care of the situation, wouldn't it?

no it wouldnt....i can say it from experience i am a soldier in the US army and i am currently in believe me when i say majority dosnt rule but the men with guns do.....there all terrified of the 1% because that 1% will have no hesetation in taking out the 99%......they are that extreme


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no it wouldnt....i can say it from experience i am a soldier in the US army and i am currently in believe me when i say majority dosnt rule but the men with guns do.....there all terrified of the 1% because that 1% will have no hesetation in taking out the 99%......they are that extreme
That's why they need to be put down like the deranged animals they are.


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I don't think they really care if we close our doors to them. The majority of them never see a dime of American money, as the kings and leaders take all the money. Look at Arafat, Plaestinians going hungry, and he had how many billions of dollars stashed away in a Swiss bank account??? And most of the other factions are worse than him. I've said it before, any culture that would strap bombs to their children and send them off to blow up civillians, women, children...and become a so called martyr, well, they just don't put the same value on life as we do. It is a shame that there are peaceful Muslims that do not agree with this type of behavior. I would never suggest killing people because they belong to a certain religion. You selectively erradicate the ones that you know are terrorists. Too many innocent people are dying to continue to let them get away with this behavior.
True, the majority don't see a dime but the ones calling the shots do as well as those equiping the militias (ie Arafat and Hussein). You can bet they would change their tune if the money taps were turned off. Anyhow, the Iraq war is costing a lot of money as well as soldiers' lives. Personally I would rather see that region sealed off and watch it self destruct instead. Better to give up one's gas guzzler and air conditioner than your neighbour to a casualty of war.

Like BV said, policies did need to be changed in the 70's to have been most effective but I still think that it's never to late to make a change for the better.


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American leaders from 60 years ago (and Reagan) would have wiped these morons off the planet by now.

Germany, Japan got carpet bombed, and I'd say their civilians were far, far more innocent than those people in the middle east (who dance in the streets when Americans are killed by terrorists).


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Like BV said, policies did need to be changed in the 70's to have been most effective but I still think that it's never to late to make a change for the better.
I agree - but now its like trying to stop a house fire when you just had to be sure to throw the match in the sink:) Better late than never, I guess. That's one reason why I hope the price of gas stays high - as long oil is costing people money, there will be an incentive to stop using it.

American leaders from 60 years ago (and Reagan) would have wiped these morons off the planet by now.
Sheeit if 9/11 had happened in 1950 the mideast would be the training ground for the next Martian landing;)

Still though,. Id rather not see innocent people die. Im sure there are plenty of really cool, respectful people in the mideast. They really should rise up against these maniacal factions of their religion though, its getting way out of hand and they cant expect other countries to keep doing their dirty work.

That would be like China coming over here and taking out the KKK.



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1. Aren't they proving the cartoons point? What they are saying is I will kill anyone who calls me a killer.
2. The most troubling aspect of this is how the media is treating the story. The are refusing to show the cartoons for the most part. On one channel they blurred the cartoons out like it was porn. Yet, they will gladly show a picture of the vigin Mary black faced covered in dung or a cross with jesus on it in a jar of urine.


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I know - why are they showing these fools any type of respect?


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That would be like China coming over here and taking out the KKK.
Not at all. 1) the KKK aren't burning embassies 2) The ratio of KKK to innocent Americans is so small it isn't even worth mentioning

I see your point, but that is not a good analogy of the situation. I think we have been trained to believe, because of politically correctness, that "only a small minority think like that." Well then the VAST MAJORITY better get their small minority under control, before we have to handle it ourselves. If those "peaceful muslims" would do something we'd be getting somewhere. The KKK isn't tolerated in America by most people, the same should be said for these islamo-fascists in the middle east.


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Not at all. 1) the KKK aren't burning embassies 2) The ratio of KKK to innocent Americans is so small it isn't even worth mentioning

I see your point, but that is not a good analogy of the situation. I think we have been trained to believe, because of politically correctness, that "only a small minority think like that." Well then the VAST MAJORITY better get their small minority under control, before we have to handle it ourselves. If those "peaceful muslims" would do something we'd be getting somewhere. The KKK isn't tolerated in America by most people, the same should be said for these islamo-fascists in the middle east.
Yeah, it was a bad analogy - but you know what I meant. The KKK is a tiny minority *because* most Americans dont tolerate that hateful BS. So where's the Muslim counterpart? Why do the 'peaceful minority' refuse to do anything about these people spreading their mantra like a disease?

Makes you wonder, doesnt it? Maybe more people with influence support in these countreis support these wackos then they would like us to believe.



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Apparently the Danish paper which caused the whole issue had previously refused to print lampooning cartoons of Jesus because they felt it was 'too offensive'.


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Apparently the Danish paper which caused the whole issue had previously refused to print lampooning cartoons of Jesus because they felt it was 'too offensive'.
The cartoon wasn't offensive, it was dead on correct. Evidence: Look how those morons are acting now. They proved what the cartoon was implying.


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The cartoon wasn't offensive, it was dead on correct. Evidence: Look how those morons are acting now. They proved what the cartoon was implying.
?? The paper didn't print cartoons of Jesus on grounds that they were too offensive but somehow felt some Muslim satire was fit for printing as an exercise of free speech.


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So does this mean that they should be revoked of their right to free speech? No.

Maybe they could have been more 'sensitive', but who cares really? Its their newspaper, and they can publish whatever they want to.

And, maybe the cartoons of Jesus were worse? Where did you see these reports anyway...

Maybe the middle eastern countries should start being more 'sensitive' to the Jews and other western cultures in their press? :rofl:

This reminds me of a saying I've never heard (lol, yeah), "if you want to find out if an asshole is an asshole, call him an asshole and see how he responds." :lol:


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Yeah, I doubt you'd see a bunch of Christians rioting and killing people over a carton of their God. Maybe 1500 years ago, but not today:)



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Of course not. But what were they expecting? Lots of laughs and a friendly punch to the shoulder?

And why would you assume the Jesus cartoons were worse? And would it matter then if the core issue is free speech?


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Of course not. But what were they expecting? Lots of laughs and a friendly punch to the shoulder?

And why would you assume the Jesus cartoons were worse? And would it matter then if the core issue is free speech?
I doubt they were expecting this. Lots of satyrical cartoons are put out all over the world at any given time about all sorts of people / religions / etc. None of this is their fault in the least. They're not responsible for anything.

I didn't say the Jesus cartoons were worse, but considering they didn't publish them, they could have been worse than the Mohammed cartoons. That could be the reason they didn't publish, not necessarily to promote an agenda. I don't care personally, I'm just saying its not right to make assumptions.

The core issue is freedom of speech, and nothing else matters as far as the organization responsible for publishing the cartoons goes. They can pick and choose to put out whatever information they would like in that regard.

Now, slightly off topic, IMO the press should stick to the news, and try not to let their personal feelings get involved with anything they report. That's the standard I believe the press should hold itself to. I just don't believe we should be telling the press what and what not to publish.

I think its disgusting...people hold 'other people' to a whole different standard. If American Christians were to riot like this in response to a cartoon published 6,000 miles away, I guarantee nobody would be coming to their defense.


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What the hell does that mean? Even if it were true (and you haven't provided any evidence) how in the hell does that effect what is happening -- a global Islamist fascist movement attempting to make US live under THEIR religious rules?

Freedom of the press and freedom of speech means that you have the right to publish and not publish anything you want. There have been an ENORMOUS amount of anti-Christian art (Piss Christ anyone) and vicious anti-Christian cartoons published in the West. Even more repulsive anti-Christian and anti-Semitic cartoons published in the Arab press. Did anyone burn down embassies over that? Hold vicious marches threatening beheadings and another 9/11?

No, of course not.

MarcusG, if you will not stand up for the West and for freedom over this, what will you stand up for? When will you stop blaming the West for this insane Islamo-Nazi Pathology?

Everyone who wants daily info on this situation should go to

Of course not. But what were they expecting? Lots of laughs and a friendly punch to the shoulder?

And why would you assume the Jesus cartoons were worse? And would it matter then if the core issue is free speech?


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notice: look at the Westernized Muslims (like me) and the Middle Eastern Muslims.

Do I care about the cartoons, of course, that was messed up. I sure do have a right to protest if I wanted to.
Many people are protesting, which they have a right to do. That doesn't mean that the protesters are extremists.

The last thing I'd want is for someone to call me a terrorist. Their ignorance would enrage me so much.
But, being Westernized, I KNOW that no matter how enraged I am, I can't kill anybody. See, we're doing a good thing in Iraq, we're weeding out all of the terrorists/extremists, one American bullet a time. :head:

Being a westernized person, when I saw this the first thing that popped into my head was the Southpark episode where David Blane was able to do more magic than Jesus. That's blasphemy if I've ever seen it. Did anybody get enraged? (including Muslims, who also believe in Jesus) Nope. Because we in the westernized world are insensitive to that kind of humor, because we know that it is humor.


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Unfortunately, its a cultural thing moreso than a religious thing, and the cultural aspect is seeping into America via religion from these crazy middle eastern countries comprised of radical islamists.

So, cable, you're right, its not a problem now because most of the American muslims are westernized [and are a small minority who wouldn't be too bright to start rioting like that here.]

But, unfortunately, I think this isn't going to be the case for too much longer.


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But, unfortunately, I think this isn't going to be the case for too much longer.
you think American Muslims will be rioting/suicide bombing?

In London, a peaceful protest is going to be held this weekend. Nothing wrong with a peaceful protest if you ask me. And I PRAY that they don't start rioting, because then they're just proving the point of the cartoon! Then they'll really feel like idiots after they realize the irony!


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Yes I believe there was a "peaceful" protest by the "peaceful" Muslim citizens of England. Here are examples of this "peaceful" protest:

When will we wake up?


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The core issue is freedom of speech, and nothing else matters as far as the organization responsible for publishing the cartoons goes. They can pick and choose to put out whatever information they would like in that regard.

Now, slightly off topic, IMO the press should stick to the news, and try not to let their personal feelings get involved with anything they report. That's the standard I believe the press should hold itself to. I just don't believe we should be telling the press what and what not to publish.

I think its disgusting...people hold 'other people' to a whole different standard. If American Christians were to riot like this in response to a cartoon published 6,000 miles away, I guarantee nobody would be coming to their defense.
Spitboy - I'm hardly blaming the 'West' or supporting the protesters.
I just brought up an interesting observation that the editors decided that cartoons lampooning Jesus were apparently too offensive.

"Zieler's five colored cartoons portrayed Jesus jumping out of holes in floors and walls during his resurrection. In one, gnomes rated Jesus for style, another entitled "Saviour-cam" showed Jesus with a camera on his head staring at his feet."

And from what it sounds, its rather tame.


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Then what is your point MarcusG? What are you trying to say? Does it in any way impact the fact that hundreds of thousands of insanely enraged radical Islamists are burning down embassies, threatening beheadings in the streets of Western capitals, etc etc? Without making a point, your observation seems to support the Islamists argument that it is the poor Muslims that are being targeted by a vicious West.

By the way, where were all these Muslim protestors when September 11th happened? When thousands of innocents were killed in the name of Allah? Or when Muslim terrorists shot dozens of children to death at Beslane School? Guess I missed those mass protests.

For more info on all of this, you can also hit or

Spitboy - I'm hardly blaming the 'West' or supporting the protesters.
I just brought up an interesting observation that the editors decided that cartoons lampooning Jesus were apparently too offensive.

"Zieler's five colored cartoons portrayed Jesus jumping out of holes in floors and walls during his resurrection. In one, gnomes rated Jesus for style, another entitled "Saviour-cam" showed Jesus with a camera on his head staring at his feet."

And from what it sounds, its rather tame.


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Then what is your point MarcusG? What are you trying to say? Does it in any way impact the fact that hundreds of thousands of insanely enraged radical Islamists are burning down embassies, threatening beheadings in the streets of Western capitals, etc etc? Without making a point, your observation seems to support the Islamists argument that it is the poor Muslims that are being targeted by a vicious West.
My point is exactly that. The editors have greater sensitivity towards Christians. And I should have made that clear on this conservative board.


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?? The paper didn't print cartoons of Jesus on grounds that they were too offensive but somehow felt some Muslim satire was fit for printing as an exercise of free speech.
Can you provide a reputable source of this information?

EDIT: NM Saw the link!


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It is good to know where you stand MarcusG.

I don't give a rat's ass whether they showed "senstivity" to Christianity. Right now we have a global terrorist threat that in the name of Allah/Mohammed is beheading school girls, blowing up buses, and flying buildings into planes. If we can't point that out -- thru argument, rhetoric, and yes, even cartoons -- then we truly will lose this war. What if we couldn't draw Adolf Hitler when we were fighting the Nazis to spare the feelings of the Germans? I'm not saying that Mohamud is Hitler, I'm saying that there are thousands of Muslims that are massacring innocents in the name of Mohammed, and we must point that out and fight that.


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you think American Muslims will be rioting/suicide bombing?

In London, a peaceful protest is going to be held this weekend. Nothing wrong with a peaceful protest if you ask me. And I PRAY that they don't start rioting, because then they're just proving the point of the cartoon! Then they'll really feel like idiots after they realize the irony!
I should have clarified. Loose immigration standards will play a role as well--mostly from religious leaders coming in.

I'm not saying you're gonna turn into a loon, but I wouldn't be surprised to see people who have been citizens here for lengthy periods of time going radical if given the chance.

People go insane when it comes to religion...after all....its the 'right' thing to do :sick:


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kwycke, I dont see it happening. People have too many things to live for here. We have different values here. We emphasize family and money in the USA, not religion. I guess that's why it's so hard for me to understand where these extremists are coming from.

hey Marcus G, this IS a very conservative board... although good for bodybuilding :hammer:

for more information, go to a site to look at the other side of things:
Thats the side of the MILLIONS of Muslims (like in the USA) who you live amongst and dont even know.
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Oh, I'm not saying that it will be a majority of muslims or anything like that, but, you don't need a very big group of freaks to make a big impact. ;) And look...this is happening in many european countries (granted, some of them share borders with muslims countries which home many radicals), so what is limiting the same thing from happening here? We share many values with our 'western' european counterparts, and their values didn't stop the problems from occuring.


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kwycke, I dont see it happening. People have too many things to live for here. We have different values here. We emphasize family and money in the USA, not religion. I guess that's why it's so hard for me to understand where these extremists are coming from.

hey Marcus G, this IS a very conservative board... although good for bodybuilding :hammer:
Yes being a longtime member, I know the makeup of this board and had a slight expectation of being associated with islamofascists for making a straightforward observation.

And as you can see, I got pounded by neg rep. A useful tool to enforce self-censorship on this board.


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Apparently the Danish paper which caused the whole issue had previously refused to print lampooning cartoons of Jesus because they felt it was 'too offensive'.
But Al-Jazerra doesn't have a problem printing cartoons about the Jews and the Americans. Do you think we should start beheading all Muslims because the terrorists print obscene cartoons about us? I believe in "sticks and stones"....I could care less what they print, even though it is in poor taste. But hit me with a stick, or throw a stone at me, I'll tear your heart out and feed it to you.


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Your "straightforward observation" was exactly the kind of self-blaming nonsense that has handcuffed the West in dealing with the Islamist problem for years. You've just expressed more anger at the board and the people here than I've ever heard you express against the violence and insanity of the Islamist threat. Nice.

Yes being a longtime member, I know the makeup of this board and had a slight expectation of being associated with islamofascists for making a straightforward observation.

And as you can see, I got pounded by neg rep. A useful tool to enforce self-censorship on this board.


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I dont care if it is 1% of muslims that are are holding the world and their religion in hostage. Those in the 99% are just as guilty as the 1% because they are too scared to stand up for their religion and take it back. Yes some will die, but they will be martyr to the true cause. Until then, anyone that doesn't speak out and actually try to stop this insane 1% should be treated as hostile as well. Not killed, just controlled.
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